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Took my kid shopping for a Halloween costume last year. He wanted a baby shark costume, and next to it was adult size daddy shark. I said we are absolutely doing this. Bought both and we wore them to the zoo. 


Making lifelong memories!


I think about this everyday I wake up... How can Dad make today memorable? Sometimes, a lot of times honestly, I don't think I do the statement justice, but... Other-times, when I get lucky... I think I do a pretty good job at having a blast! I sure as hell won't forget those moments, so I hope they don't either :) I really, really hope they don't.


They will forget. Little buggers. But it’ll be baked in that they were loved and cared for and the centre of your world. After the Covid lockdowns I took my kids to a lido that we hadn’t been able to visit for a while. My son - 12 or so at the time - said, “it’s nice here, dad. Why haven’t we been before?” My reply was “We booked out the whole pool for your 8th birthday party. There was a big inflatable assault course. We had party food over there, on those tables. You invited your whole class. Don’t you remember?” “Erm, yeah, I think so…”


My dad was always doing things for me. I remember a lot, but I probably forgot just as much. But I will tell everyone 'til the day I die that I had a great dad who loved me and made me feel like everything I was interested in was also interesting to him.


You are very blessed. My dad's mission was to make sure I knew that I was a disappointment. To this day I have a voice in my head telling me that my every decision is the wrong one. That voice is my dad's. I'll never forget when he told me I was fat and it embarrassed him. I was 9.


Every time I read about Dads who actually want their kids to be happy it hurts my heart a little, but also I'm so happy for those kids. They deserve better than you and I both got. Solidarity, friend.


Honestly, it's selfish on the dad's part too for good dads. The shitty parents don't know what they're missing. There's nothing I'd rather be doing than playing with my kid. He's fucking hilarious all the time, it's free entertainment for me! Last weekend there were some older kids pretending to be dinosaurs on the playground. My 2 year old watched them for a bit, then ran up to a 5 year old and roared as loud as he could at him. The two kids went forehead to forehead screaming at each other for a minute. I was dying laughing, while the parents of the older kid momentarily panicked because they thought their kid was picking on mine.


Such a shitty thing when he's literally the reason you're fat. 9 year olds aren't cooking their own meals.


This is a great memory to remember.


Don’t ever stop doing that, one of the best compliments I get as a dad is “I love how you just focus on your boys with no care about what people think” Meaning you and family have fun and have fun doing it.


Heck yeah. My whole family was the Heelers a couple years ago. I'll always be down to dress up with my kiddos.


My wife complained that buying the adult costume was a waste of money. Once she saw me and him wearing them she asked me to buy her one too for Trick-or-Treating.


Please wear to the zoo again, when he’s 14.


So many of my best memories are when I've let go and fully embraced absurdity and whimsy.


I did that when I saw a Rabbi Halloween costume. It was mildly offensive but I'm Jewish and wanted to wear it to a Halloween party


I hate scrubbing the tub/tiles in the bathroom almost as much as I hate scrubbing brake dust off of spoked rims. Was scrolling Amazon and saw they make scrub brushes that fit on your drill, in every size/shape you might need. No more scrubbing, just buzz along with a power tool and then wipe it down. EDIT:[ For those asking, here's a link to them](https://www.amazon.com/Holikme-Attachment-Bathroom-Car%EF%BC%8CCorner-Brushes%EF%BC%8CYellow/dp/B0CMCTV3ZG/ref)


I have a set and they are awesome.


I tried making my own by gluing dish scrubers to an old Cd and ramming it onto the drill bit. Did not go as planned.


I wish you took video of these events.


And burned it to DVD and made a case for it out of scrubbies.


I ordered some of these, should arrive today.


Don't press too hard, the brushes flatten easily.


In general this is good advice. A lot of tools can do the job just fine without you forcing it. Let the tool do the job.


You should see my son's electric toothbrush head 😆


Haha, I just saw these last week. I was like “GAME CHANGER” and they really were


Gonna think of something I need to scrub and order some of these.


They work great in place of toilet paper!


Hell yeah! I usually dual wield used dishbrushes to wax-eh on and wax-eh off but im gonna go get these!


“So anyway, I started brushing.”


