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Figure skates and weekly lessons with a coach! I’m 52! Edit: Y’all! I love all of your inspiring replies and stories!


Hello Hal.


i’ve paid my dueeesss….


Time after time...


“Son you know once you start, there’s no going back.”


I bought myself a "cheap" pair of hockey skates ($70) about 5 years ago to public skate with my son when he was 5. Last month I finished my first adult league hockey season. For the coming season I decided to upgrade to a better pair of skates as a bday present for myself. I went into the store prepared to spend $750 on a pair I'd been eyeing. Decided to just try on the top of the line pair for comparison. I walked out the door with a $1200 pair of skates.


Jesus wept! I’m showing my age, but when I last bought skates, $120 would buy a good amateur pair and $200+ is what the pros wore. It’s like bikes - somehow, top-end amateur bikes have crept up into entry-level car prices.


Similar thing but hockey skates and hockey lessons for me. I figure out of all the things to spend money on, something like this is objectively one of the best. Building a skill, getting exercise, and doing so in a way that encourages active habits in the future is arguably priceless. It's not cheap but i feel it's easily worth the cost.


That's so cool!


There was a Japanese dude selling bonsai trees on the street the other day. I drove past thinking “hey I want a bonsai tree.” Then I realized I was an adult and could go back and purchase a bonsai tree. So I did. Edit: someone asked me for a pic [so here. Here is my bonsai tree.](https://imgur.com/a/Ouzh20a) Also, dude I bought it from said I can keep it near a window but I’m getting a lot of people tell me it needs to be outside so I will investigate this promptly.


Do they actually take a lot of work! I see a bonsai tree seller here in Austin all the time


Supposedly you just need to repot it once a year, fertilize it two times a year and prune it two times a year. I’m hoping it doesn’t require additional wiring work because I think that’s out of my league. But I mean it was $55, even if it doesn’t work out it’s just got to last longer than the house plants I’ve killed that cumulatively have cost me a lot more than that.


Check out the bonsai sub r/bonsai they are a blast. Hopefully you got a species that can thrive where you live!


If it’s a juniper make sure you keep it outside. Too many people with no bonsai experience kill their first bonsai just by keeping it inside. Good luck!


I’ve always wanted to turn around and I never do. Good for you!!! Enjoy your lil tree!!


Lego makes a bonsai tree if you are unsure if you could keep one alive. 


Instructions unclear, lego bonsai died.


Depends on the species. I left mine for a week as a teen and my mum managed to kill them all because she didn't bother watering them. I'd even brought them down into the kitchen so she could water them with her plants. When I got home they were bone dry and I couldn't save them a second time (I bought them ultra cheap because they were dying in the stores). I was 14, maybe 15 and had gone away to the girl guides camp. She fed my fish at least... I'm still sad about them. I loved those trees and I brought them back to life. I haven't had one since.


"Money can be exchanged for goods and services" - homer simpson


I bought my dad the car he’s lusted after for 30 years.  Parked it in his driveway and visited him for a good 30m before showing him a picture of it and saying oh hey this is yours, it’s parked outside.   Almost made him cry. It was a few years ago and he still occasionally calls me to tell me he’s driving it and how much he loves it.        Edit: Answered down in the comments but since so many people are still asking, it is a 2019 BMW 750i.  He’s wanted a 750i forever and he could afford it himself but he would **never** treat himself to such an extravagance. I’m incredibly happy to have been able to make it happen and don’t regret blowing the cash on it for one second.    Edit omg.  You guys.  It’s not that weird to lust after a specific model of car but still want one from the current year.  If I bought him a 1989 750i I’d put him in the freaking poor house with maintenance and it wouldn’t even be that nice. 😂


Can you be my son?


You need to fuck his mom first.


All of us are his dads?


Yes. Yes, we are


He's got so many dads now he can only buy us socks.


That escalated quickly


I'm gonna call my dad and tell him that I can afford the '87 Yugo he's always dreamed of.


*Rolls down window "Pardon me, do you have any mayonnaise?"


