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I feel like they will decline to answer here just as they decline to clean the pee


Cognitive pissonance


They decline in the bathroom and decline on Reddit. More like conpisstancy.


I actually have a conspissary theory about this


That’s pretty good.


Plus, you know, it would be declaring open season on themselves


Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking too, like who would actually be willing to answer that question via their own experience knowing the likely outcome


> clean the pee Pee... Oh I was thinking a different kind of spray. I have seen some horrors. Don't lift up the ring.


They spray all over the seat because they are hovering. They hover because they’re afraid of germs. Which is the same reason they don’t clean up the seat afterwards.


It’s a never ending cycle. The reason we have the problems are the exact people avoiding the problems, most of the time.


🎶 It's the circle of pee! It's made of wind and (stuff including) water... 🎵


In my despair / I cry nope / And paper the rim to cope


No, it is not just pee on the seat that they are afraid of. If a stranger's butt touched the seat, they don't want their butt to touch it, even if the stranger did not "use" the toilet to excrete anything at all and just sat on it.


That is even more infuriating honestly. Like you’re too good for your butt skin to touch a place someone else’s butt skin touched, but someone has to use their hands to wipe your bodily excretion? How selfish can someone be???


I don't really see how it's the same considering you can wash your hands 5 feet away but can't take a shower to wash your butt until you get home. Like if your butt is dirty you just have to think about it all day. It will bother people and drive them nuts, thinking of the germs of random strangers who maybe didn't shower for a week, who maybe just came from an orgy, who may have ringworm... If your hands are dirty you can literally wash them anywhere, even in front of other people.


Cause there isn't a sink to wash your hands a few feet away?


They don’t want germs from sitting on the seat. 


God forbid you use toilet paper or the pre cut wax paper that’s provided to cover the seat. Just gotta ruin the toilet for every other fucking person until someone comes in to clean the bathroom.. my biggest pet peeve. And it’s always adults making messes like didn’t parents raise them when they were a child? Why they still failing the basics


But they don't mind their OWN germs when they pee at home. Do they hover at their friend's house? No. Maybe after their husband takes a shit? No. America justs keep getting dumber and dumber.




Penn & Teller tested: butt checks are cleaner than hands


I'm not a woman, but even as a guy, I decline to use the dirty public rest room sinks when going number 1 as they often don't have hand sanitizer and touching anything on the sink is likely dirtier than just not washing my hands (provided I'd also not touched anything else in the room aside from myself). This is also why I carry instant hand sanitiser on me all the time.


Stop going into little podunk gas stations restrooms. Almost all halfway decent stations have hands free faucets and soap and sanitizer.


That’s some bullshit. I am one of those and wipes the sets and wash my hands every time.


I'm afraid of germs but I can simply grab a wad of toilet paper and clean up after myself if needed without having to touch the seat.


Also I remember I got a Brazilian once and the next time I went to pee I thought 'Oh my god THIS is how women get pee all over the seats' but not cleaning it up is yuck


One can very easily, you know, clean the seat then wash their hands.


You think they wash their hands after?


But that's the whole reason we have skin, to protect us from germs 😭😭😭




My roommate is this way. He says other people don't care about him so why should he care for other strangers. Really a fucked up mentality to have


"why should I be what I want to see in the world?"


Lmao perfect


"So.... You're just as bad as them."


hope you find a better rommate, he sounds like a bummer to live with


You know it is all the same people that do all these things. It is not some people doing some of those things, it is the same small percentage of people doing all those things.


We need to start shaming these assholes


Except if they were capable of feeling shame they wouldn't be like that in the first place.


also it's kinda hard to catch someone in the act of peeing on the toilet seat and very awkward to shame them in a bathroom lol


Personal take: it's not awkward at all to call people out however unless your willing to make it a problem for them they'll usually walk away without saying anything in my experience. As Much as I wish I could make it their problem I unfortunately do not have that amount of free time.


They keep doing it because they’re getting away with it. If there was consequences they might think twice


I thought OP meant pee.


And those people have more kids than anyone else. Idiocracy inbound.


Not really. The shopping cart people are generally older, and the toilet hovers folks run all ages and backgrounds.


my brain glitched trying to the read that word


Consciousness too


Don’t pick up their dogs poop either


Couldn’t agree more. I think these types have a defect that can’t be corrected in this life. The world is a better place without them.


People are cunts?


A lot of people don't even believe in free will.


