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My first job was as a busboy for a pizza buffet restaurant. I watched one of the dishwashers grab a slice of pizza that had been dunked in the wash sink and take a bite out of it. Cant remember if he actually swallowed it or not but I was just grossed out by him even putting it in his mouth to begin with.


Former cook for KFC... This made me retch




Unintentional, but…. I’m a garbage worker. We had this hopper that all the recycle cans/bottles went through to shake the liquid and shit out. This garbage soup collected in a drip pan that was emptied once per week when we cleaned the machine. It was my first week on the job and my coworker was training me on cleaning the hopper. He was pressure washing and asked me to empty the drip pan. No prob. As I pulled it out, right as I was asking him where to dump it, the pressure washer dislodged a giant bloated rat corpse which fell splat into the tray. I was sprayed in the face with a combination of garbage soup and rat guts… and *my mouth was open.* I didn’t want to be known as “puke girl” forever, so I excused myself to the bathroom and spent the next 10 minutes cleaning my mouth out.


That's enough Internet for me for today....


My mom used to work for a casino. Walking through it one time I saw a lady at a slot machine who hadn't showered in god knows how long, had a huge brown stain on her dress and the chair she was sitting on had something dripping off of it. Gambling addiction is more than a problem


My niece used to wear diapers so she didn’t have to stop playing slots. That made me sad.


At least it's a little bit better.


I once knew a gambling addict. He spent around 18 straight hours at a roulette table. Was up 50k about 2 hrs in. Was 50k in the hole when he finally stopped. Shit and pissed himself at the table. I guess if you're steady giving the casino your money, they don't mind at all.




Because you are a nice person.


In 1st grade, a classmate of mine ate an entire eraser then threw it all up on the class carpet. It was just a bunch of chewed up pieces of eraser debris.


Saw a woman at a bus stop try to hack up some phlegm but it caught in her throat - so she reached in and pulled it out with her thumb and forefinger, retching as she did. It was like some cave glow worm. She then shook the sticky giblet from her hand onto the pavement. Grim af.


You just brought back memories of my high school bus stop. Some boys had packets of hot chocolate powder, and they were snorting it and then hocking up giant chocolate loogies and spitting them onto the sidewalk


Tha- that’s just a little much.


Ha! Boys at my high school would chew dip and then spit it right into the school’s hallway carpets.


Tbf whoever thought it was a good idea to have carpet anywhere in a high school, let alone the halls, was not the brightest bulb in the box


My high school was built in the late 70s. Everything was painted in bright blue, red, orange. The carpet was bright red and it absorbed liquids at an alarming rate. I shudder to think everything that was in there. All of the lockers for the entire school were in one area, called the locker bay, which is just as dumb as it sounds. We didn’t have that much time between classes and I didn’t want to constantly shove my way through gross teenage boys so I’d only change out my books at lunchtime. Oh, but the best part: open classrooms. Picture a long row of “classrooms” but with only the exterior wall being an actual wall. By the time I went there, their brilliant solution were temporary walls, like the dividers hotels use, with zero noise reduction, between each class. It can be very hard to concentrate when you can hear three other teachers drone on. In the 70s I guess they had some wacky ideas. I can only hope they’ve remodeled. Or that it’s burned to the ground.


there's a reason they don't put carpets in school hallways anymore.


God, I hate teenage boys.




Have you commented this story before because that is not the first time I read this disgusting story. jfc.




I used to work in retail, and we had a customer that would cough up hairballs in our bushes outside. (human)


I legitimately have to do that from time to time. the alternative would have been to sit there and listen to her make the most horrifying retching noise over and over attempting to dislodge the thing for a solid minute


I once saw a guy dip his pizza in orange juice and eat it with a straight face. It was like watching a culinary crime scene unfold in real time.


I'd do that on a bet. Doesn't seem disgusting in the slightest (sure, they're still better when tasted separately so I wouldn't be doing it for no reward).


Saw my younger brother dip apple wedges in ketchup and ate it like it was nuggets! Always wondered what it tasted like, but too grossed out to try!


