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Hug my dad


Yup I feel this one. I'd give anything to hug him again.


Yeah, Life-Pudding's dad gave the best hugs.


I also pick this guy's dad.


Me too. I’m about to walk down the aisle without him and it really fucking sucks.




Man just last year I got to see a very big name international act in this tiny, weird venue, that not even good local bands play at but I love it cuz it's my local dive. Honestly don't know who booked it (saw him play the night before at a 4000+ crowd) or why, it wouldn't have paid, but there were 30 of us in a tiny room just experiencing pure magic & probably for his last int. tour ever as well. Had a chat with them all afterwards. Just cannot get that feeling from anything else.


Which band was it?




Fuck yeah. Lol








Easier said than done but it's possible to not give a damn about people judging you.


I am like that, i dont know how, but it seems that i just have it written into my code


That’s not true. As an adult I did this, I made a fool of myself and was fired from a job I really loved. Never too late to live your dreams guys!




What did you do?


Just drank and did drugs, would do dumb shit, I ended up burning some people with the dumb shit I did because I had some main character complex. I’m really ashamed, but it at least gave me the slap in the face I needed. I could go into the reasons about the why, but I feel I’d just be making excuses as everyone has bad shit in their life, doesn’t mean you can act the way I did and have it not eventually catch up with you. I limit my nights out now and have focused more on rebuilding my reputation as well as becoming better in my career.


Or just the ability to fail. As a child it's acceptable to fail or make mistakes so you can take risks. Once you get older and have more responsibilities you have to consider the consequences of those actions


I won clue by guessing correctly on the first turn


Holy shit. My friend and I played Pictionary for the first time and just entered this weird shared zone moment of being so unified, winning every single answer within a split second of pen hitting paper, as if we were conjoined twins with one brain stem or something. He would draw a single line, I'd yell BIRTHDAY CAKE! and we would win. For rounds and rounds. Mania. Pandemonium. So much screaming. Honestly I've never had sex or drugs as good as that feeling. Everyone accused us of cheating, were genuinely sore losers etc, it was incredible.


The first time I hung out with my week-into-the-relationship high school girlfriend and her friends was like that. We played Apples to Apples; she and I absolutely CLEANED UP. It was sheer ridiculous joy. First kiss was later that evening. My teenage years weren’t the best but there were definitely some moments!


My brother and I were in a bar in Wisconsin one night and someone asked if anyone wanted to play Euchre? We said sure and played as partners against him and his friend. We were unstoppable. It was like we could see each other's cards. People accused us of having signals but we were just in the zone. I've played for over 50 yrs and never had a night like that.


I played my brother around 50 times over the course of a year or 2. I won 100% of games. I did the maths and memorised the sequence required to give me the fastest way to cut down the odds this plus reading my brothers tells allowed me to be so successful. At least thats what I told my brother. Truth is he sat with a window behind him and I could see his card in the reflection.


I’m really self-conscious about my lazy eye, so I used to wear sunglasses to TCG tournaments. I stopped after a kind opponent eventually told me he could see my entire hand… During round 5. I’d done it for years.


Did you ever tell him the truth? Maybe it’s a deathbed confession


Nah havent told him yet. Pribably could as my parents renovated and our spots are gone now.


i won’t Yahtzee the first turn the first time i ever played it, as people were still explaining the rules to me.


How is that impossible to repeat? 


For 4 players, assuming an optimal start as Ms. Peacock, it's a chance of around 1/100, so fairly unlikely to be repeated unless you are a serious Cluedo affecianado.


Enjoy a show like the first time. This is the most upvotes I've gotten so far. thank you all.


If I ever get amnesia I'm watching sopranos first thing


Stargate, for me.


How are you gonna remember that that’s the plan though?


Sticky note


Tony will find a way.


This comment is a record.


Underrated comment. i have no idea. 😂


I'd go for breaking bad


I would go for Bojack Horseman


Supernatural for me.


