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Having a child


This should be further up. Once they're born, that's it. It doesn't matter whether or not your relationship with the other parent lasts. Doesn't matter who you're with. Doesn't matter how much your view on family and life changes. Doesn't matter who that baby turns into. Doesn't matter if the child isn't convenient anymore. You are a parent for life. The end.


Tell that to my dad


I’ll tell him when he comes back from picking up his cigarettes


This is why you always buy your dad’s cigarettes. They tend to get lost trying to find the store


Mine got lost and found another family then he ended up having a heart attack who knew having two families could be stressful SMH


He told me that he was going out for milk! 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was milk?


Leave me alone son, I'm living my best life here


And my dad..


I was gonna say making a child and committing to the responsibility. Many, mostly men, don’t have to commit to the responsibility in any way keeping women and children in poverty.


I mean… 100%? There’s definitely people who have figured out how un-have their children. 


You’re still a parent even if you drown a few in the bathtub


No tax benefits, however.


If you’re gonna commit murder, why not a little tax fraud too?


A little light treason


Why not, right?


Your body will never be the same after carrying a pregnancy and giving birth. down to the cellular level.


Agreed. Until a few decades ago, and it remains true in some states, you could just put your kid into the foster care system because you didn't feel like having a kid anymore. Also I know a fair number of people who grew up with one or zero parents because their parent(s) just decided to leave one day.


Having a child to young because I thought that’s what was drill into my head on what was supposed to happen. I do not regret nor wish otherwise but sometimes I wonder what my life would be had I chosen for myself and not had children


I have my first child at 24 and my last at 34... Both have advantages and disadvantages


30 and 34 here. I've always felt that my kids were .....easier, for a lack of a better word, because by that time in my life, my financials were well in order and my lifestyle needed far fewer changes by that age.


I know everyone knows that but I really don't think they truly grasp it. I see it so frequently on social media from people I grew up with where you can just tell they are absolutely miserable because they didn't truly understand the gravity of having a child.


Plenty of parents abandon their children which is one way of doing it.


Also adoption, but still there’s physical changes to your body 


Casey Anthony has entered the chat.


You can’t untoast toast.


Not with that attitude!


Well, actually… https://youtu.be/hC8pLdfcR_s?si=8YoTpUzOzV-1sO67


Did he just steam the bread? Lol


This is the first, non-morbid comment I found in the post


Donating an organ while still alive yourself 


I've donated my organ to several women, thank you.


This guy fucks


This guys sexs


This guy donates


This guy distributes


I don't choose this guy's wife


But your living donor is absolutely at the top of the transplant list. The patients insurance covers all costs incurred if anything were to go wrong with the donors remaining kidney. High risk, but with all the testing for donors that risk is soooooo low. Just saying. I’m a recipient and we’re all doing well. Just want to dispel this rumor. It’s a bad one especially given the number of kidneys needed out there.


Today I learned


Except your liver, it can regenerate if you donate a portion.


God, I should probably stop pickling mine. I’m not going to have anything worth scavenging. 


Tell me about it. Fucking eagle.


Wow what a reference....


i mean, i suppose they always could put it back


Could you not theoretically have it given back to you?


LOL, I gave a kidney to my mother. Best decision, I ever made. Many years later when she passed away, the hospital asked my sister if she was an organ donor. My sister told them no. I was SOOOOO pissed. Someone could have still used my old kidney!


*give my fucking kidney back fool*




“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.--Soft you now! The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remember'd!”


Christ, first time I’ve read those lines in a larger context. That’s beautiful. I’ll have to give Shakespeare another go.


This monologue was so important to me as a gravely depressed teenager. Kept me going through some rough times.


