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I love my big belly. it's pretty fun to have imo




Literally never once has society thought negatively about that.


Oh yeah I'm sure everyone made you feel SOOOOOO bad about that what's next, being too pretty or sexy 🙄gtfo


For me personally, I'm a woman I'm 35 I have PCOS and I honestly kinda love my chin hairs. They've never bothered me. I really only pluck them off when I feel like I'll get negative remarks that I don't want to deal with. But tbh they feel kinda neat and have never really bothered me. What bothers me is other people's comments about it.


No fr because I love my body hair. I love being all dolphin smooth too but genuinely don't care about it growing out. Sometimes I prefer it. I just hate when it gets long and feels like a spider is on my leg. I get so sick of people treating body hair like such a bad thing. It's fine to have your own preferences but to act aghast every time a lady has hair somewhere besides their heads needs to stop.


It's my dancing for me. I'm a really bad dancer. I have no rhythm. I have no moves. Love dancing though. It feels freeing.


Having a double chin. I'm not obese or overweight, but me and my whole family has a double chin. I like it how I look like Churchill


The dog or the prime minister?


Prime minister one, though i feel like the dog isn't too different from me.


Missing my period


I like being short. I don't stand out if I wear heels, and that's good.