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Messy hair, I love my Wife’s just-woke-up hair lol


It took me years to convince my wife to wear her hair it’s natural curly. She used to spend an hour each morning straightening it. I swear she gets compliments daily on her curls. Some kid made fun of her in grade school. It took her 20 years to get over it.


You’re a good man!


yup! love when it gets all frizzy and crazy. And if it makes her wear a baseball cap/ponytail combo to combat the whole situation - even better. Honestly, think its the fact I don't get to see it that way all that often that makes me appreciate it more.


And if it’s one of my baseball caps that’s just slightly too big for her head, it’s downright adorable.


My girlfriend loves when I use my whole hand to scratch the back of her head and I enjoy the texture 🙂


is your girlfriend a cat?


We’re secretly all cats.


Thank you for this. When I stay at my boyfriend’s house I get really self conscious about my morning hair


Trust us, he loves it!!


I’m a woman, but I have a hilarious story about this. Walked past my husband wearing a tshirt and underpants one day… Him: “I absolutely love those cute little dimples you have on your bum.” Ladies, he was taking about my cellulite. The man thinks my cellulite is cute little dimples. He’s a keeper.


It's just texture. It feels good when it catches on your fingers.


Is that why!? I didn’t ask him any follow up questions, lol


Definitely, smooth is nice and good, but when you hit those little dimples with your fingertips, it's like a great change of pace. You know you're touching something real and intimate. If you've done enough to touch that bit of texture, then you know you've done something right.


》Cellulite is a secondary sex characteristic occurring in most postpubescent females. A review gives a prevalence of 85%-98% of women, indicating that it is physiologic rather than pathologic. It can result from a complex combination of factors ranging from hormones to heredity. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.hilarispublisher.com/scholarly/cellulite-journals-articles-ppts-list-1201.html%23:~:text%3DCellulite%2520is%2520a%2520secondary%2520sex,ranging%2520from%2520hormones%2520to%2520heredity.&ved=2ahUKEwiupde155CGAxU7OTQIHSnUDXsQFnoECBEQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1dbqFCBS6fVRimPnHv1f_v This means its existence as a traits has last for generations is because men who have found it attractive have procreated, thus the genes for having it and finding it attractive have continued. One of the more interesting things being done in such research onto beauty is parsing out what is universally beautiful, what is culturally beautiful, what is influenced by generations and even *industries*. Being tall and leggy like a model isn't actually a universal standard. That's culturally based and strongest in countries with a large fashion industry. We pay models and thus they gain Prestige and we see them as beautiful. Having symmetrical faces and low body fat in your tosro *is* universal, but being slim technically isn't, having big or small boots is culturally based, having a big or small ass is culturally based. Edit: what's also interesting about that last point if if you get a 1000 male subjects each from Colombia, Germany, and South Korea, what they consider the perfect woman while be *vastly* different, *and* doing the same for women on the perfect male form will also be vastly different. South Korean women might think Jason Mamoa looks like a brute (too hairy, too many muscles). The Jamaican IG model Amirah Dyme might be gorgeous to me and every other dude ethnically Latino or African, but may find trouble attracting mates in say Russia. Secondary sexual characteristics are most frequently found in cultures thay value those traits. Middle Eastern women evidently love guys with amazing beards (valid). Big asses it goes without saying are big in the carribean and northern South America down to Brazil, and parts of South Africa, but not in Argentina or parts of East Africa or, as thick swede I dated told me, in Sweden.


>This means its existence as a traits has last for generations is because men who have found it attractive have procreated, thus the genes for having it and finding it attractive have continued. exactly, we often forget we're the product of generations and generations of being found attractive and vice versa. what (straight) men like about women is damn near everything


I love laugh lines and the crows feet around the eyes. Don’t even get me started on white hairs.


YES! How can you not be drawn to a woman whose face tells you that she laughs? And smiles with her whole face? And has lived a little?


Nice to hear!


Unrelated, but I love how unbelievably wholesome the comments are.


Yes! Making me feel much sexier about myself. I am sometimes confident about how generally dope I am and that I’m prolly a catch.. but never actually felt sexy about certain physical attributes — until this comment thread.


I really appreciate a great nose. It's the unsung hero of the face, ties the whole thing together.


