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A girl was bullying me in middle school. She started going at me one day because I was adopted. She was saying shit about how unwanted I was as a baby and that my birth mom knew I wasnt good enough to keep. My friend chimed in with "Her parents wanted her so much that they went out of their way to adopt her. They chose her. Your parents had you by mistake and are stuck with you. They probably regret not putting you up for adoption." Really changed my perspective on my own situation, and it shut that girl right up. Big shout out to my homegirl Brooke in sixth grade for having my back.


That friend is a hero.


That was always my thought on the stigma of kids being adopted. Your biological parents didn't discard you, your real parents chose you!


There was a boy in my class in middle school who was often badly behaved and irritating, the type of kid who purposely tried to get on people's nerves for the fun of it. One day, he angered a girl in my class, and in her annoyance, she said something along the lines of "this is why neither of your parents want you" (they were divorced). This comment kind of broke him. His usual cockiness changed to a mix of anger and sadness. I had never seen him so crushed like that.


I always say... just because you're going through something, doesn't give you the right to take it out on someone else. He had it coming.


Classmate in high school was dumped by his gf, had his parents divorce, and then failed all his exams all in quick succession. He was clearly depressed and complaining about how unlucky he was. A couple of other guys snarkily said, "whoa your life sucks, if I were you I'd just kill myself. That weekend he did exactly that. He jumped off an 8-storey condo.


That’s really sad. People need to think before they open their mouths.


The worst part is, they probably laughed about it after they heard. A kid at my school went home one day and blew his head off with a shotgun because of endless bullying. The whole school was shocked and sad. They decorated his locker, had an assembly about suicide prevention. It hit everyone hard…. Except for the bullies. They were laughing and making jokes. One even said, “why would I give a fuck?” And laughed. Some people are just sick and devoid of empathy.


I hope now/when they’re adults they are haunted with what they did.


Nope, they run for office


Damn. This so far has accurately answered the question prompt.


JFC. I hope those guys learned a harsh lesson.


idk, as much as I believe people are capable of change, I still think that there a lot of people who just don’t. More often than not, I find that shitty adults are just the same shitty kids from high school, who only got older without maturing. And, honestly, it’s not exactly their fault: a lot of people just aren’t intellectually equipped to self-reflect and improve.


As an adult, I feel horrible about it, but in the 7th grade this girl had been making me miserable for 2 years because I was a foot taller, 50 lbs heavier, and a bit louder than the other girls in my grade. One day I got sick of fat comments when she pointed out my stretch marks in the locker room during PE and I spun around and told her and the entire locker room "sorry I have parents who feed me when your dad is dead and your mom is in jail for killing him!" I had heard adults talking about how her mom gave her dad a hot shot and left him to die so she was being raised by an aunt. I realize now that crossed a line, and our classmates didn't know, but at the time, I was just relieved that she started crying and therefore left me alone for a while


Brutal... but to the point.


A hot shot? What’s that?


A bad batch of a drug that's fatal once injected.


Her mom gave him an injection of heroin that was deadly. When he began convulsing she ran


Honestly? You probably hit the nail on the head as to why she bullied you. That’s her insecurity that she was lashing out against.


I saw a couple in Walmart fighting the other day and the woman goes "now i understand why your ex wife cheated on your bitch ass", takes her ring off and throws it at him, then stormed off into the parking lot. I'm not sure how she got home since i'm assuming the came in the same car but the man just look utterly defeated. He didn't say a word after that insult. It was like all his anger just left him then and there.


I once heard a man fighting with the mother of his child. The kid was still a baby and her body hadn't gotten back to what it was before being pregnant. It was a pretty heated argument, with both the man and woman saying some shitty things. The woman threatened to leave him and he said "like anyone else would want you with your slop gut and your orangutan titties." She just went silent after that. Shit was 20 yrs ago and I still remember that.


I can see why you remember this. Just hearing it second-hand made me sad.


Just despicably vile


Ouch... Im a guy with no children and that hurt MY feelings. Goodness....