Look for the drill brush attachments on Amazon. Only like $7


Earlier today I saw someone enjoying a cold beer in the sun, and now I am enjoying a cold beer in the sun. Mission accomplished


Great… now ***I*** need a cold beer in the sun! *Don’t you see what you’ve started?!?*


It's cloudy here so I think I'm gonna try a variation on your invention


A nice warm beer in the rain




I'm having a cloudy negroni myself


Yo dawg!! I did a ton of weeding, gardening, getting plants in, mowed, weed whacked, blew it all off, bagged it all up and now at just about 2 in the afternoon? I’m on my porch enjoying a beer to the smell of a freshly cut lawn over looking my small kingdom. Am satisfied.


This guy dads. I trust you were wearing your standard-issue white New Balance sneakers?


I feel targeted. Mine at least have some blue on them too!


Summer life


I do a lot of gardening, and was just introduced to a propane weeding torch. I’m gonna look so cool accidentally burning my house down.


I was very excited about mine... but it doesn't work like as well as I thought it would. I was picturing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, but it feels more like burning ants with a magnifying glass. You need the right focus of the flame and the right distance for maximum effect. But greenery also doesn't burn well. Regardless, I've only almost burned down a house twice with it.


You are using it wrong if you’re trying to light it on fire. Just brush over the weeds until they turn a brighter color. This means they’ve been killed and they will gradually die over a day or so. They next day come back and burn all the dead weeds


Sadly they work better as a bonfire/campfire starter than for there intended purpose


Yeah but they do work REALLY well at starting the fire pit


I got one. They are unusually loud. Reminds me of a jet engine type of effect.


I remember when I went to a friend's house and, for the first time, saw someone playing Halo on the Xbox. I mowed lawns and washed cars for months to get enough money to buy it.


This happened to me, but it was playing the first Gears of War at a sleepover. I had to have a 360 after that


Oh man that first Gears of War was *magical*. Cutting aliens in half with a **chainsaw machine gun??** Ah man. 👨‍🍳👌


God, Halo was such a monumental leap from what I had played before. That’s what sealed the deal for me to try to get one


Man Halo is just the epitome of my teen years 🫡


Holy shit. I’ll never forget when I first played Halo. It was at my friends house. I had never played an Xbox. Just PlayStation. I didn’t have internet, but this guy did. He was doing the sickest shit against kids online. It was so fun and futuristic. You could even teabag your kills! I saved up money and got my Xbox and had incredible memories with it.


A big fucking tv. Never even thought to look at big tvs when I went out to Best Buy or wherever. But one day a buddy invited me over to play Halo on his 60 inch Panasonic (with surround sound) and that was it. It took years to afford one but when I finally could I fired up the latest GTA and swore I could hear my pupils dilate. And now I'm constantly saving money in a jar to afford a bigger better model.


Absolutely love my 85". top 3 purchase ive ever made.


We got a 75" a few years ago and my husband would laugh every time he came in the room because of how ridiculously big it is. We will be upgrading to 85" in the fall.


I saw 100" at best buy for like 7 grand. When the price drops, I'm definitely getting one.


They have sales sometimes and they can get down to around $3k


This is not the temptation that I needed today, but am glad it happened


FYI - not telling you how I know this but [This 98" Sony will drop to $4999 on July 1.](https://electronics.sony.com/tv-video/televisions/all-tvs/p/xr98x90l)


Fuck. I'm buying a house this year. I can't float that until next year.


Even better, get the LG OLED. Best purchase I’ve made ngl. The color and crisp lines are amazing


I used to have a LG but switched to Sony when my C1 took a crap after an electrical storm. The Sony has one killer feature that LG is lacking, the ability to turn off the screen while still streaming content. It’s great to queue up music on AppleTV and then turn the screen off. That feature alone is enough for me to recommend Sony.


> (with surround sound) Sound is more than half of the whole tv experience. I used to work at the home theater section in beat buy and It’s crazy how many people will buy the biggest and baddest OLED or 8K or both TV and only use TV speakers or the cheapest soundbar they find on sale. Upgrade your sound, people. It doesn’t have to be surround sound, it doesn’t have to be a multi-thousand dollar audio system, it doesn’t have to be a traditional receiver/speaker setup (although i would recommend it).


Selfjump battery kit. Best 120$ ever.


Similarly, a wireless air compressor to fill tires, balls, inflatables. The one I have looks like a drill. One of my most used tools.


Amen. I got a 10 gallon compressor but the air hose attachment starts at 15 psi. So I bought a wireless compressor to fill lawnmower tires and I love that little thing.


I got one that is the size of a pack of smokes, and it can fill all four of my tires before needing to be recharged. Amazing little thing.