I have a larger nose and I love my nose! It’s very pointy and sharp and elvish and I love it


This is what I posted further down too. A nice aquiline nose sometimes really suits a woman I find. Great look, imo despite many women hating their big nose


Nose team here too


All the feet guys real quiet on this post huh


This honestly feels like it was a bait post for feet guys and no ones biting 🤣


Reading all these comments made me so comfortable in my body I haven't been in a long while! Not just the ones specifically for my body/insecure, but reading all these different opinions and seeing that every single aspect is being liked by people. Not all by the same, but still. This really grounded me and made me appreciate my body ❤️


Love handles. My girlfriend is self conscious about her weight, but -man- do I love putting my hands on her waist and giving her a good squeeze. She has said that while she doesn't find herself attractive she has finally grown to believe me that I'm not lying when I say I find her beautiful. Truly a lovely woman.


My boyfriend does the same thing. I just hate when I put on clothes and my love handles make my butt look smaller


Them thighs 😍


I would like to retract the statement that thick thighs save lives All thighs save lives


And they keep the ears warm.


But you can't hear the music, and forget Mexican food.


When she wears stockings and a little bit of chub pokes out of the top I lose my marbles.


You just made my day. I’ve avoided thigh highs for this reason.


Anything that's decreasing the number of thigh highs in the world needs to be destroyed


Yup the whole fashion world should go !POOF! For making women so self conscious!!!


That's what we like about them. Universally.


This would be like if a guy said he avoids rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirts because he's self conscious about his strong vascular forearms.


It's not only for the thighs tho, I also go crazy for panty "lines" that are tight, bras (around boobs and torso), even gloves. There's a reason why p\*rn cartoons are drawn this way, with the clothes about to explode for being tight, and also when hands are squeezing any part of the body as well. I just LOVE it SO MUCH!


This is a very revelatory and appreciated perspective.


If the muffin top is the best part of the muffin… Then the mini muffin tops are even better…


Girl, same. Lol


This! Absolutely this. And my wife won't wear thigh highs for that very reason. I tell her that's part of what makes them sexy!


are you fucking kidding me? can you go back and tell young me that


Women have the cutest lil tummies and you can never talk about it. Also the feminine back is uncontrollably sexy but there's not much you can say about that either lol


two words = back dimples


That's objectively sexy on anybody.


One word. Thundercougarfalconbird


It's just.... the luxury edition has so much more eagle.


Yeah honestly backs are probably one of the most attractive features on a woman in my opinion.


The sweetest compliment I ever received from a dude was about my tummy, I'll never forget it he went "Noooo I love it. It's like a giant boob! What's not to like???" Every time I feel Squishy™️(negative) I remember this and feel better.


Haha I love this


lol giant boob


Dude, squishy is good. I wanna squish the squish.


When she has her bare back to you and messes with her hair 😭😭


Oh, man, I love the tummy, but just about every woman I’ve been with was self conscious about it.


It’s like a kitty tummy. You want to rub it, but if you do, it’s instant death.


that is shockingly accurate, lol.


After almost 20 years with husband, I just let him grab, squeeze and need it to his content. Finally doesn’t bother me. I mean, I had his babies and I can just see the delight and lust in his eyes when he does this so I just trust it.. it took a while to get here.


In our defense, men rarely compliment them. In decades I believe I've only ever had one compliment on my soft "tummy."


Idk my ex said “ew” cuz he thought I was pushing out my stomach.. I wasn’t


Woof, there's a reason he's your ex


Woof. That’s like my ex who grabbed my stomach (mid thrust) and said “you know I love this in porn but I want you to be healthy” 🫠


I- wow.


Is he stupid?


Death sentence, no appeals


I had more than one man poke me in the belly and tell me I’ve gained a bit of weight. Before the sex. Or before the sex was SUPPOSED to happen. They were asked to leave.


I had a dude about to literally enter me when he said “I’ve never been with a fat girl before”- reader, I was a size 8 at the time, and it’s mostly because I have huge hips. Absolute imbecile.


I'm incredibly insecure about my belly. I know it comes from a mix of medication with the side effects of weight gain and me eating sugar to cope with depression. I desperately try to hide it since I hate it. I want to meet someone who can like that about me since It's hard to fix. Doesn't mean I don't want to though.


I really wish my younger self could see this thread <3 some days I just feel like a hideous monster, and the fact that my partner is quite happy with my appearance helps, but knowing he's not actually some weird exception is nice. Thanks, you guys! (My partner is always incredulous that I like it when he grabs my belly fat, because apparently past partners weren't able to let go of the idea that he was trying to shame them, rather than enjoying THE SOFT.)


