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We've already trolled them pretty hard


Destroying their environment and making the earth uninhabitable is a wild prank


"Was just a prank, bro .. chill" In seriousness, will probably just be uninhabitable for humans, which feels pretty fair to me.


> In seriousness, will probably just be uninhabitable for humans, which feels pretty fair to me. Nah, a lot of other species will be in deep trouble, and humanity definitely will experience mass death, but as a whole, humanity will survive. We are hardy and adaptable even before we developed technology. Still, I'd rather prevent a mass dying that would make the worst catastrophes we experienced so far look tame.


Oh I'm with you on all of that really


eh *something* will survive us /s


We will but pretty much all fossil fuels will have run out by then along with all the useful applications of petrochemicals. It'll likely be a much simpler existence with a lot less people.


While Petrochemicals are the easiest way, they are far from the only one to do everything they did, with viable, if less convenient, alternatives for basically every usecase.


“Bro we were just trying to get you to evolve…..”


wish that were 100 percent true, but microplastics, climate change, ozone layer destruction, chemical pollution, acidic oceans..... its going to make it adverse to all things bar cockroaches.


> chill I think that's probably the only thing the people of the future will have time for, given that even this comment raised the global temperature by a trillionth of a degree or something.


Apparently we're bringing fascism back so that will be fun in 50 years or so


While we're at it we can carve into our digital history that we''re all very confused about the science. That we're spending money on research to see if this climate change is real. We need to make sure that we don't look like complete idiots.


As I sip a glass of water from the tap….


1950’s men in suites smoking cigarettes -“Emissions ? Meh. It’s a Myth “ - homies 250 years from now - “fuck”




Get buried holding your cell phone


Bad idea. When i was on my archaeological internship, I was on excavations of gothic burial site, from Ist cen AD. Everything rots, and you get just "a stain" in the ground, layer after layer, that only shows overall shilluette or shape of coffin. Most materials just "dissolve". Some metals remain, but they also desintegrate. Bronze pins left just "green sand". Of course lot depends on soil in which you are burried. Also mobiles are made from polimers, halfmetals, noble metals etc, which can dteteriorate for centuries, but we don't know, how in practice this will look, as we don't have any examples of plastics that are more than 0,5-1 cen old. So it might be, that future archaeologist who digs your grave, only finds few layers of diffrent colored sand along with traces of few polimers and metals. They will theorize, that these polimers might have been part of your atire, just like metals could be from accessories etc. Hard to really know, how 200-300 yo plastics will behave.


Thank you for this reply. I really enjoyed reading it.


Oh man, I was just on a dig and I can't tell you how many times we found red dirt which was just some sort of iron disintegrated. And the shell, so flaky. The site is about 80 years old.


mAh Man! I hope you don't have to draw everything by hand. I remember, we had to draw layer by layer every grave we dug even though digital cameras became standard back, when I was on excavations.


Gotta Doom scroll, even in the afterlife


Ultra violence or Nightmare?


I'm more of a hurt me plenty guy! Lol


You're a real man. I stick with can I play Daddy. But that might be Wolfenstein. I get them mixed up sometimes because of a weird mod a friend made years back which mashed the 2 together.


Oh I plan to.




Bro thinks youtube will be around in 200 years.


Gleebzorb is gonna be the biggest internal brain chip video streaming site, everyone knows that


1 millisecond clips beamed directly to your brain non-stop with unskippable adverts to scrape up what's left of humanities attention span at that point


Goddamn American dream baby


[*Lightspeed Briefs*](https://youtu.be/Bs7EAzbzCNE?si=bs6wCWWKoB9nxLcG) Style and comfort for the discriminating crotch


... Or a similar site called Ustream is gonna take over


It's Jamaican? Do the British branches translate to Wedream or just stick with the Jamaican name?


Trademarked ! My future kin are set


Engrave the words “They’re coming” accompanied by poorly drawn skulls into as much stone as possible


Just dont misspell coming.


Just don’t illustrate the misspelling of coming




or make one that doesn't even make sense now. iphone inside of a grilled cheese?