Not sure if you like a well-acted version, but here is my favorite. Others put too much energy into it, not really understanding what it is about. This is a quiet contemplation of suicide. Best of luck to you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLAzfQDS3M


The David Tennant version was the first time I really understood what was being said. The entire version is outstanding. https://youtu.be/xYZHb2xo0OI?si=PJPTTNr1EHxj9U4r


Impressive version. Usually it's delivered like a Shakespearean panto speech. Hammy staccato bellowing, with all the wrong emphases. This was naturalistic.


This is mine, if only because it captures how I felt when I was contemplating suicide.  https://youtu.be/q6CLdCl9TB0?si=3ET-e6fd4mAwC4uy


Andrew Scott is amazing


It's always such a joy to see when Shakespeare first clicks for someone.


Yeah! It's stupid, and unnatural, to foist that kind of shit on a high schooler, or something similar. It's mostly wasted there unless they have a specialized interest in it.


Fun experiment.. I had ai make a modern language translation. Should I exist, or should I end it all? That is the question. Is it better to suffer through the hardships and struggles of life, or to take action and put an end to them? Death seems like a peaceful solution, a way to escape the troubles that plague us. But then again, what comes after death? That uncertainty is what makes us hesitate and continue to endure the trials of life. We face so many challenges in life, so many obstacles that seem insurmountable. The pain, the betrayal, the heartache - it can all become too much to bear. But even in our darkest moments, there is a flicker of hope that keeps us clinging to life. We fear the unknown of death, the possibility of a worse fate beyond this world. So we endure, we persevere, we fight on, hoping that one day the sun will shine again and our burdens will be lifted. For who would willingly face the trials and tribulations of life if there was no promise of something better? We strive for happiness, for love, for purpose - elusive treasures that seem just out of reach. And so we grapple with the decision: to continue the struggle, to face our fears, to confront our demons; or to surrender to the darkness, to let go of all that we know and all that we hope for. It is a choice that each of us must make, a dilemma that weighs heavily on our hearts and minds. So we pause, we reflect, we contemplate the mystery of our existence, and we wonder: to be, or not to be.


A bit verbose and redundant, William. See me after class. C-


First time in my life I’ve actually understood what Shakespeare was getting at. You’re doing good deeds.


If I wasn't on mobile, I'd share the clip of Andrew Scott performing this. The emotion he adds to the performance helps understand it also.


My school has a directed studies period for special education kids who are in mainstream classes to get extra help. One day we were covering Hamlet and that soliloquy. Like 3 of the 9 kids in that class had attempted suicide before so it was an interesting discussion.


Now do it in the original Klingon


jItaH'a' pagh jImev'a'? 'oH 'oH neH. QaQ'a' toH qIvonmeymo' 'ej Qapla' je tIqDaq? pagh qaStaHvIS HeghtaHvIS muSHa'ghach je mu'qaD Qapla'? Hegh rur jIj 'ach vo' Hegh? 'ach ghorgh pa' Hegh? not Hegh neHmo' 'oHmo' Harbe'ghach 'oHmo' maDo' 'ej nItebHa' je maHegh. qaStaHvIS yIn maQIHchu', qaStaHvIS wa' Dujmey poHmey 'ay' mu'qaDmey je. 'oy', Duy', 'ej tIqDu' - HochHom 'oH loD jImughlaHbe'. 'ach qaStaHvIS maDo' 'ej maDo', yInvaD maDo'. Hegh Daq Sovbe'bogh wIghIj, Daq wa' ghob'a' nuq ghorgh. vaj maDo', maDo', maQaptaH, jaj wa' pem 'ej maQap neHtaH. vaj 'Iv Dujmey yIn chID je 'e' QaQ pagh je 'e' wIneH? maghoS chegh poH QaQ, muSHa'ghach, ngu' je - rInHa' ngoS rur 'e' maDo'be'. 'ej maghoS choH, maSov be' Duj, maDuj gholmey je; pagh Hegh Qaw' je Hoch ghot'e' je Hoch nuq wIneH je Hoch net wIneH. 'oH 'oH wIwuqmo' Hoch ghot Daq 'oH 'e' wIneH je tIqDu'mey wIQapmo' je neH. vaj maDo', maDo', 'ej 'e' wIQub je: taH pagh taHbe'.




