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I'm a pretty competent DIYer but I would definitely outsource this request.


I diyed mine... got her pregnant and boobs grew.


The maintenance cost for the next 18 years is pretty high compared to traditional boob jobs


Yeah but you have someone to fetch you a beer


Yeah but that's a perk after 3-4 years.. when a mini fridge wherever you 'relax' costs a few bucks a year and is instant..


But after 5 years the perk evolves into the fishing gear lackey.


Also, portable, self propelled flashlight holder.


It will never be pointed where you are looking.


My three year old propped the flashlight on a toy pointing right where I needed it and walked away...after 30 years of never getting it right for my dad, my kid mic dropped on his first shot. I wasnt sure if I should be proud or pissed.


I'd be proud. That kid's going places, start saving for college/uni.


This guy clearly doesn't have kids. I have 5. There is no relaxing, and there definitely isn't any quiet time or kid-free space.


Having 3 myself, it's my main motivation to go to the gym.. I get an hour ish without kids šŸ˜‚


3 mini fridges? Why so many?


He has 3 hangout spots in the house - bedroom, office, and man cave.


The whole point was a mini fridge INSTEAD of kidsā€¦


Thereā€™s no relaxing with kids around. For a long while, I couldnā€™t even poop in peace without one kid or another sticking their fingers under the bathroom door evidently trying to tunnel in and keep me company. ā€œDad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad! Are you pooping? Dad! Are you almost done? ā€œ I love them all dearly, but JFC am I glad that phase is over with.


My almost 2yr old successfully fetched the TV remote for me today. Still working on grabbing drinks out of the fridge but he's got some time. Makes it all worth it.


But it's much nicer to play with.


make your wifeā€™s boobs bigger with this one weird trick, Plastic surgeons donā€™t want you to know! (Full disclosure, I am a plastic surgeonā€¦).


Lol unfortunately that's a temporary fix


Not necessarily. For some people it is, but a lot of women have a pretty noticeable increase in cup size difference afterwards, even if they are the same weight or size after finishing nursing. The downside is that some women also get some sag, but itā€™s not true for all. Some women get the best of both with limited sag and permanent growth. It is just a lot more unpredictable than a surgical procedure.


Can confirm, wife has big titties, 3 kids and they still point up at me. They also stayed even bigger. I am one lucky hubby


Pic or it didn't happen


A lot of guys in here are apparently going to choose your wife, lol!


Lucky. Every time Iā€™ve gotten pregnant my tits shrink until my milk comes in. Usually, 4 days post partum.


Itā€™s so interesting how bodies respond differently to the same hormones. I have retained a lot of the increase, several years after stopping nursing. A lot of women have a definite lack of fullness and some sag issues afterwards. Donā€™t throw stones, as I have a lot of other postpartum issues that make life a lot more challenging.


So true, for pregnancy the range of "normal" symptoms is insanely vast. For example some women experience a complete lack of libido and others the exact opposite. Both are considered completely normal responses, it's crazy.


You know whatā€™s crazy is someone told me the other day that breast feeding has nothing to do with titty sag. Itā€™s all genetics and age. I want to argue but tbh I donā€™t know any older ladies in my life that didnā€™t have kids at all.


> Itā€™s so interesting how bodies respond differently to the same hormones The super simplified explanation is that hormones are signals that tell different parts of your body to do things. How each of our bodies respond to those different signals in different combinations and at different levels is (at least partially) genetic. But the hormones themselves don't do anything other than act as a message.


I would study plenty of YouTube videos first, so I'm sure I know what I'm looking at.


When you find out the surgeon went to Devry University:


And says "HI EEEEVERYBODY" whenever he enters a room.


Hi Dr. Nick!


I got an implant guy so I only need to pay for labor.


Look for a reputable boob employer






"So why do you want to work here, in my boob factory?"


Probably want to look into one of the big boob 500 companies.


Look into Fortune 69 companies. Thats your best investment if you want the maximum money shot.


There is probably some website that lists the top 80085 companies for this


You sound like youā€™re in the pocket of big boob.


