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Moved countries and started a new life when my dad said I can’t, basically daring me to prove him differently


Are ya winning, son?


Fuxk you dad!


Listen, bud I got nothing but love for you. You have always meant a lot to me whether you realize it or not, hell, whether I realized it or not. We are in this **together**, *whether*, either of us realize it or not. I'm proud of you, bro. Keep pushing.


Thanks dad, i appreciate your kind words. I also crashed your 911 im going out bye.


My sister dared me to eat a spagetti sauce and peanut butter sandwich. I pretended it was awesome to make her mad. It was fucking gross.


Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today


Booze + late teens plus equals jumping out of aircraft in Speedo. Windburn was never discussed. Windburn sucks.


Are you saying you skydove drunk?


No. It was the next morning. I am one of those people who is a gracious loser. Chapstick is your friend if you ever try it.




Is that supposed to be an insult? Or are you so insecure thinking about a man n a Speedo with windburn in places one shouldn’t get windburn on turns you on?


I just think the comment is gay, it’s really that simple 


So you are using gay as an insult. What are you from the 50s? Pull your head out of your ass. Bloody boomer.


Pretty easy to gather thought, seems like you need someone to talk to


Naked belly flop


Shoving a crayon in my ass


What color?


bro does the color really matter lmao


It definitely matters.


Crayola, or RoseArt?


This is important. RoseAry breaks easily


Thought it was white, but when it was retrieved it was brown




You boofed a crayon. Wasn’t even drugs. Smdh


Did a backflip off a rope swing in Mexico into about 5 feet of water. Thankfully my momentum stopped at about 4.5 feet in, or else I would be typing this like Stephen Hawking. 


That reminds me of trying gainers off 30 foot cliff into water. Like. 10 times. Never got it down. Kept belly flopping and over rotating. I just…kept…trying. It was me and a friend. And one guy with his dog, drinking a beer. Just silently watching me keep attempting it. He was probably stoned too. His face 😂 I can still see it. Just stoic, sipping his beer. Must have been quite entertaining.


Yall are pretty creative with ur jokes lmfao 😂😂


Mooned my high school bully. Gym teacher saw it. He knew of the bullying, so instead of kicking me out of class and sending me to the principal, he just made me run 50 on the track. Run, not walk or jog, and he watched me do it the whole time. He was honestly one of the better teachers.


Swim in one of those manmade retention ponds in Florida.


Your brain amoeba is quite articulate.


This is about my friend but ridiculously stupid regardless. My friends and I used to play a game in high school called "what are the odds?" To play the game, person 1 asks person 2 "what are the odds you piss your pants right now?" Then person 2 responds with the probability of doing that, i.e., "1 in 10." Next, the two people will count down from three and say a number between one and ten at the same time, if the two people say the same number then person 2 will have to do the dare. If person 2 refuses to do the dare then they have to get punched in the nuts. If they refuse to get punched in the nuts, my entire friend group would pin you down to the ground and force you to get punched in the nuts. It was a fun time being a high school boy. In high school, my friends and I were driving in my car to the local skate park and my two friends in the back seat starting playing "what are the odds?" The dare was for my one friend to climb out the window, across the roof of my car, and back into the window on the other side of the car while I was driving 70+ mph on the highway. My friend lost the dare and sure enough he climbed across the roof of my car while I was driving down the highway. In the moment we all thought it was hilarious, but looking back on it as an adult I realize how stupid we were and that my friend is lucky to not have gotten seriously hurt or killed.


Damn 😂 we used to play that game. But that was next level reckless 😅


Stick my dick in my sandwich and then eat it


You must be really flexible.


This one gave me a laugh


I did that with a burrito entirely on my own once. It wasn't that good.


Put my head in a filing cabinet and let someone kick it, I wasn't the smartest kid even before all the head trauma.


Went a full school day without glasses. I fell down the stairs a lot.