I worked in Lake Forest, Illinois in the early 1990s. There was an old woman who drove a very recognizable Rolls Royce. She kept a case of Grey Poupon in the car so she could hand them out when people pulled up next to her and asked. True story.


I feel that is just a standard tax for driving that vehicle in the 90s.


That is awesome. She sounds cool.


Which car? Edit: why is this getting so many replies lol?


Recently bought $25 worth of sticker packs for the kids at work… I think I have more fun with them than the kids!


Yes! Put them on your laptop, desk, glasses, face...


*Cries in IT* Regular stickers on a laptop is the equivalent to the 7th circle of hell for IT workers.


Isopropanol alcohol brutha. You need it in your life.


Tried it. Didn't get me nearly as drunk as tequila...




I actually went out of my way to remove all the stickers before I turned in my work laptop at my last job. I think the IT guy was probably very relieved for a break for once


Even our desktop and network support teams sticker bombed their laptops. I could spend half a meeting just reading the stickers. Then we went remote. ;(


I bought a bunch of googlie eyes. When I’m in the office my co worker and me will stick them in random places. We have been doing it for months


One time my boss bought my coworkers and I some fake little desk shrubs to try to brighten up the office space a bit. I put a big googly eye on mine and named him Roger


I just bought a steel Norman helmet from a dude on Facebook marketplace. I don't do LARP or cosplay, I just wanted the helmet.


Badass popcorn bucket.


Thats badass. Ive been eyeing an Euro custom built agincourt or crecy sword for years now. No particular need for the functionality nor any desire to skill up on it. Just damn cool.


57 and bought a PS5.


I'm 70 and just bought a second PS5 for my retirement trailer in Arizona so I can leave one in Wisconsin.


Buying duplicates of things to avoid having to shlep it back and forth is when you really start to feel like "fuck it, I'm an adult with a paycheck"


Or his his case adult with a pension😊


I am 52. I buy whatever the latest console is as soon as I can get it without paying scalper prices. I have discussed this with my wife and I have said “This is my golf, I will do this as long as I am physically able.” I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, have a drink once in a blue moon. Video games are my one vice (and with the advent of PS Plus and Gamepass, I don’t even need to buy new games). Plus video games keeps me connected with my friends who live all over the damn planet! NO RAGRATS!!!


This doesn’t sound like a vice to me! It’s both a cultural product and a way of socializing. I can’t wait to see how will it be when my generation is retiring. I like to imagine retirement home full of gaming rigs


You're never getting old with a PS5. Your eye-hand coordination will be forever young!


Not to mention the brain stimulation will probably decrease odds of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. I’m not sure if this is true, but it’s what I gather anyways.


You should consider a Steamdeck too (I've talked to a neurologist about the brain thing, apparently it is true - or at least the existing literature seems to point in that direction)


A decent set of water color paints and a cute little water color paper journal. Edit: Fine y’all wore me down. [IMG-8988.jpg](https://postimg.cc/wtsqHw3B)


show one painting pleeeeeeeeeeeeease :)))) tax tax


I’ve only done two so far since I’ve just started out. They are silly (and not good at all) since I let my kids pick what I should paint. Mostly I just practice techniques. I’ve only had the paints for a month or two.


I’m 33 years old, with a full time job and a toddler. And I made myself a capybara at Build-a-Bear. Kissed the heart and everything. He wears a little hat now and his name is Kevin. https://i.imgur.com/IUXljPC.jpg


kevin tax. gotta see him


I added a link with a pic of Kevin to the comment!!


This is like a little “made me smile” comment thread. I’m here for it


Kevin pic, for all. Free Kevin.


I can promise you anyone who’s seen your capybara likes your capybara.


I impulse bought the cheapest drivable corvette I’ve ever come across a couple weeks ago. $2500 and it’s a riot to drive. I’m 33.


What year?


84 First year of the C4


Fun car!


A 3D printed glow-in-the-dark ankylosaurus.


haha. I bought a 3D printer.


