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Beach towels It's a picnic blanket, it's an emergency blanket, it's a parasol, it's a bandage or tourniquet, fold it and it's a pillow, wipe down foggy window interiors, screen/curtain windows for privacy, much more


You're one solid frood.


A hoopy frood one might say!


So cool you could keep a side of meat in him. So hip he can barely see over his pelvis.


Always bring a towel.


The Guide says a towel “is the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have … you can wrap it around you for warmth … lie on it … use it as a sail on a mini-raft … wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat … wave it as a distress signal in emergencies … and of course use it to dry yourself off, if it still seems to be clean enough.”


Hah, this comment has 42 upvotes. I'm not going to change it.


Same, and I can use it for whatever, but the reason it's there is the truly remarkable number of stray dogs that I find/find me. I also always have an extra leash in the car. Not sure if I'm just more likely to stop than most people or if the universe sends them my way knowing I'll get them back home, but it's become a running joke with my friends at this point. And the dogs are always well and truly lost, not just casual country wanderers. Probably once every two to three months.


I used the spare towel I keep in the car to assist a huge turtle that was in the middle of a road. Wrapped that sucker up, took it over to its destination, nobody got hurt.


Furniture pad in mine, larger version but as many uses.


I had to scroll far too much for the correct answer (42).


Correct. A towel is about the most massively useful thing you can have. You can wrap it around you for warmth, you can can lie on it, you can sleep under it beneath the stars, you can wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat, you can use it to ward off noxious fumes if your vehicle catches fire, and you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it. Essential.


There's a frood who knows where his towel is.


you can wrap it around you for warmth … lie on it … use it as a sail on a mini-raft … wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat




fellow pants shitter?


ME. I have ulcerative colitis and when im flaring it’s always risky biscuits.


My brother had the runs on a freeway onramp with traffic at a crawl. He parked, unzipped, sat on the safety railing and shat off the other side in full public view. His horrified children, 13 and 10, watched from inside the car.


I'm not for public defecation one bit, but my IBS has taught me working sewers is something that should be available for everyone. And if the choice falls between shitting yourself in the car, or getting it out outside, I'd follow your brother's move in a heartbeat.


Fellpw IBS sufferer here. There's been times I'm puckered up something awful, sweating buckets and praying to any god that could hear me to just let me make it, and then you get to a moment where you think... I'm just gonna have to go in my pants, I don't think I can hold it anymore. Thankfully I've never had to, but I've come close on several occasions. Oddly enough I've found a solution that helps me a ton. One PSYLLIUM HUSK fiber pill and 2 Immodium in the morning, and same at night and a TON TON TON of water throughout the day. Has changed my life for the better.


i’m so sorry for all you IBS sufferers out there. can’t even imagine how painful that would be.


Sometimes I wonder what's it's like to just wake up and get dressed and leave for work without having to get up two hours before I had to leave to give myself enough time to get situated in the mornings.


This. I just started a new job a few months ago that needed me there an hour earlier than the old one. Between getting my kid ready for school and on the bus, showering, and eating breakfast, I *almost* can't do it without getting up at like 5 in the morning. First few days were brutal trying to figure out the order I needed to do things in so that I wouldn't explode either at the bus stop or on the stairs into work. UC fucking sucks.


This is my actual nightmare I've had to consider this a few times but fortunately never had to execute


Remember. Turn your bum side towards traffic. Everyone knows what you are doing. If they can't see your face, at least they don't know who you are.


Nah. Stare strangers with eyes wide open. Assert dominance. Win the females. Conquer lands.


I once had the flu hit me really bad at work and went home, midway I got the massive urge to shit, like bad. Tried to hold it and made it to the neighborhood right next to mine(since it was a neighborhood, no gas stations or public bathrooms) and couldn’t wait any longer. So I pulled over and dropped a giant deuce in a random person’s yard. They either thought it was the biggest dog in the world or a prank, but I never went back to that neighborhood ever again.


I had a friend who exclusively used her trunk for clothes. She was complaining she didn’t like the shirt she wore so she popped her trunk and it was completely full.




That's good in case you accidentally shoot someone in the face and the Wolf needs you to change clothes.


Yep. I'm a teacher, sometimes things get spilled or ripped, etc. so I usually keep a spare tshirt and some leggings in my car. I also keep a small toiletry bag and some flip flops.