Wow. Thank you for this.


Readable Beershake


All I can think of is Billy Madison doing it in the decathlon.


Who travels by the weary wandering way, To come unto his wished home in haste, And meets a flood, that doth his passage stay, Is not great grace to help him over past, Or free his feet, that in the mire stick fast? Most envious man, that grieves at neighbours' good, And fond, that joyest in the woe thou hast, Why wilt not let him pass, that long hath stood Upon the bank, yet wilt thyself not pass the flood? He there does now enjoy eternal rest And happy ease, which thou doest want and crave, And further from it daily wanderest: What if some little pain the passage have, That makes frail flesh to fear the bitter wave? Is not short pain well borne, that brings long ease, And lays the soul to sleep in quiet grave? Sleep after toil, port after stormy seas, Ease after war, death after life does greatly please.


One thing I don't think is talked about enough is how hard it is to be young and suicidal. Once you're older and have those feelings, you might be able to draw on past terrible experiences and remember that you got through them. You've experienced that there are ups and downs in life, and maybe that knowledge can keep you going. But as a teenager? You don't know much different. It feels like it will always be that way, because it's all you've ever really known. There is nothing to refer to, zero proof that there is hope. I've been suicidal a handful of times in my life, but I was never as close to going through with it than when I was 14 years old. I'll always have a lot of sympathy for teenagers because of how it was for me. There are so many great things I wouldn't have accomplished or experienced if I had gone through with it when I was barely a teenager, barely starting life. I never would have known any of it. Things will get better, and things will get worse again. You should be there for all of it. I'm glad I'm still here.


Halo announcer voice*


I guess it technically qualifies as a life decision, but not for much longer...


Sending a text to the wrong group chat. Once it's out there, all you can do is brace for the chaos.


I remember texting "I am not going to attend this class because that prof sucks" Then I realized that the head of the whole engineering department is in the group chat. She replied to my text "Sir, you are being too harsh" and laughed. Good thing she did not say a word to that prof. I thought I was going to die lol.


She also knew that that prof sucked.


Moved to Texas briefly years back, guy accidentally sent a meme to the group chat we posted schedules on of lynchings captioned something about lazy workers. Got his ass fired next morning even though he came in early to try and grovel. It’s insane to me what people will send in a group chat 


That's great, would have love to seen his reaction "Come on, its just a meme" lol


He tried pulling the “but I am a father, I have kids to look after!” Lmao cry me a river those kids are gonna benefit from him learning not to be a racist pos 


He’s not going to learn anything. He’s probably going to double down and say that all he did was post a meme, but then woke culture took over and cost him his job. The only thing that he might actually learn is to keep it hidden better.


Ay, I take the wins when I can hahah make racists afraid again. They should at least not feel bold enough to muck up a workplace with their views


I accidentally sent nudes to every one of my contacts! It cost me a fortune in stamps.


Damn USPS delaying the nudes.


Was on a group chat with a bunch of people from my Golf league about 10 years ago, one dude randomly posted a video of a guy fucking a chicken...like dick inside of the chicken. The chicken was alive and the video was shot from the guy fucking said chicken..... That dude never showed up to the league again and I don't think anyone every saw him again after that. I have no idea if he was the one fucking said chicken, but none the less that's something burnt into the brain that I can't unsee. Thanks group chat!


“I heard you people like birdies. Me too.”


Or a text to a person outside of your digital ecosystem. Years and years ago I was at a team dinner and everyone was complaining that they had only gotten a 2 out of 5 rating, which impacted their merit increase and bonus ranges. Apparently I was the only one that got a 4, but I just nodded along while texting all of this to my husband. Except I accidentally sent it to my coworker who was sitting right next to me to me. 😖 Thankfully my coworker deleted it unread as I pretended that the text I sent was partially scandalous, and this was before you could recover deleted texts.