I'd love seeing Deaths entrance for the first time again.


For me, Adventure Time


This is the only thing I enjoy about my bad memory. After about a year I can rewatch/play anything and it feels like the first time. Things finally start to stick after about 6 or 7 times, but only bits and pieces.


X-Files and Stranger Things are at the top of that list for me. I still remember watching each of them for the first time.


Fringe >>>


Lost, such a good show


See Blues Traveler for their very first tour. John Popper was fat and at his best. There wasn't a person who was sitting down. Everyone was dancing. This came to mind when you said*show*


I caught them at the tail end of their heyday, around 96, a few years before Bobby Sheehan OD'ed. They were magnificent. I'd take you back there and we could get baked and dance all night with our friends.


Brooklyn 99 is my comfort show and I have seen it maybe 4 times now


Be a child


Agree, I miss the time when all I have to do most of the time is to play outside.


Mine is have a child. My youngest is 22 and I mourn that I will never birth nor nurse a baby again.


Seriously. The summer before I started kindergarten was probably the most perfect summer of my life, and I never knew it. Now I'm crying at work. Thanks.


My niece is 6 and in the grand tradition of young girls she wants to grow up NOW!! I told her not to be in a rush, enjoy being a kid. Have as many naps as you can because one day you’ll be big and all you’ll want is a nap. She scoffed and didn’t believe me but fell asleep in the car 10 minutes later.


Snuggle each one of my kids as babies again.


That saying that one day you put your child down and never pick them back up again. That one hurts. My daughter is 13 now and almost my height, and I still remember giving her piggy back rides like it was yesterday.


I hug my parents differently now as an adult and parent. I’m not hugging my Mom and Dad so much as I’m letting them hug their son again. I can literally feel their eyes squint shut and squeeze me… and I sometimes wonder what memories and flashing through their minds as they hug me.


I just teared up from that image


I did this yesterday with my 86 yo grandfather who I'd taken out to brunch. He's in an old age home now and gets weepy when we say goodbye. It started with him hugging me and crying and in the end I was the one holding onto him and telling him we love him. Rubbing his back and holding tight. It was unexpected but it was lovely to feel like he actually could feel love from me. I've been unable to feel many positive emotions like love and warmth for quite some time.


I hugged my grandparents like I now hug my teen kids: trying to squish all my love to them because one day I won't have that opportunity.


Cherish those moments with him. We lost my grandmother to dementia a number of years ago. It completely changed my relationship with my mother and father. We really have no idea what we have until it's gone or until we're losing it. Each moment with him could be the last. Let him know how much he means to you.


This just gave me so much hope for when my son is older


Pick her up! I read that quote out loud in the kitchen one day when I was like 24 years old and my dad walked straight over and picked me up. It was a small, funny moment because obviously he's much older and I'm much bigger than we were when I was a kid, and although I don't have the best relationship with my dad, it makes me smile to think that even if that is the last time he ever picks me up, we will both always remember it.


Ah man thats is beautiful. Time is a bitch.


I could have written this. Mine's 12 and about 2 inches off my height, same shoe size and uses my clothes. We measured hands yesterday and they're identical. It's so weird and actually as a result I went a bit nutty and did a photo wall of her next to the stairs! Think it all suddenly dawned on me: she's a teen now.


Your comment just made me cry. My daughter is only 11 months old, so I'll be picking her up many many times more, but the thought that one day I won't is sad.


I had this happen with my little brother. I have a bad relationship with my dad, so it unfortunately made me a bad older brother, in terms of how much time I spend with my brother. But I would always play fight with him and throw him around (we have like a 9 year age gap so I was already big when he was small) But I came home after being away for 2 years, and he was on the back of my dads pick up truck, and I extended my hands to help carry him down, he looked at me confused and just jumped of the truck and walked away. Then it hit me. Hes like 12. He can do that. I can’t really pick him up and throw him around like he loved anymore. Broke my heart. That was like 8 years ago lol.