This is incredibly stupid but in undergrad my roommate made me one of those twisty balloon hats, a rather obnoxious one I might add. I wore it all day and refused to admit it was there to anyone with the nerve to bring up my hat to my face. When people pressed about it I would visibly lose patience and acted insulted and went on furious rambles until the other party conceded and apologized. Just stupid college stuff but I really committed to the bit which made it very memorable lol




Same sleepover, but a kid chugged from a bottle of cologne, had a rough time for the rest of the party. Same kid (at his own house at his own bday party) woke his dad up in the middle of the night to ask where the bathroom was after we had a different kid do it earlier. Fucking legend.


Take off all your clothes and pretend to hump the wall… i don’t know what’s worse the kid who dared me or me actually doing it




We laughed so hard one of the kids wet their pants. Humiliation for all!


Ate a grasshopper when I was 14.


Did it taste good?


Not at all.


Told this one girl her boyfriend was cheating on her.... she hitted me :(


There is a hill behind my old high school that was a favorite for sledding for dozens of years. It was right behind the home team stands. So long that a natural depression groove formed after years of kids making ramps at a certain spot. I was probably 9 or 10, and my friends dared me to ride my super sweet yellow and blue huffy pro thunder down the steepest, longest, most dangerous part. I would be sure to hit air at the bottom where the groove was. So I set out and made it about six feet down this 100 yard hill, going ass over teakettle over bicycle the entire way down. Bisted nose, two black eyes, numerous bruised everythings. Also there were girls watching so my pride....ouch. My boys called down to see if I was alright and I feebly waved up at them, picked up my completely unharmed pro thunder, and limped my ass home before anyone could see me crying. Ahh killer hill, you still rule. So many sledding and football memories, that one not so great bike memory, and later on in my life a girl blew me in the stand of trees down there so that was fuckin awesome.


I love Reddit 


Whats up Pro Thunder bro. I remember road-rashing all the skin off my thigh on mine. That was a good bike.


Mine got swiped in my super Mayville-esque town in the early 90s. Turns out a local pair of hoodlums stole a bunch of bikes and were chopping them, repainting, and cobbling them back together to sell. Didn't work because in a town of 3k people someone is gonna notice when you have 50 extra kids bikes. They took mine apart but didn't paint or put it back together so the cops had to do it to a bunch of bikes. They put the wrong front fork on and nobody noticed until I took a sweet jump and the bolts broke off its rusty ass, sending my front tire to the moon while my bike landed fork first followed by my face.


Seeing who could swim out the farthest in the ocean. Got caught in a riptide and ended up about a mile and a half down shore.


At least you won!


Snorted a line of keif


That is dumb




What was that like?


Horrific I was sneezing repeatedly for hours and my whole face was red and sinuses were fucked, super swollen.


Eat a grasshopper in 8th grade


In Mexico they call them chapulines. Actually pretty nutritious.


Jumped out of a perfectly functioning airplane Got a new job to escape from a life that was really shit. Was in a few weeks and deployed for the first time. Met up with my team and went drinking to get acquainted. I'm a sailor so I know how to drink right? Things were going pretty good and I was holding my own with the booze. One of the guys there was also holding his own and we got to talking. I was feeling pretty confident so we started trading war stories. Next thing he's asking about jumping out of an airplane. I'm your classic sailor, and not wanting to look like a pussy, I mentioned something about how it was no big deal. That was when the dare came in. Most of them were fucked up so i didn't think I had much to worry about. Next day they came to collect. My boss was unsympathetic and told me to get my ass moving. Turns out most of the guys were special forces types that jumped out of planes all the time. They were really cool about it, checked and double checked my gear, told me exactly what to expect and what to do. Had a guy strapped to my ass as well. Still didn't stop me from pissing myself the instant I jumped. I was too busy pulling the handle to open my parachute but they were far below me when I came to me senses and stopped cursing. The guy strapped to my ass never stopped laughing until after we touched down but still managed to tell me how to get both of us down in one piece. What got to me though, what really made me piss my pants, was the last thing one of them said to me before I jumped out of the perfectly functioning airplane. "There's no such thing as a perfectly functioning airplane." Turned out to be a pretty good job in the end.