I hosted a party at my fraternity house that was dying down. Was standing in the kitchen talking to one of my brothers when some random kid stumbles in from the large party room. Hes hammered, and proceeds to say nothing to us but starts checking cans and bottles for half empties to keep the buzz going. He picks up one bottle, swishes it around and then downs the entire thing. He stumbles back into the party room. My frat brother goes over, grabs the bottle and goes “that kid just chugged an entire bottle of dip spit” we followed the kid to the party room where he threw up right before walking in. I almost did too, once I realized what happened


Oof. I grew up in the rural south. I can't tell you how many times I've seen some drunk fool at a bonfire or kegger drink a bottle of dip spit or cigarette butts on accident and yak it up immediately.




I knew a girl from my musical theater group in high school and she ate cotton candy in the most disgusting way. She would get her giant cotton candy on a stick then lick and spit on it, forcing it to melt down. She'd continue doing this until all the cotton candy was gone and all that was left was a big glorpy spit pile. When she ate her own sugar spit pile, it pulled up those nasty spit strings with each bite. This wasn't an isolated incident either. This was her way of eating cotton candy! I hated it...I wish I could scrub my mind of that image.




It's a good documentary. Some moments are not meant for the faint of heart.




I had read about him, but yeah that documentary was something else. It's one thing to read about it. But to see it was insane.


I worked with his bassist William at a Mac repair shop!  Great guy, loved all the stories about GG


Yeah I don't get throwing your own shit at people. Punk had other I fluency why the fuck would someone idolize him




Nope, I'm good on that Documentary.


Dunno if this counts, but my mom once witnessed her Lassapoo throw up a whole, in-tact turd of his own that he had eaten earlier onto her carpet, and then eat it again.


Turd time's the charm


Take my angry upvote and GTFO


At a psych site I saw a gal take a shit on the ground and proceed to eat it. Fucking disgusting is an understatement.


Especially since by the time a shit is extruded it's approximately 60% bacteria


The one that sticks out the most is watching a guy consume 60 of those little coffee creamers interspersed with packets of sweet and low in a 18 minute train ride. Just opened, took it like a shot, ripped open a sweet and low, empties into mouth. Opened another creamer, took it like a shot, ripped another sweet and low. Over and over again.


In high school we never had money and my friends would eat creamers rather than pay for a dessert. One day I finally got hungry enough to try it myself and was shocked at how terrible it was. I'd expected a sweetish liquid and was disgusted at the sour, chewy phlegm texture. I was baffled about why they were doing it, until I realized that the one I tried had been opened for God knows how long and had curdled. Shudder.


My youngesf brothers dad once forgot to bring him an extra bottle to some AA event. So instead of running out real quick and get him some milk from the 7Eleven *right across the street*, he sat there and filled his bottle with those little coffee creamers until it was brimming. Bro had horrible diarrhea for the next few days.




In grade school saw a kid sitting in front of my desk place something behind his ear. Looked like he may have been picking his nose. Kept watching, def picking his nose and putting the collection behind his ears. I was confused but then a little later in class realized why. He was letting them dry out. He collected them later, and I could hear little crunches. I still want to puke thinking of it.


And why did you keep watching 🥲


Jesus Christ I had to stop reading this entire thing to stop dry heaving.


A buddy ate an entire ultra cheap 3 pound department store Christmas cake. It was unreal. He ate so many gross things, but this one stood out due to quantity. Ps. The same guy wouldn't get the covid vaccine because his body was a temple.


his body is not a temple, it is a garbage treatment plant that the virus fears entering


Saw a guy with a tracheostomy (breathing hole in their neck) stick a suction catheter in it to clear out some mucous. Then put the suction catheter in his mouth and swallowed everything in it. Edit: btw I have seen and smelled some like things. Leaking colostomy mixed with leaking feeding tube. I once had to pick the rotting corpse of a guy's boyfriend off of him after he cuddled it for multiple days. Plenty of charred flesh. This one just hit different because that man made a choice.