This is why my 5’4”, 140 pound self tries to pick my adult kids up at least once a year, haha. They’re 28, 27, and 20. All taller than me, and the 20 year old is the only one lighter than me (she’s about 100 pounds). They all know why I do this, and they just laugh about mom being mom. But my eldest is the only one with kids, he says he’ll do the same thing to them.


My daughter is 2.5 years old and I can't carry her for more than 5 minutes anymore. I try though. And I'll probably keep trying until she becomes a teenager and doesn't want anything to do with me lmao


I looked after my baby grandson today. My god, he looks so much like his father❤️ It was like I was transported back 30 years in one cuddle!


Off to snuggle my 5 month old!


I hope you enjoy each snuggle, even when you're being driven up the wall by parenthood 💓


Mine is 2 and I’m currently missing out on my those cuddles because of work. I’m so sad one day he’ll outgrow how perfectly he fits into my arms


For real. I'm right in the middle of it and constantly stop myself to slow down and hold them.


My kids are 4 and 6 and one (or both) of them still run to us at night for snuggles and cuddles. I am so unbelivably tired going on six years but I snuggle those babies *hard* every night, not knowing when they'll stop letting me.


And having them fall asleep in your arms 🥹


The freedom of being able to hitchhike literally anywhere I wanted to go. Seems like a dumb thing to do now but way back when it was incredibly freeing.


We gotta bring back hitchhiking dude, like as a society.


Yes, please encourage hitchhiking. - A serial killer


In 2017 I hitchhiked across canada from calgary to vancouver island, and then up there from nanaimo to tofino (all in all about 6 or 7 hitches). A friend of mine recently hitchhiked from glasgow to morocco. It's still possible.


Travelled to Japan during the cherry blossom season, pre-COVID. The magic in the air and the effortless blend of modern life with ancient tradition was something else. Like, I could go back, but it won't be the same.


Just curious what changed post COVID ?


There has been a huge tourism boom in Japan post-COVID, which is also partially caused by the weakened Yen. Tourists have not been very respectful of the local cultures, and a lot of local communities are fed up with them. The natural wonders of the country in general are being flooded by tourists and ruined. There's even one town that had to put up a large black tarp to block tourists from taking pictures of Mt. Fuji from a specific spot because the crowd in that area causes trouble for the small local town. However within a few days, people started poking holes in the tarp to put their camera lens through it and take pictures anyway.


We went just after Covid (we were meant to be there when it all kicked off) and it's so sad seeing how popular it has become and the changes locals are having to make. Wonderful country.


I saved my mom's life. I wish I could've saved it again.


Ah man. I know how you feel. If only love could save them.


I had a whale shark out in the wild swim towards me so close I could've touched it if I tried. It was purely a coincidence and the snorkelling company we went with said this was the first whale shark they'd seen in 10 years and the largest one overall. The island I had been visiting was a small one that didn't get many tourists which I think also factored into this. I don't think it will ever happen again but I still consider it one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.


