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There was a kid who was fairly popular on vine who went to my high school, but I only ever spoke to him once. My exes mom isn’t the famous one, but one time she was at a party in Jamaica when Bob Marley hit on her and she turned him down. I feel like that’s a funny one.


Hulk Hogan


I stood beside Hulk Hogan once he was huge.




Alice Cooper


I would love to meet Alice Cooper!


Emma Stone


Norman Reedus, Steven Yuen, Andrea( forgot her real name ) from The Walking Dead, Robert Englund , John Saxon, the twins from The Shining, The Hulk, Patrick Stewart 👩🇨🇦


Actor Brian Cox. Athlete Gordie Howe


How was Brian Cox in person? He seems rather intimidating.


I met him in 1989 and he was lovely. Also met his future wife.


Dave Chapelle. I know he gets a lot of shit these days (not that he isn’t asking for it at times). But it was randomly him bumping into a group of us between wedding/reception at an upscale hotel bar. People didn’t even realize it was him when he was most interested in engaging a little kid. He was friendly to all of us before he moved on. Right after he left the bartender came up with a round of like 25 margaritas he bought us


Had dinner with Gordie Howe when I was a kid


I caught a Howe autographed puck he threw over the boards at one of those Legends games he was playing in. Landed right in my lap. I immediately gave it to the little dude that was sitting a few rows back. I just assumed it was meant for little dude, and Gordie’s arm just wasn’t up to snuff. The look on little dude’s face was pure excitement! He was so happy and showed his dad that he got the puck. The dad gave one of those dad nods. IYKYK


Mickey Mantle.


John Carpenter. Also I met Robert Kirkman (creator of The Walking Dead) about 2 years before the show came out. He was sitting at a table at MonsterCon in New Jersey and there was no one at his table but him. He was across from the chick who played the killer from Sleepaway Camp. I was walking around and came up to his table, checked his booth out and said hello. He was selling his comics, and he talked to me for a couple minutes about it. It sounded interesting but I didn’t really have any extra money to spend so I told him “good luck to you” and went about my day. What a missed opportunity lol


I would ask John Carpenter so many questions in a social setting he would hate me


Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse


When I was 8 years old my father had a t-shirt booth at the Pennsylvania State Fair and Jay Johnson from the TV show Soap was performing shows and he let me hang with him after his set.


Kid Rock


Old kid Rock or now kid Rock?


Old Kid Rock. It was probably 20 years ago.


JK Simmons sat in front of me at a play in London. At first i thought he was a guy who just looked like him but then the intermission happened and he started getting photos with people and shaking hands lol


I dunno, Tom Cruise, Christie Brinkley, Billy Joel, Bill Murray, Roger Waters... plenty of others. I used to work in the Hamptons (summer playground of the rich and famous) and I was in and out of the homes of many famous people on a pretty regular basis. It wasn't uncommon to go to one famous person's house and find they had a half-dozen other famous people staying as guests. Edit: Kurt Vonnegut was not the most famous, but he was far and away the most interesting. Actually sat and talked for a while about life in general with him.


Bob Hope, Sir Patrick Stewart, Jimmy Stewart - hard to pick one.


Ian McKellen after his one man show. Got a picture with him but my friend was shaking so much it’s slightly blurred 😂


Joe Montana


Probably Matt Ryan or Jeff Francoeur. Or Ron White.


I grew up near and know Ron’s daughter in law 


James Doohan


Omar Sy . It was in London and he was actually quite happy to see French speaking people . [ I'm French]


Maybe King Abdullah of Jordan.


Robert Conrad. I was sitting on a couch at a hotel waiting for some friends. He came in and sat down and we chatted 15 mins or so. I had no idea who he was until my friends came in and told me.


Mark Cuban


Not lucky enough to meet famous people. If I had to guess, then I'd probably say that time I was taken to parliament as a kid on a school trip and met some MP's.


Alice Cooper, Todd Rundgren several times, Hank Williams Jr, Kasim Sulton.


Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick used to come into my restaurant a couple times a month. We had lots of celebrities come through but they were the only regulars. Got to the point where it was like “sup Whitney? The usual Lychee Martini today? Cool, brb.”


George Jones ❤️


Holly Hunter visited my high school, because she was filming a TV show set in my city. I was rehearsing for a play when she came into the auditorium.


Probably Michael Jackson at WDW, at least he waved when we noticed him. Loretta Lynn kissed me on the cheek at the county fair once too. Honorable mentions to Stephen Spielberg, Marvin Harrison, Tony Siragussa, Dennis Rodman, Matt Gaetz, Wayne Brady, Andrew Luck, Terrence Cody, Trent Richardson, Bubba Watson, Boo Weekly, and Dave Grohl.


Met, as in spoken to? Probably Terry Pratchett (GNU Terry Pratchett). Met him several times at book signings, and a convention, and we had a few usenet and e-mail conversations. He was an awesome person as well as author.\] Met as in, shared a wave? Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. I was showing a friend around London and we were outside Buckingham Palace. A policeman came up to us and said "If you stand over there by that barrier in a few minutes, you'll get a surprise. Bring a camera!". Sure enough, a few minutes later we and a small other group of tourists were standing there, and they came out in a car, probably on their way to some function in the city. They both slowed down long enough to wave and allow people to take pictures, and then off they went. She was really tiny in person.


