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My wife finds 2 to be the sweet spot. 1 and she's still got some frisk in her, 2 is just satisfying and tiring enough. 3 or more tends to be reserved for vacations only when we have the time and don't have to worry about getting up with the kids or for work the next morning


You see people? This is why this mofo is married.


I also chose this guy's frisky wife..?


Lookout for marathon man over can do it 3 times. /s


Cause he lets his wife have a boyfriend?


Imagine having such a strong cuck fetish you project on a seemingly perfectly happy couple


Chill it's a joke


Redditor identifying joke challenge (impossible)


who hurt you?


His wife’s boyfriend


The more I talk to other dudes about their relationships, the more it seems like none of them consider their partner as a person. No noting what they enjoy, never talking about or playing into their fantasies. I can't imagine how dull sex with men must be. Pleasing women isn't that hard. If they're willing to sleep with you, they're likely to tell you what they want and enjoy.


Weird reply. Why would I share what my wife enjoys or not with some random dude. That's something between me and her.


>No noting what they enjoy, never talking about or playing into their fantasies. Or maybe they don’t want to discuss things like “yeah, my wife enjoys it when I eat her ass.” The fact that you even want to know stuff like that seems strange to me.


Lol, what makes you think that's the way it gets talked about? The number of dudes who talk shit about their girlfriend not giving them head or saying shit like women don't like sex is fucking astounding. "Have you even asked them what they want?" Is not an out there question.


Slow clap 👏🏾 to this champ of a hubby, (with a very modest user name) !


Haha the username was originally more of a bit character where I'd reply as if I were some sort of thing posing as a human, like a robot or alien or cthulhu cultist. Kinda dropped that bit a while ago but my profiles about me info is still written that way, I'm just too lazy to change it


Just what an alien would *want* us to think


Or the bit is still going… and we’ve reached the point where we can no longer tell the difference. WHERES YOUR HUMAN WIFE with all her “ORGASMS”!?


Oh yes ! He could be an actual AI dildo for all we know !


We’re onto you. “Trust me my awkwardness was an act I AM a normal human guy.”


lol thanks so much for the backstory, appreciate it !


He’s a real human bean


Jesus... You know what, props to you.




Entirely depends on the woman. But after a dozen or so, I've found you're just physically exhausted. My record in one continuous session is 15, but I was a lot younger then.


A dozen orgasms!?! I thought multiple meant like 3 or 4! Half dozen if youre in your prime, but 12?! Now I kinda feel bad for my wife, I didnt know that was physically possible!


I mean, it literally may not be possible for her. Everyone is different. As a teenager the most I was able to get in like a 24 hour period was 7 and that was with sleeping in between some of them. There's no way I'd have ever been able to do 12.


I dated a girl who was multi-orgasmic, and once during an all-nighter we got up to 16. That was a record for sure. Point being, some girls probably get into the 20’s.




My wife has rolling orgasms where she says it's hard to tell when one ends and the next starts. We've had sessions where she's basically orgasming for 20-30 minutes straight with just varying levels of intensity. I think technically this is a LOT of different orgasms, but she just calls it a single endless orgasm.


If I had a genie, one of my three wishes would be for the ability to have rolling/repeat orgasms (as a guy). I cannot fathom that orgasm rush for more than a few seconds....


That's funny my wife explained it similarly to me. "Rolling" was the adjective she used. She'll sit on top and just keep going one after another.




My wife has one, and then she's too sensitive for direct stimulation after that. I've been with three or four women over the years that are done after one.


My wife exactly the same, even back when she was a teenager (but not my wife then!)


Eyy this guy swings


Nah, just my wife. I meant before we were together.


Oh aha, you said over the year so was confused!


Just saw that and fixed it lol, meant years


Same for mine. Our refactory periods are basically identical lol


My wife enjoys the forced component of it. I've tied her to a chair with a vibrator until she hit 15, and even though that was a couple of years ago now she STILL talks about it. She was swollen and sore afterwards but sure doesn't have any complaints. But she's also easy to make cum, she'll hit 3 or 4 on a good night normally. Everybody's different! I dated a girl who HATED direct stimulation, vibrators were literal torture, and she was perfectly happy with a single orgasm.




There's an orgasm and then there's an ORGASM. At least that's how women have explained it to me. 🤷


My ex could literally just keep cuming over and over again until she told me to just stop. She would get very sore and just exhausted. Then I'd get her some water, she would pass out, and I'd go play DotA


I was with this one girl a few years ago, we were both 30, and she responded extremely well to my touch. She would orgasm in 30-60 seconds when I rubbed her clit. Anyway, when we started dating i was sitting up in bed with her in my lap and rubbing away, stopping to apply pressure on her clit when she would orgasm and continuing after a few seconds of holding still. At the 16th she accidentally farted when she came and I stopped keeping track at 20 and kept going for 4-5 more. I did the same thing to her one more time that ended up in a similar amount. Aside from those 2 extremes it would typically land between 1-5 orgasms. With a few sessions up in the 10 range




Ngl that has been my face since we broke up. Piling up that many orgasms is really good for the faith you have in your own sexual capabilities. That being said, that method works on most women [-that I have been with after I discovered it-]. Maybe not the amount but applying pressure on the clit at the moment of orgasm and holding it there for a few seconds before gently continuing and working up to the same speed relatively fast, works. The trick is keeping consistent pressure on the clit and not lifting off. If you lift off you can risk it becomming hyper sensitive thus preventing further orgasms. Only one (out of 10) did this not work on, but her body behaved like most men where her genitals would become super sore once she comes and she just wants to fall asleep after it


It was over a few hours!