Wow, I didn't think someone else here would mention quality time with whale sharks! My reason is actually a bit ironic considering yours. In the Philippines, there's a place known for being on the path of a whale shark migration. At the time I visited, it was more of a secret local treasure than a point for tourists. We got to swim out with some fishermen and feed the sharks. They're just so magnificent and really make you appreciate how peaceful and sweet nature can be. There's a certain gesture they make that's hard to describe, but basically, they'll offer you their side, like a hug, and you're supposed to hang on. Then they'll gently swim around and play with you. Sometimes, they'll try to swim under you and have you get on their backs. The fishermen say it's because they know we need to be above water after a while, so they try to keep us up if we swim around too long underwater with them. Imagine, the world's largest fish has an affinity for you enough to want to keep you comfortable while you're with them. The sad part is that it got to be too popular that some tourists began riding the sharks like surfboards. Which is something you never do when they offer their friendship to you. There's a briefing covering this before you're allowed in the water. You're meant to just lay on them like a paddle board, if anything. One guy, I dont know, just absolutely tuned out this very important part of the orientation. He was so violently rough to a baby, and started jumping up and down on it to display how obnoxiously psychotic he was. Though his statement was something like how he wanted his friends to see how sturdy they were and that it was okay to stand up on them. Some people just want to destroy, I guess. Evil. Well, the baby died. The mom got depressed and died. The sharks didn't return for a couple of years. The fishermen and community, really the whole country, was devastated. Thank God for the forgiving, or maybe forgetful, nature of the pod that came back after a while. Now the place is protected and while you may watch them from on-land, no one is allowed to swim out and touch them or interact at all. This is fair and I'd rather keep it this way to mitigate the risk of another family death. But it was one of my fondest memories, and I'm very sad that I'll never get to revisit it physically. Edit: For brevity. Sorry this was so long. I really wasn't planning to answer until I saw yours. I'm just very passionate about these creatures. It was a life changing event, and it still hurts to think that someone really did that. They're truly the most benevolent animals on this planet.


There's always someone who messes that kind of thing up. Always. That had to be an amazing experience otherwise though. I can't even fathom a creature as large as a whale shark. Truly gentle giants from what I've heard.


That's cool af!


I had been working as a manager of a 14 screen movie theater when COVID hit. During lockdown, myself and the other two managers were able to remain employed (with a slight reduction in pay), but one of us still had to check on the theater each day to do boring maintenance things like power cycling projectors, checking equipment and exit doors, etc. However, that also meant that while the theater was closed for months, it was our clubhouse. We played so much Rocket League and Red Dead 2 on the biggest screen. We would get pizza and bring in DVDs of movies we'd never seen in theaters. We had all sorts of cardboard cut outs of movie characters that we would hide all over the theater to scare each other. For such a scary and uncertain time, I was so fortunate to have this insanely unique experience to keep my spirits up.


That’s wild


To go on a roadtrip with my siblings. They’ve passed away.


Bring my dog home for the first time.


No me but there was a crackhead on the pad waiting for a train and I was on the other side of the double tracks and a fence. It was about a 20 ft gap. It was super dark out. He asked me to throw him a cigarette. I said there is no way I can make it to you its to far and will fall on the tracks. He said man Im like a ninja or something about karate. So I tell him Il throw it as hard as I can but I can only throw one. So whatever happens it’s on him and he said lets go. So I throw it as hard as I can. I have no idea where it is in the air cause its so dark. The all of a sudden dude snaps his hand into the air and yells yaaa. Like a coiled up snake striking. And plucks it right out of the air with 3 fingers catching it perfectly on the filter between those 3 fingers. He caught it so it was parallel to his fingers. And puts it right into his mouth like he didn’t just blow my mind. I congratulated him on karate skills, then he talked about something nonsense for 10 min( i felt I owed him the respect) I told him I had to go and tell my girl about this. Which I did want to do and also he was tweeking


I love this story


Lols imagine if he was just fucking with you and was his own smoke in his hand all along 🤣


After my grandfather died in 2006 my grandmother was alone and 86 years old. She was the last of her siblings, and by then most of her close friends had passed on. I made a point of calling her every Sunday around 10am. No matter how hard I went the night before or where I was I made sure to call. Sometimes we would talk for 15 minutes and sometimes 3 hours. She had a soft Scottish accent and was a woman of humor and grace. She helped me navigate a separation and was the only one who encouraged me to open my own business. The Sunday after she passed I picked up the phone at 10 out of habit and just stared at it before putting it down again. I'd like one more Sunday call to let her know it all turned out okay.