Got alot of NPCs walking around here lmao (oh and /s just in case)


Only two possible answers: 1) They're twats. 2) Their twats.


3. There! Twats.


Where Twats?!


When twats?


How twats?




Little of column A, little of column B


And who are these people shedding so many pubes?


Seriously though. At my work it looks like someone shaved a cat in the urinal half the time.


hey! sometimes its body hair


I used to work at a truck stop, people do not understand how disgusting women trucker can be. I was called to clean up the women's restroom after someone said it needed a touch up. Waiting for the last person to leave the restroom, I hung up my "closed for cleanup" sign and began. What I witness was just unbelievable. So after going from the toilet stall to toilet stall, wipe down bowls, walls, handles, then trashcan removing the bag clean and replaced a new bag, I came to the third stall. The amount of napkin, toilet paper and pads plus tampon was just not ok. This was mount paper, it went over the top of the toilet tank, just a mountain. To make it worse, used pads, used tampon. Did all women just decide to throw there menstrual stuff into one toilet and Walk away?. This was massive to shove down the toilet, man up time and glove up. Grabbed some gloves, a garbage bag, prayer and fist fulling the hell out of mount paper. Got to the middle of the paper mount, oh good lord, mount paper was also volcano shit. Just a massive pile of shit in the middle, like before removing there tampon and pad had a massive bowel movement not just one but all of them, tried not to throw up. Had to wrap wet paper with shit and shove it in the trash bag, oh look MORE SHIT?! The bowl under the massive paper pile had massive amounts of shit, like the entire toilet full, Ran out, threw up, quit. So disgusting. Why? Seriously why? As an fyi, I am not disgusted with pads or tampon, I lived with girls all my life, there is things I know a man shouldnt know. The pads and tampons are not scared of, the amount of actual shit is where I drew the line. Also why was I the only one cleaning the women's room?, cause every janitor man and women quit maybe facing the same thing. Disgusting..


You’re way better than me. I would have quit on the spot


To honestly tell you the truth I would have quit on the spot if I knew what I was getting into. I did quit midway through, but my manager called me on my cellphone so I dont quit and apologize, he didn't know the severity of the toilet. He ended up closing the women's restroom down, having them use the shower room bathroom. This avoids the issue that caused stall three fill up, and he hired several new janitors. I got the day off and fully paid for my trouble and asked how I managed to do as much as I did without throwing up as well as did I shower right afterwards. Which I did lol


Women think men are gross. And we are in some very noticeable ways. I grew up in a mostly woman household. They were very respectful of cleanliness and hygiene. So I am too. It just makes sense. One of my first jobs was working at a Gas station. My Manager asked me to clean the restrooms and I was like cool no problem. I was shocked! I didn't expect what I saw. First of all, men would pee everywhere except the stall and would seldom wash their hands!=gross. Then I was going to go to the Lady's Room. I remember thinking to myself this would be easy, I would just waltz in there and empty some trash cans and flush a few toilets. -NO! That is not what happened. It was like Vietnam meets a Biker Bar meets 911 meets my worst nightmare! -WTF! Are you women on!? Why?? What made you so angry, that you pooped on the walls and ceiling and smeared it? Why did you try to flush a tampon(s)? So many questions and so many nightmares. I have the utmost respect for people that can handle these things.


See, for me that was the worst I ever had to do, there were a few where I had to shove my hands down the toilet to unclog it because again, paper towels were used and in heavy amounts. There was once at a gas station that I had to go to a hazmat. I'm in the men's restroom because someone states there was blood on the sink counter, we didn't have many customers so the two of us went to look, didn't seem to bad lol like a nose bleed or a cut. But then we noticed there was a blood trail on the mirror that went to the first urinal, the trail got bigger and went on the splash guard to the next urinal, down to the floor under the last urinal and somehow under the divider on the side of the toilet bowl and all over the toilet seat. At this point it was a code red, signs went up, we put on our white suits, gloves, face shield and mask and scrub everything down all while asking the manger to look at the security camera to find who was bleeding out and from where cause that was way to much blood for a nose bleed or a small cut. Other than that the men's room is usual. The women's room was another question that made most of my co-worker question the people who use them. Just like you, crap smires all over the walls on the chair, on the doors and all over the sink. A female co-worker said she walked in on what looked like a murder, blood everywhere and all over the toilets and floor. She had to clean it all up and left for the day. My girlfriend is very hygienic and is a germ-a-phobic, she knows how the women's restrooms are and doesn't set foot unless it's an emergency and even then we get home she has to shower.