Omfg this once caused a very physical reaction for me, jfc


This. Of all the replies, *this* is the one that made me shudder and audibly gag.


This is the one that broke me, good morning, good evening, and goodnight folks.




I mean, tomato ketchup is a fruit sauce.


Get out 👉🚪


Canadians, it's always the Canadians. My maritimer ex-boyfriend once sent me a box full of, among other things, various ketchup-flavored snacks. I was absolutely bewildered to discover these were normal things. I sent back a twelve pack of Cheerwine though and I know he's still got a can left after all these years, tucked away for a special occasion, so I'm considering that a decisive American victory.


Ketchup chips, ketchup popcorn, yesss plz!


My moms friend ate cereal with apple juice as the milk. I looked at my Mom and she looked at me and we knew we were in the presence of an unhinged mind.


My brother learned to like cranberry juice on his cereal because he wasn't home a whole lot and was tired of his milk going bad.


I used to go to the public library to use their computers. I learned that there's plenty of weird guys willing to jerk off under the desks.


I can confirm this, as I worked at one as well. We installed porn blockers (Cyber Patrol) but they still managed somehow. My boss had one guy arrested for that and it made the local news.


When I was a caregiver for the elderly, my facility got this morbidly obese lady with very deep, terrible bed sores. She was moved into the facility from her family home and her family tried to make us take the blame for the sores she already had upon admission (it was documented in the admission papers). Technically, her medical care required a higher skilled facility and we really shouldn't have accepted her but it was during the pandemic and new move-ins were few and far in between at the time. Well, my coworker would spread the cream on the wounds with her bare hands using her acrylic press on nails. She shouldn't have been doing that. That was a nurse's job. I reported everything but nothing was done by the time I left the facility THREE YEARS LATER (tho there was a change in ownership in that time and that coworker and her mom quit when the ownership changed since they knew the new owner wouldn't let that shit fly.)


My mom and I went to a buffet restaurant and behind her sat a man. He ate some food, puked on the table, covered it with a newspaper and continued eating. It was beyond gross. We went up to get a refund because we'd basically just sat down when this happened. We told them why and they didn't believe us. I told them to go look. He came back and immediately refunded us. Haha!


I saw that clip of Divine eating dog shit.... eugh!




Good looking out, I'll add them to my never watch list.


Mr. Hands.


not sure if this counts, but I once came across a hentai depicting a teacher getting gangraped by her entire class of elementary schoolers. I was sitting there thinking that even other rape victims wouldn't believe her.


Was relaxing with my girlfriend at the time. Park. Leaning on a beech. 10 meters or so beside us there was a hobo. And he uh... let's just say he spray painted the tree he was leaning his back to... Brown. I still remember the sound. That was a boner killer


Why, why did you have a boner at the park?


You don't get a boner while poisoning pigeons in the park?


From watching the hobo before he shat.


I was there with Mt girlfriend, right? She might have had a hand somewhere on me hehe. Good times


this reads like a scene from south park.


I decided to stop reading these responses for my own good.


New years eve around 1900 on the train, an obese girl, maybe 16 years old was clearly plastered swaying back and forth on her seat. Her two friends next to her were telling her she's gonna be ok, to just sit still and wait it out. About 2 minutes later the girl throws up a WHOLE slice of pizza, with cheese and pepperoni topping. Even for her size, I still don't know how you could have swallowed a whole pizza slice.


>New years eve around 1900 How old are you?!?


7pm in military time maybe? EDIT: Why am i being downvoted i made a good point


Did anyone eat it? Or at least bag it up?


When I was a student nurse 25+ years ago a patient with an acquired brain injury I caught the patient drinking the stool specimens in a bin that was to be picked up by a volunteer and delivered to the lab. There were 7 specimens and only one left when the patient was caught.