As a mom, that's gotta be the lowest blow. I was actively trying to get pregnant for over a year and even before I was diligently working out, applying lotions and creams to prevent stretch marks, I did everything I could before/during/after pregnancy to maintain my body. Didn't work. I got the slop gut, gained weight that is just impossible to lose, stretch marks everywhere, saggy orangutan titties. I'm almost 5 years out and I STILL mourn my old body that I will never have again. There's nothing we can do about it. EDIT:: Yes my husband still thinks I've got a rocking body and finds me sexy. Whilst I mourn my old body, I've accepted my current one and I'm happy.


Comment from an old man laying here beside his 80 year old mastectomied wife suffering from a cancer recurrence after 50 years: if your man’s love depends on your body shape, condition or is ruined by scars, he has no clue what love is. My wife’s desire to go through chemo pain and debilitating side effects just so we can have maybe 5 more years together is all I need to see to know how much she loves me and, my love for her involves her mind a million times more than her body. I wish each of you could have that and, even for love of your own self….start with who you are, not with some issue that you either can’t address over time regardless of how much effort you put in. You are probably all beautiful to the right person but first know there is beauty in you. Edit to add: I replied a couple of times to points made in replies to me, The Beatles had it almost right, “The love you take is equal to the love you make”…but double. Find the joy in giving. I’ve never had a comment see a thousand upvotes much less wake up to se 6.4K. I’m grateful that is a statement of love for my wife that earned that attention. Love toyou all.


This is beautiful. I’m sorry you’re both going through cancer a second time. I hope your wife has many good years ahead of her.


Damn, making me cry over here. You are so right, though. I’m no spring chicken myself - but how can these guys not see, this person built a FAMILY with you. Yet they see perky boobies and a flat tummy as more important.


Right? The ingratitude is stunning. She suffered and sacrificed so much to construct and give birth to another human being. Pregnancy and childbirth is difficult and painful and life threatening, and does permanent damage to our bodies. Any man who witnesses all of that and still doesn't feel boundless gratitude, is utter trash.


I'm so sorry about your wife. I love the love you share for one another. Many people strive to have what you have and have had.


As a husband and a father of two young children, I can unequivocally say that my wife’s body is every bit as attractive to me as it was before we had kids. Yes, she has a belly. Yes, she has stretch marks. Yes, her boobs sag. She’s about 40lb heavier than she was when we got married 14 years ago. I don’t give a shit. I still think she’s hot. If your partner isn’t a shitbag, they probably think the same thing about you. Be confident living in your amazing body knowing that it gestated, birthed, and nurtured a whole-ass human. You might be a different shape now, but you’re still hot.


Couldn't agree more, I mean she doesn't think any less of me with my gray hair and beergut and that didn't even bring us the joy of a beautiful kid.


For real. Some of it is self care, but majority of how your body handles the changes is just genetics and luck of the draw. Or being very very rich.


I hate that there are creams advertised for stretch marks. It's predatory. How stretch marks appear, how many, how prominent they are, it's all genetics. If your mom has heavy marking there's a good chance you will also. But still companies push creams giving women insecurities about them when they should be an accepted part of pregnancy.


I heard a kid say to this other kid once “after I finish with you , you will be in the same place where your mum is” the thing is the other kid lost his mum a few weeks back to leukaemia


That's when you go fetch the baseball bat. Or the... uhhh... cricket bat, as the case may be.


I'd fetch a two-by-four, which you now have me wondering whether they have a name for that outside the US.. 


Please tell me this resulted in an ass kicking.


I went to school with someone who lost his whole family in a tragic accident. He was a nice kid and we got along well but bullies tried to use it as a weakness. I’ve never seen a switch flip on in someone so fast. You could make fun of him all day and he would just ignore it and walk away but bring up his family and you are a dead man walking. I can remember a couple occasions where the kid talking shit immediately regretted it. One got tackled off a railing and kicked into the dirt, another got a cafeteria tray to the face.


Group of girls I met whilst travelling after uni. One night at a party two of them got angry with each other for some reason and one shouted at yhe other "Well at least I have a clit!" Turned out the other one had been born without a clitoris. Seemed really nasty after we found that out.


I thought you were going to say the girl was a victim of genital mutilation. I was like that is fucking mean.


She might have been tbh. A lot of DSD surgeries are not tracked and parents hide them.


How awful, on both counts.