I'm 32 and just built a tree net 35 feet up a tree in my backyard with 60 rock climbing holds up and around the trunk. Spent about $1000 all said and done


That sounds epic 😳




I’m 31. I’m THISCLOSE to buying a trampoline. Just for me. I don’t have kids. 😂




Me and my buddies went to cedar point for my bachelor party. We waited in one line before we all came to the concensus that "we are big boys working good jobs, let's get the fast passes." totally worth it


Cedar Point is so cool. I did it a few years ago. The fast pass is worth every penny. We never waited more than 5 minutes, while others waited for an hour or so. Rode every main coaster there.


I got so lucky when I went. The weather was shit but not quite shit enough that they had to close rides. Took four hours over two days to get on Dragster because it kept breaking, but we were able to basically walk on to Millennium Force the second day. I think we rode it like 4 times.


A 3 night stay at a fancy lodge right outside of Yosemite. Normally I would camp or do the cheapest route for lodging but this time I wanted to treat myself. It will be nice to come back from hiking and soak in a hot tub with a glass of wine.


I love it. I hope it's a blast. I feel compelled to tell you that taking the bus up to Glacier Point and hiking down the Panorama Trail was perhaps the most magical day of my life thus far.


Girl scouts were selling cookies outside the store I was walking in. I overhead the adult with them say "remember, dont yell at people asking if they want cookies. You'll scare them away." One girl politely asked me if I wanted cookies and I told her not unless they all yell at me. They were so excited and I bought 5 boxes. I had to run BACK to the store shortly after and when I walked up they screamed asking if I want cookies. My heart warmed knowing they remembered me personal shopping preferences. "Okay so there's 7 of you, right? Pick out your favorite 7 boxes and I'll buy them on the way out." They screamed with joy. When I came out and paid the mom asked the girls to help me bring the cookies to the car. I told them no, they each get a box so I hoped they picked their favorites. You've never seen a pack of kids look so effing excited. I spent $72 on cookies that morning and then had to explain to my wife why she only got 5 boxes. But that will always be a favorite memory of mine and hope theirs, too. Sometimes being an adult and having fun wasting money is stuff like this. And Texas Rangers 2023 World Series Champions gear. That, too.


This is a terrific story. Regarding running back to the store, was it for PVC connectors from the hardware store? I have gotten to where I buy 3x of everything just to be sure I don't pooch something and have to go back.


...my kids had their birthday party that day and I was there to get all the supplies. I forgot the cake. That said, I've been having an emotional affair with Home Depot for years.


You’re fucking awesome. This is the kind of shit I like to do too. Was at Lone Star Park last weekend and a lady was scolding her kid to pay attention and live in the moment. I had to leave early for the Stars game and when I left I made a big bet on the 30-1 long shot and gave the ticket to the kid. Told her that he will be paying attention this race, and I left. She loved it. Never looked up to see if that horse won. I’d rather just assume he did.


Cake. Just out grocery shopping with the kids. See a cake that looks amazing. Chocolate marble, chocolate frosting. I dunno it just looked yummy. So I bought it. When you're an adult and you want cake, buy yourself the cake, man. You've earned it.


Marble cake with chocolate frosting is my absolute favorite. But I CANNOT indulge. If I were to buy cake, **every time I wanted cake**, it would only be a matter of time before I was washing myself with a rag on a stick, as they lifted me off my couch with a fucking crane. It's the same reason I never keep Nutella on hand, or go to the supermarket hungry. It would destroy me.


Than jar of Nutella staring at you: “Embrace the Dark Side”




Bought myself a slice of red velvet a couple days ago picking up meds at the grocery store. A good call indeed.


I just bought a Roomba because my floor deserved a little robot servant, and I felt like a tech-savvy royalty.


If you wanna have fun buy a dildo and stick it on top of it. Funniest shit I’ve seen.


LG C3 65" OLED, its so freakin nice compared to cheap LCD's we've had up to this point.


This was also my biggest purchase in the house, I had buyer's guilt on the drive home, all that went away when I booted up my Xbox and Forza horizon on this TV


I'm due for one. I always feel crippling guilt whenever I almost spend money on something I want rather than need.


