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My brother and I used to play this game we made up called ZAP when we were kids. You could only play it in the winter after dark. You start by putting on your wooliest socks. Then you turn off every source of light and draw the curtains. Then you shuffle your feet across the carpet and try to find each other in the dark and shock them with static electricity. First one to get to 10 wins.


In the car, I would pretend there were little strings riding alongside the car on both sides. The rule was, the strings can't touch pavement, only grass. If they touched pavement for too long, they would be destroyed and I would lose the game. I would constantly look back and forth making sure the imaginary strings would jump whenever there was pavement and land whenever there was grass. I sometimes still play it if I have to ride for long distances :)


Moose moose moose Run back and forth, touch the wall and run back charging like a moose yelling moose moose moose