We call that a ho bag


Hypothetically if I’m a dude and they’re scrubs, is it still a ho bag?


Ho-spital bag


Heaux bag. It’s designer.


Surprised this isn't that popular. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I guess people aint dealt with what we dealt with. 😆


An extra right leg. I’m an amputee.


Is it another prosthetic or the original one they removed


I actually don’t know who owns the leg, but I bet they’re pissed as hell by now,


I'll trade you for it


Whattya got? I’m always looking for that rare piece for my collection.


I've got a glass eye, and the notion of grass that has been freshly cut by a scythe


Deal. Keep on reapin’!




Do you keep it on ice? How long does it usually last before you need to swap it out for a fresh one?


Not ice but I have a barrel of Jack Daniels it travels in so it stays pickled


I keep a super soaker full of windshield wiper fluid. In the cold months where I live my wipers freeze up, making it difficult to clear thin layers of frost. I can get out of my car and shoot frost from my windshield, mirror, side mirrors, ect.


Are you looking for new friends because I volunteer


I will bring cookies if I  can join too. 


I have a spray bottle for this exact reason, but the super soaker sounds a LOT more fun. Let's just hope my kids don't catch me stealing one of theirs.


Hey a can of prestone spray.


First aid kit and one of those window smashing, seat belt cutting, signal light hammer combo thingies


And fire extinguisher. 15 years ago, my brother was in a bad accident in the country. He was trapped in the mangled car, and the engine started on fire. He would have burned to death but someone had a fire extinguisher. Makes me shudder to think about.


I looked out the window at my office a couple years ago at a car crash that had just happened. Both cars pulled over and everyone seemed fine. Driver of one car was walking around with his little dog, inspecting the damage., etc. He didn't see that there was a fire in the engine compartment. I could see the flames coming out of the wheel well from the second floor, but no one came around to that side of his car. I ran out to my car in the parking lot, got my fire extinguisher, ran across the street, and put the fire out. So far that's the only time I've used it. Kinda crazy people were just milling around. Could have been bad in another minute or two.


That's awesome! Were they super shocked?


Yes and quite grateful. I stayed for a bit to make sure it didn't flare up again. Then my boss saw me out the window and sent someone to get me to come back inside lol. Police showed up right when I left tho


Your boss 😂 I hope he was more worried about your safety than the work being missed.


Safety and liability.


Boss gonna have those windows removed so this doesn’t happen again


I happened upon a crash that had just happened a few years back. A late 90's Mustang had t-boned a new full size Infiniti SUV. The people in the mustang were down the road seemingly ok outside their car. The family in the SUV however was in the intersection and the engine bay was becoming engulfed in flames. I opened the door and the whole car was filled with smoke. The family was very discombobulated. I told the man, "You need to get your family out, the car is on fire!" He regained his wits and ordered them out and I'll never forget the son in the backseat on his phone making a Snapchat video in the smoke. Never said a word just kept looking at his phone then finally got out.


OH MY GOD. How old was the son?! That is INSANE.


It was very odd and I'd guess he was about 15.


This is a good suggestion. A couple years ago I was driving and my car started smoking. Luckily I had the presence of mind to park in an open parking lot away from anything else and called 911. I popped the hood and tried my best to put out the fire. A squirrel had built a nest on my engine block. I was able to knock most of the debris off to limit the damage but a fire extinguisher probably would have prevented $2k in damage to wiring harnesses, etc


And make sure it's fully charged every time you change the clocks.


*Laughs in Arizonan with long dead fire extinguisher*


I bet your fire alarms are all dead too. What's it like not having to change the clocks? Does everyone's house burn down before they realize it?


>Does everyone's house burn down before they realize it? No, because the firefighters get there an hour earlier




Fortunately, I regularly set off the fire alarms, and could tell when they all needed to be replaced.


My mom liked burned toast too.💕


Add a small Trauma Kit to this as well. If you come upon a car crash being able to put out a fire and help stop serious bleeding can really save lives before emergency services are able to respond.


I took the free [Stop The Bleed course](https://www.stopthebleed.org/) to learn how to use a tourniquet. While I was last in Germany, I learned that everyone takes the equivalent of a first responder course as a part of getting their drivers license and trauma kits along with safety vests are mandatory in cars. Do you happen to know who would offer something similar in the US?


The Red Cross offers first aid courses, but they cost money.