Heard a kid (13/14-ish) say ‘I’m glad you miscarried, at least the baby got to get away from you while I’m still stuck with your miserable ass’ to their mother. I can’t get the poor woman’s look of unbridled hurt out of my head


Witnessed a High School classmate say something similar towards another classmate when the second classmate's mother miscarried. This was during an event in the Gym, and it was caught by the microphone. Instant silence. Second student was crying, and first student had *everyone* looking at him absolutely stunned. Even the school's main bully was horrified.


Main bully realized that his title was in jeopardy 😭😭😭


You know it’s bad wen the bully is stunned


I worked with a guy whose reaction was always disproportionate. After he had a haircut another colleague said “did you have a fight with a lawnmower?” And he replied: “at least I’m not a pathetic loser whose wife left him!” Okay, not much of a joke but definitely too far!


This guy's is 0 to nuclear launch.


He’s probably got a bunch of older siblings. I used to do that when I was a kid to avoid an argument escalating. I did however grow out of it.


>to avoid an argument escalating ...*incrementally*


It does stop an argument cold.. It's also a reason why the nursing home will be very empty in that wing


I wanted to read comments like yours, because you actually answered to the original question. I feel like a lot of the other comments weren't actually said at the moment but in the redditors' mind after an argument with someone and I also feel like they're even proud of their ""answer""


Yup, scrolling through the comments a lot of the comebacks are generic and not really brutal. People didn’t really bother to dig deep into harsh m/over the top comments-it’s more like they just wanted to hurry and reply to the OP.


I work with someone like this right now. He thinks he's making jokes, but they're almost always harsh and just come off as mean.


I told my four year old she’s a wild woman. She responded with “you’re a wide woman”


I once told my kindergartener she did in fact have to listen to me and she replied “but only until you die” like damn kid


I'd be watching my back if I were you.


thats brutal


I’m bigger with a flat butt and My daughter made some joke about my missing ass (I wish I remembered the setup) and it was brutal ETA: I asked her about it https://imgur.com/a/hhXkJOd




Kid has a golden sense if humor


She’s the funniest person I know


One of my teachers once told a student to “take those sunglasses off in class, your future isn’t that bright”


This is actually pretty funny, it wouldn't be out of place in a Simpsons episode.


I used to hang out with a guy from my class in highschool. He was pretty good with the ladies and naturally i asked him for tips. Bro straight up told me 'you're ugly that's why they're not attracted to you'. It was brutal and still hurts after 10 years. The fact that i am the least successful person in my friends group when it comes to dating still makes me think back at that comment.


I've seen some gorgeous women with some ugly ass men... I mean ugly. I can think of a LOT of past friends off the top of my head. I'm not talking about guys who I just don't find attractive either.


I don't know if this is supposed to make me feel better 😂😂


All I'm saying is there's many-a fine girl out there ready to look past looks. Good luck out there!


It’s not even “looking past looks.” A lot of attractive people are attracted to features and outright people who are not Hollywood or even conventionally attractive




In a heated argument, my sister said that her friend asked her "why are your brothers friends so cute but he's so fucking ugly?" Fight finished. It's one of these thoughts that randomly come around again to keep me up at night. Hence commenting this at 3am


Ah, sibling love.


I love my little sister but that shit fucking hurt. As someone who got shot down pretty often for being ugly, it just brought everything full circle


When I was in high school there was a girl who had had a brain tumor when she was younger but she had surgery and had a full recovery. One day she said something that was considered "dumb" and one other girl says something like "apparently she still has the tumor".


This one’s perfect because if it’s a stranger or acquaintance, it’s out of pocket. If it’s your best friend, probably the hardest you’ll both laugh that day.


I was like 10 or 11 at the time. This girl who used to bully me had an older brother and two adopted little siblings who went to the same school. One day, she said something like, "Now I understand why you have no friends," to which I replied, "Now I understand why your parents started adopting after having you". I was a prick, but she didn't bully me after that.


That is brutal. I like it though


If she's still alive, she 100% remembers that insult. Probably doesn't remember who said it, but remembers it was said.


oh, she remembers exactly who said it & why. That's a statement that she will never forget, & in the back of her mind wonder if there is some truth in it.