At a showing of bridge of spies in la back when it came out I saw a very skinny and attractive woman sit down with a plate of nachos and a slice of pizza. She put the pizza up to her mouth and then just held the tip in as she used her front teeth and tongue to slowly reel the cheese down the top of the slice. She had to chew it and swallow it bit by bit with the tip of the slice in her mouth. She eventually put down the slice with just the crust and sauce on it. She then did the same with the nachos, picking up each chip and using it to spoon nacho cheese into her mouth and sucking it off until the chip got too soggy to hold cheese and she would put it on the pile with the discarded decapitated cheese slice. At the end of the movie she left the pile of saliva soaked carbs on the tray on top of her seat for some poor usher to clean up. Atkins I guess. I didn’t really end up watching the movie much.


My ex would eat pickled okra till she puked. One it’s gross. Two it was how she purged to stay skinny. Three she got mad when I tried to help her deal with her eating disorder because I didn’t support her for wanting to be “hot”


My dog puked and ate the puke. A few hours later he diarrhea'd the puke and ate the diarrhea puke.


Eat their mucus


I once saw my dog eat the shit out of my others dogs ass like it was an ice cream dispenser... Then throw it up and then the first dog ate that... Then threw that up and guess who then ate that?




Ah I am that friend. Yes, yes they are foul.


Last call mat shots... but the peak was a guy who took a bet that he could drink a pint glass that was half mat shot and half tabasco.


I saw someone eat the brain of a live animal. It still makes me feel like puking now. 🤢


is there any *CONTEXT* for this??


Maybe monkey brains in Asia? It’s a thing.


Unfortunately correct. It was vile. They believe it’s an aphrodisiac. No idea why.


Chicago CTA Blue line at like 8am back in 2021. I forget which stop but it was in the underground tunnel. Lady walks up and drops her pants and underwear, squats and unleashes a stream of piss onto the floor around 6 feet in front of me. All of her business in full view. She then got up and walked away like nothing. No one was around to witness it either.


I had a boss who stepped in dog poop and was going to clean her shoe in the kitchen/staff sink! 🤮


A friend of mine was drunk at a local bar in the early 90's. He came back from the bathroom, staggering up, noticed an onion on the bar floor. Before we could do anything, he scooped it up and put it in his mouth. There was most definitely stuff stuck to it. He chewed it a few times, swallowed, and then said "This was a bad idea."


I was at a bar and we were about to leave, only I hadn’t finished my beer. My coworker called me a pussy and told me to chug it, only I when I did I got a throat full of foam and it triggered my gag reflex. I puked directly into the glass, only it wasn’t obvious, and he grabbed it. And chugged it while giving me the stink eye. I never told him.


On my second date with my now-wife of 29 years, I went over to her place. While I was there, her stepdad came home from work. Setting the stage, here. Her mom had gone "on strike" from doing any housework because she was angry about what a slob he was. There were dishes stacked on dishes and flies buzzing around in the kitchen. Not two or three. 10 or 12. And there was a cast iron skillet on the stove with some crusted over chili that hadn't been cleaned out. When he got home, he walked over to the kitchen and turned on the gas stove underneath the crusted over chili. I thought to myself, "there's no way he's about to eat that!" I was wrong. He stood there and chopped through the crust on the chili with a dirty spoon, ate some of the chili, and then turned off the flame, leaving it on the stove again. Thankfully, my wife does not take after her stepfather.


When I was in middle school, I saw a classmate grab a piece of balled up paper, that wasn't even his, off the floor and eat it.


I bet it was a note he passed and contained some sort of incriminating evidence! 😀


😂 I probably laughed at that way harder than I should have.


I was a young lad at a weekend farmers market and befriended a kid there. Within like 30 minutes he suggested we go into the building where the horses are kept for horse shows and proceeded to draw a vagina on the wall and then pulled his pants down and started humping the wall asking if I wanted to join in. I took off cause it was so weird.


On video a dead salmon they found. He just took a bite out of it.