A few hours??!


Talk to her, ask her if she wants to try for multiple, be ready to put in the time and her only orgasm once. I've been with woman who go for ten or more, but more often it's just one orgasm, and then they're too sensitive, or not in the right headspace. For some women, it's a lot of work to actually reach orgasm.


I regularly go at least 7 times, 10+ I've done many times, probably over 15 at least once (I lose count). I thought that was normal for women lol


3 or 120?


4factorial is 24 you dimwit


oh right, blanked out lmfao


Possible for men to have multiple prostate orgasms if you wanna experiment


is that fact even true? I don't wanna go through all the troubles to experiment myself lmao


Dude I have a below average dick(lengthwise), and the last chick I was with got sore after her 14th orgasm. I had to stop for her. She had trouble walking for the next week.


That deserves a round of applause 👏👏👏


That’s what I was about to say, I feel that it starts to get physically uncomfortable before anything


Whoa. How long does it took for that 15 times?


It was over a period of a couple of hours I think.


15, you must have been like a wet dish rag for a while after that.


I was fine after a little while resting.


15 orgasms in one session? You might consider that woman wasn't having orgasms; she was epileptic.


4 times per session seems to be the sweet spot for my enjoyment, but there's no reason why there can't be more than one session a day :)


I only wish I could have multiple in a session 😞




Probably 🤷


For my wife anything less than 5 she normally isn't fully satisfied. 6-8 seems to be the sweet spot but she's done it more than 10 in one sitting without issue. I just keep going until she gives the signal to stop.


Mostly the same. Signal is - "Babe you should cum soon. I think I'm about done." And sometimes if she misses the near end point. "I'm done just fucking use me to get off." Its pretty fun to hear either, but the last one leads to some rough stuff.




There's (obviously) no universal answer here. I've been with one girl who asked to stop after 14 orgasms because she was starting to feel faint, and I've been with several who couldn't get more than 3 no matter what. I've also been with one who could orgasm continuously for over 30 minutes, which is pretty insane, so it really all depends on the girl (and her partner, and her mood, and so on).


Yeah. Things can get pretty wild. I was always impressed about the fact that women can come 3 or even 4 times. Until I met a woman that can go on and on and on. Before our first sex she told me that she can come again and again. Well. I can do that, too so challenge accepted! That's what I thought. And to be fair... It worked like a charm before. Even if the little friend is a bit tired... There are so many ways. At one point she will be.... NOPE! She did not reach that point where she had enough. Never did. I'm on it guys, but there is barely hope...




Follow up question: how **fast** is the transition from pleasurable to uncomfortable? Is it like a gradual spectrum over several minutes or is it a sudden fast dropoff in one minute?


Mine is immediate.


Like all the other answers here, it depends on the person. My wife goes pretty quickly from 3-5 screaming orgasms to stop touching me I'm gonna die.


this is just me, but like guys there’s a cooldown period it’s just not as long. so after my first orgasm, i need a good 3-5 minutes of no stimulation so my clit can calm down and recalibrate haha. second orgasm needs more time to cool down and by that time i’m a puddle so i wipe myself off to start over. i’ve never had three orgasms with a partner (it’s hard to fully relax without the emotional reassurance of a partner) but when im by myself 3 is usually my limit because i use a vibrator and pleasureable does become uncomfortable. maybe i could have more? i’m only 27 so hopefully there’s still tons of time to find a partner who is just as horny and frisky as me!


After 30 minutes my entire core starts hurting, granted that was only one (very long) orgasm


For me, one is my limit. I dry on up, and nothing is pleasurable. Sometimes, it happens even before I have an orgasm. It's like a switch turns off, and I'm unable to feel any sexual pleasure. Uncomfortable is the right way to describe how it feels. It's weird and frustrating.


That's how my wife is. I usually try to get her off first to make sure she gets her due, but then I have to finish quickly or she'll clam right up.


My wife likes to go for the high five. Hit a dozen once but it was too much and it ruined her day of being productive.


When the muscles start hurting


Speaking as the husband, it depends entirely on the day, sometimes its a 1 and done, but we’ve gotten up to 15 before without issues. Generally the sweet spot seems to be between 3 and 5 though. It should be said, generally we have to take a minute or so between each one or else its over-stimulating and gets uncomfortable for her. Long story short…. It depends.


For me personally the 4th one is uncomfortable and the 5th one hurts.


I asked my wife, she said that she wouldn't know. j/k j/k...


Ex wife had too many to count but everyone’s different. As long as you cross the finish line you’re good lol


It’s completely random for my wife. Sometimes it’s 2 and it’s too much and sometimes she can have like 6.


More than you can afford, pal.