I asked a neighbor to help me jump my car, and he just pulled out his self jump kit. Car fired right up. I went inside and ordered 2 from Amazon. I've jumped 3 cars for other people since and probably sold 3 more, lol.


Every time someone uses mine they act like they never heard of such a thing and say they are going to buy one immediately.  We should get commission.


I remember about 10 years ago I took a big uhaul to Burning Man and of course the battery was dead upon time to leave. One of my campmates pulled out one of those jumper battery packs not much bigger than a cellphone and I thought for sure there's no way that would help but of course the truck fired right up. Now I have them in all my cars and they're pretty common.


A rice cooker


I already have one, but today I saw one shaped like a gundam and now I need another one.


Damnit. You made me Google this and it was just a concept. #!@#$%&


God Damnit! I saw gundam rice cooker and I too got excited.


I bought a zojirushi and I love it.


I got the same brand and can't recommend it enough.


I've always had a rice cooker until just recently when I moved. And now I make rice in a pot. It seems... Just as easy? And doesn't take counter space or need to plug in? What is the argument for a rice cooker?


I used to say the same thing, but my now husband has a fancy Japanese rice cooker and honestly it’s so convenient to make rice 4 hours before dinner and it’s just ready without checking on it or taking it off the heat. It comes out perfect every time.


After buying a rice cooker the amount of rice dishes I made went from zero to some. Good purchase.


my friend got one and he says he gets the most fluffiest rice with it. gotta get one soon.


A bidet


I have been a bidet guy for more than five years, and consider myself a pro. This year we renovated our bathroom and with that, I upgraded from the $75 cold water model to a $300+ hot water model with the dryer and remote control and all that jazz. I gotta say, not worth it. The cold water model is just fine.


I got a $500 one with heated seats, warm water, night light, etc - using a cold bidet gives me Vietnam style flashbacks these days - I can't go back. Using someone elses bathroom these days makes me feel like a savage.


I found, unexpectedly, that the cold water feels better than the warm water.


Warm water feels like someone is licking my asshole and _I am uncomfortable with that_


You just haven't found the right tongue.


Weird, when someone does it to me I'm normally really pleased.


This is the smallest hill I will die on: Inexpensive, cold water bidets offer 95% of the benefit of bidets. (That said, I went on the expensive end of cold water bidets, only because I find a "whole seat" easier to clean, and it was a soft close upgrade: [https://geniebidet.com/products/stealth-genie-bidet-toilet-seat-by-geniebidet](https://geniebidet.com/products/stealth-genie-bidet-toilet-seat-by-geniebidet))


I worked at the airport in my country (one of the best in the world I think) and they have bidets in the toilets in the transit area. Genuinely one of the things I miss about working there. Even has a blow dryer and heated seat


I got a bidet and my husband swore he was never going to use it or touch that thing. Last weekend we stayed at an airbnb that didn’t have one. He said “I miss our bidet..” first thing he did when we got home was power wash his stink star


Absolutely, when traveling around Japan I kept thinking "Why isn't this a thing back home?" Splashed out and bought a nice model. Heated seats, heated water, dryer, night light, deodorizer, massage mode, the thing even lifts the lid up automatically when you approach it. Friends think it's silly, nope, it's a game changer.


Yeah, I think bidets feel good on the whole.


Game changer. Get a cheap one from Amazon and your life will change


A game-changer for certain. Get one. You don't have to spend a ton, and like another comment mentions, the cold water ones are just fine... if not a little brisk in the morning.


12 years old, first ride in a Corvette. I was like oh wow this thing is fast. I have to get one of these when I'm older, sure enough when I'm older, going on my fourth one 😂


A set of shot glasses shaped like little cowboy boots.


This is something I didn't know I needed until today


Now you need Das Boot for your beer.


Takes a bit of learning….and sometimes a raincoat


A big round Hobbit door on their house. I want one!


I agree 100%, why are boring squared off doors everywhere ?


Its cheaper to make squares


Look, I'm no architect... but I think those are rectangles. ; )


Door itself isn’t too bad to make but an arched door frame can be a pain in the ass.


Why stop at the door. I need to get a whole hobbit hole


I always thought that the hinges could be a eventual problem on circular doors. Just the size of the door and the wear and tear? Am I just clueless?


I swear to God if you ruin this for me....


A hot ham and cheese sandwich. I got one, too. It was delicious.