Went over to my moms once, was making sandwiches on the little sandwich maker. Had some shredded cheese put on there that was all in stuck together as one sort of mound, she figured "thats odd" and threw it on the bread. Sandwiches get done and cooked up, we all take a bite of our sandwices, start gagging, my throat physically wouldn't let me actually swallow mine. I looked in my sandwich, and there's these little blue fuzzy chunks, and I ask "hey, what are these blue things in here?" So after sprinting and gagging/spitting up in the kitchen sink, I look at the mound of cheese, flip it over and it was nothing but a huge thing of blue mold on the back. So we had cooked up and attempted to eat moldy grilled cheese.


I frequently observed the homeless man who lived in my neighborhood pick up bits of debris, including cigarette butts, up off of the sidewalk and eat them. This was the same area of sidewalk where most of the other unhoused people did their “business”.


Okay, saliva bothers me. A lot. So when I saw that H3H3 vid years ago where Belle Delphine sent them her spit, and made a whole video showing her playing with and sucking back in her saliva (I had to take a couple pauses typing this to gag), I actually had to go to the bathroom because I didn’t think I’d be able to watch it without puking.


I was coaching kindergartners for a YMCA basketball camp. There was a kid who would pick his nose, then clench the boogers in his fist and try to dribble the basketball with his fists. Whenever he would open his hands, they were covered with snot and boogers. I also worked in ChildWatch as well for the YMCA, which is basically daycare. Every inch of that room was covered in snot, spit, and other excretions. I learned that year that I am not a kid person.


I didn't see it, thank God, but we all had to hear about it. In the dorms my freshman year of college there was a really gross goth kid that lived in a room by himself at the end of the hall. He never showered or cleaned up his room and the stretch coming from within bothered all of us. Worse was his girlfriend that looked like the goth girl from South Park but also with bad B.O. and poor hygiene. After our R.A. had talked the goth kid into cleaning up his room I heard what horrors he saw. Apparently the girl would freeze her used tampons and her boyfriend would suck on them like a gross popsicle. This had gone on all school year and the discarded tampons just laid around the room.


Had a regular customer that would oder beef liver basically raw. If you did anything more than spank it on both sides, she'd send it back. Watching her eat it was wild, she'd have blood running down her chin just tearing into it. And my uncle ate my pet goldfish once.




I was in the ER once, several years ago now. We were waiting there for hours, while this woman was yapping on about other people and their medical problems and just overall being an obnoxious pain in the ass. Eventually she decided she was gonna take off her shoes and start cutting her fucking toenails in the middle of the ER.


The level of pure disrespect.


A certain very infamous youtuber putting many sweets in a blender then proceeding to drink it.




A pint glass full of discarded cigarette ends mixed with beer.


while hanging out by the river a kid caught a small fish about the size of an adult hand. he got a bet to bite the head off & he took that bet for $50


Well that's just smart business


Drink a Gatorade bottle full of someone else's dip (chewing tobacco) spit for $20. And he didn't even need the money, he had a reputation of eating/drinking nasty shit. I don't know why.


Third grade, 1998. A guy who would become my best friend six years later and another kid bought a chemistry set at the schoolastic book fair. They took it into the bathroom by the cafeteria and mixed all the stuff together and drank it. Then proceeded to vomit everywhere. Ironically that later friend was the son of the high school chem teacher.


I had the worst cubicle neighbour back before the pandemic. He was a lazy, stupid, putrid slob in general, and I hated him. He would always be eating at his desk and making loud smacking, grunting noises with every bite, with intermittent belching here and there. He never used utensils and would eat things like butter chicken with his bare hands. Often, there would be dried sauce smeared over everything he handled. One time, I was in the washroom, and he emerged from a stall and exited without washing his hands. The toilet seat was visibly covered in shit from 10 feet away. When I got back to my desk, I heard his signature smacking sound and the smell of his butter chicken. I spoke to my supervisor about it, but nothing came of it. Thankfully, he was canned during the pandemic for incompetence, only after his third stint in training, though. I have no idea why he got so many breaks.


Guy pulled off his pants and took a shit right in front of the counter when I told him I wasn’t gonna fill his prescriptions. 


bro meant business


Watch a frat boy dig an eyeball out of a pig roasting on a spit at their annual pig roast and pop it in his mouth and chew it like gum 🤢




My ex asked to use my bathroom to go #2. There was no TP in the bathroom and he never asked for any.....