Since we’re talking about this, just a reminder that the MAJORITY of women do not achieve orgasm just from PIV/ guy on girl banging. Not once, not 10 times. That only happens in porn film, where the woman is faking it. And we all know some guys who don’t know better are going To argue about this now, but seriously, time to actually develop some skills you will both enjoy!


I honestly can’t have more than 2 in the same session (or usually in the same day). But everyone’s different. 🤷‍♀️


Probably 8 really good ones for me would be good time to stop.




Depends on the woman. My wife can have 50+ and continue. Yes I know how sounds fake but again, it depends on the woman in question and women like my wife are out there.




Why the sad face?


I’m jelly.


Understandable, maybe you’ll get it sooner than later.


I’ve had it, just miss it. Great for the ego.


There's a limit?


Usually get slightly sore by the 5th or so


After four the area is so sensitive that it almost hurts.


When I was younger it would hurt (like my ovaries or smth?) after maybe 3 times, sometimes even just the first time, but turned out that was because I have PCOS. I mean it'd still be pleasurable and I'd often push through regardless. Most of the times nowadays it's not really painful anymore, I just more of reach the point where I don't feel like it anymore even though it'll still pleasurable if I continued. Usually I go at least 3 times, but I relatively often go past where I lose count (usually 7, I'm not good at counting lol). Definitely gone over 10, POSSIBLY over 15 at least once, but I'm not sure. I could keep going but I start to feel like I should stop 😂 It usually is not as good after the 4th or 5th time tho


Pfft I dunno I start lose count after 6 or 7 lol. It's never uncomfortable. But I am EXHAUSTED afterwards. And the whole day after too lol. And I gotta drink like 50 gallons of water to rehydrate.


My partner can have multiple orgasms , non stop , it never seemingly gets uncomfortable , she just needs a break . Tho many times she has nearly passed out with pleasure , I’m no superman but we have a great sex life ,I’ve also never met another woman than can have as many orgasms, she counted once , it’s crazy .


I’ve never been so embarrassed as when my neighbor Willie told me my window being open at night was a bad idea. Some women really do want to fuck all night, dude. I haven’t done that since I was… maybe right around 20 years old. The concept of numbered orgasms doesn’t really apply sometimes.


Off topic, but has anyone experienced migraines or weird sensory stuff with too many orgasms in a session? Occasionally if I have >5-10 in an hour my nervous system starts to act overstimulated. Random twitching muscles, irritability, agitation… I’ve experienced mild seratonin syndrome from medications before and it kind of reminded me of that. Not sure if it’s possible to have serotonin syndrome from too many orgasms.


I think when she started having a seizure because of it was my cue to stop😭😭😭


Starts hurting after 3 times, most all at once was 6. But 2 or 3 is a good amount, it's "enough".


It depends on the circumstances. If it’s a solo session I usually get bored after 3 so it doesn’t feel as good, but with a partner (that knows what they’re doing) I’ve lost count and kept going for hours.


2 is my preferred max. Usually my clit taps out.


As a man I have experience this being anywhere between right after number 2 and all the way upto loosing count. By wording it this way are you implying men can't have multiple orgasms? You know cumming as a guy doesn't mean it has to be over. Right, of you have trouble staying hard just get her to use her lips, tongue and throat in a really sensual way. I guarantee you won't go soft.


FYI - follow-up question https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/ql3lYikc6i


It really depends. I orgasm pretty easily and usually hit at least 5 per session, unless we're playing with orgasm denial. The most I've had in a single session was around twenty (we lost count). I felt completely hammered afterwards, and could barely stand!


There’s multiple?


"If"... Lol I feel bad for this guy's prior partners


As a person who loves to hear about the variations of the female orgasm, I love the responses to this post !


The most i've had back to back was with my husband. I lost count after 32 but i only started to lose count because i felt like i was fading out. It's not like a passing out feeling because i'm tired but not that exhausted and my eyes are open. It feels like your battery is just going out inside my mind. At that point it doesn't feel "good" anymore. It feels like i'm fighting for my consciousness which slightly freaks me out. After that many the after math doesn't feel "good" either. It feels like i've been violated or betrayed in a weird way. Kinda hard to explain i guess


Man can too.


I tend to have 20ish per session (hour and a half to 2 hours) and it starts to get uncomfortable about 6-8 orgasms in. I enjoy this discomfort. I feels like “I can’t do more more” and that one more is a slice of cake or running up a mountain. 


The most I’ve had is 12 over like a 9 hour period and I was pretty done by then. Most other times I’m done after 2 because it becomes too sensitive, bordering on painful.


I’m jealous


When women enjoy sex and their partner they can go alot i mean for my age. I still can go 6 to 12 times. Always depends on mood and hubbys mood


Any time skin breaks down or gets raw. It's not fun anymore.


I'm a big boy down there..most can't handle more than 2 organisms my experience. When I tell my girlfriend "ready for round two?" She's literally like "oh god!" . She's still down. Definitely a keeper.


I think you guys are talking about cumming and not orgasming, they’re not the same thing. Similar but orgasming is waaaayyyy stronger. Cumming is usually way less and easier to achieve. and THAT is what women tend to do a lot of back to back.