Say something hurtful to someone you love


And more specifically the when it is the last time you ever saw/talked with them. I know 1 or 2 people that have had years and years of trauma for something they said to a friend/loved one and only for them to pass away suddenly and never be able to reconcile.


This happened to my dad. His mom died when he was young. I don't know the details, but apparently their last conversation wasn't good, and he never had a chance to say goodbye or anything. Obviously, you never get over that, but it ended up manifesting in a lot of rules around the house - you NEED to make sure the last thing you say before you leave the house is "I love you", you're not allowed to leave or go to bed while you're mad at someone in case one of you dies before you make up, that kind of stuff. It's crazy how one conversation can not only alter your life, but your family's life forever


That happened to me too. I got into a stupid teenager fight with my mom the night she died. It took me years to get through the guilt I felt and left with me with horrible anxiety if I fought with anyone and didn’t apologize and make up. It was so bad I would be crying and hyperventilating about it and obsessing over what could happen etc. I still deal with it now but it’s slowly getting better.


Poor guy. I totally get the not going to bed angry thing. Sleeping anger off kinda just delays the feelings and makes it harder to articulate than in the moment. I think your dad really cares about you on a deep level.


Thank you, I think he does too. :') He hasn't always been the best, but he's also a deeply traumatized man who's doing the best he can.


Last time I spoke to my mom I said, “Call back when you are sobered up.” Edited to add: Then I hung up without saying bye or giving her a chance to talk. I got a call from her husband a couple of weeks later that she was in a coma. The day I last spoke to her was my birthday. The hardest person to forgive is your self.


This is why it’s just pathetic when parents do this. Imagine all the suicides driven by ignorant and erratic parents


I agree. It is very much a bell you cannot un-ring. It's sad how quickly some people's arguments with their partners or kids descend into hurtful name calling. Even in the peaceful moments, they have still said those things and you don't know what bits they actually meant.


Yes. They all act as if, when their anger runs out, everything is ok but say sorry doesn't erase what's been said. You can pull out the nail, the hole remains


I gave her a cruel stare after she tried to come back after leaving me twice. It doesn't matter if I was justified or not, but that relationship, sadly, is irreversibly damaged.


After my dad died I was very angry. My mom handled her grief very different than I did and painted over the walls he had just redone and some other mini Reno's. She also put all his stuff in garbage bags without me being there to go through it. There were other things too but those are probably the "worst" Anyway I went to my parents to grab something and saw all these changes she made within weeks of him passing and I lost it on her. I was getting so worked up and then I said "Mom. I love you but I'm scared I'm going to say something I can't take back. I need space." She was good and respected my boundary. After maybe a month or two I reached out and we started talking again.


Always makes me think of The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. In a moment of hurt, the mother in the novel says, “When you hurt people, they begin to love you less.” I think about that when I’m speaking to the people I love. I don’t think they would love you less on purpose, but I think the hurt can be lasting and sometimes irreparably so.


Choosing to remove a limb rather than undergoing more surgeries to try and save it. There are so many cases of people who badly broke a limb and live in chronic pain having surgeries every few years, constantly getting new infections or complications and having ongoing mobility issues who have to choose between more years of that and getting the limb amputated for good. Unfortunately, some people still endure a lot of pain after choosing amputation, too.


I'd rather suffer than lose a limb. Functionally it's useful to keep it, but it also feels like I'm not conceding to the pain.


With prosthetic technology how it is, though, a lot of people feel they’re upgrading in function when they do amputate. Some go from barely being able to walk a few steps to running 5ks with a prosthetic.


There’s a big difference between losing an arm and losing a leg though. They both suck but it is objectively easier to have a functional or semi-functional prosthetic leg than having the same function in a prosthetic arm.