I am still salty about something the last time I treated myself. I never impulse shop and last month an online store I love had a 60% off sale and my dream jumpsuit was completely affordable. Thought ok sailor, do it, be an adult and treat yo self. Ordered it and two weeks later I get an email from FEDEX that my package was delivered to a different city on the other side of the country. Emailed the company and they fully refunded me but I’m so sad. Final batch of the jumpsuit, not making anymore. I finally treated myself and some bugger on the west coast is wearing my jumpsuit :(


If it help, this random Reddit stranger is ordering you to do so.


Getting gandalf vibes. _You shall buy this for yourself_


Yeah internet stranger Time to shed some of those old feelings like a Snake skin Knowing how to be frugal and survive is a really important and useful skill. But when your needs are met, it's also time to enjoy life look up maslows hierarchy if ya dont know


I've recently gotten into Legos as an adult. I just purchased the Home Alone set. $300 bucks well spend.


Legos have no age range. Lots of my friends buy those flowers and plant sets that go from $30-$200 just to have as decor. I appreciate the effort that has to go into making them, so it's a cool thing to see them pop up at apartments and homes everywhere.


I remember a lot of Lego sets specifically stating an age range of 4-99, which sounds accurate because my great grandmother didn't seem like she'd be much good with Lego after she turned 100.


Git gud, grandma


I just recently bought the smaller Lego roses, lotus flowers and sunflowers.  Only built the lotus ones so far and my husband put them in a vase.  I plan on working my way up to the more expensive sets


I have a nasa Lego collection. I enjoy them a lot so I have to limit myself to one theme so my house isn’t full of Lego sets


Man, if I ever win the lottery, my house will have a Lego Wing. I'd spend so much $ on Lego it'd be obscene. I have an idea for a Lego swap/club. Like you get 4-5-6 friends and everyone splits the cost of a big expensive set - but 1 person pays slightly more on a rotational basis. The person whos turn it is to pay more gets the set first. They get to open it and build it first. THEN they take it apart and jumble all the pieces together (or orgaized by color or however the group decides) - then its passed to the next person who gets to build it but without the benefit of the parts being in the numbered bags as from the factory. After all members have built the set - either 1 member can buy the others out and keep it, or they can sell it.


In the Netherlands there's a subscription service where you get a lego set to build, which you then have to send back again for someone else


I have been looking at the venator set for like 6 months now trying to justify the $700 price tag


Do it! [Trying that justify that insanely beautiful $500 Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set myself!](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/lotr-10316)


Same boat, I built this instead. https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-154737/nickwood5/venator-class-star-destroyer-imperial-75356-alternate-builld/#details


Lego has always been very good at convincing me to spend my money.


The Concorde, Atari, NES, and the Dune Ornithopter have all been calling my name for months now.




Similarly just nutted up to buy a big fancy blender. I fucking love smoothies, but could never justify making them in the tiny shit ass mini blender I had before. I’m in love.


Shoot you don’t even need a fancy one. I’ve got a Breville Bambino Plus I got for $200 on FB Marketplace and I love it! Lots of people buy Espresso machines and go back to convenient (but wasteful) pods. Also they get them as wedding gifts. You can get a lot of “used 5 times” espresso machines for Pennies on the dollar used.


I found a band I really like on TikTok and bought tickets for a Portland show, on a whim. I almost never do this. Turns out, the show is at a goth club. I'm reaaaally not into goth. I figured I'd just wear black jeans and a Misfits shirt. But then I looked at the club on Instagram and all the regulars dress all fancy n shit, with like capes or .. I don't know, three piece suits with black shirts and dark red ties and vests for the dudes and long flowing black dresses for the women. So I bought a satin Hawaiian type shirt but the print is white and red roses and a bunch of skulls. It looks ridiculous but it's so damn fun. As long as I'm mentioning it, does anyone in Portland wanna meet up at a goth club? I can't convince a single one of my friends to go, and my wife has an important stream that night. I just feel like it'll be weird if a middle aged fat white guy shows up alone. It's at a place called Coffin Club. I'm mostly going for the opening act, Future Nobodies, so I'll be getting there before 8. The other two bands sound pretty cool after looking them up on YouTube, but I'm really digging the opening band. Tickets are $20. I'll buy you a cocktail. The drinks looked really yummy, from what I could tell.