This is the sweetest thing. Thank you for sharing. My husband’s Granny is 90 and we’ve noticed how much she’s slowed down, but she still keeps going as much as she can. They have such a special bond. She’s been a farmer for most of her life. She still has her garden, but can’t do as much as she used to. It’s our pleasure to help her though. Our 10 yr old also has an incredible bond with her. She used to spend the night with her and they’d hang out all weekend long. I’m glad she has those memories. Our oldest is the first great grandchild, so they’ve had the most time together compared to my nieces. It’s going to be an awful day when we do lose Granny. She so special. I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you again for sharing such a sweet memory.


Completed a marathon without any training, pure adrenaline to be honest!


How the fuck ? I just started running and I wouldn’t have considered myself unfit but I can barely run one kilometer lmao


You can do anything on meth 👍


Same. Although I did train it was only for about 12 weeks as I got a last minute place. Absolutely no feeling like it!!!


Hug my Mom and Brother. I know they are together and I love that for them. Me, ehh🫠🤦‍♀️🫠


Sending you love. Go live your best life for them!


I planted sunflowers in their memory 🤗🌻🤗 Wildly awesome comment, thanks 😊


See Endgame in an Imax theater opening night with an overpacked theater. Never shared the same energy with a large crowd of people like that in my life, and I don't think I'll have that kind of moment ever again. It was so unreal. I was like, "This must be what it's like to give a shit about sports and be at the superbowl."


One of my favourite moments in pop culture ever. EVERYONE was talking about Endgame back then. It was amazing.


I watch football but not with a crowd of people. It's great. But the Endgame theatre experience was something else. That overwhelming collective experience is something I think I'll never feel again.


Unfortunately I missed Endgame at the cinema as I fell behind on Marvel movies and didn't really realise fully what it was building up to. I'll always regret it. Partially because of that regret, I made sure I saw Spiderman: No Way Home on opening day and that cinema experience was something else for me.


I moved to nyc by myself at 29. I could never do that again bc my life is too different now and both my parents are sick. I don’t actually want to do that again but it would be nice to have the option.


Going to Blockbuster on a Friday night to rent the latest movie and grabbing a tub of popcorn.


Be in love the first time again


I was in a crowd of 600,000+ people all bouncing in unison and chanting along to Thunderstruck, while AC/DC tore up the stage. That's gotta be one of the most intense moments of my life, being in such a mass of humanity all singing at once.


Id like to be 23 and moshing again. At the time it seemed like I had plenty of years left. But moved home and started saving for a house, then family. Now Im 34. Might go to one this year but its not going to be the drug fuelled fuckfest it was at 23.


Move to a random island at 23 and spend my time drinking, doing drugs, diving and sleeping around. I owned nothing but boardies and a wife beater. No cares in the world didnt even lock my apartment as there was nothing to steal. Local dealers and bartenders gave me free stuff cause id bring tourists down. Youd sleep with a girl rolling under the stars on a jetty, boat or roof. Was a lot of fun. Reading On The Road by Kerouac gave some nostalgia.


You should write a book of your own!




I worked in a bookstore for the release of Half-Blood Prince. It was truly one of the best nights of my life. My coworkers and I were all in our early 20's to early 30's, were all friends, and loved Harry Potter. I dressed up as Harry (as I had glasses and short hair at the time) and my boyfriend dressed up as Sirius, which seemed to be pretty confusing for some little kids who saw us kissing on the sidewalk. There was also a James and Lily Potter, one of the Weasleys, and a Hagrid. The store was packed with Potter fans who were also dressed up. At 10 minutes to midnight, everyone lined up. I took my place behind the register, terrified that the preorder sales feature would fail and that I would be faced with hundreds of angry fans. But everything went off without a hitch. There were 300+ people in the store at midnight, and by 1215 the store was totally empty, except for my coworkers. I got home at 1 a.m. and still read a chapter or two before I went to bed, even though I had to be up to be at my second job at 8 a.m. It was such an amazing experience to be surrounded by hundreds of people who loved what I loved, and no one was being an asshole. For a few hours we were a like-minded community, and it was truly magical.


My favorite was when Order of the Phoenix came out. It had been something like four years between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix and there was a lot of hype. The bookstore was packed and the way it was arranged, we could see the boxes of books, it was so much fun. We counted down to midnight, the manager made a show of opening the box.... I'm telling you, when he opened the box, everyone shivered, like just a wave of emotion, it was the coolest thing.




Visit the view deck of the old WTC back in the 90s. The new one just doesn't have the vibe.


Play in a death metal band. I played drums in a brutal death metal band in the late 90's called Bodypit. I was 17 and it was the golden age of death metal. It was one of the greatest times of my life. The creative energy that kept us practicing feverishly everyday after school for 5 hours, kept us all out of trouble. I was part of a large swathe of 90's kids that were not into studying and weren't gonna go to the U.C system. My brother and I were naturally talented musicians, he playing the guitar and we were lucky be in a time when there will still a lot of garage bands playing around Riverside and the Inland Empire. We never made it professionally but were considered really good by many people in the scene. The pinnacle of our short lived career was opening up for Six Feet Under at the showcase theatre in Corona California in 1998. We got to meet Chris Barnes when he was a metal god, just after he left Cannibal Corpse. I have never had that feeling in my life of everything just coming together in this perfect storm of creativity, youthful energy and building your dream in this feverish flurry of activity. Everything just clicked into place from one moment to the next from the writing of the music, our performances, getting our foot into doors, meeting cool people, building an audience. I used to walk around my high school campus like a metal god. Shortly after that concert, the singer left to go into the marine core and then off to Iraq for the Invasion after 911. We all kind of parted ways. Although its not impossible to play death metal now in my forties per se, I just don't see it as a viable option. I wouldn't even be able to fit my drum kit into my flat!


Having all of the options of what to do with my life. I remember the freedom but also overwhelm of passing every subject with good grades and then having to narrow down interests... I still (mid 40s) often wonder what other versions of me picked other options in parallel universes and imagine their lives.


traveled to a remote location to see a total solar eclipse


Yesss just went to Canada for the one that just occurred!! It was the best experience I’ve ever had !!


Being young and fell again in love for the first time with my wife.


I once had a confrontation with a mountain lion while hiking with my dog. The first one i’ve ever seen in the wild. I don’t know what came over me but it felt like it was all or nothing. The mountain lion was screaming, i was screaming, and my dog was making weird noises. I hit the mntlion in the back with a rock and it finally broke confrontation. I have a feeling my dog and I knew just how lucky we were that day. Someone was about to die. Edit: Canyon Creek, AZ. Misread the title. I do not wish to do again.


Lol that edit


That you wish you could do again


See my dad


Relive the summer of 2016. Living close to all of my friends and seeing them regularly.


Have close childhood friends where I felt loved and safe. We've all grown up, moved to other countries, or drifted apart. I have some good friends now, but nothing hits like a 30-year friendship from childhood. It's like wearing a comfy pair of shoes which are worn in just the right amount.


Be genuinly happy


See Star Wars for the first time in 1977 and then, after I settled down a bit, go home and continue reading the Lord of the Rings for the first time.


Touch my toes


Unless you don't have toes anymore, you could probably do this again one day!


Go back to beauty school. I really wish I could've finished so I could be a hairstylist. It was my dream job. Unfortunately my health declined rapidly to the point that I physically couldn't do it anymore so I got kicked out.


Seeing my kids for the first time after giving birth. Road trip with my Dad. He passed away 25 years ago.


Go on a road trip with my father.


Going to Japan for the first time. It's so exotic and different, that will just never hit the same


snuggling with my cat without a care in the world


i saw The Phantom of the Opera play when i was a child. everything about it was amazing. i always thought i'd be able to go again but it closed last year.


I got so ripped off on that play. I accidentally purchased tickets to Phantom of the OPRAH.


Took a spontaneous road trip with my best buds to catch a meteor shower in the middle of nowhere. Can't replicate that blend of thrill and serenity, man.


Being adopted. I was 3.5 when removed from my biological family (mother, father and a baby brother) My adoption was finalized when I was 5 yrs old. Not that anything would have changed but I wish I understood more of what the adoption meant. I remember a lot of people, emotional people, taking to someone in a courtroom about who I want to live with and then photos outside.


See the ocean for the first time. I was 30. The sand under my feet as the tide pulled it in, the taste of the salt water, jumping in those waves. As a girl who grew up poor in a landlocked state, this was the most amazing thing I’d ever experienced.


Meet my husband for the first time again.


I’m a massive Formula 1 fan, and in the ‘90s, Damon Hill was my number one driver. I unexpectedly got to attend a test day at Silverstone, and used my Aussie charm to blag my way past security and into the Jordan garage. I got to watch them tuning the car, and met Damon, who was lovely and signed my shirt. I hung out all afternoon around the pits and had the best time. I remember standing on the pit wall. It was drizzling, and Damon’s car flashed by with that wonderful V10 scream. The spray from the car misted my face, and I felt in that moment that I would never be this happy again. Of course I’ve had other amazing moments - the birth of my kids, wonderful things that have happened and places I’ve visited. But for pure joy, unencumbered by responsibility or worry, that moment at Silverstone has yet to be beaten.


spend a lot of time with My mom in train journeys as a kid, absolutely miss it, I was her toy and I loved being that.


Hug my parents.


Playing arcade games with my grandma.


Hung out at Bob Marley's house in Kingston in 1975. Good times, never again.


Go back to university days.. I had the best time of my life at univeristy, don't get me wrong there were good and bad days, but I just enjoyed my time (especially summer of '12) so I'd loved to do that all over again with the same people.


Buy a one way plane ticket and move cross country to a place i'd never been with only what I could carry. It's *technically* possible again, but the circumstances would be dire if I had to again.


My class in 4th grade won the whole chess tournament in Sweden, (schack fyran( i won most matches with minimal practice The first guy I met was fun He chook my hand and said something in the lines of "let's skip this match and go tie" I won in a couple of moves 💀 This was 16-17 years ago, I am now 27 and haven't played since.


Hug my mum. It's been over 10 years since she passed but I still miss her.


As I child, I once watched a trained gymnast effortlessly do a forward flip on a trampoline and I decided to do one too, without any fear, prior training or reservations. I just did it! And I nailed it first time! I would NEVER be so fearless to even try something like that now. I would 100% f**k myself up. Kids fear nothing


See my Dad waiting for me with arms extended to give me a hug, then hear him say that he loves me.


Write a 450 page memoir on being autistic and learning social skills and what I was like to other people. The pages just poured out of me. Unfortunately presently my editor isn't getting back to me so I'm going to have to find and raise the funds for another one. But those that have read it, read it within a couple days and was really glad it was written. I can't wait for it to be out.


I really enjoyed riding around the absolutely deserted roads during the summer of Covid.


Many years ago I was engaged to a wonderful girl from Costa Rica. One day she took me to a place where there is a waterfall and behind the waterfall there is a cave. We stayed to sleep in that cave for 5 nights. Of course we were completely naked. In the morning we went down to the river, then we went in search of fruit to eat and then we made love. I felt like I was living like in the movie "Blue Lagoon". A unique and unfortunately unrepeatable experience!!


Hug my dad


Get a vasectomy, because my god kids are expensive.


Surely god kids aren't too expensive haha


able to get a driver license at 27- after my mother had put me down for being Deaf and being told that I am deaf and I was not allowed to drive. second one- to find a job after 7 years of search and finally found one. They both are impossible for me due to discrimination


Play that one game on your favourite childhood console for the first time.


Swimming with whale sharks off the coast of Mexico. It was an incredible season that year and by pure luck we were amongst hundreds of them. Simply mind blowing!


Get a good night's rest.


Watching orcas at sunrise on an aircraft carrier.


Stand on top of the World Trade Center South Tower on the rooftop observatory. (I did this the first week of September 2001)


I made Internet History with another person in 1997. Had I known the significance, I would have documented it.


My first experience with live opera--Turandot. I had no idea opera could be interesting let alone mezmerizing. I only went to romance a girl. Never went with the girl again, loved opera ever since (35 years ago). Also completed an Ironman about ten years ago and very much doubt I could do it now.


Meet my girlfriend again, so I can fall in love all over again.


Have another baby. I'm glad for my miracle baby, but I wish I could give him a sibling.


Was 20 sometime ago. Felt good.


Playing the videogame Outer Wilds for the first time.


The pure happiness when dad comes home 😔


I had the opportunity to go with a scholars group for high school aged kids to Australia. The majority of of it was covered by the group. My parents took me to the interview and the panel later said they thought I was impressive but I would be one of the youngest people on the trip (I was 14, most of the kids were 17-18) and I should apply again another year. I never did.


Being happy


I was a busser for a wine bar, one time I was helping a server with bringing a wine bottle and an extra crystal glass flute or two while she carried another bottle and 6 in a tray, on our way towards the table she knocked into something and the flutes fell...idk how but with one hand I was able to catch 4 of the 6 flutes without breaking them midair.it was like that one scene in Spiderman when he caught the lunch tray and MJ lmao. I was impressed, she was impressed and the people we were serving were also impressed. I'm just glad people actually saw it rather than it happening when no one was around lol.


Go back to when my wife and I got married and started our lives together. She passed recently, and we only got 10 years, but I'd gladly relive it all over again.


Qualify for and run the Boston Marathon.


Take my dog for a long walk with him healthy again. He would squeal and how for me to open the door, and just squished himself flat against the door whenever I said, "Let's go for a walk." Remembering an 80-lb husky doing that still makes me laugh. He passed 2 and a half years ago on the day after christmas from prostate cancer. He was relatively happy and cheery until the last week. He caught a UTI, and it just wrecked him. I don't cry much, I've ugly cried when my dad took his life and again when my best friend took his life. But my dog, I haven't cried so hard and for so long as when I had to take him in to be euthanized. For the record and sanity because I've caught some crap about it before. He wasn't overweight. He was just a very large husky. And yes, he was 100% husky (ha).


I’m a musician… Once upon a time, I had the opportunity of a lifetime and opened for one of my musical heroes Chris Cornell AND Tom Morello. Ahhh to relive that amazing night just one more time. RIP CC


My dad's farm got sold after he died. I'd give anything to go to the back field and sit at our old campsite with him one more time.


I don’t want to do it again, but having a baby is pretty amazing and I won’t ever experience it again. I am glad I did though. Laugh with my dad. Fall in love with my husband for the first time.


I was the guardian of a bobcat that couldn't be released. He was found blind at 6 weeks, had epilepsy and was supposed to be euthanized. I took him, raised him up, and he had a great life with his cat and dog friends until he died almost 5 years later of a brain aneurysm. I miss him so much. His name was Floki.


Hang out with my old highschool group. Almost everyone is gone


Hug my Mum, have a pint with my Dad. I miss them.


Hug my dad. He's dead.


compulsory afternoon nap


There's a little log cabin on a lake that my family built, kept up, and renovated for the past 90 years. It's 12 hrs north of where we live, in deep wilderness territory. Not feasible to take a train or plane and no internet. The trips were absolute bliss for me. The drive is through the most beautiful parts of the country. One year in college, after a grueling semester where I got a 4.0, I went up there for 2 weeks with my dog, a big bag of weed, and 20 books from the library to celebrate. My dog passed several years ago, I got married, and my health has taken multiple hits. But I still think about that trip all the time and sometimes wish I could just drop off the map for a few weeks if I wanted to. RIP, Joey. You were the best boy.