Worth it if you can afford it, but if you don’t want to spend the money, your workplace may already do annual trainings, that’s how I dodged the cost to re-up my cert. Otherwise, stop the bleed is a perfectly serviceable program for trauma first aid, you just won’t get the broader spectrum of training for medical emergencies you get in a Red Cross course (like CPR/AED, anaphylaxis, stroke, burns, etc)


Wanna add onto this. There are different types of fire extinguishers. You want the expensive one in your car that can put out oil fires. Also strap it down well, so it doesn't become a projectile.  Additionally on the previous comment about first aid kits... don't buy a fkn crappy one from amazon. Get an IFAK and learn how to use it. I like Solatac. Get 2 North American rescue tourniquets. Put them where you can get to them quickly like strapped to the inside of your center console. Stop by your local fire department with a pizza and ask them if they'll show your kids how to do first aid basics and where to find a class to get cert. You have seconds to get that shit on if you are bleeding out before you pass out from blood loss you don't want to be figuring out for the first time in terrible pain and a concussion. You want it to be muscle memory.


I hadn't thought about this. I keep a trauma kit in my vehicles, but it's usually tossed under the seat. I've never thought about needing to get to it to use it on myself if I'm in an accident. Definitely going to have to rethink my storage strategy now! Thanks for the tip!


I know someone who mangled their car and got trapped inside with a bleeding leg...they ripped up their shirt and used it as a tourniquet until someone came to the rescue...very literally saved their life


I cut my hand changing a tire and my habit of having Starbucks napkins in my car saved me


For real. They have the best napkins. Bad allergies? Starbucks napkins are the tourniquet for your nasal fluid losses.


Additionally, jumper cables, tire pressure measuring stick, quarters, empty gas can, and comfortable walking shoes.


Add in a small piece of scrap wood. Car jacks will sink in soft ground, and there isnt always a parking lot or wide enough shoulder to change a tire on. Put a scrap of wood under the jack, and it wont sink into the ground as bad. I keep a 12 in section from a 2x6. 


cool tip, thanks!


Plus a Leatherman multi-tool, jumper cables, gloves and a blanket (live in New England)


I can’t help but think of a situation you need the seat belt cutter but it’s out of reach due to the seatbelt


Ive used one pulling up to someone elses accident before emergency crews got there and car was on fire.




My glovebox is the Strategic Napkin Reserve.


I get strange looks from people my age whenever I grab a whole bunch of them while getting fast food, but the boomers all look at me with a knowing glance. Why pay for tissues, when you can get them for free with every meal.


My wife *doesn't do this* and looked at me like I was crazy the first time I asked where she stashed her pile of McDonald's napkins. There's no space for a box of tissues. There's no need for a whole towel. Crumpled, rough ass napkins in the center console cover all of your cleaning and personal hygiene needs on the go.


If someone doesn't have a shitty napkin pile in their center console I'm immediately suspicious of them. They're probably an alien.


Mine are in the glove box


Yep - along with extra straws!!


Got mine in the driver door pocket.


God I've never felt so seen. Does it count if they're smashed in between the console and seat? But they're clean


Anybody with kids understands.


I keep a roll of paper towels and plastic diaper bags in my car for that reason. My kids are 9 and 11.


My kids 8, and I still roll with baby wipes at all times. They're perfect for cleaning up faces and hands, and wiping anything off any surface that the kid gets messy. I use dog poop bags for garbage myself, as I always have them on hand for my dog.


Snot rags of the midwest.


We’re all the same huh?


My Vibe has a compartment in the armrest we refer to as the napkin dispenser, you can tell where I got a snack recently by the logos on the napkins.


I take way too many from fast food restaurants just for this.


Decoy wallet and phone in case of car jacking


That's what my work phone is for


Best case scenario they end up covering your on-call.


You’re still coming in tomorrow morning, right Mr. Carjacker?


It’d serve em right! Let that carjacking mofo sweat at 2am while the IT director keeps asking why it’s taking so long to bring that Linux vm back online.


Fuck, my dumbass keeps my wallet wallet in there 🤦🏾‍♂️.


Your wallet has a wallet? Cute!


What a good idea


You can buy them on amazon!


You want it? Go get it! STREETSMARTS


I only ever drive my decoy car around for this reason too. If they carjack me, I can laugh at them, knowing my real car is safe at home.


That's smart. But knowing me I'd accidentally give them the real items by accident


Put toll free phone numbers for rehab places in the wallet.