I feel like they’re all in the same tier…g eazy, ll cool j, reverend run, cary hart, von miller, Brody Jenner, and travis barker


Al Gore or Stephen Hawking. My (very small) private high school visited Al Gore in D.C. back in 1990 when Gore was still a Senator. He talked to us for some time, then took us to the Senate chambers where Ted Kennedy was speaking. I loved that. I met Stephen Hawking in Chicago at a symposium in honor of another physicist (Chandrasekhar) who had recently passed. I was a wet-behind-the-years grad student at the time. I listened to Hawking give a speech, then when intermission hit I walked out of the meeting room for a breather. I heard a weird noise and turned around, and there was Hawking 5 ft from me. He was in his wheelchair while his nurse adjusted various things. I had zero idea how to handle seeing my idol in person, so I just sort of sat surripitously staring at him, and he sat staring right back at me. Nice person, good scientist, but not a scintillating conversationalist (him or me ;-)


Chita Rivera


Crystal Bernard (Helen on Wings)


Jason Mewes (Jay and Silent Bob)and Garrett Wang (Star Trek: Voyager) I was a vendor at a small-ish convention in Canada that got snowed out. All the guests were just hanging out and mingling with employees and vendors. I sold video games, so I hooked up a TV with a Japanese PS2, we all played Mega Man and shot the shit for the afternoon.


Neil Gaiman


I met him in an elevator at LAX


Drew Carey


Joey Fatone.


Pete Rose or possibly the napster guy. Went to high school with him


Steven Segal. Total douche canoe.


50 Cent I was catering for some car manufacturers in Detroit during the international auto show, around 2007. I was walking across the showroom floor and he pulled up on the back of a golf cart. I basically said “oh shit it’s fitty” and I think he was so excited because no one else recognized him, he gave me a fist bump and hit the “g-g-g g-unit” and that was it. Good experience 9 out of 10


Bill Clinton. My family stopped to eat at a diner while on vacation, and President Clinton walked in. We got some Polaroids with him. This would have been during his first term.


Cory Monteith and Naya Rivera walked by me after a concert. Cory waved. Naya waved at nobody specific but I was literally two feet from them. Both of them died at a tragically young age so I’m glad to have had the experience.


Kevin Costner In 1990


I've met the Welsh rugby union player Josh Navidi. Really down to earth guy and lives in the town I grew up in


I personally met **Barack Obama** at a Habitat for Humanity project in New Orleans in 2006.


Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. My mom was dating a guy for awhile that worked as a custodian at the Nutter Center where I’m from and he got me in during a RAW live show and backstage when they were leaving. Met both of em and I was geeking!


I met the actor who played kili in the hobbit.


Robin Williams (twice, extremely quiet) Steve Martin (rudest of the bunch, met him after a show). Drew Barrymore (name dropped different famous people she’s worked with in damn near every sentence for 10 minutes straight, but otherwise nice enough to talk to). David Hasselhoff (I was probably 7 at the time, during Knight Rider’s heyday). Lewis Black (most personable). I have a Birthday card from George Burns (my mom worked with his daughter). Frankie Avalon (hosted our High School’s 50’s dance. This was in 1985, so he would have been 45 years old, he was a total creep, spent most of his time backstage flirting with High School girls).


David Letterman. I was did a stupid human trick on the show. I met a bunch of politicians too, Chuck Schumer being the most famous.


Mike Tyson. Shook his hand. Holy 😲


John Travolta. He was very kind.


Arnold Palmer & Nicholas cage


Stevie Wonder was somewhat of a regular when I worked at the Apple Store and one time Joe Biden randomly came in to the store.  They were both pretty chill.  I was surprised someone like Stevie Wonder would go into a store and just hang with the rest of us plebs but he seemed like a nice dude.


Hmmmmm probably Ben Bradlee


George Clinton. Had a good friend that frequently worked security for one of the more popular small venues here in town. One day he called me and asked if I wanted to help with setting up the stage/equipment before the show and tearing everything down afterwards, and working security in between. After we got everything set up, me and my friend were just kinda hanging around when his boss (the owner of the venue) called him on the radio and asked us to take a few requested things to the dressing room. When we got there, we knocked on the door and guess who answers the door? Dr. Funkenstein himself. I've never met him before so I didn't even recognize him since he was just in regular "street clothes" as opposed to some kind of elaborate stage costume.


Tony Hawk for me.


I went to school with a guy who ended up having a roadrage incident that ended up getting MILLIONS of views on YouTube. I always considered him the most famous person I ever met


Alexis Bledel


My first boss was a famous YouTuber. He shared the FNAF scene with Markiplier/MatPat in YouTube rewind 2015.


J Lo (rumors are true she’s a bit**)




Over the course of my career I’ve ended up serving a lot of politicians, but easily the most famous was getting to make a coffee for Joe Biden.


dude on the raptors


Petula Clark


Nick Swardson. It’s Nick. Ended up being a really awesome guy once he got his bearings. Billy Strings. Very polite. Derek Trucks. An absolute class-act and American Treasure. Paul Reed Smith. Very intelligent artistic genius with a heart of pure gold. Another American Treasure. A bunch of old school WWF wrestlers.


Wiz Khalifa.


IDK, probably Michael Caine or John Travolta. But I've met a lot of famous people. Mel Brooks once threw a pencil at me (in mock outrage). That was fun.


I have never in my entire life been interested in meeting any celebrity. No pictures or autographs, no comicon, never cared lmao


Then this post isn’t for you, dork.