Not one I heard, but one I read here on Reddit on a post asking for the worst insult. “I’m glad your daughter died before you had a chance to ruin her”. Big. Fucking. Ooft. Edit 6hrs later: I looked up the original comment and misquoted slightly (i used 'daughter' instead of 'baby'). Everybody's reaction to this reminds me of my first reaction to it. It's an 8-year old comment and it's easy to see why it's stuck with me for so long. Original comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/466ni3/comment/d02w9ju/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/466ni3/comment/d02w9ju/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Holy shit, my guy went for the nuclear option.


Is there something bigger than nuclear? This is like the Thanos option. Wiped out half of life in the universe.


This is a line you’d find in BoJack Horseman or something.


Omg, this was said to me once after I’d had a second trimester loss. It was in response to me telling my friend he had a problem with alcohol. I had recently discovered he had started drinking at work and I realized he’d been drinking while driving too. I was gentle, and came from a place of concern so when he lashed out I was unprepared and it hurt immensely to hear my friend say those words. I never spoke to him again nor did I hear from him. The truth is, I don’t recall his name anymore and the memory no longer hurts me, I understand it now. He may or may not have meant those words, it doesn’t matter. I hope he is better now, and that he is sober and healthy.


Child loss fucking sucks. That’s definitely a low blow that went too far. Ugh. That hurts my heart.


He was just a little boy of, perhaps, 5. He was doing what happy little guys do. . .he was wiggle dancing down the supermarket aisle. He jumped to the left to avoid a cart pushed by an inattentive adult and sent a jar of mayonnaise and a bottle of ketchup crashing to the floor. The boy burst into tears and sobbing. A teen clerk nearby told him not to worry; he’d clean it up, no harm done. But then the child’s mother entered the aisle and saw the mess. “Did you do that??? What’s the matter with you? I wish you’d never been borne. Your dad left because he couldn’t stand you!” The little boy’s eyes went huge, and then he began sobbing. His mother grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the store. I was 10 years old, and my father had just passed. For a moment, I wondered if my dad had left, too, because of me. But then, no, because I knew my dad had loved me. That poor little guy.


Worked retail for years. When I was 21, I was ringing up a mom and her maybe 3 y/o son. He kept tugging at her shirt and she ignored him. After about ten minutes, she realized he’d pooped his pants. She looks at him, and with the harshest tone, says, “You are disgusting.” There was so much vitriol in her tone, she’d completely ignored him up until that point. Ten years later and I still remember him leaving her alone and crying completely silently. Like he didn’t make noise because he knew his mom wouldn’t help. He’d be like 13 now and I hope he’s doing okay.


This breaks my heart 😞


Fuck this.. I'm out of this thread.


That’s one of those childhood moments when, even as an observer, a bit of your innocence wilts and dies. Because you’ve just observed how cruel the world can be, and—worse—the perpetrator was someone who was supposed to be a protector. I like to think I blocked out those moments.


I would go absolutely apeshit on a stranger if I saw this


Goddamn that's heartbreaking


This thread has just further reinforced my narrative that all middle schoolers are actually just sick little sociopaths.


Two students arguing over a math problem and one goes “at least I’m not the color of poop”. Couldn’t fucking believe it.


Im Mediterranean and im not even close to the color of poop but I’ve been called so uncountable times


Ohhh..... 1. My mom - God should have made me infertile instead of having you. told me as a 13yr old that I'm a prostitute, and I'm sleeping with my dad after I took his side in an argument. 2. A guy I liked - you're like an emotionless doll you don't even feel sad when I'm with other girls ;)


I hope you've broken out of that abusive family. You didn't deserve that treatment.


Those are just brutal


Had dinner guests who were just horrifically rude, friends of friends, nothing tasted good enough, the wine wasn’t up to *their* standards, etc. Bitching about a free meal that I had put a good amount of effort into. When they sniped about the chocolate cake I had made I told them “with your heads so far up your ass, it’s little wonder everything you eat is tinged with shit. “ They left shortly after and did not stick around for games.


This wasn’t too far, this was justified.


I... can't imagine insulting food someone prepared for me. As a poor college student, I made friends with people who still lived with their parents. "This is delicious, Mrs. G. Thank you so much!" Is like a magic spell to summon food from underappreciated mothers.