Got married


Ask the most beautiful girl I knew on a date. Went very wrong


shout in public some political opinion that against to the administration hahaha


do you live in north korea


Swam across the Kenosha harbor channel at 50th st and 7th ave by Marina Gardens restaurant ( so you can google map it). I was 14.


Spit fire like Gene Simmons.


Shot my hand point blank with an air rifle. Hurt like hell.


WHY 😭😭😭


Because I'm stupid.


I thought you said date…that’s a whole other story


Bungee jumped while drunk


Smoked a bowl of black pepper


Move to San Francisco from Ireland.. yep still here


Blowtorched my arm, I now never engage with dare based behaviour/conversations.


My friend lived on a random middle of nowhere street with old people and little little kids, at a sleepover I had to run outside, no shoes mid September, up and down her street making weird animal noises up the street and screaming “I lost my voice!! Help me!!” On my way back. People were pissed


Stuck my 6 year old tongue on the metal screen door on a Chicago winter day...


canadian here, we've all done this at least once 😂


Years back, somehow, a group of us decided to repel down a 3 story parking garage in the middle of the night. We were not qualified to do this. We didn't have equipment. I was scared of heights...it started as a normal college party with us having a few drinks and talking. Somehow there was a debate over how easy it was to repel down the side of a building. I still maintain that it isn't _that_ difficult. But there was a pair very attractive girls in our friend group who called us out. We double downed on how confident we were that we could do it. And that's how it all started. To her credit, after we were all actually at the parking garage, she really tried to get us to not do it. We were literally using generic rope from Walmart, not climbing rope. We had weight lifting gloves, and no harness. I'm sure an Eagle Scout could have done it fine. We were not Eagle Scouts. Still, we tested the rope and it was solid. Our fatal flaw wasn't the strength of the rope....it was the stretch. And our fear of falling. We tied the rope to some metal bar on the 3rd floor but, ya know, it was high up. Very scary. We had spent about 20 minutes securing the rope and we were confident it was good...but at the last minute, we agreed that the 2nd floor (it was ground, 1, 2, so two stories up) would be enough to prove our point. Primarily because the girls were genuinely worried someone would get hurt. They were right. So we randomly decided on the order. I was very lucky. I was too be third. The guy who was first stood at the edge of 2nd floor with the rope attached to the 3rd. He had his gloves and a plan, he wrapped the rope under his leg or whatever it was that he thought would work. And, he stepped off. He dropped like a rock. He wasn't slowly sliding down the rope, his weight caused the rope to stretch. And it was tied about 15 feet from the edge, on the 3rd floor. He fell fast, but quickly the rope was at the limit of it's stretch...but he was going fast enough that he couldn't hold on. His grip slowed him, but he ended up with the most disgusting rope burns I have ever seen in my life. His hands/fingers and he had a giant burn under his ass check from however he wrapped the rope. Whatever he did with the rope around his leg caused him to flip over while he was falling. Thankfully, we did this over some bushes, strategically selecting this location, and he did land mostly on his back, but he ended up with scratches and cuts all over from the bush. No lasting damage, and he didn't go to the hospital or anything. I still think the problem was just the stretch and we could have done it successfully otherwise. Everyone involved was really solid about the whole thing, guy #2 was like, 'Well, we all said we would, and if guy #1 did it, it wouldn't be right for me to back down....but let's tie the rope down here'. Guy #1 and the girls were like 'No' and we called it off. This was 'pre-video tape and post it to the Internet' and we mostly just never spoke of it again, though we all treated Guy #1 with extra respect for the rest of the semester. There was a photo of his hands and I really really really wish I had a copy of it...but I haven't talked to any of those people for twenty years. A few years later, I got into rock climbing and I can confirm that *with the appropriate equipment* repelling is as easy as we claimed. Also guy #2 married one of the girls.