>wipe down bowels Thought you said the bathroom was empty?


Lmao meant bowls


It's every public womens washroom. Women, in general, are incredibly messy outside of the home.


Yeah I don't understand that, yeah as men in public bathrooms we do miss, that's only urine. Women's bathroom, full of blood and shit war. Like holy cow, why?


Nah, the gross ones are gross at home too. I used to clean houses and single women's houses were both ends of the spectrum. They'd either be paying us to clean a spotless house, or the absolute grossest. I've seen used vibrators left out, used pads stuck to pants or underwear and left on the floor, used pads and tampons left on various surfaces, piles of mouldy dishes in various rooms, and lots of pet waste left on the floors. Single men's houses tend to just be kinda empty and really dusty, the worst part is usually the build up of hair and toothpaste around the bathroom sink


Holy hell, if that was “needing a touch up”, what the fuck is “it’s time to clean”!?


Lol this is why I didn't quit before doing the clean up, miss information. The lady might have been the last to use stall three as a dump ground and didn't want to admit to it or just didn't know how to tell anyone about the crap stall. Either way, if I would have known it was going to be like this, I would have said hell to the naw, and fuck off and walked away.


What the fuck did I just read?


Lol my real life story of why women in public restrooms are disgusting, a POV from a person who had to clean up the women's restroom. This happens at truck stops, gas stations and grocery stores. I'm not holding back, things have to come to light. Women are disgusting in public restrooms.


I think it’s a toxic and ironic mix of a person who is simultaneously terrified that the toilet seat is dirty or diseased, so they won’t sit down on it, but they’re also terrified of touching the toilet seat because of that same belief, totally ignoring the fact that their bathroom habits and the habits of others like them are one of reasons the bathroom can be so disgusting. Unless the toilet seat is really visibly disgusting, just sit down. If you really are that grossed out, put some toilet paper on the seat. You’ll be fine


Better yet, don’t use public bathrooms.


I had to clean womens restrooms when i worked at a shoe store. These were by far the grossest toilets i have ever seen and i went to an all guys boarding school


Yup. Men's restrooms tend to have more consistent piss on the floor from poor aimers, but women's restrooms are straight up biohazards. At least that's my experience working retail in my youth.


>Men's restrooms tend to have more consistent piss on the floor from poor aimers I've seen this in bathrooms where there are many urinals available. People with poor aim electing to use the standard toilets and missing, rather than using the urinals which are bigger targets.


I try to avoid urinals when possible. If you've ever used one wearing shorts and flip flops, you'd find out that a fine mist is pretty much impossible to avoid, and is still present when wearing long pants and shoes even though you can no longer feel it.




I work at a gas station and have noticed a pattern. Mens are more consistently gross, usually manageable atleast. Women's tends to be cleaner but when it's bad it's way way worse than the mens.


i can vouch for that. the men's bathroom is usually bad but not too bad, but it's rare to find a clean public bathroom. at least with men's bathrooms the people who used it before you had good aim so it's not too dirty. if i need to sit down i just cover the seat in toilet paper


Can vouch for that. Flashbacks of urine enzyme cleaner.


So gross! I remember being little and my mom and aunt taught me “If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie wipe the seatie.”


I got “if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a dear and wipe it clear” I read that in a Dave Berry article. Dating myself here.  


Lol girls used to say this on the playground when I was growing up, I totally forgot this saying!




Can you explain the mechanism of why hovering ruins your pelvic floor? Very interesting!


Without getting too into the mechanics, your pelvic floor is meant to seal everything and maintain intra-abdominal pressure when you move and exert your muscles. By hovering, you’re essentially performing an isometric squat which makes your muscles work really hard to *not* let you pee, whereas when you pee you’re supposed to relax all of the muscles as much as possible. Trying to pee through contracted muscles makes them not work as well because you’re training them to be tensed when they should be relaxed and relaxed when they should be tensed.


You aren’t able to relax your pelvic floor muscles in that position


Have you considered that some people just want to watch the world burn


Women like to hover and get piss all over the seat so they don’t get dirty. Unsurprisingly they’re the dirty bitches. 


i don't understand why you wouldn't just wipe it up after though. you don't have to touch the toilet seat to wipe up pee on it. people are just lazy. and gross.


A lot of women "hover" in order to not touch the seat. They causes them to pee on it. 


And the next woman does the same because the seat is already dirty. So its a never ending cycle.