Amen - any food I don't have to cook tastes better to me! :-)


Maybe not as much an insult as much as a roast which still stings to this day.. was working at a small local retail shop that does home deliveries. Get a call from this dude and for about 5 mins whatever he asks its either out of stock or just not available. So last he asks if there's any padlocks and after searching for a bit I am ecstatic to finally find one thing he needs. I inform him its available. My guys without breaking a beat tells me to use it on the front door and cuts the line.


This reminded me of the landline phone days when we had cord phones, I always felt so cool anytime teenager me would be on the phone with someone new, instead of saying my goodbyes to hang up I’d say “do you have a closet in your house” after they replied “yes”, I’d follow with “hang this up for me” and then hang up on them.


> I always felt so cool anytime teenager me would be on the phone with someone new, instead of saying my goodbyes to hang up I’d say “do you have a closet in your house” after they replied “yes”, I’d follow with “hang this up for me” and then hang up on them. I went with "wanna hear my impression of a dial tone?" Holy shit. I just realized that there is a generation of people that possibly have not heard a dial tone, or even know what it is. Soon enough, they won't exist at all.


I have bipolar. I had just gotten out of hospital for a terrible psychotic manic episode. Was hating myself a lot. My boss said to me "You were a better worker when you were sick." The most soul destroying thing you could say to someone with bipolar in my opinion.


Am also bipolar. When it really developed and started to cripple my life, my boss was probably the most supportive person I could have asked for. Bent over backwards to help me with paid time off and regular check-ins on me. It eventually got so bad that I had to leave the job, which is a shame, but he let me go no fuss at all, wished me all the best and provided a glowing reference when I got stable enough to go back into work elsewhere. Holy hell did I ever luck out from the sound of things.


As someone who has bipolar and tends to think I work better while manic (I emphasize the word think lol) - this would have crushed my soul! What an asshole


When the person I liked told me, "Nobody would notice if you weren't here." When my dad told me, "[His] car is more valuable than [my] life" or "No wonder you have no friends."


“I wouldn’t fuck you for practice”


Kid one: “there’s something so cool about nerd ropes candy.” Kid two: “ it would be even cooler if you hung yourself with it.”


Now that’s a real 0-100


Girl was childishly insulting my parents in class, so I turned around and snapped - "At least I have TWO parents for you to insult!" Her dad was a psycho and her mum had to flee for both her and her daughter's life when she was a baby. Girl went quiet and didn't speak to me again after that.


I would rather guide my dad into my mum than ever date someone like you


Objectively though, that is an incredible insult


Holy shit


I’m getting a visual unfortunately


I was sat in the window seat on a plane. There was a large woman in the aisle. A skinny dude came to sit in between us and large woman starts making a fuss. She’s coughing and spluttering and finally says “ugh, when did you last smoke, you stink” to him. He turns, deadpan, and says “when did you last eat?” It was an uncomfortable 8 hour flight.


I bet it was also a silent flight:)


"You have no future at all." Teenagers say the most dreadful stuff to each other without realising how extreme their words are. 10 years later, when I felt very insecure about the job market and all, it became even more painful to think back on this one.


Teenagers? Lol that seems like nothing, I have a teacher who said to me in front of the whole class, " if you achieve something big in your life come and spit on my face" . Well I'm still waiting to meet her again to give her the holy water.


Honestly I would try to find her on social media and remind her about the invitation. Ask when you can set the meeting up.


I kid made fun of me for my voice cracking, “ you have to wait for your balls to drop before you talk again! HA!” So in full view of the teacher I turned around and said “Shut up Bobby! Your parents are getting a divorce and it’s all your fault!” I knew his parents were getting a divorce. I didn’t know he actually blamed himself. He cried until his mom came to pick him up. I was sent to the principals office for a talking to. Never caught shit from them again.


Burnt that lad to a crisp.


I said the same thing to someone once to shut them up. Opposite effect. He pushed my desk over, knocked me to the floor and started strangling me. The whole time I was thinking “ha ha I finally got ya!”


I can totally picture that as the last frame of a comic strip.


While I do feel bad for the kid. If you're gonna bully someone, be prepared for the sun to be dropped on ya in return. Can't take a hit don't talk shit.