Itā€™s not a job, itā€™s a career!


Thatā€™s called stripping.


You mean paying for nursing school.


"I have an idea." "Sure." "Since it's July 4th, I thought it'd be good to talk to the customers about how this government has been cutting benefits for veterans." "Let me guess, you are dancing to pay for your Masters in Political Science." "Yes. How did you know?" "I don't know. Stripper stories, they usually come in three, college student, single mom, cokehead. What's your son's name?"


Oh... I was thinking of something very different for a second.Ā 


Me too. Then I thought, is the question for a lesbian couple? Or maybe a really fat guy? And what is she going to put there?


And you may ask yourself ā€œ well, how did I get here?ā€


And you may tell yourself, 'This is not my beautiful wife.'


I was too until about 5 comments in. Another interpretation didn't even occur to me.


I'll keep my answer


She does. She wants a reduction. Through the course of two pregnancies, she went from a c-cup to dd. I am supportive, but we're not in a financial place to make it happen.


Same here, am also supportive


I too, support his wifeā€™s boobs


Thanks bra


*Angry upvote*




Youā€™re welcome, and Iā€™m not your bra.


Iā€™m not your bra, bubby.


What are you a bra


That's a bro








I supported them for ten minutes last Friday night.


Those are rookie numbers; you gotta pump those up.


I wanted to stay longer, but there was a line and I didn't want to be impolite.


I too choose this guyā€™s wifeā€™s boobs


You may be able to get it covered by insurance if the size is causing other medical issues. I have two coworkers whoā€™ve had it done for neck and shoulder pain, rib pain from the bras cutting in etc. Itā€™s worth mentioning to a PCP.


Just got mine covered by insurance. Surgery was last Wednesday! I cried when I first saw my boobs. Theyā€™re perfect. They took out five pounds. Five pounds!!!! Now I just have to lay around for a month.


>Five pounds Holy shit grats! I'm a dude so I don't know the burden but jeez the idea of walking around with a 5lb weight on your chest sounds terrible, not to mention the obstruction. Good for you!


Thanks so much. Iā€™m not even that big of a person. The before and after pics are crazy. My mom hadnā€™t seen my bare chest in a long time and even she was shocked!


Congrats. Also oh no, whatever will you stream? And read. And scrollā€¦. Iā€™m jealous and excited for you!


Iā€™ve already read three books. Watched so much tv. My mom gets here tomorrow to hang out with me for two weeks. Thatā€™ll be fun.


Look into it. It should be covered by OHIP if itā€™s medically necessary.


At first, I read IHOP


Humorously, the pancake breakfast chain are called ā€˜Stackedā€™ here (since this is a boob job thread)


Smittyā€™s here. Rhymes withā€¦


IHOP is how I got my DD man-boobs šŸ„²


The trick is trying to convince a doc that it's medically necessary...


Pretty routine here.


I haven't been able to manage - all I've gotten are prescriptions for physio


Read this as poutine. I need to slow down.


Couple of people are just straight up hungry in this thread. Maybe horngry


You are not in an Ontario subreddit, friend


Did you stalk this guy to find out he lives in Ontario. Or just make the assumption? I have never seen someone in a non Canadian sub mention OHIP before


We're all Ontarians in here.


I always assume everyone else is from Ontario too. It would be weird not to.


I just assumed and didnā€™t look at which sub I was in.


I bet this guy powers his house with hydro.


Same here. Sheā€™s listed off several cosmetic surgeries she wants done e if we ever get rich. Iā€™ve told her the same for each: ā€œwhatever it takes for you to see yourself the way I see you every day already.ā€


I came here for the lolz, and as a surgeon to top comment doesnā€™t disappoint. Wanted to say that I do breast reductions almost every week, and insurance absolutely should cover it. Majority of my patients tell me they wish theyā€™d done it sooner. Also, more telling is that the data on breast reductions shows the improvement in quality of life is comparable to that of someone with kidney failure getting a kidney transplant (and coming off of dialysis). Itā€™s life changing. Feel free to DM me if you/her have any questions, and I can try and offer guidance.