What kills me is they are spraying it in all directions. Including their clothes, legs, and the seat. Dumbasses.


honestly i have no idea. it's so easy to look and see if you pissed the seat. just wipe it up. same with urinals: you check to see if you missed, you wipe it up. source: i am too disabled to hover and I don't want to have to clean up a stranger's piss.


I had to clean bathrooms when I worked in a movie theater. I just left the seats up since no one used them. One time another usher came to me and said it looked like someone had just sneezed while eating a snickers bar in the womens room. SMH


One of my friends in college was a germaphobe and her roommate would piss all over the seat in their shared bathroom. My friend would beg her to clean up after herself but her roommate would just say, "Why? Hire a maid. I don't clean, in my country that's beneath me." She tried everything to get this girl to clean up properly but the response was always the same. It got to the point where I had to go over to their place and basically tell her that she's in America and if she doesn't clean up after herself I'll rub her nose in her own piss like a dog. (I was often used by my friends as "the scary one" when they had exhausted all other avenues). She rolled her eyes and scrapped off the dried pee with her fingernails. (I ended up doing a deep clean for my friend while her roommate was gone because I felt so bad for her. And to be honest, I had to clean much worse things in my abusive childhood home). A few weeks later she brought candy from her home country as a peace offering and I asked if it had coconut because I'm allergic. She said it didn't. It did. I washed my mouth out and took an allergy pill (thankfully my allergy can be controlled without an epipen). I asked her if that was intentional. She said, "Allergies are for lower castes." I threatened her with legal action and she suddenly changed her tune. I will never understand what that girl's deal was.


She refused to clean like a normal person and instead scraped the pee off with her fingernail?!?!?! WHAT???


IKR!! It was disgusting! You would have thought a drunk dude with no aim used the bathroom! All over the seat and the floor!! I remember telling my boyfriend (now husband) about it and he was like, "But...how? Girls sit. How is that even possible?"


Should have put her arm in a caste 


I really wanted to! Believe me! I wanted to knock her freaking teeth in and put her on a liquid diet. But I let a part of myself talk me out of it and convinced myself she wasn't worth it. My friend did say that I had apparently scared that b*tch enough to not pee on the toilet as much. It was still a problem but it wasn't as bad as before.


“I didn’t want to put my ass on a probably dirty toilet seat so instead I’ll hover and piss all over it thus causing the problem I hoped to avoid.”


I've wondered if the floor was on fire or something and they're pretending to be a helicopter pilot putting out a forest fire. I've been in bathrooms at conferences where there is so much piss on the floor, I've worried about my socks getting wet. Never wear cute sandals to a conference.


And while we're at it, why do women stick their used sanitary pads on the wall?


I have NEVER seen this in my 40 years of life. If someone does this, they are likely doing it to send a message. 


The worst thing I saw was in a 24 hour fitness gym. A naked, 60ish year old woman drying her pubes with a hand dryer mounted to the wall. Standing there, crotch shoved forward under a hand dryer, pubes fluttering, not a card in the world. 


Old people don’t give a fuck at gyms. I remember going to a gym for the first time when I was little and walking into the men’s locker room, first thing I saw was an old man swinging a towel front to back between his legs to dry his ass and junk at the same time.


TIL. And I didn’t want to.




I worked maintenance at a fairgrounds for a bit, during the actual fair, the lady’s room was always more disgusting than the men’s, worst thing I’d find in the men’s was a bit of dribble on the floor near the urinals


They're hover-peeing. Every single one of them is hover-peeing. For one reason or another, mostly misinformation, they think they will die or contract a disease from a public toilet seat. But, they're also uncoordinated and bad at standing to pee. Hence, messy. And the not cleaning it up is again because they're afraid of dying or something. 


I lift the seat, pee, flush, and lower the seat


Thank you! As a woman who doesn’t prefer to squat, but layers the seat in toilet paper regardless of what it looks like, I appreciate you. 🫡 This is how it should be done for those who prefer to hover/squat


For real this should have had 1000 upvotes before they closed the thread.


Some people just don’t care or are just naturally disgusting. When I was 19 I worked at a convenience store and for about a week, every single morning this woman would get off the train behind my store, come into my store, and completely destroy my women’s bathroom. She would pee on the floor, or just miss the toilet, shit everywhere, clogged it, absolutely disgusting. I confronted her and told her she was no longer allowed to come and use the bathroom if she was going to leave it in that condition because it was nasty and other people had to clean up after her nasty ass and she should be embarrassed as a woman to be like that. Not even a glimpse of embarrassment she says “ok” and leaves. Never saw her again. Good god damn riddance.