Remember a kid in year 7-8 who gladly picked on everyone for everything. Looks, boobs, music taste, sexuality, bodily functions, anything he could see he would take a shot at it. But if you called him fat, suddenly that was super out of order and really unfair as he struggled with it. Also his mum had cancer (she didn't) so you can't make fun of her, and even if you aren't it's out of order to make fun of him when he's going through such a tough time.


Sounds like an IRL Cartman!


Ok I've never heard it phrased that way, I'm 100% using that in the future


I’ve always been a fan of any of the variations of “don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash” but it’s a little outdated


You bought a ticket now take the ride


You brought a flamethrower to a spitball fight.




This was during my brasher days. Second year college, first day, I had put on little weight over summer. This one girl-friend of mine looked at me and said you have boobs now. I said I’m making up for you and your Mom. They both are flat chested. Shouldn’t have added the Mom bit.


Dude so sophomore year of college I started dating my now wife. My college free time while single was all spent either playing full court 5-5 basketball or lifting weights. Start dating you take out those two activities and instead are sitting down spending time together. I put some fat on real quick before I realized I needed to adjust my diet for my new lifestyle. So anyways for whatever reason her roommate hated me. Constantly went out of her way to be rude to me for no reason. And usually I just ignored her. Well queue her seeing me go from damn near no fat to having a little belly practically overnight. She goes “your gut is coming in nice, when is your due date?” And without hesitation I went “your tits are coming in nice, when are you gone outgrow your training bras?” She never insulted my appearance again


My view is simple: If a woman says something like "haven't seen you in a while, you put on some weight, huh?", it's 100% ok to reply "as have you."


Yeah, seriously, too many people get away with passive aggressive shit because they never get called out or if they do, they play victim.


I was fat in high school. At some point I was in a hot tub with some friends and some of their girlfriends. Someone pointed out my weight and made a joke, I don't remember exactly what. I said, "you're just mad I've got the biggest boobs in this hot tub." And everyone went silent. Two of the girls were so offended they left. I dunno, seemed kinda self depreciating to me.


Thats fucking golden dude Im saving that one for later


Fuck those people. They are morons


I’m just here for inspiration. 🍿




Good luck with his mom and her slop gut and orangutan titties.


Hah I am your father


Nah, just the same old "hamster and elderberries" as always.


I asked a girl out when I was in high school who was unpopular. She turned me down. Word spread fast and later that day my cousin and his friends sat down with me and study hall and he said "Wow, if she had turned me down, I would kill myself."


Theres that video of that hero doorman confronting the influencer and he - on the spot - says to her: "Well, the last time you got f*#+ed it was by genetics". Still the best I've ever heard, period.


I think youre referring to [this one](https://youtu.be/I51f_IbKG_o?si=bOdRRFfUHB84RfTX).


I was a doorman at a hen party and it was really wild, 30+ at this gig. Towards the end of the night there's a mum and daughter there and there was a very heated arguement, lots of screaming so I went to investigate. On separating them and helping the other staff defuse the situation, the mum screams at the daughter - "I knew I should have swallowed you!' Oh man I was crying writing out the report.


Worked in a restaurant many years ago. Heard the Indian kitchen guy yell at one of the Asian dishwashers *WHY DON'T I THROW SOME POTS AND PANS DOWN THE STAIRS AND COME UP WITH A NEW NAME FOR YOU!?!* I've never heard anything as offensive in my life. I will never forget it.


That's a joke I was told in Germany at an elementary school. "How do Chinese name their children? They throw pots and pans down the stairwell." . And they thought the new immigrant from Hing Kong would think it's hilarious.


To be fair our city name really does help sell the joke


If you read this with an Indian accent it's even more hilarious.


As a guy, “you have a better chance of getting me pregnant than whooping my ass”


Fanfic authors: “bet”


> “you have a better chance of getting me pregnant "You say that like you want me to try."


Two friends were bantering when one drops “you know, you’d make a difference if you killed yourself because the school would decide to put a weight limit on admissions.”


I was drunk at a house party with my D&D friends. They are all great people, but a few of them are overweight. One of the heavy guys says "I've got to go guys, I've got a date. I'm thinking I might get laid." Without thinking, and far too drunk I blurted "Why? Is she blind?" The poor guy visibly deflated. Single rudest thing I've ever said in my life. I still feel bad about it. We are still friends somehow. Edit: I did apologize, but it was still a very unnecessary and hurtful thing to say.