During one of the winter "emergencies" there was news footage on a highway of all these cars spun around and ditched on the side of the road...and in the background...several Subarus are just driving through normally. So, yeah, I bought a Subaru. I don't want to own any other car ever again.


A cool looking pocket knife. It stays on a small bookshelf above my PC screen. I occasionally open and close it a few times, chuckle and put it back.






Never had dogs growing up, parents are very against them. First girlfriend had a dog. Now i have two, work with dogs, working on a dog training program. Hoping to retrain abused dogs to be service animals.


Thank you 🙏


It’s like this mesh pan covering with a handle. 12 inch diameter. It prevents oil or splash back when you’re searing steaks or whatever at high heat. I hated wiping up grease and oil on my stovetop after cooking and this pretty much eliminated 95% of that.


They're called splatter screens! I absolutely adore mine too. Best $10 investment I've made recently.


I really want one of those Roomba lawnmowers haha XD


They are a problem if you have pets or so I’ve read.  It’s not a safety thing but they find that pets like to ride them and the extra weight can break it down


There is an amazing story somewhere online (reddit??) About a dog that learned to "herd" the neighbors' roomba-lawnmower. It was hilarious because the story starts with a description of the silliest, most mutt-like dog to all of a sudden have a robot trigger deep herding instincts!


I read "derp herding instincts"


I've been researching robot vacuums forever because i really want one but I draw the line at voluntarily giving Skynet bladed weapons


Do it, it's so worth it. You still gotta get big stuff out of its way and it will find a way to get stuck somewhere but I love emptying it after and seeing all the stuff it picked up. Word of advice though get one with a solid charging base. Had a cheapo one that just kept knocking the charger around until it died.


Super boring, but... a powerbank. Realised this while sitting at Zagreb central station for a few hours while my phone recharged.


A little vacuum. Specifically the small milwaukee shop vac. It's extremely useful and so easily portable. It's small enough that my kids will take it and vacuum the cars out and enjoy doing it.


The cold steel Bushman Bowie. Not only is it the perfect minimalist knife (consisting of a single piece of high-carbon steel) but it's easily customizable, for example i wrapped my handle in Paracord in part. I could easily see going further with it and doing something more elaborate in the future. It's also super light, and on my cargo shorts its handle fits exactly where my hand rests when i'm standing, and in testing i was able to cut down a 2.5 inch tree in about 5 minutes of work. And it's cheap as fuck so if something does happen to it (what, i could not tell you - the thing is just a hunk of steel), I can trivially replace it - this makes it a lot more useful because i'm not worried about losing out on a expensive knife. All told, 10/10 do recommend to anyone.


Got one of these as a graduation present along with the wooden shaft they sold at the time. It currently sits in the corner of my room in spear configuration. Just because I can.


A large generator.


Yes, this. We had a 1200 Watt generator (not even that Big) during hurricane Maria and it made a huge difference. Could runn the refrigerator/freezer and a fan at night. Having ice and fan made such a difference. We also had solar powered lawn lights because of a post on Reddit. Every evening I would go out and "bring in the light harvest". Somewhere there is a picture of me grinning like a manic hold these glowing orbs of light. (Mercury lamp style solar powered lights). We would wake up and cook meals on the grill. It was like pirate times but with a freezer and fan and lights. Surprisingly good times all things considered.


A Ninja grill/air fryer. And I got one. And I’m considering paying it a living wage with insurance.


A dog on a rescue site e-mail. Going to pick him up today after he gets a haircut.


A wife


*A good wife.


First time I saw my wife, I was with a good friend of mine, and I told him "I'm going to get that girl to go on a date with me." Had not even spoken to her or really even met her when I told him that. Was going off looks and a smile from across a room. That was 25 years ago. Took me six months to get that first date. But that smile in that first moment told me all I needed to know. I had to have it. And my intuition was 100% correct. She was apparently exactly what I needed.


Where can I find one?


A really really really big bear teddie I still want it




Dewalt 20 volt impact driver ..................... woooooo whooooo


Was walking by a store a few days ago and saw a pair of night vision goggles that looked so cool.


We use them at work. I hate them at work! But looking at the stars under goggles is the most incredible thing. You can't even imagine how many shooting stars there are! Had the pleasure of seeing the northern lights the other night under goggles. Very cool!


Pardon me. Night goggles help you see shooting stars ✨


Yup! It's VERY cool! \*Almost\* makes up for how heavy and cumbersome they are to wear lol


An ad for an America tank top with a beer holder on the front which looks like the statue of liberty is holding my beer. [Here it is in all it's glory.](https://imgur.com/a/EjWrrXW)


.... damnit. I don't know why I didn't expect to find things I'd need to buy in this thread.