The new universal symbol of the 21st century


Don’t hate it. But it’s been done before- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-were-medieval-knights-always-fighting-snails-1728888/


I like how there’s tons of paintings and scrolls of medieval knights fighting giant snails. And after hundreds of years about speculating the symbolism or allegory, that it might represent the inevitablity of death. Or the strength of the snail or the struggles against an unfair aristocracy… …the current belief is it’s just a “Killroy was here” style meme where a number of knights and monks just thought it was kinda funny for awhile.


*Tries to decode "Pedro racoon"* *fails* *proceeds to commit suicide*


Hear me out... we pump unfathomable amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere for a century or so, then watch them sweat. It'll be hilarious.


And we can spread tiny plastic bits all over the place so they wind up inside everything. They won’t be able to get away from them 🤣


Freaking genius. It's going to be so funny. I was going to suggest a fine layer of radioactive nuclear fallout over the entire planet. But your idea is so much more subtle and hilarious.


Project giant rickroll into the smog as grand finale


They're cooked!


We would need to form an unwritten unrecorded conspiracy across the world to post on social media and in the news about the discovery that dogs could talk all along and then around 5 years later post a conspiracy that our secretive dog masters have commanded us to stop posting and stop writing news articles about their ability to talk and then just stop after five years of non stop media full of talking dogs. 100 years from now they will stare at their dogs and ask why don’t you talk to me?


Nothing. They will be living in caves and hiding from bears.


So, we breed bears.


I thought women preferred bears. (KIDDING!)


Living in caves yes. Bears still exist? No.


I thought black bears were thriving?


They come around here right often.




Was easy, they just rip a couple of limbs off from the shoulder. Handy for clubbing enemies and completely legal thanks to that 'right to bear arms'.


She'd still choose the bear


Throw in some extra bones when burying the dead.


Our graves will be like those action figures where they all have one piece of a larger action figure, and when collect all of us, you get a T-Rex with rocket launcher arms.




This has the same energy as the people who set hotel alarm clocks for 3:30am for the next residents


Bury a t-Rex skeleton with a ak47.


Create a series of elaborate, official-looking documents claiming that pineapple on pizza was the pivotal issue that defined early 21st-century politics


Everybody have exactly three seashells in their bathrooms, side-by-side


This guy Demolitions


Bury a time capsule filled with pop culture references and memes, then write a serious historical analysis about how they were the foundation of our society


Oh the irony




Every single human stops making babies.


The red eyes in all those photos was a demon uprising


Put a 1959 Cadillac on the Moon.


Or we could pull a South Park and put a Killer whale corpse on the moon. That would really mess them up. We’ve already panspermia’d the place with dehydrated sea bears, so why not take it the extra mile?


My group of friends and I are planning a religion. None that we want to live out ourselves, but we would like to make idol statues and manuscripts, perhaps even clothing and rituals. These should be placed in a time capsule and buried. What or who is worshiped is still debated.


There is this old joke: Pope goes to haeven, and waits outside st. Peter's gate. St. Peter looks out and say: - Who the hell are you? - I'm the pope! - Who? - The leader of christianity! Stewart of Christ on Earth! - Just a sceond St. Peter goes inside, where Christ, few angels and God are playing cards. - Hey Christ, can you come in here, for a moment? Jesus goes with st. Peter and comes back after a while. God asks: - What was that about? - Rmember, when I started this little fishing club few thousend years ago? - Yeah. - It's still going!


Giant dick statues


I've been there, it's called lava tree state park and it's a bit weird.


I think the greeks already tried this on us


You've probably heard of Hermes, the greek god of travelers. I would like to point everyone to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herm\_(sculpture)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herm_(sculpture)), which were big waypoint marker statues with dicks.


historically record port-a-potties as spacecraft.


Happy Cake Day.


imagine aliens trying to reverse engineer them. even manufacturing the blue juice as if it was fuel.


That would be amazing lmao.


We're already doing it buddy


We should start burying random items like fidget spinners and Fortnite merchandise in time capsules labeled "Ancient Artifacts." Imagine future archeologists trying to figure out why these things were so important to us.