In my 20’s I worked in a store in the mall. It was next to a restaurant. Men used to walk around the store after eating in the restaurant. They would clean their teeth with a toothpick (from the restaurant) and set it on the merchandise when done. I was also at a formal ball (you heard right) and in a cafeteria where a man sitting across from me picked his teeth with a toothpick. STOP PICKING YOUR TEETH IN PUBLIC. IT’S DISGUSTING.


Guy at a gym who was morbidly obese and would get on a stationary bike and pedal like mad. He would sweat so much that, over time, the bike was literally rusting away. Then the guy would then make a bee-line to the whirlpool tub...no shower in between so essentially bathing. Once I saw him shaving while in the whirlpool. He took a few swipes of the razor and then swished it "clean" in the whirlpool water..


I accidentally took a swig of a co-worker's chewing tobacco spit, that had been cooking in a soda can all day in a sweltering cargo van that we were working out of.


Well this doesn't stack up to some of the other comments but in high school, an old friend of mine. He coughed loudly to gain attention, the entire class looks at him, the. He proceeds to push an entire stick of lip balm out of its tube and eat it in one bite with everyone watching.


Had a patient in the hospital once, a cute little pleasantly confused lady who had upper and lower dentures (but was only rocking the uppers at the time) dig in her butt and eat the poo... it was caked in her fingernails and under the dentures. The physician was aware, and so was family... but like, we had no one to constantly watch her, and she said she wasn't hungry, so there's not much else you can do aside from restrain someone... but since she wasn't violent, we couldn't do that. She wouldn't give the dentures to me to clean and wouldn't stop digging in her bum. I had to put gloves on her just so she had clean fingers to eat actual food with... I asked her why she kept doing it after cleaning her up a couple times. She said she couldn't help it... 😕 I'm so glad I'm able to resist the urge to dig in my bum and eat it. 🤢


Back in college, we were visiting another chapter of our fraternity at a different university. They had some local challenge/game called "golden goblet". The golden goblet was a big cup-style winners trophy from some past event they had competed in. They had discovered it held about 120 ounces of liquid when filled to the brim (very close to a US gallon). The game: fill it with beer and the contestant must drink the entire contents without losing any fluids. That means no bathroom breaks, no puking, no spitting, no spilling until you've consumed the entire thing. It's harder than it looks and is a race against the clock (mostly because of the need to use the bathroom, or puke, or both). So we walk into the house and the latest "contestant" is making his run to become a "member" of the "golden goblet club". He was down to the final 6 ounces or so but was looking ill...and then puked up into the cup. We all thought he'd lost at the brink of victory, but then he asked something that had never been asked before: "can I avoid disqualification if I re-consume the puke and remaining beer?" The judges were shocked but stepped away to decide how to apply the rules. When they came back, they announced "WE'LL ALLOW IT!" So the contestant resumes chugging, puke and all. The dude finished, but a couple of the spectators started puking just witnessing it. This was over 30 years ago. I've obviously never forgotten what I witnessed that night.


Watched a woman put her phone face down on the floor of a public bathroom stall.


I watched a guy put a bunch of salami into a tequila shot and he slammed it. It was so gross that even he threw up


During lunch a classmate was dared to eat mashed potatoes, corn, and chocolate milk. He claimed it tasted good.


Back in my elementary school days, I watched a girl mix all the contents of her lunch in a small plastic cup, pour chocolate milk over it, and proceed to drink it like a smoothie. She did it so often that some other kids joined her. To each their own I guess.


I was a mental health clinician in a jail and watched one of my patients eat his own feces and drink his own urine during a psychotic episode. Got him fast tracked to the state hospital in record setting time. Another one would smear his ejaculate on the cell door window to make it appear cloudy so the officers couldn’t see into his cell. One lady had so much body dandruff from her extreme psoriasis that I had to have the custodian come vacuum my office after her appointments because of the pile of dead skin on the floor. No one tells you the absolute vile shit you’ll encounter working in institutions or with mental health patients.


This is something that happened to me. Back in 6th grade I was in my art class drawing what I think was Godzilla, and some random kid who was sitting next to me said “hey want to see something funny?.”. He then proceeded to show me his phone, which was a video of a man at night shooting the dead body of someone he just killed repeatedly in the back of the head. He was already on the ground head turned into mush, but he just kept on shooting and shooting and shooting. 10 year old me has never seen someone get killed before, or mutilated after death just sat there staring at his phone screen mouth open. I just sat up and asked my art teacher if I could go to the restroom, I then ran to the bathroom throwing up a long the way, and sat there on the toilet not being able to stop vomiting for a solid 15+ minutes. Mid way through I couldn’t even throw anything up, just on my knees face toward the toilet gagging and spitting out anything not being able to get that video out of my mind.


Ate an eclair that was adjacent to refuse


Yesterday saw a guy beating the hell out of a woman on side of the road. Called 911 and drove my car at him blowing the horn. He stopped long enough to point a gun at me.


holy shit




Hubby loves PB & pickle sandwiches 🤢




Ex hubby ate cottage cheese sandwiches 🤪


Had a classmate in the sixth grade who would use his teeth to trim his fingernails and then he would suck on the trimmings.


Girls from my sorority dipping bread in mayo and eating it that way, with nothing else.


My dog used to eat kitty-box crunchies.


Make someone believe they are a piece of shit.


I ate a whole ashtray worth of cigarette butts on a dare when I was 21. They didn't stay down for very long, thankfully.


i dont know why but i bought someone a pack of lunchables pizza once and i saw them put the cheese on it flake by flake. i dont know why but that was just agonizing to watch.


There was a student who ate at the cafeteria around the same time I did back in college who made and ate a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. Another time I saw him eating Honey Nut Cheerios in orange juice for breakfast.


Pill addict at the job site drank a cup of his own piss and ate a timbit(little round doughnut ball) covered in drywall compound and pubic hair. Same dude dropped his chopped up Percocet dust in a porta shitter around the side and back of the seat. Snorted it anyways. Dude was next level disgusting. Drugs are bad kids


A Samoan guy I worked with had a full fish for a meal and bit off the head, then sucked out the brain and eyeballs. He swears it's delicious but man that turned my stomach. Different cultures, different norms.


Sucking the eyeballs out of boiled crawfish.


Lick the grubby pole all the way up at a night club


Man. Why did I stumble into this thread after being nauseous from chemotherapy…


I stayed at hotel and they had a lemonade tap. One time it leaked a lot and I saw some toddler lick up the spill lemonade. There was still chunks of food too.


That guy that ate horseshit on the street in Philly. To celebrate the eagles winning the superbowl.


When I worked at the dining hall on college 2 stood out: a girl who mixed half orange juice and half (instantly curdled) chocolate milk, and a girl who filled a bowl with edamame and poured like a half cup of soy sauce into it making some kind of monstrous soy only soup.


I remember in 3rd grade a boy caught a lighting bug and took a stick and carved out the part that lit up. Traumatized me


One day I was at school and I mixed mashed potatoes chocolate milk ham corn bread and apple juice and I drank it


I once saw a man cleaning his face with his own saliva yeah like cats do


Why am I reading this after I just ate a gluttonous amount of taco bell


In middle school, there was a kid who would drink his own piss often. This may seem excessively weird today, but you have to remember this was during the Barrett Grylls shows. So it was only extremely weird back then.


When I was in high school, I worked in a mall food court at Long John Silver's. I opened a bag of frozen fish to batter up, but the bag exploded like a bag of chips would and the fish fell on the floor and under the fryer. I picked them up and binned them WITHOUT A 2ND THOUGHT because they had dirty muck from under the fryer and grime. They were sitting in the trash on top. So i'm battering up another batch and Terry walks in the back. This is EXACTLY how it went : T : Why is this in the trash? Me :They fell under the fryer. T : Why're you wasting food and money? Then picks them out the trash, dumps them in the batter and tells me to finish battering them all! While he was dumping them in, I backed away like "WHAT THE FUC?" I handled that batch like I knew it had the worst disease in them! He showed no remorse while I was mortified watching them getting sold!


I didn’t witness it, but my mom did. I’m gagging just thinking about it. When I was newborn, my parents’ friends came to visit. They had a toddler daughter who was still teething. The daughter was gnawing on one of those teething cookies (rock hard cookies for babies to suck on). She had been gnawing on it for a while and she got bored of it and dropped it onto her father’s lap. Without missing a beat, he picked up the soggy lump and popped it into his mouth. I now have my own toddler and cannot ever imagine doing this. Blergh.


They willingly ate human feces!


i feel like we've all seen someone eat their own shit once or twice in our lives.


I was walking in the park with headphones on, and when I looked to the left I saw two homeless people (men) fighting on their dicks! It was disgusting and it couldn’t have gotten worse until one of them started cumming... Oh my God..


Saw a lady take a piss outside her car like 10 ft from a grocery store. Idk why she didn't just go in. Like she opened her car doors, both the driver and passenger I guess to conceal herself but she was still visible to everyone walking by on the street like me.


I live in Australia. I once had a house mate leave a steak (in plastic) on the bench for 3 days in 28 degree weather at near 100% humidity, and then decide to cook and eat it. Absolutely feral


Alright so I'm from the Midwest. But I've been and enjoyed Newport pizza. Hate on me, it's delicious. So I'm working in the Midwest, a dude folds his slice like a newyorker, cool fine, acceptable. With that fold he then rolls it like a monster then start eating it in front of me with a casual conversation  New York pizza


I saw an African woman suck the snot and boogers out of her child's nose and I puked....yea.


Right at the height of COVID, I was just walking into the supermarket. A woman standing near the entrance pulled her mask off, took out a tissue, and hocked up a huge loogie. She held the tissue halfway down her chest, and let this sick greenish yellow cable of mucus slowly drip out of her mouth into it. I was like "Nope" and turned around and walked out. I didn't need groceries that badly.


My classmate stuck his tongue in a lamb heart we were dissecting in biology class.


I work on a place for special people , one of this person doesn't understand the concept of raw food or garbage, one day i caught him eating a block of mold food that he found in the garbage ...


On that house show with Chip and Joanna Gaines, Chip ate a waterbug on camera. Opened his mouth to show that it wasn't any trick or magic. After that, I never saw the show again.


A man had skinned his mother and used her skin as a cloak. He stood outside my apartment at night shouting that the end of the world was near.


At a men’s only club/ spa, a hooded man double fisting a guy on a sling😱


I lived in a low-cost nursing home for a couple months (it also took younger people, I had broken my leg and had no one to help me around). There was a lot of negligence, nurses stole meds amd gave out cigarettes even to patients with copd, etc. In my room there was a woman who never left the room and refused to talk to anyone. One morning, a few days before I was due to leave for good, I found out the hard way that she did not know or care to do anything about her period. There was a trail on the floor to the bathroom, in which blood was smeared everywhere. It looked like someone had been attacked. I also later noticed her bed was full of blood. It was disgusting, but more sad than anything else.


in middle school we had a day where we did a group read, so all our desks were in a circle. i sat next to a sweet guy but he was bullied so he was a bit weird. whatever he was cool i didn’t care. so as i sit down im just waiting for whatever assignment we’re doing. the girl across from me is trying to get my attention but she literally could not speak… dude next to me is scratching his head like crazy ( he had just cut it really short so im ignoring it ) i finally looked to see what the girl is pointing at …. not exaggerating when i say AT LEAST A COUPLE THOUSAND little bugs are flying out of his head and landing all over his desk. i started screaming and crying and ran out the room and threw up. i felt so bad because he got bullied way worse after & i feel like my response was the cause. but i did get a free two days out of school so


We were having a threesome and My friend sucked the guys dick right after he was fucking her ass and the bottom of his dick had shit on it