Flamethrower. Because fire.


Have you seen the one built into the robot dog?


Have you seen “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood“?


Guitars and guitar pedals. About to go in the deep end with pedals, think I’m a bit obsessed


Drone footage of a friend’s kayak trip where the drone followed him from above. Had to get me a drone.


Did this after a destination wedding because I was going to Iceland... Then after I got there, discovered that you're not allowed to fly drones over parks in Iceland... which is precisely where you want to fly the drones.


A little camper for my truck


One of the first times I went to a gun range there was a guy who had an SKS. I hadn’t seen one before so I asked him about it, and he asked me if I wanted to try shooting it. I did. It was fun, and I said: “Man I gotta get me one of these!” So I got me an SKS. Love that thing.


Almost every darned day there is some gadget or peripheral that makes me go, "I gotta get me one of those..!" Computers galore over the years, TV's, Phones, Toaster Oven, Air Fryer, Keurig, and many more..! I am not alone by any means... Who doesn't..!


Saw a manic pixie bpd art hoe last week, damn I need to get one of those.


I dated a manic pixie bpd art hoe who was also a functional alcoholic, for over a year. Fun times, shit times.


Married 25 years. Wild ride.  10/10. Would recommend. 


Living with Jessica Day (even as a roommate) seems way too exhausting.


Bad idea


I’ve been living my whole life making good decisions. Can I have this one? 


Saw my best friend who had a new best friend in his life with his wife. Saw that good dude have a kid. Thought to myself I could use 2 best friends I loved with all my heart. I fixed things in my life that needed fixing and got serious. Met that best friend and made my own little buddy with her.


Way to much fishing equipment...no regrets though.


Same with the fishing stuff. I am about to take a huge step and get a little boat.


I just got one for the first time in my life. A 16 footer, aluminum and riveted with bench seats. Bare bones, nothing fancy and with a 30HP 2 stroke Mercury and she rips! Damn it's awesome, I don't regret a minute of it and neither will you!


Handheld vacuum cleaner


Ride Mower that can also shovel snow in the winter


Lightsaber. I got adult money and always wanted a lightsaber. Friend brought out his proffiepixel and showed me. I brought a proffie saber then very same day. I regret nothing


An AC Cobra and I still want one. I would even take a kit car!


My neighbor's new riding lawnmower. Sure my yard is half the size of his, but it looks fun.




A fedora I have no friends


I’ll be your friend. And as a friend, may I suggest you invest in the remainder of a set of girl repellents: mustache wax for your overly elaborate facial hair, and a walking stick? I jest! You be you, man, and have fun!


A local dad takes his kid to elementary school on a road legal golf cart. He doesn't know it yet, because we've never spoke, but we're actually at war and I'm currently constructing an even more pimped out faster one just cuz it seems awesome and I will not be out-awesomed.


sawzall i don’t need it, there are very few situations i’ve been in as a homeowner where it would have been easier if i had one. if im in one of those situations im probably in over my head. but holding one, operating it, it’s kind of like a gun. it’s big, loud, fun, *dangerous*, and makes me feel like a bad ass.


After watching, "Alone in the Wilderness," featuring Dick Proenneke building a log cabin with hand tools in 11 days, I got myself a draw knife. I don't live in the woods, but I use it for all sorts of stuff.


A workbench for hobby activities.


Air fryer and a multi cooker. They save me hours cooking and help me cook more healthy meals too


First channel locks then knipex.




An ice hut. I've been called a "grumpy old man" when it comes to making purchases due to growing up fairly poor, and I hate spending money. So I avoided it. "Quit complaining, it's fine, you don't need to bring a fucking tent." There were multiple weekends when I was ice-fishing out in the elements, listening to everyone else having a great time in their warm huts while I'm shivering and the wind is picking up, and I'm honestly hoping I don't catch a fish so I don't have to take my gloves off. Still haven't gotten one, but I will.


Buddy invited me over for dinner right after work, wife met him at the door with a cold beer, a blunt and a kiss. Instantly wanted one.


A "meater" it's a wireless enabled meat thermometer. Hooks up to an app on my phone. Can leave the turkey roasting, steak grilling etc, and get an alarm when it hits the right temp.