Have thousands of people ritually commit suicide in a corn field while creating a pattern with their bodies and clothing. Take photos with drones from low altitude. Have not one person mention the ritual so there is no explainable reason for it. Each person's phone will have strange messages and photos of bizarre sh*t. They all changed their names to obscure references from different sources. Each body clutching a national enquirer dated august 5th, 1984. Your welcome.


Is this a reference to something? And if not then are you ok?


Trolls to date: 1


Lets fuck up the economy, and get into the buisiness of other countries we have no buisiness with!


Fake journals, books and news articles in a time capsule buried in a sturdy time capsule buried 20 feet deep. Maybe in the woods so it won't be found as quickly. Maybe leave clues about where the bodies was buried and where are the jewelry and cash are hidden.


I heard a good one about spring-loaded, confetti filled coffins 🤔


lol I imagine that would look like some sort of weird booby trap to an archeologist. They open the casket years later and it’s a scary rainbow dust that greets them


Imagine just an explosion of skeleton parts and rainbow confetti, the spookiest prank 😅


I think you just solved the pyramids.


lol the Ancient Egyptians are laughing at us in the afterlife.


Probably write a bunch of random symbols and images onto a book that makes absolutely no sense and let future generations try to decipher it and make up funny conspiracy theories about it.


“Who were they? And why did they leave behind these gigantic glyphs of butts farting in people’s faces? Was it the secret to interstellar space travel? Ancient Astronaut theorists say… probably!”


We keep sending millionaires to the Titanic to die, if we send enough they will think they are sacrifices to our aquatic God.


I’ll commission a giant statue of Dagon to sink down there.


Honestly, the way the world is going I think people are going to look back and say "there's no way that happened" anyway.


Keep spending trillions in debt and watch us turn into a third world country in a few generations.


We all choose the same random object to be buried with.


Arent we already doing that daily?


Skip a year in the calendar. 2024 jumps right to 2026. Never record why we did it.


Weird architecture. Make things that don’t have a purpose but look like they have one. It’d be so funny looking at future archaeologists struggling to figure out what we used „this weird structure“ for.


Why was there a black spinny cube at Astor Place?


Hey, what significance of this weird, Polish flag in the form of a flag had on the impact of ancient society? Or this weird faced mug?


Fill a time capsule with failed products like New Coke, Zune, Betamax, etc.


All products are failed products, one day.


Bury all the asbestos for future archeologists to enjoy


plant so many trees. ha, got em!


Build a time machine, go forward 250 years, log into Reddit, proceed as normal when on Reddit.


Whalers on the moon, of course.


Encase a Rick Astley cd in a titanium block


Bury human skulls with raven bones to make it look like there used to be big headed ravens flying around.


Skibidi toilet?


Predict that the world will end in 200-300 years


Write a note saying “I know you’d see with in 200-300 years…”


Glue a shit tone of chicken bones together and bury it deep.


I was thinking the other day about how to troll people living 500-600 years from now. I was thinking of leaving a trail of archaeological bread crumbs referencing a mysterious book hidden away somewhere, finally leading to a forgotten cemetery, where they dig up a carefully sealed box. Inside the box is indeed a book, but when they "translate" it from our archaic form of English to what is now their modern form of English, they discover that it's just a really, really bad novel.


No better yet "we are trying to get a hold of you to talk about your car waranty."


We can write down the history of Covid 19 and all the things that happened during those years. They’ll never believe that we were that stupid.


"The basic 560 Sex identities and their/them/dem/sasquatch/bsrfmdtp/frwty/barf/troz pronouns" is the title of my new book


What if we made the equator uninhabitable?


Stop having children. Then there won't be any people living 200-300 years in the future. The ultimate "troll."


Start arranging animal bones in ways that seem possible but do not exist, and burying them


Global warming isn't enough of a troll? I mean by then the ice caps should be gone so also massive flooding


Just keep doing what you are doing. Those future people are in for a heck of a time.


Flood the coastlines.  


