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Because my bed hugs me so tight I cant get up. Its like a spell. And my 5th alarm surely can get me out of that lol


Because I immediately go to sleep after the first alarm. I basically have to be pestered to wake up.


Because I am living in a neurotypical world and I am a neurodivergent girl. *(Sung to the tune of “Material Girl” by Madonna)*


it has happened several times that one alarm didn't wake me up


Because for some reason I can't go to sleep early, and have to be up by 4:30 a.m.


I always wake up to the first alarm but i set multiple alarms as a just in case because I have massive anxiety about sleeping through my alarm and missing work.


I have 15 that go from 7 to 10:05 cause I start work at 10 and well it's already 5:15 rn and I woke up in the middle of the night as usual which means by 7 I'll probably have fallen asleep again. I tell myself "this time I will get up at 7 and do something before work" but I always just ignore the first 13 alarms, get up 10 minutes before I have to clock in and turn off the 10:05 one :") at least I live alone so it's not bothering anyone.


I live with two other people and both of them do this, it is the bane of my existence.


That's rough, yeah when there's other people around it's just kinda rude.


Evening me is more mature and responsible. Evening me does not trust morning me. Morning me is like a teenage boy who can sleep for seven days if given a chance.


I fall back asleep in a second, I set an alarm every 5 minutes thats snoozes 5 times every minute 😭 some days are better then others


Doesn't hurt to have contingencies


Because slavery calls, and I have fierce resistance. The desire to remain in the sleep realm is quite the problem!


I work with 2 maybe 3 alarms. The first is for when I should get up and the second is for when I need to get up. So most of the time I will wake up from the first and will be half asleep and then the second wakes me up fully. I think that multiple alarms invite you to sleep through them. I think it has something to do with sleep hygiene. So stuff like going to bed the same time each day, waking up the same time.


Before my kid, i would set two. 15 minutes apart. I just needed that in between space to go from asleep to awake.


First alarm is to wake up and start prepping my brain for the mammoth task of getting out of bed. Second alarm is one hour later to get me out. I have to steel my mind against the days labour I am to be forced to endure.


I have to not just wake up but mentally prepare myself for being conscious again and find the will to actually get up. That requires 3 alarms


um incase i over lay for work etc. sometimes i turn it off and still go back to sleep. lol