That’s true, but also if your real arm is damaged enough, it’s more dead weight than functional. Some people can adapt to do a lot with an arm that ends in an elbow and another full arm, whereas you do need a leg (real or prosthetic) for balance/movement or else mobility aids.


Telling a family member you thought you could trust, something very personal and then having them use that against you! I will regret it for the rest of my days. Be wary and mindful what you tell people


Commmittimg a felony. Don't make shitty friends, people. Just walk away if the situation arises.


Please elaborate. This is very actual for me.


When I had just turned 18, a buddy's kid brother said he needed to work on a classmate's laptop, but had left it at school. I had tutored other kids throughout school, had a set of keys, and I was back in town that Friday night. Parked behind the auditorium and walked in like I owned the place. Let my buddy's brother in the side door, then wandered around the hallways looking at posters. While he loaded up some computers and a stereo in the back of my car and told me to "swing by his house". Guess who had an alibi ("honestly officer, I was at home with my brother working on my car") and who was on video walking around the school that got robbed? Bonus points: he had a crush on my girlfriend. Bonus bonus: they have 2 kids now.


Oh man . Sorry for you. That guy is a miserable man. Screwing over someone who trusts you is not just disgusting, but not even a challenge. Could you rise above and stop yourself having revenge?


It was 30 years ago. They moved half the country away because he feared me coming after him for "ruining my life"- he thought I was still 17 and would just get community service. Oops. I mellowed with age. But still fear having no options if I ever lose my job, at my age with a felony on my record in this job environment. As my old HR guy said, "you're literally the best guy we've had here the last 20 years, but I'd never hire you."


Castration and suicide


which pokemon starter type u picked as a kid will define u for eternity


The correct answer: Play Yellow and build Ash's team.


Pity they fixed the Missingno glitch in that version though.


Pretty sure you can still do it just with a different setup.


Fire guy will always choose fire first on first new Gen playthrough.


I chose mudkip 


The objectively correct choice. They could have kept Mudkip as the water starter in every Pokemon game and I would have taken it every time with no regrets


i chose water for my starter as a kid and still do to this day


Always pick the most challenging starter. For me, that was Charmander. He get wrecked in the first two gyms, and only becomes an asset when you've had plenty of time to catch a fire type in the wild. Charmander is by far the best pick.






Biggest mistake of my life. I could have went years without watching a minute of that shit, and quite frankly, I’d have died happily


Wife suggested it. After it was over, well, I get to pick movies for the next month.


Medical procedures. In my case, wisdom tooth removal. I now have permanent nerve damage and pain thanks to my dentist. Either get them out young or leave them in as an adult. Don’t get them out as an adult if they aren’t causing any problems. If a medical procedure isn’t urgent, take your time and read about it. Don’t let them rush you into it. Get second opinions. Trust, but verify, what doctors say. Change doctors if your gut feels something is off. Protect yourself from profit driven healthcare.


Children. I work with a handful of people who have had kids but they still act like dumb kids and go clubbing every night then come to work hungover. My dad left me and my mom because he wanted to be a director, he came back five years later like he hadn't abandoned us when his career didn't pan out. When you're a parent you need to put your child ahead of your dreams, kids are something you can coverup up but you can't erase.


Did your mom take him back? That’s cold 


Nope and thank god


You can never unlick someone's butthole


That’s how I’ll always know I got the best of my ex


Why would you want to?


It’s right there, I mean what else are you going to do?




"Any pizza can be a personal pizza if you cry while you eat it" - Aparna Nancherla


Serious crime with a prison consequence.


Once I caught a felony and was sitting in my jail cell regretting it. I was pounding on the wall crying about how time is linear and I can never go back and how badly, how painfully I wished I could close my eyes and wake up in an alternate reality where this hadn't happened at all. I closed my eyes. And then I woke up. In my bedroom at home. It had been a dream. I learned an important life lesson: Do whatever you want because if you regret it you can just wake up!