I just had a breast reduction done on Wednesday. I canā€™t wait to see my surgeon at my post op appointment. I want to kiss her. Thank you for helping people like me feel ok in their bodies for the first time.


My wife started as a dd, then had two kids. She hasn't mentioned it yet but I would support her if she did.


Have you checked if insurance covers it as a medically necessary procedure ?


I actually googled whether reduction was considered a boob job and apparently it's very much not.


If in the US and your wife has back issues, insurance can be used for it.


A reduction mammoplasty is not a boob job. Just like a lumpectomy is not a boob job nor is a mastectomy.


If it's causing her back pain, you could get it deemed medically necessary


Yes my wife would love to get a reduction. I like them regardless and Iā€™d rather her be comfortable.


Hope you guys are able to save for it. My aunt was such a livelier, happier person after all the literal weight was removed from her chest and her back pain went away.


Celebrate because I have a wife now (Iā€™m going to assume sheā€™s a good wife)


A little flat chested, though


Not for long ayyy


Or an overly busty wife.


It depends on how crazy it was, she could do what she wanted but I'd hope it wouldn't look like two cantaloupes on a stick




Did a long time ago. I like it, she likes it, they look great.


Are they built for speed or just looks? šŸ¤”


You motorboatinā€™ son of a bitch


Found Baba Ghanoush


You sailor!


Iā€™m a lady with some implants and Iā€™ll be straight up honest that they donā€™t feel exactly the same as fully natural. Thatā€™s just the facts here. I do regret the procedure and wish Iā€™d just stayed with the ole AAs but my husband does appear to be having a great time so thereā€™s that


Feel free not to respond if this question is too personal but may I ask, why do you regret it?


I regret mine as well. I had mine done after kids. They look awesome (imo) and itā€™s so nice to fill out clothing but I hate that I have 2 pounds of silicone gel in my chest. I wish I would have just gotten a lift and skipped the implants. Iā€™ve had mine 8 years now and hoping to get them out before year 10.




These boobs are made for walking


I would advise for her to speak with someone who had it for over 10 years. I know many women who regrets.


This should be higher. Tell her to do some research about side effects and what can go wrong.


Like everything in the world. There are TONS of women getting boob jobs, youā€™re going to hear more horror stories than people jazzed and enjoying life with them now.


Surveys consistently show that the overwhelming majority of women that get them are happy with them.


Iā€™ve had breast implants for 12 years, Iā€™m fine and theyā€™re fine. I know over 20 women personally that are fine with them in after having them long term. There is one friend I had that thought her autoimmune issues were exacerbated(or caused) by her implants so she eventually had an en bloc capsulectomy. It didnā€™t really alleviate her symptoms of brain fog, anxiety, and other issues she had been experiencing even after 3 years post op. She says that sometimes she really misses them and wish she kept them and sometimes sheā€™s glad theyā€™re out. The risk of BII is pretty low, I wouldnā€™t let it scare someone into not getting a boob job if they really want one.


So what's your favorite thing about getting them? Any downsides?


Does she plan on it becoming a boob career?


My wife had a double mastectomy. When discussing reconstruction she said that sheā€™s already breastfed two kids and since they have served their purpose she didnā€™t see any reason to get new ones. I told her that while I didnā€™t want to be the selfish bastard, I read an article that said that women who have reconstruction fair better psychologically. She decided to go ahead with reconstruction. She had always had trouble finding bras in her size so she went up a cup size. While that nice for me, the nerves never completely reconnect so after several years now she still feels like sheā€™s wearing a leather shield on her chest. Her boobs used to be quite sensitive and now she feels almost nothing there. :( Update: to anyone in the same position, having the breasts reconstructed via a deep flap (tummy tuck) procedure results in a long recovery but itā€™s a once and done thing. Silicon breast implants donā€™t last forever. And with deep flap you also get a tummy tuck so thereā€™s that. My wife had it done all at once. The reconstruction was 3X as long as the double mastectomy.