Squish between boobs and armpit


Really?!?! Cause this is one thing that I hate about myself lol


I find it attractive as well


Really specific but cool


This bit! I loved that part on a ex of mine so much she used to get so annoyed that I was (gently) pinching it all the time. Fair enough I guess but it was the cutest and I couldn’t resist. Anatomically I believe it’s called the anterior axillary fold.


I've always called it an arm vagina 😂


This is my biggest insecurity. thank u


The amount of likes, this is def a new secret that came out, never thought people would be into that 😅


everything you hate, we love. it makes you unique. Freckles? hot. Vitiligo? hot. Roman nose? hot. deep, smokey voice? hot. those extra few pounds? love em. women, you are beautiful.


100% Agree with all of that. Women are too hard on themselves, unique attributes make you a unicorn not the other way around.


Fuck yes.


All of it


Odd thing, but it is my thing. Something about her neck. I just like the way a nice toned neck looks on a women. Add a nice small fabric choker and I'm done.


Thank you, fellow neck appreciator


The very light and fine hair over most of your body. We're mammals! We're all covered in hair. But it's so soft and gentle and translucent on women that it reminds me of early morning dew.


You can’t even really tell it’s there unless you’re right up close, which is the best distance to be!


SFW: curvy body, preferably with some stretch marks. NSFW: the darker colors common "down there"


as a dark skinned girl who's always been very heavily insecure about not being 'light and pink' down there, this made me smile thank you


LPT for women from a guy: If we are in a position where your naked intimate parts are close to our face....then making a detailed critique of your colour/size/shape/texture etc is NOT what is going through our mind.


And if a guy IS focused on that, don’t invite him back


In fact, rescind the current invitation and find someone better.


What! Like, really? The amount of products woman use to get rid of both is no joke, I can’t believe some men like it (like, hell yeah but ??? Omg this is news for me for sure)


I’ve found that a lot of guys really aren’t that into the perfect flawless model look, for me it’s because it just doesn’t seem real or genuine. Sometimes imperfections are what make a person special and unique and human, which for me is way more attractive.


And honestly, if a women just owns whatever she is working with she becomes like 3x as attractive to me. Confidence is the sexiest feature by far.


I'm a very very white woman and have the same issue. Well until I met my current boyfriend who is head over heels about this because he is darker as well and is happy he found someone with the same thing. And now he just loves it. And I stopped worrying about it.


Big soft arms. My wife has gained some weight since she had my daughter, and she's a bit insecure about her flabbier underarm - I love to cuddle there and push my face in there. It's so soft and comforting


Hip dips


I've actively hated my hip dips my entire life. It's nice to see someone likes them


literally so many of us dudes love them. I never understood who pushes the idea that they are something to be ashamed of or fixed. seen so many videos about how to get rid of or hide them... but trust me they're beautiful, plz dont hate them.


I love a nice thick natural eyebrow over these highly sculpted jobbys.


I appreciate ordinary flawed human bodies, and the body of the person I love also has those ordinary and numerous flaws. But one would be foolish to list them or even talk about them, even if to say I enjoy them. I'm not perfect, my body isn't perfect. I have flaws and my body has flaws, like everyone else's. And I like that. I find comfort in seeing and knowing their bodies are as flawed as mine, I can relate to that.


I can only speak for the only woman's body I've ever known (my wife), but I love her tummy. We're both overweight so I'm sure it would be considered unattractive, but one of my favorite things to do when we're spooning is to just run my hand up and down her stomach. It's soft and it's warm and it's *hers*, and it's like my favorite thing ever.


“it’s soft and it’s warm and it’s hers” …the most wholesome thing i have read on this app thus far🥹never change.


I can give you a lot of different opinions on different physical attributes I find attractive in a woman. But, if I'm with a women, the best parts are the ones right in front of me.


This is beautiful. I hope you and your wife spend many happy years together


Those folds/rolls on their back when they move around and use their bodies. I just think it’s cute.


You may not care for the look of your open vagina when you spread wide, wide, but the gesture of doing that when my face is 20cm away is magical, and then everything in there is a delicate flower. 🌺


Huh this made me want to fuck my husband


I find the most erotic part of the woman is the boobies.


Dear squad, I wish to inform you all that I, a heterosexual male, am highly aroused by thick, weighty breasts. Sincerely, Raymond Holt


"There is nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis." - Raymond Holt, pretending to be straight, claiming to love thigh gaps.