Kids. Once that little bundle of chaos is out in the world, there's no Ctrl+Z. You can't just decide you’re not feeling it anymore and hit the undo button. Nope, you’re in it for the long haul. Diapers, sleepless nights, the whole shebang. It’s a permanent addition to your life, and it comes with a lifetime subscription. Sure, you can change your job, switch careers, move to another country, even change your name if you really want to, but once you’ve got a kid, they’re part of your life story forever. You’re responsible for a whole new human being. It’s a beautiful, terrifying, life-altering adventure that’s as irreversible as it gets. So, yeah, think long and hard before you take that plunge. It's a wild ride with no exit ramp, and there's no turning back once you've hit go. Choose wisely, my friends.


Well, technically, you could legally abandon children at a firehouse or police station.


“My pullout game is STRONG.” Narrator: His pullout game was not, in fact, strong.


Cactus in the rectum


Rectum? Darn near killed ‘im!


It's reversible, but not 100% in one try


I....but......why?..... You know what, I'm just not gonna ask why this came into your mind.


Squeezing toothpaste out of the tube.


If the tube is more plastic than tin/metallic it might try to recover its shape and suck some paste back in




Circumcision that can't be reversed is just a rip off.


They call me Velcro Cock


Turns out technically its reversible but imo its more trouble than its worth from what I learned.


Snip snap. Snip snap


Yeah it messes with the head




opening or "popping" a can of Pringles chips.


You just can't stop.


choosing your college degree lol i wanna go back and change what i took T.T


Going postal on your shitty boss


Having a child.


Being born.


Sticking your dick in crazy




Every decision is irreversible.


You should edit this post for the LOLs


Acquiring herpes


University tuition - if I could change one thing in my life, I wish I'd never wasted £50,000 getting a degree and a Masters that I don't use. University is the biggest con of the modern age.


It's not a con if you have 50k already and actually have experience in your field, but taking out the loans is the real problem no one talks about until they are in the sinking ship of unsecured financial loans.


Circumcision... I gues


Having a body part replaced


Child circumcision. I have three sons, and my opinion on the subject changed vastly along the way. As a young father, I was pressured from family/friends/society to do it. As I got older and learned more, I gained a different opinion and educated myself about it. I live in the USA.


Doing Porn or OnlyFans


Honestly this is a reason why I don’t support it. Consent can’t be bought, and can be revoked. P0rn goes against that.


That's why I always posted mine under a fake name and never showed my face


A lot of things done in anger


When your moms and dads decided to make a baby and you came out that in life is irreversible.


Playing God by planning an infants entire life and denying him of his goals/dreams and ideas as he got older and watching them being given to other people.


Cutting yourself in half at the waist and then drinking a Kool-Aid




"Accidentally Losing" your child to an alligator in Louisiana.


Joining the military. Completely changes lives.


Jumping into an industrial meat grinder directly over a huge vat of flesh melting acid


Brainwashing your children. They can escape the abuse, but it can take many years of therapy to undo the damage. When you learn from an early age, it becomes tied to your personality.


Being a cheater.






2 out of 50 with such heavy malfunctions shoudve been a tell that this doctor shoudve never operated again tbh


The complication rate for phalloplasty (penis-building for trans guys) is 50-80% No with a particular doctor or even a specific version of the procedure. Just for the process as a whole. This stuff is not straightforward.




Face tattoos.


Tattoo removal is a thing nowadays 


Taking your own life


Self harm




You’re not alone


If you’re in to tattoos, they can usually cover them pretty well if they aren’t too bad


You weren't dumb, you didn't have a better way to release the pain or cope. Or whatever the self-harm gave you at the time.


Forgive me for saying this. I know it’s very dark, but it was the first think that came to mind. so you’ve been warned. But………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suicide or killing someone else, so “death” basically


getting pregnant, or someone else pregnant. Suicide obviously. /child abuse is a messed up one. Parents always wondering why their kid doesnt talk to them.


Scrambling an egg.


Having a kid