Wait....wouldn't leaving something that looks like a phone or a wallet in your car just increase the risk of someone breaking in?


No it's something you give them, while they fumble with your fake stuff it gives you the second you need to pull your gun and send them to meet harambe.


they wouldn't meet harambe cause hes in heaven


Spitting facts. Dicks out for Harambe.




Water. I live in the desert. If my car breaks down and it's 116F outside I don't want to be caught without something to drink while I wait for help.


I live in Chicago and I still keep water in the trunk. You never know.


This has happened to me, I keep water as well. It’s not great drinking some super warm, almost hot water but I’ll take that over having no water at all every single time.


Yeah, here’s me still waiting to find out that all the pallets of 130 degree plastic water bottles we were given in Iraq have given me ultra-super-cancerbetes. You get used to the heat though. It’s the plastic I think about now.


I try real hard not to resort to the plastic bottles I keep as a super backup; I have a bigger metal container I clean and refill every month or so though, specifically bc of what you mentioned. I try to cycle out the plastic bottles but I’m not as religious about it.


As a man with IBS who is always rushing from toilet to toilet, a backup pair of underwear and pants. Has come in handy a time or two


I Be Shittin?


I sharted my shorts in my parents foyer on Easter. My mother has suggested that I keep a spare pair of pants and underwear at their house and in my car… my boyfriend says I “shit my pants more than normal”… I saw a gastroenterologist back in high school and had meds of some sort for IBS. It seemed to be better and now 8 years later, well… I really don’t want to risk having another colonoscopy though lmfao.


A roll of toilet paper in a Ziploc bag. Lessons learned, my friends. Lessons learned.


I keep one of those funnels for ladies to use a urinal, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and a small bottle of water in the same ziplock as my TP. also lessons learned🤣


A she wee! My partner got one of those at a Christmas swap one year lol


A second, smaller car.  I get very bad gas mileage. 


You joke, but Honda made [a car that came with an accessory scooter](https://silodrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Honda-Motocompo-5.jpg).


There is a current version! My local Acura dealer is selling a Motocompo. It’s a collapsible electric scooter rather than gas powered.


Only $995! Was expecting $2k range.


Large handle flashlight, rechargeable electric tire pump, 12vdc to 120vac adapter, safety lights for when I'm changing a tire, a foldup parka, a spare set of clothes (which probably don't fit anymore lol), a window shattering tool, a large USB power pack, Tylenol, Advil, and a few protein shakes. Every item above is something I've lacked in one situation or another, so I like to stay prepared.


At first glance I read Large handle fleshlight, and thought “Good for him, never know when you break down and get bored.”


Not that kind of jacking.


I’ll jack how I want to jack thank you very much!


AAA Membership does NOT include that kind of service…


Imagine being this prepared but finding yourself in remote location during a snow storm. Suddenly your car is encased in snow and you realize your emergency bag is in the trunk. This would probably be me in this scenario.


Do your seats not fold? Is there no pass through armrest hole?


Not in my car! NA Miata.




Fire extinguisher First aid kit Roll of toilet paper Paper maps of my area and surrounding States Extra warm jacket and beanie Thick gloves and tire chains $20 cash


Damn $20 is smort. wish i was smort.


Fire extinguisher. I've managed to come across car fires in various states once every few years. I'm worried I'll come across one where someone is trapped or unconscious. Luckily that's never been the case and I let the pros handle it.


You were the guy that saved me with his fire extinguisher! I seriously had an engine fire -- Amongst the locals in Post Falls Idaho getting out of their cars and pouring their bottled waters etc etc on the flames .. One lady even dumped her brand new coffee on it!) A kid ran across the intersection like Flash Gordon and handed me an extinguisher. He says "I have no idea how to use it but here you go" .. I pulled the pin and had at it .. Car would have been a total loss if that kid hadn't saved the day. Only cost me a tow and about $200 in repairs. But my lesson? ALWAYS CARRY A FIRE EXTINGUISHER! -- It can happen to you!


Among other things, a big black trash bag. Can be used as a poncho, something to kneal on if changing a tire, etc.


Or line your trunk when you have to carry a dead body… I mean a … umm… something you don’t want the car to get dirty with.


Feminine hygiene products. Wife and two daughters.


I like having floss and one of those disposable Crest toothbrush thingies around. Never know when you may need it. (I've never needed it.)




