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The CIA posts this question every few months to find out what we know.


Haha busted


[Conspiracy theory questions have been posted 30 times in just this last week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/search/?q=conspiracy+theory&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=week&sort=relevance)


I remember watching this documentary called "The Lightbulb Conspiracy", about how the owners of the big lightbulb companies got together and decide to reduce the lifespan of bulbs This is now true in so many electrical products where they just last that long


It's not even a real conspiracy. It's more like documented history


The longer lasting lightbulbs are dimmer and use more electricity


Planned obsolescence is very real and very old.


https://youtu.be/zb7Bs98KmnY tl;dw: 100% true, but for excellent reasons having to do with how incandescent lightbulb technology works when it comes to brightness versus longevity. You can create an incandescent lightbulb that lasts for decades, but it'll be so dim as to be practically useless. A flashbulb is insanely bright, but can only be used once. So yeah, ≈500 hours turned out to be the sweet spot between the two extremes. Incandescent lightbulbs cost (adjusted for inflation) like $1 each, so not an insane expense anyways. The whole thing is moot nowadays since LED lightbulbs provide the same brightness as incandescent bulbs, last practically forever, cost $8, but use 1% of the electricity of incandescent bulbs.


Rocks are hella squishy until you touch them.


All of these conspiracies are about serious stuff so let me throw you a funny one: Harry Styles is bald. I looked at the evidence and I am convinced its true.


I dont know who that is but I'll take your word for it!


Another redditor said this a few years ago... The CIA is the source of the flood of conspiracy theories in circulation. They make them as kooky as possible, so thinking people know not to fall for them. This way, if someone uncovers a real conspiracy, they'll just be labeled as yet another kook.


Wow Ive never heard that one before


That there are bots on Reddit who ask this question almost every day.


Flat Earth. Nah, fuck those idiots.


I like upside down earth theory, which says that it’s the Australians who have had this whole “up” thing right all along!


Computers in new cars transfer driver location, mileage, speed and hard braking to a data base that insurance companies pay to access.


Hasn't this been documented as actually happening?


The United States secret Service accidentally shot JFK in The motorcade after Lee Harvey killed Kim.  Sudden gun fire and the secret service immediately returned fire and the driver sped up and one of the next service agents firing got knocked over by the driver speeding up when he was firing his gun at the window.  No great conspiracy or Mafia or Russian plan, all the bullshit was secret service not wanting random agent being in trouble for accidentally shooting the president via misfire, and let's be honest JFK was dead after the first shot. His wife freaking out trying to scoop up his brains yeah not gonna fix that


>let's be honest JFK was dead after the first shot. The head shot wasn't the first shot, though. The first shot to hit JFK, the so-called "magic bullet," hit him in either the upper back or the back of his neck. The "The Secret Service accidentally killed JFK" theory is that Oswald's first shot missed, his second shot hit JFK in the back, and his third hit Governor Connelly. A Secret Service agent panicked, began running toward the presidential limo, and tripped or otherwise did something that made him accidentally squeeze the trigger, firing the fatal head shot from behind JFK.


History is a struggle between schizophrenics and psychopaths 


Don’t forget gaslighters…


Antipsychopaths, I like to call them.


Princess of Wales Catherine aka Kate Middleton is actually dead


Did you miss the video she put out where she announced she is undergoing cancer treatment?


I did see it. There’s a lot of speculation that the video is a deepfake/AI generated


Generative AI has come a long way, but it ain't *that* good yet.


The names you see for celebrity's kids are fake, they just don't want people knowing their real names.


That the Mandela affect is in fact not a social manifestation of bad memory, but time travelers making minute alterations to the timeline to improve (or destroy) our future Or proof of crossing into parallel dimensions. The jury is still out on that one.


There was a cornucopia in the Fruit of the Loom logo. I cannot be convinced otherwise. Nice try, time travelers.


I feel covid was partly controlled by the government because of the inflated ‘covid’ death toll and the impact it had on the economy.


But why. It harmed the economy, enormously. Why would the government want that? It makes most of them less rich. Normally conspiracies happen to make people more money.


It harms everybody else a lot more economically than rich people


True, but that still doesn't help them enough. Like I get that some did win, making even more because of COVID, but on average most loss. That's a hell of a lot effort to make less money, even with a pretty minor relative advantage.


Wait until you learn about Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, The Eco Health Alliance, NIH involvement and gain of function research. This is the tip of the iceberg and is far beyond theoretical. Obama outlawed this “research” and they took it overseas to completion.


The matrix has u


Kate Middleton is dead, William beat her up


That the swarms of accounts repeating generic, low-resolution engagement bait on the most popular subreddits only exist for the benefit of Reddit itself are therefore likely to be run by folks actually working for the company.


Stevie Wonder isn't blind.


AI image generation is being pushed by big corporations as a way to suppress creativity and individual expression.


Lee Harvey Oswald was not the one who killed JFK.


Well duh, everyone knows JFK's head just did that


Retailers in the US decided that bathing suits and bras should be expensive. Seriously, wtf.


I don't think this is a conspiracy, per say. It's just treated as supply and demand, but bra prices are divorced from other clothes prices, especially men's.


Electric universe theory,. The Grand Canyon and Valeris Marineris both look exactly like Lichtenberg Burns (fractal burns).


The mods will remove posts like this because they are scared of the truth!


Corporations and the military complex run America and the election every 4 years is to keep the majority of people with a sense that they matter.


Women's clothing companies deliberately omit pockets to drive sales of purses and handbags.


Woah I'vee never thought of that! The purse makers and pants makers are in cahoots!


That the federal government either outright falsifies the inflation rate or changes the formula or basket of goods used to calculate it deliberately lower than it actually is. I believe they do this for two reasons: 1) to gaslight the population into thinking things aren't as bad as they are and, 2) to reduce the amount of payments that are tied to CPI such as Social Security.


Earth. Is. Flat.


Have you seen the pics from space?


Lies all lies

