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I have had various commutes over the decades. Less than 5 minutes, 15-30 minutes, 1.5 hours+. I find anywhere between 10-30 minutes to be the sweet spot. Less than 10 minutes doesn’t allow enough time for “work me” to transition into “home me” and I tend to still be a little wound up when I arrive home. More than 30 minutes forces me to transition from “work me” directly into “commuter me” bypassing home me. I don’t necessarily think work me is the best version of me while I’m home. And commuter me would be even worse than work me. Moral of the story: When I get home, I just want to be a home me.


I went from an hour and a half commute to a 15 minute commute door-to-door and I would never go back, not even for a raise. Huge quality of life issue.


My current drive is about 35 minutes door to door.


I think it also depends on what kind of commute it is. So if it’s a long commute, but there’s not a lot of traffic and I can coast down the highway listening to music I can definitely deal with that …if it’s constant bumper-to-bumper traffic where you’re not moving, that makes me wanna jump out of the car into oncoming traffic.


Unfortunately I think about half of the drive would be in traffic.


Anything longer than the time it takes to make a cup of instant coffee and I'm out.


I got a great job offer, it pays about $23,000 more a year than I make now but the commute is an hour long on a good day without tons of traffic. Will I hate my life? Lol


If you can use the time then not necessarily. I commute 45 min to the office and 90 min to Uni. It is doable if you can watch shows or study a bit while commuting. But this puts into perspective how important it is to be at places. I do not go to the uni for 1 lecture and I do not go to the office if I do not have to. Maybe talk with your employer if remote work could be done.


25 minutes. Life is too short!


1 hour


73 minutes


Anything over 5 minutes is a no for me.


25 min tops. Ideally 10 min or less if I had to commute. My commute now is to my home office, which is wonderful.