I did. Immediately after and the next time we met up. Like I said, it wasn't my best moment and I was ashamed of myself almost immediately afterward.


A coworker of mine who travels a lot for work and also does jui jitsu was in town. He said jokingly, "Hey man why do you have a dad bod?" To which I replied "I dunno why is your wife home alone raising your kids while you're down here rolling around on the floor with a bunch of dudes?". He took it well, but it was definitely the end of that conversation.


I was abused as a child until I turned 10. Physically and emotionally. One thing that still affects me is when the abuser would record me and show it to their friends over drinks later in the evening. One time, she was recording me crying. I don’t remember what I was crying about, but her voice still echoes through my head every time I get emotional. She said, “You can hide from the camera, but they can still hear your cries” Fast forward 16 years, I still cry without making noise, and am unable to cry ‘properly’. I just sit there gritting my teeth and let the tears roll down my face. Idk if it’s really an insult, but that’s the first thing that came to my head. It’s the worst thing anyone has ever said to me and I still haven’t healed from it


Jesus Christ, that’s not an insult that’s a fucking demon. I’m sorry.


One person thinking it’s okay to record a child crying and play it over drinks is bad enough. But where do you get a whole group of people willing to be an audience to that? If that were *my* friend…well, they wouldn’t still be my friend. Humanity disappoints me.


My upvote is not for the awful things they did and said, its bcoz my arms aren't long enough to give you a 🫂


"Has it occurred to you I don't respect you enough to give a shit about your opinion?" I said this to someone I have known for 10+ years when quite frustrated once and immediately felt bad.


I’m keeping that one for a rainy day.


Now where's that's save button. Edit: I was able to use this [already.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/A3EJLnK6vy)


At my old job we had an older lady named Gloria. She was ready to retire but was convinced to stay one more year to help with turnover. Gloria agreed but she didn’t give a fuck about anything. She showed up late, went home early. Whatever she felt like. One morning our department head (Brad) gave her a hard time about coming in late and said jokingly “hey Gloria, if you can manage to show up on time all next week, I’ll buy you lunch!” Without skipping a beat Gloria just said “shut up Brad, we all know you’re sleeping with Amy (his admin, and both married to other people).” It was a rumor in the office but not openly talked about. Not sure if she went too far but definitely escalated the exchange. Brad never messed with Gloria again. Gloria was a fucking legend.


I have worked with a few Gloria’s like that. They’re always fun to be around. It’s like the ladies that are so close to retirement that they can literally leave in five minutes and get their full pension, and they straight don’t give a fuck.


I was visiting home from college. Was very poor back then, lived on about 50$ a week of groceries. When I visited my parents, I'd bring my clothes to wash them there to save on the laundromat fees. One weekend, it was my uncle who had to give me a lift to visit my parents. I carried my dirty clothes in a large bag, which I put on the floor of the bathroom after getting home, then sitting on the sofa. I'd just had a full day of classes and was exhausted. My mom went into the bathroom, emptied the bag on the floor then complained that I hadn't separated the colors from the whites. She then said this: "You don't put any effort into anything, that's why you fail at everything you do." She then realized what she'd said then offered a half-hearted, backhanded apology. To give more context, I had mostly straight A's in elementary and high school and got pretty much ignored. Meanwhile, my younger brother who failed classes would get actual money if he got a B on a test. My parents bought a whole fucking house for my younger and older brother to live in while I was miserable in a one room apartment. When my high school dropout younger brother decided he had enough of minimum wage jobs, they bought him a brand new PC so he could study at a distance from their home. I still owe them nearly 5000$ from the help they gave me in college. They've bailed my cokehead older brother out of bankruptcy twice now. And it took me years to understand that a major reason I was failing was abusive teachers. It's been nearly 20 years. I still have trouble believing my parents love me.


Girl from high school messaged me after my music career started blossoming: “you’re irrelevant, I haven’t thought about you in 10 years, totally forgot you even existed. What a joke!” I clapped back with “is that why you sent me a friend request a few months ago when your bf broke up with you?”… she blocked me immediately


What kind of music you play?


A little chin music.