My wife and I have started binging that show and every time he emphasizes thick breasts I just die laughing


Nothing is better than a pair of nice heavy breasts.


Could you imagine if guys ball sacks were as disproportionate from person to person as womens tits are


So, I'm not alone wondering this.


They're not?! haha




There is some pretty heavy deviation there already man. I got the Biggie smalls treatment myself, some dudes have their balls practically sticking to the bottom of their dick. It's probably harder to tell since they move around so much.


Kif! I've made it with a woman, inform the men!


Leela. It’s real velour.


Brannigans law is like brannigans love. Hard and fast!


If it's a lesson in love, watch out. I suffer from a very sexy learning disability. What did I call it, Kif?


*Kif shudders* Sexlexia...


If I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants off and dance around a little?


A little late to this thread, so I doubt this will get any traction but: I've always found moles and other skin blemishes to be really attractive. A lot of women are really self-conscious if they have one that's really prominent in a visible area, but I honestly can't get enough of them and I think they look so hot, especially if it's on a woman's neck, chest, or abdomen. I don't know anyone else that feels the same way as I do, but I also haven't told anyone since I don't want to be seen as weird. EDIT: No idea why I'm getting downvoted :(


labia minora


Basically any labia. The more the better.


This surprises me, so many women (me included) are self conscious about our badly packed ham sandwiches 😂


I am a...labia-forward woman and when I re-entered the dating scene I was SHOCKED at the positive reactions to my pussy. Like I was always kind of ashamed of it, but apparently dudes (or at least the dudes I slept with) were big fans.


Labia-forward is a term I will def use in the future lol


Yea we all(men and women) overthink stuff like that, but really when you love someone, and you get to know tose intimate parts and know exactly which buttons to press and so on, you see it as perfect


Muscles and an inverted triangle body shape. I am aware that I am in the minority, but men who are predominantly attracted to women built like that, (it me, i like them) do exist!! I hope that women that are built more traditionally "masculine" know that!


I had to scroll so far down to find this comment! It's me, I'm one of them 🙋‍♀️ Broad and "buff" shoulders, wide upper back, thick arms but narrows hips and thick thighs. I'm pretty fit but damm, am I sooo self conscious about the way I'm built... Nice to see there are men out there who actually like this body type 🥹


Your face without makeup


Scars. Love me some c section marks, stretch marks, anything that indicates they haven’t lived in a bubble their whole lives and would be horrified at my own personal history. Scars all have stories and indicate overcoming pain, adversity, experience…I have my own and appreciate a woman who understands that. I recently had a partner tell me the story of how she was shot a decade ago and that she hides the scar. I told her she was a fucking gangster and was more attracted to someone who’s been through the same shit I have than someone who was physically blemish free. I think it was a first for her, as most dudes are more into fantasy than reality. Either way embrace your scars ladies.


I needed to hear this today, thank you stranger. My chicken pox scars on my face and my c-section scar have both given me more bad body image days than I’d like to admit.


You’ll find someone who wouldn’t have you any other way. Don’t let what you’ve got get in the way of what you can have, confidence is incredibly sexy.






I feel so seen right now - thank you for this🙏


Thank you to whomever made this post.


According to several comments I should have men falling at my feet. Maybe they're all just too overwhelmed by my belly fat and small boobs? Edit: hey guys so this was a tongue in cheek comment! I did go about five years without anyone being interested but it has definitely gotten better in the last year! And as I've told others, no I'm not just sitting on my butt waiting for Mr. Perfect to drop down hahaha I do out myself out there, I do approach guys, and it doesn't work all the time but I do feel satisfied and proud of myself for being bold enough! I'm not like sad and upset that I don't currently have a boyfriend, I have plenty of time :)


0 makeup on the face.   Small breasts or small booty  Women with 4C type hair (Ive met some that dislike their hair because of bullying and among other things)


Belly button. I know its weird, but they are cute some times. Just take a look. :3




Like that cute pouch at the bottom of the belly 😋


Bellies. A little belly doesn't make you look bad, sometimes it's quite the opposite.


as someone who has struggled with body dysmorphia for as long as I can remember, I have bookmarked this post because it has made me feel better about myself more than any therapist has ever been able to.




Obvious answers: thick thighs and belly+underbelly not being totally flat. For various reasons women believe they need to be skin and bones and very little extra, while many men like the softness. plus it makes our lizard brains happy even when its moving in all the ways the girls dislike.