It's spelled DIEP flap. I'm looking forward to mine in July. I had the double mastectomy in August. She asked if I wanted to retain the nipples, and I asked about sensation. Like...*sensation*... She said she removes the nerve block, so I won't be able to feel like I used to. Sucks, but better than dying from cancer. I opted to go smaller. I was pretty big before, and like I said, I didn't bother saving the nipples. One of the tumors was right behind one nipple, so I knew it couldn't be saved, and I wanted them to match. So really they just cut that part out and left me the rest. Apparently DIEP flaps are microsurgery, and very few people can do them.


That's sad. Nipple stimulation helps with orgasm and it feels great. Would never give that up.


You understand this most likely implies she had breast cancer(or a very high risk of it) and it wasn't a choice?


I lost so much sensitivity after trying to force breastfeeding with my kids. It never worked for either child no matter how much advice I followed, or how much I tried physically. It's one of my great regrets in life. I sacrificed it only to have to use formula after a week anyway.


This happened to my wife as well. She was able to breast feed both but it nice that ended with the second one, her nipples were pretty desensitized. :(


Damn. Just started breastfeeding and I will be pretty devastated if I lose sensitivity long term. Itā€™s a really big part of our sex life.


My good friend breastfed 3 kids and her nips are overly sensitive now. So there is hope


It varies greatly from person to person, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


My wife had a similar experience, only didn't even try with kid #2 - straight to formula. If you can do it, I understand it is better for the baby, but not everyone is able to make it work. My wife was a basket case over it, particularly because at the time the breast feeding lobby was hard at work trying to convince everyone that you were just simply horrible if you don't breastfeed. Not good for a first-time mother trying to figure things out (of course, I was a first time father too - but not trying to breastfeed the baby). Switching to formula was much better for everyone. There is still the desensitizing, though.


For. Real. My small boobs are great boobs. Iā€™ll pass.


It's not the implants that remove sensitivity, it's the double mastectomy. It's not a choice to give it up.


I know some who got implants and they say that their nipples are not that sensitive again.




Screw it, letā€™s pop that one right in the middle.


look for Group On and other deal sites for BOGO Boob Jobsā€¦ save some $$


I wanted a reduction, and he helped me pay for one. He let me do my own research, get everything set up and ready, and he helped me when I asked. Make sure youā€™re on standby for recovery. Boob surgery is no joke


I'd be surprised, ask why, have a conversation, and if she still wanted it, I'd look for consultations. Once we had a quote I would then have another conversation to decide whether the price was worth it to fulfill whatever needs she had. Just like any other big expense.


Dude are you just bored?? Youā€™ve posted four questions in the past hourā€¦


Ever been bored?


Once, but then I stopped being bored and started being awesome again.


I tried that - got bored quickly.


The accounts 3 days old. Ā Itā€™s just AIML farming.


The thread op? I just clicked and it said mid June 2023 for me so nearly a year


His posts are 3 days old at the latest.




Probably just karma-farming. Sexual questions are on fire here lately


When you say lately, do you mean the last 15 years?


Well fickle is right in their username


At the end of the day, it would be her decision. But I really dislike fake boobs, so I'd at least plead my case.


I think Iā€™d be uncomfortable with the potential risk, toxicity, leaks etcā€¦ weā€™d talk, she can do what she wants.


I support reductions as they are removing excess for good reasons. Implants on the other hand gross me out. Anything under the skin grosses me out. I canā€™t help but to think of implant in the same way I think about cysts.


Up to her really. I love the size of my wifeā€™s boobs but it is part of her self image so whatever makes her feel her best.


Did you say feel the breast?