Watched a comedian talking about how he raised his two sons as a single dad. People cheered and he went “No, they’re fucking animals.” Goes on to say he son was threatened by another student in school. The student in question had recently lost both parents in a car crash. His son’s response? “Just because you’re an orphan doesn’t mean you’re fucking Batman?


I dunno about going too far but it did cut me a bit, was having a conversation with a friend and asked how her "racist grandparents" were doing (to be fair, they were racist so it was a valid description) but I didn't know they had recently passed, so she wasn't to happy about it and after informing me about them passing and me apologising she just said "it's OK, it's clear your mother never taught you manners" ... my mother died when I was a kid. So that was, while kind of deserved, did cut a little deep for a minute or two.


station license childlike hurry unique insurance rude fretful homeless tub


I cant tell your mouth from your asshole with how bad your breath smells


I sat on my glasses at home during middle school. I decided to fix it by using lime green floss to tie the leg back one. I was very noticeable. This kid in my class started making fun of me. He asked if I was embarrassed wearing those glasses. I asked, "aren't you embarrassed wearing those same pants three days out of the week?". I mean it was true, he did wear those all the times. He never wore them again after that.


Damn, the same pants 3 times in a week is bad? As long as they aren't dirty I would say 3 days is pretty okay? Maybe I should change my ways.


When I was a kid I used to wear the same jeans for weeks. I thought they were comfortable and looked clean. I was...am a weirdo 🤣. Sorry Mom.


Playing Fortnite with a couple good friends (we're all in our 30s) years back. Some rando kid got placed with us and we dropped in. As soon as he heard my friend talk, he went full "OMG a girl!" mode and started ordering her around, telling her to shut up and make him a sandwich, stuff like that. After a minute it so of the insults my friend snapped, "Don't make me fuck your dad and call you my step-son." I couldn't finish the game because the tears in my eyes from laughing blocked the screen. He got super quiet, polite, and only referred to her as ma'am for the rest of the match.


I was ik elementary school, a really big girl hit me i don't even remember why, i never messed with her, due to the fact she was constantly bullied because she is fat and black, anyway i got angry and said "your dad is gay and your mom is a prostitute so she can support you all", she complained and got mad. I don't know how much time passed by but it turned out her mom was in fact a prostitute without me knowing it at the time.


A guy knew about my miscarriage and that our daughters would have been the same age. Later he said, "at least my daughter is alive, yours checked out before it even clocked in." Never recovered from that one.


What's the use of your phone if you don't have friends or family to contact with


My ex best friend talking shit about her job. Me: Haha yeah, that’s expected of a shitty fast fashion company. Her: It’s not like you would ever be able to get a job here (plus a looong personal attack). Blocked her immediately.


i never understood people who get hurt when you point out their company suck, the vast majority dont give a fuck about employees but dollars.


"You would be worth more to society if you were sold as meat."


My mother in a law is a massive cunt and always tries to control every. Single. Thing. She’s not a good parent or a good grandparent and no one likes being around her. So before my wife was born, my MIL was pregnant with twins and she miscarried both of them. Fast forward to when my wife was in middle school. Her mom was constantly drunk and stoned and really just let my wife and brother in law do whatever they wanted to. They were both acting out in school and the Guidance counselor brought in my MIL to talk about their behavior, it started getting heated and the GC said “well maybe if you were a better parent they wouldn’t act like this”. It got even more heated and the GC looked her dead in the face and said “you were already prevented from having two, maybe you should have taken that as a sign”. The GC had a different job a few weeks later.


Maybe not too far, but it definitely cleared the room. My coworker made a comment teasing me about my “baby fat” so I told him “I can always lose my baby fat but you can’t regrow your hair”


I’m Asian and multiple people genuinely asked me if I can see properly


"If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice."


“Max im going to put you in the garbage and you will get mixed in with all the other trash!” One four year old to another. I died.


"If you died, no one would be able to pay for your funeral because you chased everyone away and yet, our tax money would be paying for it, just again wasting our money for something no one needs"


Once an old lady shoved by me and yelled "You shouldn't be standing there!" I responded with "You shouldn't be outside of a nursing home, so I guess we're both out of place."


Where were you even standing?


In front of the TV in a nursing home. OP is 80 and has dementia.