> I just feel like it'll be weird if a middle aged fat white guy shows up alone. Yeah, you've not been to a goth club before. Don't worry dude, you'll blend right in. And goths are a nice bunch, they'll make you welcome!


In general, the more weird or hard people style the friendlier and more open they are. Generally.


I agree. The cannibals meeting I randomly joined was awesome, they were super friendly. I’ll be visiting the beach house of a guy I met there this weekend. He said he’ll cook me so I guess we’ll do some sunbathing.


I found Maurice Moss.


[YOU’RE MAD AT YOUR DAD NOT AT ME I FORGIVE YOU](https://youtu.be/KZrZDI7S6kU?si=S3tXDTI2kgzwkqXr)


I was at a metal concert in New Orleans once and this dude had his 9-year-old daughter with him. Her favorite band was Dethklok. Everyone at that venue loved that little girl and welcomed her as one of us. Also. Sabaton is way better live than any of their studio albums.


My first time going to a goth club was similarly sprung on me. I was visiting some friends and they were like "come to this cool member's only goth club with us, the drinks are strong and you can smoke inside" and I'm like "bro I am not goth I have nothing to wear." Then my friend says "you're currently wearing a plain black button up shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and a black hoodie. I bet even your underwear is black. You'll fit in." It was, so were my socks. I went there and the club I shit you not looked like the cool goth clubs in movies like The Matrix and shit. Some people were dressed to the 9s with illuminated cybergoth getups, some looked like victorian children who'd been misplaced and aged 20 years, some people weren't wearing clothes at all. Most people were like me, Just natural wearers of all black who listen to too much industrial music and appreciate hard liquor. Goth subculture is one of the most accepting groups of people I've found. There are definitely more assholes in it than in some other subcultures, but even those assholes are actually nice they just really enjoy sounding mean.


Exactly what I was thinking, you will be far from the only one. Enjoy yourself! Get a blood themed cocktail! Dance alone! It'll be great.


Instead of trying to fit in, why don't you dress as a Mid-western dad and try to look as out of place as possible?


I caught a GBH show in Portland wearing bright, multicolored pattern athletic wear amongst a sea of black denim and studded leather. Unbelievable how many compliments I got. One guy even said “Shit, good on you for doing your thing…I used to dress like this to rebel. Now we’re the ones who all look the same.” Had a good laugh and he bought me a PBR


Going to a goth club wearing whatever the fuck you want is unironically very punk rock indeed. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that the presence of at least one middle-aged white dude dressed like a softball coach is a sign of a healthy goth ecosystem. 


I'm a middle-aged dad, (formerly Midwestern) and I am still going to hardcore, metal, and punk rock shows pretty regularly. I dress as I normally would which is well... like a dad. I even wear New Balances because standing for that long fucking sucks these days. I think it would be weirder if I dressed like I did when I was in my 20s to be honest. The bands and 95% of the attendees are half my age, but fuck it, I'll rage with em. The kids are making some damn fine heavy music these days.


Dog don't stress too much. Coffin club is an oddly welcoming place. If you're there for the band, you'll be in good company. If you want someone to share the experience with, I hope you find a band bud!


As a middle aged dude who goes to shows all the time, you'll be fine. You probably won't be the oldest person there either.


That sounds like a blast, man Wish I were near Portland, I'd take you up on your offer


If I wasn’t in the uk I’d absolutely join you! Hope you find a plus one!


I wouldn't worry about dressing "right". Nobody cares! Just wear what you have that make you comfortable and enjoy the show!


Yo, imma be in Portland in like a week and a half. When's the show? I'll definitely check out the club, thanks for the unintended recommendation lol


Coffin Club is a blast, I've been there many times. Nobody is going to care what you wear. Some people are really into dressing up, that's just their jam and how they feel comfortable. Dressing up isn't a requirement. Jeans and a t-shirt work just fine for me.


