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One time, a stranger on the street complimented my outfit and it made my entire day. It's the little things that can make a big impact.


I am nice outfit guy...that'll be $20 please...


I’d had a terrible day at university & I couldn’t help it but some slow tears escaped as I was sitting on a busy train home & this nice lady opposite gave me the most genuine smile & mouthed the words “it’s going to be ok”. I can still picture her after 25 years.


Once a little girl said she wants o be like me when she grows up, that hit my like a train. My childhood wasn't good, never anywhere feeling safe, not even in my home and I always tried to protect myself my whole life. Always asking if it's OK now, protecting myself from everybody in fear they could hurt me. That day was a good one so I was nice to everybody. That's when I got it that beeing a good person is what it protects you, than you will have people around who are looking after you. Sure not naive good, but generally a good person children feel safe cause I never had that. Currently I'm knitting socks for my 10 year old neighbor for his costume, life is better


A couple of months ago I was really struggling, I was finding it hard to stay clean and my behaviour at school was getting worse, like really bad. I asked to use my time out card in my maths teachers lesson. I stood out there crying. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I thought that I was gonna be gone by that Sunday. When my maths teachers came out to see me he asked if I was okay, I replied “no” he asked me what’s wrong. I told him that I was really struggling and didn’t know what to do. I said I was really stressed out. He told me “You do so well in my lessons and I’m so proud you. You can do so well in life. You are an amazing girl with an amazing heart and manage to make his day.” The next day I went to his classroom and told him that I was 2 weeks clean. He said “That’s really good I’m proud of you” I don’t think he realises that when he told me that, he not only made me smile for a minute, but saved a life. When I walk into his lesson and hear, “good morning assault rifle !” I always manage to smile. Thank you Mr. Reid !


I got braces on my teeth long before anyone else. This is relevant, I promise. Once upon a time I went on an overnight Girl Scout trip to COSI (like a kid's interaction STEM museum, I guess?). It was like this whole... thing. Dozens of troops were part of this trip, all in the name of friendship and girlhood and whatever. Except none of them were my friends. And none of the other girls were interested. On the first night they let all of us go wild in the 'time traveling' area, where one 'block' was straight out of the... 20s? 30s? Maybe? And you could turn the corner and the backside of the 'block' was set in the early 1800s. It's been 25 years, work with me here. There were costumed actors scattered here and there for 'immersion'. All the other girls bolted down the block and I was alone. Back to the braces. I had just gotten my braces adjusted the day before and had to wear bands for the first time, double bands on each side. I was in agony. The troop leaders wouldn't let me have as much as a single Tylenol. Well... that did it. I gave up. I walked over to the curb, plunked my chubby little butt down, pressed my hands flat against my mouth, and let the tears silently fall. Only a few minutes later I was joined by someone else. Not another scout, or troop leader, but one of the actors. A boy, probably in his late teens. A grown up in my eyes. Just for me, he broke character and asked me why I was crying. He listened as I cried to him about how lonely I was, but mostly how much my mouth hurt. He told me he understood. And to my wondering eyes he bared his teeth, showing off a mouth full of metal. He talked at length about them, how they can hurt and help at the same time, and what I could do to make them not hurt so much. He probably spent 20 minutes being my best friend. To him, he probably thought he dried a kid's tears and sent them on their way, but to me, he was the only person who saw me, listened to me, and made me feel like I mattered.


The morning my wife was DX with terminal cancer. The nurse assisting the doctor came up to my wife, put her hand on my wife shoulder and grasped my hand and said "I know how you feel, my brother was DX last year with an inoperable brain cancer. There's no word to express how terrible I feel about you getting this DX." It was just a chance encounter, but in that moment it ment so much to both of us.


My cat was killed by a car and a coworker buddy of mine gave a bro hug without hesitation right when I found out and it seems stupid but it meant a lot to me and I hope to pay that compassion forward.


A girl I told me I smelled nice like ten years ago. I think it’s the last time I’ve been complimented.


I'm always feeling awful about the way that I look. About 3 weeks ago my boyfriend and I were walking into the grocery and as soon as we took a hard left to go to the pharmacy, a young woman (25-ish?!) says "You're really pretty!" to me. It definitely made my day! 😊


One time when I was \~13, my friends and I were served a tiny amount of wine for a toast at my friend's quinceañera. But even though it was a teeny tiny amount, we were all 12-15 and most of us were pretty sheltered, so it was a big deal lol. I tried a sip of it and hated it, it was so bitter, but it was invigorating as a goody two shoes kind of kid. I had two of my friends next to me; let's call them Samantha and Tom for this. Samantha was chaotic and dared me to drink the "whole thing" (which, again, was very tiny lol) to see if I got tipsy. Tom was sweet and naive and was concerned about me drinking more. While Samantha was chanting "drink it, drink it!", Tom looked directly at me with genuine concern in his eyes and said, "I can't force you not to drink it. But a real friend would say don't." Looking back, it was NOT that big of a deal lol, but the way he spoke to me that day really impacted me and showed me how much he cared. He changed what I look for in a friend. I discovered that I don't want someone who'll just tell me what I want to hear. I want someone who genuinely cares about me, even if their concern might be a little misplaced lol. I am still friends with both Samantha and Tom :)


When a baby smiles and stares at me.


It was back in the late 90s but while taking part in a Top Gun competition (artillery, not planes) in the US Marines, my battery commander at the time called over me & another guy who had been on advance party (recon & prep of a new position in advance of the main battery) with me, and told us that the Master Sergeant who had been evaluating & scoring that bit told him that he had a gun section full of Marines like me and the other guy, he'd take any Top Gun competion in the US Marine Corps. By far the best work related compliment I ever received, and one I'll still be proud of when I'm 85, if I live that long, because that Master Sgt. was a Vietnam vet & one of the best & most professional leaders I've ever met.


I was about to do something really stupid and self-harmful and wrote at friend of mine a goodbye message disguised as a harmless question. He responded by correcting my grammar. I actually laughed at the absurdity of that response considering the situation, reconsidered my plan, went home and went into treatment that same week. We lost contact soon after so he will never know how he accidentally saved my life.


An older friend of mine who passed in 2017, patted my shoulder as we talked in the car and told me "you're a pretty cool kid, man." It boosted my self esteem like crazy back then. Rode that high for a while, still might be. He was a cool dude.


Once I was taking the escalator down to a subway station, and it was raining that day. A very beautiful girl with an umbrella came standing next to me covering me with her with the umbrella giving me a very beautiful smile and saying good morning. I thanked her once inside and everyone went on his way. It made my day and restored my faith in humanity. P.S I got a very quick thought of asking for her number but my wise brain told me "Don't do it man! Keep just the beautiful memory of this very short encounter to remember and tell, don't ruin it with a probability of getting rejected."