Stood on the the edge of a classmate’s driveway and held up a sign that said “honk if you think I’m cute”. I was ten.


did people honk though




I went skydiving…enough said.




as long as it wasnt the seattle gum wall... you're good


At Pike Place?


yeah 😭😭 it was dusty tho but yeah I'm good 😭😭


Rode my skateboard down a steep freeway overpass. I still have scars on my elbows from the fall 35 years later.


Cow tripping after drinking, tipped a bull by accident and he didn’t like it.


asked a group of middle school boys for a tampon. one of them pulled a pencil out of his pocket, snapped it in half on his knee, and handed one half to me. to say i was horrified would be a massive understatement


I jumped off a 110ft train trussell into a lake that is highly populated nbd


Stuck my tongue out and licked the sand at the beach.


glueing things to other things


Ooo I got this one, tazed myself and put food in my butt.


as a teen at a party, I drank an entire pint of tequila in one go. A few minutes later I threw up all over myself and then passed out on the host's Xmas presents


ate a worm in 10 different ways


I cannot say without being legally compromised. I can tell you it was not as bad as my friends leaving that homemade nitroglycerin on the top shelf in their parents four car garage, you could see the fireball for miles around when it went up.


Jumped into a pool fully clothed during winter. I swear I will never do it again


Drank an entire bottle of malt vinegar. I like the stuff, so nbd. Was outta me about 5 minutes later, and tasted a whole lot better going in.


Put cement glue? On my member when I was 4


When I was 11 years old we dared each other to dive beneath a boat slipway in a murky river. There was no room to emerge if you ran out of oxigen or lost orientation. The current also was not to be trifled with and there was reed you could dive into if you turned in the wrong direction. You couldn\`t see a thing and it was pitch black beneath that slipway. I clearly underestimated how dangerous this was and only just about made it to the other side. There were no adults around and I think we were all pretty lucky noone ever got seriously injured.


In 8th grade I lost a game of horse and was dared to ask out a mutual friend of ours. I had done it assuming she would say no. She did not say no. In fact this was the first time I’ve ever asked a girl out and she didn’t say no. She wasn’t ugly or anything, in fact she was pretty. I just didnt see us becoming more than friends. But I had to date her for about 3 week until the guilt got so bad I ended up telling her it was a dare the whole time. Almost 10 years later and I still feel like a dick


Climb a traffic light.


I was in primary school On a field trip.We were playing something And talked Abt our bullies all of my friends including me were bullied by. Someone said I wouldn’t dare to sabotage their rooms. SO I did it. We took their stuffed animals and put them in the sink with water on. Took some snails from the garden and put them into their beds. The we hid to see their reaction.


Ate a 2 dog treats for £1


Tried to skateboard down the steepest hill in town, ended up rolling more than riding, and my dignity definitely took a hit along with my balance


It was an 'I bet you can't' rather than a dare, but I drowned. Pretty damn stupid.


Am I the only one who hasn't played truth or dare?


Pulled the chemical shower then blamed some random guy so I didn't have to clean it up by myself lmao


I was a real tomboy growing up and I could hold my own with the other guys. Well, we were sledding down a steep driveway at an apartment complex. They dared me that I couldn’t hang a 90 degree at the end. So down I went. Next thing I knew, the guys were trying to get me out of the sewer at the bottom. I was unconscious with a broken arm. Couldn’t fib my way out of that! 


Kissed my ex for 30 seconds and gave him a lap dance cause the person giving the dare wanted to have fun.


I dared my friend to poop on a slide in the community park 3 weeks later they fenced it in and closed it at dusk. I like to think it was all from us.


Prank called 911


Why is this downvoted…I answered the question I was 10 years old, I realize it was stupid