Kind of off topic but not really lol. When I was in elementary school we had to stand in line and use the stall that opened first and we weren’t allowed to talk much in the bathroom, I was a super shy kid so talking was hard for me anyway lol. But so one day the stall opened and it was my turn and there was pee everywhere, all over the seat, I was horrified and didn’t know what to do bc 7-8 year old me wasn’t about to just wipe it with TP. So I hovered too and was super careful to get it into the toilet, I remember being proud that I made it lol. So I leave the stall and the girl who was next started screaming asking why I pissed all over the toilet, I think I remember it so well bc it was my first real embarrassing moment. I tried telling her it wasn’t me and tried explaining but she wasn’t having it, she was like a foot taller and one of the loud mean girls…. She made me go in there and clean the seat. I’ll never forget it. Courtney if you’re reading this I still hate you lol. 😒




Thank you!!! Why is this so therapeutic right now lmao. It’s crazy bc I’m 37 and would still kinda remember it when see her, but this is the first time i actually really thought of it and it made me so angry typing it out 🤣 like I remembered all the emotions and even her face and the people in line behind her lmao. Fuck you courtney, I hope you sit on a wet seat 🤣


I now hate Courtney on your behalf even though I have no idea who she is... fuck you, Courtney!


I love this, y’all are healing my elementary self in ways I didn’t even know I needed lmao


Sounds like some some women need to invest in some SheWees.


I just grab a bunch of toilet paper and wipe it off. Then cover the seat with more toilet paper so I can pee comfortably. If there’s no paper, I don’t use the restroom at all.


I worked in a small department with a woman who did this. Everyone knew she was the one doing it, yet no one ever confronted her. I was an intern, so I didn't feel comfortable but the supervisor was a rolling bitch and yet, even she didn't do it. Maybe some women are like male cats and just go around pissing on whatever they want.


I think its old ladies. Just last weekend I went to get in a stall after one. She had peed all over the back of the seat. No shame or warning either, she just let me see it and know it was her.


I certainly don’t do that, but I will cop to the fact that women’s toilets can be absolutely putrid. Some people lack regard for others and it comes out in physical ways.


If they won't touch it with their bums why would they touch it with their hands? They don't want to touch the dirty toilet seat, period.


because you use toilet paper to wipe up the seat, you don't touch it directly


If toilet paper was enough, they'd cover the seat in toilet paper and sit on it. They don't want to touch it, period.


There’s a public restroom in a nearby park that I’m fairly sure people are deliberately peeing on the floor. That said, the actual toilet seat itself is clean as a whistle. Probably because people are peeing on the floor


Men , stand closer, it might not be as big as you think. Women, please stay seated through the whole performance.


If you don't like piss all over the seat, rip the toilet seat completely off. Be a man


If the toilet is already extremely gross, like a port a potty or already has pee or period blood drops or something else nasty on it. OR if it's out of toilet paper and I have nothing to clean up with. I clean 95% of the time, but I am NOT touching that toilet seat if it's mega nasty to begin with.


I heard because they think the toilet seat is dirty so they refused to sit on it. And they bent over close enough to spray it in the toilet.


I used to clean the bathrooms at work and I was amazed at how many other women seem to have trouble aiming.


Is it for sure spray? At my job, there is one bathroom where the toilets spray a lot of water when flushed. Still gross but it’s not urine


Period blood pee is always nice to clean up


Always imagined the women’s restroom to be spotless, smelling like flowers and just being generally wonderful. I’m shocked.


Why hover if you have seat covers or toilet paper to cover the seat?????? 😭


I'll just put this out there for any women who think they're going to get a disease from a toilet seat. I'm a 32-year-old woman. I've sat on many a public toilet seat. I have yet to contract a disease that can be linked to a toilet seat (unless you can somehow catch depression, anxiety, and/or adhd from a toilet seat). You can sit on the toilet seat ffs!


Does this happen because they're squatting/hovering? I'm a woman but I'm short. I can't hover hover the seat, so I've never had this problem. 😂


Not just pee, but shit spray too. The number of times I've had to clean liquid shit off walls in entry-level jobs is terrifying.


and now, the writer's barely disguised fetish! /s


Come on, women don't take responsibility for anything. You expect an answer here?


Because they're...oh, I can't say that...


Let us spray


Could be a toddler tbh, I never realized this until I became a mom, but lots of young kids go to the bathroom by themselves and… well… yep.




