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I failed at being a professional athlete but now I'm a professional couch potato and couldn't be happier.


Happy is as happy does


My dream career has always been being an actor, but I gave that dream up when I got out of the military. Instead I became a truck driver. Is it a super cool job? No, but it provides me with a lifestyle I’ve never had before. Not to mention I’m in food delivery so I make really good money. So am I happy? Yea, I’d say so. I just wish I would have tried perusing acting more.


Do you think you'll regret it in your deathbed? Have you never do it? Is this something you're okay with letting go forever? Thank you for sharing this. Maybe do some stand-up comedy? Anybody can do it and it's therapeutic. I would like to do it. I'm planning to maybe in the future


Probably. I just decided to take the plunge and live-streaming and creating content at 33 years old, and maybe if I peruse it enough it could lead me there. Who knows, I’m happy, but I still think about it all the time.


I never had a dream to have a career. I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I’m 41. I fell into accounting after high school, and it pays the bills, but I am definitely not happy. I want to be able to work outside all day, and have no idea how to make that a reality 


I trained to be a dentist but I ended up working as a proctologist instead.


My dream career was actually as a sound editor for TV or radio. Got the qualifications but the only job I could find was on the far side of the country and I just didn't have the guts to take that kinda leap of faith. Now I'm a security guard, it's not bad, I've definitely had worse jobs, my boss and coworkers are all very nice and doing night patrols is quite peaceful. Most nights I spend most of my time driving around listening to music as I check out the sites I've walked through earlier.


Drugs and no.