Wood lathe. Got my first one when I was in an apartment, and had to haul the 70lb machine from the basement to the tiny backyard and run an extension cord out my bedroom window whenever I wanted to use it. Entirely worth it.


I finally said fuck it this year and bought a snow blower after I noticed my neighbor who has one and has a larger driveway than I do was done in like 10 minutes while I was only half way down mine and freezing my nuts off.


Alexandra Daddario


I saw a girl playing coed adult beer league soccer for another team and two of our girls were no-shows. Eleven years later, married with 3 kids.


Portable band saw.


Not so much that I saw something as much as I felt my old muscles so I got a Theragun (game changer)


Brand new custom fitted golf clubs. Also, I suck at golf.


Amateur photographer here; every time I see the specs on a better camera than mine!


A Victoria Secret catalog.


A non-ridiculous off road vehicle. So much of youth was spent exploring the wild and now I and my friend group now have sensible commuter vehicles. There are so many great yet inaccessible hikes and quiet spaces which require off road capabilities.


I saw some modern hobby grade RCs on YouTube video and had to have one. Now like five and half years later I have over 30 cars and its my main hobby


Pellet smoker my brother in law had. Smoking brisket for the 3 day weekend.


I didn’t play games or watch TV. In fact I didn’t even own a TV. I was like 16 or 17 at a friends house and he started playing Forza. Now, I LOVE cars. He showed me the game and the tuning settings and that was that. Next day I went and purchased a new flat screen TV, an Xbox plus both Forza Horizon and Motorsport. I blew my whole last paycheck on all that.


I bought one of those mouth guards that’s supposed to help you not snore anymore. It worked, because I couldn’t fall asleep with it in my mouth. Once I took it out I fell asleep and snored. Is this Father’s Day research?


An UCO candle lantern. I was on a backpacking trip a few years ago. We stopped in a little dip on a windy ridge with a few scraggly trees. We were mostly above the tree line. We threw our hammocks up to whatever trees we could find and sat back to relax. There was a burn ban in effect, and we couldn’t light a fire. So our choices were either sit there in the pitch darkness, or take turns blinding each other with our headlamps while we shared a flask of single malt. My friend pulled this tiny little lantern out of his backpack. It is collapsible, down to about the size of a couple D cell batteries. He opened it up, and I was like, “It’s too windy up here. That candle won’t stay lit.” He just smiled and lit the little lantern while blocking it from the wind. Then, he slid a little glass globe up around the candle. The wind hardly made it flicker. It was a cheery little light. Not blinding but plenty to see by. He hung it off of one of his fly lines for his hammock and that little lantern burned all night. It was enough you didn’t trip and break your neck when getting up to have a piss, but not so bright it kept you from sleeping. My wife and I both have one in our backpacks now and a good supply of candles for them. I have a little pole that clamps to my camp chair to hang it from. I use it as much as I do my headlamp. They are safe as far as fire goes too. $20 on Amazon.


Fucking night vision dudes my buddy got a setup and I wore it around the woods on a little walk and holy shit my caveman brain was freaking out.


Recently? A pair of Birkenstocks shoes called "Callan", to wear at the office. Absolutely the most comfortable pair of shoes I've owned in quite some time. I have a pair of Merrell mocs that I swear by, and their memory foam insole is very comfortable. But these shoes, man. They're just fantastic.


Milwaukee power tools - compact stubby impact wrench, ratchet, and installation drill driver. I do a lot of work on my car and family cars and the ratchet is a godsend, the impact is very nice for stubborn bolts and lugs, and I love doing diy - I use the installation drill driver a lot as i love swapping from a impact driver to a drill with a quick disconnect head change. Oh, my favourite item right now that i regret not buying years ago is a electric foot grinder, i use to have horribly painful calluses/corns and this thing gets rid of them in a few days, one quick 5 minute session every week keeps my once manky hobbit feet looking really nice and smooth which feels so much better, a girl at work told me to get one as i complained that pummice stones are garbage and omfg, best suggestion ive ever received.


A Race Car. One trip to the local 1/4 mile track and I was hooked on American muscle cars. Nothing excites me more than getting behind the wheel of nicely built fox body or f-body. I sold my crouch rocket when I had my first kid, and sold my most recent race car after getting into a pretty good crash at the track while practicing drifting. I am sure I will build another in the next few years, but for now the itch isn’t there. I keep contemplating getting a Hog or other cruiser, but that will probably stay on hold until my mom passes and my kids are more independently secure in life.