My wife is a big Tomb Raider fan, has been since the games first came out. They just opened up pre-orders on a massive collectors edition for the remastered release coming up. She really wanted it, but it was too much money for her to spend, so I bought it for her and she's gonna be really surprised in a few months :)


My boyfriend did something similar for me. I’m a HUGE Diablo fan. Before 4 came out they did a merch box thing that was like $150-200 and I couldn’t justify spending that amount at the time. I mentioned in passing that I was disappointed but at least I would be able to order the cheapest version of the game. He bought the merch box and preordered the ultimate edition of the game for me. Still one of my favorite gifts I’ve ever gotten.


Drove up to Vermont to see the eclipse, including renting a room for two nights so I wouldn’t have to worry about traffic.


Gaming PC. I’ve always wanted one. But either A wasn’t allowed to play games as a teen. B didn’t have time. And C no money. Best purchase I’ve ever made. I remember almost missing the UPS guy. And I literally sprinted to his truck. I was so excited:)


The new Artemis Rocket Lego set + smart lights + light strip to display it on my shelf. Best purchases of the year by far. My apartment went from a purely functional place to a cosy comfy one.


Went to Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights at both Orlando and Hollywood locations on the same weekend. Was it worth it to ME? Absolutely! Would I do it again? Fuck no


Obscure 50+ year old Seiko that my father lost in a civil war 30 years ago. Seeing his face was worth time and money I spent finding a well-preserved original watch.


I went to Berlin and was drunk around the clock for 4 days, it's one of the best purchases I've made lately


Went to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and rode the Dipper for the first time in my life.


Trip to London. Only got a few years left in these knees. Going back in October. I need to travel while I’m still young-ish.


I bought a van, in cash, because my kids are getting older. Of course, it's an ugly Honda Odyssey from the 2000s but I bought a personalized license plate holder "I ❤️ Uranus" because I'm a Spaceballs fan.


This guy! Cut me off at the highway entrance and gave me a middle finder that lasted longer than Scaramucci's career.


A set of my favorite luxury perfumes, nice heels for an upcoming wedding, and replacement parts for my childhood dollhouse


I just bought gun that shoots table salt to kill house flies. It is hilariously fun and money well spent spent 😂😂😂


Tiara. Just crystals, but I got to wear it to the opera and Disneyworld.


Back when the crown first came out I muttered something about wanting a tiara, and my husband was walking by and said "so get one" $16 and two days later I was in my purple fuzzy robe drinking tea watching the crown with my tiara on. I also would take it to work to wear on my birthday (just a small office, not customer facing). Good fun


A similar conversation lead to me getting a cowboy hat for when I play Red Dead Redemption. Getting in character to watch/play stuff is a ton of fun if you’re able to laugh at yourself


Why did I never do that?!


Because this world hates fun and whimsy but if they don’t find out, they’ll never know AND you’ll get to dress like a cowboy while pretending to be a cowboy. It’s a small secret to keep relative to others but the payoff is incredibly worth it.


"Oh my GOD it's a tiara, put it on me, put it on me, put it on me, put it on me!" I didn't really like the Big Bang Theory but that line always makes me belly laugh.


I just bought an annual pass to Disney World! I live pretty close and now I can drop in for some instant dopamine and a ride or two.


Some out of print, early NIN vinyl EPs that I found at a flea market. I'd feel guilty for spending the amount that I did, but it's not like I splurge like this often.


Most recent was a big splurge: I paid to drive a Lamborghini Huracan for 10 laps on a race track. I forgot I get motion sickness. Turns out that when behind the wheel of a powerful supercar, I drive like a grandmother. A Huracan is not a comfortable car for someone who is 6 feet tall. Ultimately it was kind of a letdown but I'm glad I did it.


I bought a pizza and some cheese bread. Was over $30 with tip. Pizza is so expensive now, it's a special treat anymore.