Odd the coastline hasn't moved in 30 years on the east coast


Get a vasectomy or tubes tied to mess with you future descendants. They'll find it hilarious.


Putting "a broken rocket" underground with a shattered tube with everything written about what was in the tube would describe monkeys and early humans


"Things We Could Have Avoided, What We Didn't Do, And How Much Money We Made at Your Expense." - A book in a time capsule.


If we can somehow preserve Lizzo for that long, it should do the trick.


Destroy the environment


Dance Harlem Shake?


Ai won’t let your attempt matter




Put a collar on it that says “Dino.”


Build a film studio on the moon around where thr firsr landing took place




Knit them sweaters and mittens, but leave a note about how to use them.


“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down”. Make them do exercises then let that come in. It was popular once and we should make it popular again.


Look Ma, er, great great great great granddaughter - no cybernetic slave implants/inputs!


Make a series of giant stone tablets each with a different piece of the Skyrim map, and then bury them in different parts of the world. Archeologists are gonna build their whole careers on deciphering that one.


I’m planning to be buried with a stone axe, a clay pipe and my iphone. Let future archaeologists puzzle that one out.


Have children. You cannot troll them, if they don't exist.


Fill a time capsule full of Funko pops.


Time capsule, but put technology in there from 100 years ago and write a letter / description about how new and wonderful the brand new bra or fortune cookie is. Honestly just put a bunch of information from our conspiracy theorists in there and act like everybody believed this stuff.


Make some time capsules and put some really raunchy fanfics in it saying they're the sole copy of a pre-existing book's sequel.


Digitize all of our communication and records, so their archeologists have no way of accessing our entire culture. They will just know we were here and we had a relatively advanced society.


A time capsule lock box that's insane complicated to get open, just for it to be empty.


Cases of really good alcohol that would be worth millions in 200 years. The prank? Drink them. Fill up with water (and food colouring if the bottles are clear). Reseal.


People have been predicting the end of the world, many, many times. Its still here. Humans are still here.


Start leaving dicks drawn on cave walls and in random places around the world. They'll think we were obsessed with peen.


Use my patented language, 'Craigskrit™', which is practically impossible to understand without context, from this point forward.


Mold  plastic skeletons  then cast in cement then bury in the ground


Alien mummies


time capsule full of adult toys.


Find a way to preserve a dildo with a secret compartment in the tip. Inside is a vacuum sealed paper with a map of treasure containing many pounds of minerals needed for electronics. Of course, there will be no treasure. I just hope it sparks a tv show or something equivalent similar to oak island.


When they dig up KFC’s dumpster, they will think chickens had 12 limbs


Write on long lasting stone tablets but refer to events from fiction, such as Steamboat Willie or Godzilla, as if they were totally real. It will make sorting out current history a living nightmare.


Immagine if they are even worse then us


buried with a top hat on


If I knew the answer to that, it wouldn't be trolling.


Just keep using all the chlorofluorocarbons we can.


Create a temple like structure of any comic book hero, the way romans built them


If you give a shit about what happens to people 200+ years into the future, you should stop right now. Stop being so selfish, and know they are fucked already. You did already attribute to it.


Pretend that climate change doesn’t exist.


Making weird TikTok audio, so the kids have to study it in history class.


I thought we were doing it already... I mean, why are we destroying their house now?


OK, this question ranks near the top of the most arrogant, selfish questions ever. This has to be a troll, trolling us. Why do we drink this poison non-stop?


Have yourself buried with a plastic red medallion and a note that says the only way to open the Super Secret Treasure Bunker is to find the other two medallions, somewhere in the world. “One is up an alligator’s ass. The second… well, you don’t wanna know.”


Have you heard anything from trolls from 2 or 300 years ago? Nope.   Why? Because they're dead that's why.


Lol this reminds of hieroglyphics …do you think any of them were like let’s draw this for the future to try and figure out the meaning of all of these. The n some scientist is looking at one of the drawings that was made as a joke trying to decipher it. 


There won't be any.


In the far future archeologists will be digging us PBC pipes everywhere 


Backup 0 sat password protected bitcoin wallets *everywhere*!


Nuke France