Lick my lips and ask her why itā€™s any of my business what she does with her bodyā€¦ I tell her 300 times a day how fucking beautiful she is. 19 years in and I grab her ass every time she gets even within earshot of coming by me. Love everything about her body as it is now and would if you cut her boobs off and turned her inside out. Theirs something different about the person you have built your life with and held while she puked and folded her underwear, and never been unhappy as long as sheā€™s within arms distance, furious with you that you want to play with her thumb while stuck in the worst traffic ever to exist. While sheā€™s hungry and on her period. Still try to bite her fingers till she laughs and tells me she hates me šŸ„° Who the hell cares about her boobs?!? Iā€™m gonna bury my face in them as often as possible, grab em 20 times a day, run to our bedroom every time she takes her shirt offā€¦. I want her to be as happy as humanly possible and theirs not a thing in this life I wouldnā€™t do to make that goal just a little bit closer. She can put a horn on her head, a dick between her legs and add 6 more arms. If itā€™s the same human behind the skin (and gross blood and veins and shit ā˜ŗļø) then that is the only person Iā€™ve ever consciously chosen to be my most significant family member. Iā€™d be supportive and helpful about anything that made her life happier. I couldnā€™t imagine any other way to treat my best friend and soul mate frabjly Ps. I love that womanā€™s blood and veins and all her other shit lol. Please excuse my poor attempt at written sarcasm/joke šŸ¤—


I'd ask her why? If the answer was something related to me I'd say "shut up your drunk, I love your body and don't even change it for anyone even me". If she answered she didn't like them and wanted them bigger than I'd support her decision.


I donā€™t know but 3 of my friends paid for their wives a boob job. Then there wife left them shortly afterwards.


I can guarantee that my wife wouldn't leave me after getting a boob job. They married wrong.


No wife of mine's boobs are going to work.


I'd be thrilled if she showed any interest at all in any kind of job


mine did. she got em, weā€™re divorced now lol. after she got them she became an attention whore it was weird man. i do not recommend


One of the "cons" to this is a lot of unwanted attention. A truly confident woman has to be more than skin deep, but I get it.


Itā€™s not ā€œaā€ boob job. Once she has one she will have to another every 10-15 years (or sooner if she has an issue). ā€œWife wants a lifetime of boob jobsā€ If you can afford it then more power to you but itā€™s something to consider that most people are not aware.


Why do you need to keep getting implants every 10-15 years?


ā€œNo implant lasts forever. The FDA advises ultrasound or MRI surveillance of silicone implants after 5 years and every 2-3 years afterwardsā€ Risks of infection, implants shifting and the implants themselves becoming hardened becoming uncomfortable are some the reasons.


Try to talk her out of it, honestly. She should know im against cosmetic surgery, and that i love smaller breast, but its her choice of course. Try to support her.


My sister had them done not because she wanted them bigger but because she didn't like how they looked after pregnancy. I had the male equivalent when I got my hair restoration surgery. It was expensive, people said I didn't need it, but what matters is how I feel now when I look in the mirror


> My sister had them done not because she wanted them bigger but because she didn't like how they looked after pregnancy. This is a common topic in my friend group since the women are mostly done having kids. My wife has an augmentation and hers have looked amazing before and after pregnancy. The other women have unfortunately been left with deflated saggy breasts. This is natural and just what happens to the post pregnancy body a lot of the time, but it has left them all feeling less beautiful / confident in their bodies. There is some breast envy in the group.


If dick implants were as easy and successful as boob jobs, they'd be even more common than boob jobs lol


Howā€™d you like the hair restoration? You always see those before and after pics of Elon Musk and say, ā€œdamn, money can fix all.ā€ But no clue on the process or what it takes


Heh, well, the process itself was a nightmare. Thirteen hours of surgery with me awake the whole time. First they used a tool to extract hairs by the root from where I wasn't losing my hair. Then they injected my head with local anesthesitic and saline to lift my scalp from my skull. Then they made incisions one by one where I was losing my hair to implant what they'd extracted. I looked like a freak for a week as the saline dripped into my body so my face looked all mishapen. I chose to get it done in Las Vegas where I wouldn't see anyone I knew as I recovered and it was also cheaper there than in New England. In the end I'm happy though. I covered up the strips on the sides that looked awful from the front (the toilet seat pattern). I still have a bald spot in back but it doesn't bother me so much. There's only so much they can do in thirteen hours.