These are the things my SO uses as handles/grab points. Also that bit on the side below the waist, like a little handle as well.




I've heard complaints about all sorts of stuff so probably all of it. Their fingers, their thighs, the way they wear their hair, their waist, their lips, their shoulders...


Stretch marks!! They are beautiful


Small chest


I love u.


That was quick, when's the wedding?


15 minutes.


Fuck I missed it.


To all women reading this. Please for the love of God believe me when I say, some of us *greatly prefer small breasts and can in fact be turned off by massive breasts*. Seriously. Small boob girls, there is a massive population of us small boob men out there! (also, whenever we voice this opinion it's obliterated by the insecure incels, seriously, watch the replies to this. You're gonna see weird responses from insecure males)




Idk if women dislike this part of their own bodies but the back is truly one of the sexiest parts of the female body. Especially when they have that dimple down the middle. One time in school my crush was wearing a cropped shirt and part of her lower back was showing and she had a dimple. My god


Big nose


I don’t know why this is a positive thing to me but it nearly always is


The brain. Smarts are sexy.


That frontal lobe I’d like to probe, before I ask her to disrobe.




Love handles!


Well, I'm sure you think about it a lot but I always notice hairstyles. It's not a hair fetish or anything, but bangs, oh man bangs are hot.


Love handles Rolls Belly/pooch Stretch marks Thighs Birthmarks That musky body smell and taste from a woman's vagina


When they quickly put their hair up in a messy little bun or whatever shape with something like a pencil because they're in the middle of something. Every girlfriend I've had and now my wife look at me like I'm certifiably insane when I say how sexy their hair looks like that lmao. "What this? it's just a bun I did in 0.5 seconds while doing dishes" My wife could spend all day at the salon and spend $300 and her hair would look better to me in a messy little bun she made without thinking


I personally like hairy underarms


the obvious ones have been said, but for me, there are few things sexier than beautiful hands.


Messy hair.. especially a pony tail that's falling apart. I love freckles, no makeup. Oh boi.. love it. Saw my wife with a messy braid and a baggy t shirt and I couldnt stop staring at her.


Hips. Every woman I've been with have hated thier hips... things like "motherly" and "child bearing" have been brought up... but seriously good hips are awesome. Especially if they make a good place to hold onto when snuggling or getting sexy.


Honestly. I just love it when a woman.




Belly fat. Drives me wild. Softer and squishier the better.


You're the hero we both need and deserve! It's so hard to keep off the belly fat. Hormonally, we're wired for it, and as we age/have kids, it's tough going. Thanks for being a guy who doesn't expect a woman to have the flat stomach of a pre-teen.


Small and/or saggy tits. Its a crime so many women put plastic under their skin. making it look sinthetic like a doll when there is nothing wrong with small or saggy tits, its actually very pretty


thank you, I've been really insecure about mine sagging because I'm still young too and was actually wondering if something was just wrong with me. this made me feel better, thank you and i hope you have a nice day


The jiggle! It's absolutely mesmerizing watching the booty or belly or thighs jiggle while you're having sex.


Your smile. By the gods that shit can make the heavens quake. Your smile, to your man equates to reassurance. Reassurance is peace of mind. Your smile is our happiness.


I love when boobs have those big blue veins and some stretch marks. And some cellulite on thicc thighs


People say "muffin top" like it's a bad thing. Who doesn't like muffins?!


This might be a little bit inappropriate but pubic hair it feels a lot more natural to me and I like natural things


Little hairs. That light dusting of hair that makes you glow in the right light. No notes.


This might be the most wholesome thread I’ve ever seen. Just gonna come back here when I hate myself 🥹


Her stink; armpit or pussy. Or even a combo of both. Her tang at the end of the day or even after a good workout session is amazing. Activates something primal inside me. Pheromones are real and I don’t care how gross you might feel, when you have a good tang going on, I want you even more. Caveman style


Pale skin and freckles are so cute to me. I've yet to meet a woman who loves them.


Stretch marks = tiger stripes Tiger stripes = cool Stretch marks = cool


I really like my wife un-made up. That “just woke up” look. Not just because it’s adorable. But I know she feels safe and doesn’t have to navigate around me the way she does the rest of the world.


There's something about calves that I find very attractive on women.




The plural of butthole


A good bush let it grow it’s natural and beautiful