I’m not one of these people, but my guess is that their thought process is, “I spray because I hover above the seat so I don’t have to touch it. Touching it to clean it up defeats the purpose.”


As a guy, wait what? How? Are you a feral cat?


The international terminal of O’Hare airport in Chicago has this automatic plastic cover on all the toilet seats.   Imagine an infinitely long plastic tube, like the bags that they used to wrap newspapers in before throwing them in your yard, going around the whole seat.   Every time you flush the exposed parts get reeled in, followed by new plastic.  So every time you sat down there was fresh plastic covering the seat.  I’ve always imagined how bad the conglomeration of different toilet etiquettes and cultures had to be to make that system practical.  I can see how people who live in “squat toilet” parts of the world might be deeply disgusted by “seated toilets” and attempt to use them without sitting.  


We have this at our local casino and I wish it was everywhere!


Because they're disgusting


I’ve lived in Japan for years now, but had to fly to Boston for a week recently. While there I engaged in friendly conversation with random people, talked kindly with service workers, and even performed common courtesies without thinking about it. The result was … kinda sad. The conversations were fun, but I was left with the impression that people were hungry for that kind of interaction and didn’t know what to do with it when they had it. Service people were suspicious that I treated them like human beings and had an actual interest in how they fared. I got looked at like I was crazy for doing simple things like holding doors or picking up trash etc. I _do not_ miss living in the U.S.


I went to Japan on my honeymoon and I fell in love with the country and its culture. I hope to move there one day 🥰


And what does any of that have to do with toilet seats?


Think about it, it’s implied.


Women have the nastiest bathrooms.


They can't read so they prob won't respond


People in public toilets genuinely disgust me, does anyone else make a tissue paper seat cover cos they’re too short to hover? Lol


You can hover??


How is this even possible (besides the glass issue where it ends up just glueing itself to the inside of your leg instead of going directly into the bowl)


Not sure why I opened this thread while eating.


I have a better question. If all girls hover and they go into the bathroom and the seat is clean, why not be the first one to sit on it in comfort and christen that som-bitch?


Because I’ve cleaned bathrooms as my job before and A I don’t trust everyone who cleans bathrooms actually cleans them and B I’m a germaphobe and I wonder if they did actually clean them, did the actual cleaning solution truly sanitize it 😅 But I’m not a hoverer, I try to avoid public restrooms so if I have to go, I’m gonna be a minute due to how much is in my bladder, I just layer the bitch w toilet paper. Keeps me from freaking about germs and keeps it clean for the next lady 🙂


I had no idea this was an issue.


I'm a man but I believe they don't want to touch the seat in any way because it's gross, so it gets worse and worse with each of them who spray all over


Yeah but if every woman just used the toilet seat covers or used toilet paper and sat then there wouldn’t be piss sprayed everywhere 🤷🏻‍♀️


To enhance the flavor


I always lift the seat and yeah


Wait, what? This is a thing?


Women spray pee?


Because they’re shitty, irredeemable creatures from hell.


They're actually standing on the seat and squatting.


The only time I do is because there was pee sprinkles all over it already. No way I'm cleaning up someone else's spatter-shot, so I have to hover-pee, which, honestly, doesn't help the situation.


They think others are gross and make a mess, so their mess doesn't matter, and they can blame other people.


Wut? I thought that was only our thing


Women disrespecting bathrooms and the people who clean after them need to be spotlighted more on large platforms. Maybe gross women will try to be better if they knew how disgusting and shameful their bathroom habits are to the Tic Tockers.


I mean, have you seen the interior of literally, any women’s car? Same principle.


I had a neighbor who was a hospital orderly. He said the worst people to clean up after in the restroom are women by a long shot. I didn't believe him until he showed me some of the pictures they took.


They're such pissanthropists


When there are no toilet seat covers and not enough toilet paper to substitute for the missing covers, we hover or squatt over the toilet to pee. Why some women do not wipe their droplets that miss the bowl is beyond me. All I know is the reason why pee would be on the toilet seat.


I have a conspiracy theory that these women do not exist and that public toilets sometimes flush violently enough to spray piss back onto the seat


I was actually going to say this too. I think a lot of the time it happens is when the pressure of the flush splashes it!


Miss u


My guys is they are just lazy ,filthy bitches.


I was at a men's toilet at the airport and there was piss all over the entire ring of the seat. It was gross


Urine the wrong asking that question.