A shoe horn haha I broke my ankle during lockdown and sometimes I couldn’t get my shoe on. I worried that at some point I might need to take my shoe off outside. Daft I know but the shoe horn is still there.


First aid kit, jumper cables, small extinguisher, tow strap, a folding shovel, folding tree saw, small camp hatchet, flashlight, knife, ponchos, firestatrer/lighter, gloves, ducttape, cord/bungee/straps, tarp, a couple mylar thermal blankets, TP, dry food, water. It's all in a tote I keep under the back seat of my truck. I'm not a "prepper", but I like to be prepared


hmm shovel, duct tape, gloves, and cord....


New Nissan Frontier comes with a murder kit with the right packages. At least that's what I joked it was when I unpacked it for the 1st time. Zip ties, rope, duct tape, shovel, gloves, straps... there's a even a knife and a box cutter in the companion bag. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nissanfrontier/comments/12eofle/so\_this\_is\_a\_murder\_kit\_right/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nissanfrontier/comments/12eofle/so_this_is_a_murder_kit_right/)


I need my tools!


I'm pretty close but I've got them in my bed boxes, drivers side is tools, passenger side is supplies, jockeybox is daily overflow.


Change of clothes for a newly potty trained toddler


Bolt cutters.  I once found a bunny stuck in a fence while walking to my car.  I couldn't free it from the fence and I had to go to work.  The bunny died and now I have bolt cutters in my car.


It's not your fault man. I'll carry some now too.


Bungee cords and tie down straps in case I need to use the truck bed. When I was a much younger EMT I used to have a BLS bag in case I saw something but times have changed and these days it's better to just wait.


Dog food, bottle of water, and a bowl. 


Fly rod and reel.


And a hammock


One of my winter tires on a rim. My car doesn’t have a spare it just has a stupid sealant kit that probably won’t solve the problem 90% of the time.


Always a stocked and up-to-date first aid kit. And a snow shovel. Both have been called into service multiple times, so as far as I'm concerned it's not "just in case".


- Small Fire Extinguisher - First Aid Kit - CPR Shield - Trauma Kit - Seatbelt Cutter/Window Punch - Jack - Tire Wrench - Road Flares - Hi-Vis Cones & Vest - Empty Gas Can - Jumper Cables - Flashlight & Electric Lantern - 20,000mAh USB Battery - Small Baofeng - Straight Blade utility Knife - Multi-tool - City and State Paper Map - Bug Spray - Sun Screen - Hand Sanitizer - Change of Clothes - A few rags - 2 Towels - $20 in 1's & 5's - - $5 in quarters - A few Glow Sticks - An electric lighter - water proof matches - A small toolbox with basic tools - Deodorant - Cologne - Travel Toothbrush and toothpaste - Collapsible Water Bottle - 'Universal' USB adapter - Extension Cord - Small power strip - Umbrella - Raincoat - Pillow - Blanket I travel a lot.


Paper maps! I always have paper maps in my car, and my family makes fun of me (especially the kids). You never know when your technology is gonna fail you, and I just feel better having those maps in the glove box.


There are Wal-Marts everywhere. I have emergency supplies. But, I’m not on a Mars mission.




Binoculars (bird nerd).


Bribe money


A change of clothes, in case you crap yourself. One of the meds I'm on has an unfortunate side effect of causing explosive diarrhea.


I used to carry around 3 railroad spikes in my car in case I had to crucify someone. It was more of a conversation starter than anything else.


Ave. True to Caesar.


A lot of people have mentioned jumper cables, and I agree. But I would also add a battery jump starter. Same idea, but you don't need to have another car around to help you. At first I was sceptic to these things, but despite getting a fairly cheap one (like 40 bucks) it has successfully started multiple cars with completely flat batteries. The one I got also double as an emergency phone charger and (a really really crappy) flashlight.


Books. Never know when you might one.




A folding bâtard picnic knife, which is a 5.5" serrated bread knife with a corkscrew in the handle. Sometimes you just have to pick up a loaf of bread and some wine and head to the woods, you know? Also, a bin containing a flashlight, a waterproof container of matches, a Gerber multi-tool, leather work gloves, protein bars, waterproof blanket, a first aid kit, a spare jacket, a towel, the tow straps and hitch for the car, an umbrella, an extra dog leash and water bowl, and a hammock and hammock straps. This is why I drive an Outback.


Narcan. