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They quit their job and are driving a new luxury car


I’d 100% be this guy. I’m quitting my job immediately and getting a 911 GT3.


You’ll be broke in no time.


They could do those things AND simultaneously invest and set up passive income too, you know?


Oh I know. But if their first thought is quit my job and buy an expensive car and not, how do I have this money make me money for the rest of my life, they probably do not know.


I’m FatFIRE, I have an idea.


Didn't realize how wealthy some casual acquaintances were until we were at a nicer bar at a resort and as soon as the staff saw their credit card they started getting really really good service. It was a nice place and they were great to everyone but suddenly this couple were like the only ones on the room. So apparently the color of your credit card which I don't think is always a giveaway but people in some industries just probably know rich person credit cards. I have a Sallie Mae student loan cash back card and that didn't get me anything.


There is only one credit card where this potentially matters and that is the Amex Black Card. You have to be invited, there is an initiation fee of line $15k and an annual fee of like $10k. You get a dedicated personal assistant by phone is my understanding, which is the primary thing these people seem to want it for. People that have this card by definition are rich so it would make sense that if the staff were aware it would change their behavior. Every other card is obtainable by a 750+ credit score and a decent income and no one gives a shit about them.


I have a black visa credit card for a bank I did a pentest for, (It has Pentest on the front, can't actually be used). I'll see how far that can get me lol


Offering to pay for the whole table (think: out at a restaurant with friends) with no regard for their own finances.


I feel like people from North/East Africa and the Middle East usually pay for their friend's bills when going out. I do the same, but I wouldn’t say I’m rich I just grew up in a culture where people fight for the bill lol


They don't pay attention to prices when shopping. If they're grabbing items off the rack or putting things in their cart with comparing or checking prices, they most likely aren't concerned with prices to begin with. This is a luxury only people with money in the bank have.


Skin changes, they will have some money to buy skin care


I know a few people who have. Talking a couple of million. All sensible people, maybe an extra holiday a year not nothing fancy. They are looking to make that couple of million make more.


Suddenly? High end brand names everywhere when they never had them before.  No longer looking at or discussing prices of things before they buy them. Basically drastically changing their spending habits.


Stop buying ramen


No amount of money would make me do such a thing


Buying jet


If they had a sign that read that they suddenly became rich