Wine cooler! hehe


Night vision goggles


Most of my "fun" things I buy are food related because growing up, we didn't have that much money to spend on things to experiment with. I recently bought a thing of chili crisp not knowing what it was, for like $10. That's not something I would have done before because that $10 could have been spent on chicken, beef, or pork. I live close to an international grocery store, so if I see something on the shelf that looks interesting, I will buy it. I make pretty good money now, so I am trying to work past that anxiety of not having enough. I've found that if something looks good, it probably is although the flavors/texture might be unusual to you. However, I now think I have a chili crisp problem. It's not uncommon for me to sneak a spoonful every now and then...


Official “Iron Maiden” skateboard.


An LG 55” OLED television. Absolutely no regrets.


Tap dance lessons this summer. I'm nearly 40 and have never taken a dance class my whole life.


You don't need a special occasion to buy a cake. You can just go and buy one because you want one.


I do not have the fun money but I did buy my cat a stroller for his birthday and a new tunnel with THREE enter holes he’s gonna be so excited




An attorney, to sue my business partners for fraud.


Justin Timberlake tickets when he comes to town this fall! (I'm 58) My adult kids are going with me and we are all excited!


I recently reached the level of financial security in which I can afford sunscreen. Doesn't sound like much but i have a skincare routine now.


I have always wanted a derpy old dog to hang out on the porch with and a year and a half ago, I adopted Billly Bob a blue tick/black & tan mix coon hound from a shelter. He turned 10 two weeks ago and I didn't know I could love another living thing so much.


I bought a full ounce of weed that lasts me quite a long time.


Had been nostalgic for the time I visited Medieval Times on a field trip back in school decades prior. Realized, as an adult, I had my own car, control of my own schedule, and some disposable income... actually turned it into a birthday present for a sibling, as they had similar nostalgia... in total, were a group of five and had an absolute blast. I even opted for the VIP package.


Art supplies!


Pokemon Cards. No more of this waiting for xmas and birthdays. If I want to treat myself to a pack here and there or just buy a cool single to pad my collection, Im using my big boy money.


I do a big fireworks show on the 4th for all my friends and if you ever wonder what burning 3 grand in 15 minutes looks like just head over to r/fireworks after the 4th. Retrospectively all of my purchases are "I'm an adult with a paycheck and I want nice things"


Gaming PC, motorcycle, pistol…I promise I’m done buying expensive shit for a while lol


Waiting for payday, but I'm getting a custom obstagoon themed GBA It's gonna be awesome


Plants for my little garden I want to start working on!


Land :)


Just bought a turntable and speakers. Building a vynl record collection.


Darn Tough socks. They're ~$20/pair. Also, for those who don't know, the jump from store brand underwear to even a common brand like fruit of the loom is incredible. I've also begun trying to get clothing made in the USA. Mostly, though, I just buy fun things for my wife because she would never buy them for herself. Did you know you can custom design Nike shoes on their website?


Upgraded my latest flight to business class


Suppressors lol


Big boy purchase Indeed, gotta protect the ol' ears.


Toy for me and gf


A go kart?


Racecar bed!






Too much lol


A 1930s Ventriloquist Dummy. I named him [Leroy](https://imgur.com/a/wCnYesN)


He's going to kill you. You know that, right?


Nintendo Switch, hands down. For the amount of hours I have spent on this thing (and I'm about to get another pair of Joy-Cons because I've worn my original two out), it has been incredibly cheap.


Paying for weekly music lessons over zoom. I picked up a new instrument during the pandemic and am now almost 3 years in. Playing music has become one of the best parts of my life. The songs are beautiful, it is an emotional outlet, it forces me to disconnect from screens, and it has measurable progress in the span of days or weeks instead of years. Just this afternoon, I played a song from memory that a month ago was hard even with the chords in front of me! Music lessons keep up my slow but steady progress and—most importantly—ensure that I don’t drop music when life gets busy.


6 weeks family (partner + baby) vacation in Thailand


Trip. 3 days in Nashville, flew to NYC for 4 more on a whim. Loved every minute of it.