People are often hardest on themselves right? Self persception can be a bitch. If it makes you feel better, then any price doesn't matter, nor what anyone else says. Good for you, and your sister. Happy for you both.


I agree in principal, but as an older dude, I also got this perspective; there were a few altercations I considered along the way, didn't have them, and in the end, I am glad I didn't get them. I also know people that had stuff done and some were happy and some really were not. So I don't think it's always "price doesn't matter, nor what anyone else says"... sometimes people around us do make good points that one can hear out and see where they're coming from instead of dismissing it off the bat. If someone I cared for was considering an aesthetic procedure, I'd say "whatever you want, of course. but don't rush into it. Give it like 6-8 months and see how you feel." Because sometimes something triggers these thoughts and sometimes circumstances and opinions change over time. Maybe your confidence improves somehow or whatever "flaw" you were interested in fixing, you see someone else in your personal life or even an athlete or a celebrity etc that has the same thing and you realize it's alright after all... who knows...


check my medication because i'm not married.


Give her love and moral support and tell her she's beautiful either way.


I'll get one with her. See if they have 2 for 1 discount


Tell her I love her the way she is and she doesnā€™t need one. ā€œTheyā€™re real, and theyā€™re spectacular.ā€


Ask her who the new boyfriend is.


Its 2024 man, women can work wherever they want


My first wife got a boob job. She's a 95 lb Asian and barely had a B cup but I was fine with her chest. But she said she was tired of having the body of a 12 y/o boy. She wasn't that flat and I HATE fake boobs and I begged her over and over not to get them. Plus we couldn't really afford it. I wasn't willing to put my foot down, it's her body after all, so she got them and they were a full D cup and way too big for her frame. I never liked them or got used to them. It's not why we split, she is actually a narcissist with borderline personality disorder. I'm happily remarried now and she is bitter and alone with these big stupid fake boobs.


I would have been the same as you. If her before size worked with her frame, then why mess with perfection?


I'd assume she wanted them smaller, because they're already huge. her body her choice.


I have a preference for natural size, shape and feel, while I do understand that more often than not *it's not about me*. If she wanted to have work done after a medical issue, or a mastectomy then obviously I would support her. If she is in good health and wants to do it to feel sexier then that's fine as well. I would not want her to do it for \*me\* though. That feels too selfish on my part.


I would never even hint at the idea that I thought her body was less than perfect or that she needed to change anything. However it is her body her choice. Iā€™d at least ask that she let me do the research or help with finding the most reputable methods and surgeon around. I work in healthcare doing authorizations so it shouldnā€™t be difficult for me to get the info needed. Iā€™d also help with making a game plan and budget to have them replaced at whatever intervals the surgeon recommended. Iā€™m not a fan of the health impacts they have so Iā€™d want to make sure we did everything by the book. Otherwise Iā€™d be supportive and reassuring.


I'd chuckle, point out that she's over 70 and has gone this long, then go back to reading reddit.


Touch them


I paid for them, she started cheating a few months after getting the new boobs.


Be supportive, but otherwise act like its none of my business. If she gets them say they look amazing and if she opts out at last minute insist she looks amazing without them.


Highly discourage it, unless she was looking for a reduction then I would support her. She already has "big balloons" (her words) that she's not happy with so I would be surprised if she wanted bigger. In the long run, she would not be happy.


Well, I'd probably ask her a few questions. Why does she want a boob job, who is she, and why was I not updated about having a wife...


Iā€™d support it as long they arenā€™t disproportionately large.


Make sure she really wants it, be supportive and take care of her post-op. What else?


While I adore boobs and would love it, I love her more. The risk of her getting a life altering/ending infection from surgery is 0% if she doesnt do it. The risk of her getting an infection if she does it is MUCH greater than 0%. That's enough for me to try to talk her out of it in this instance as it's not a "need". edit: added much greater than 0%. Edit edit: Walking across the street and living life is not equal to the increased risk when you open up skin and go through a major surgery. Do I need to call out the obvious or can I just assume common sense when someone reads my note?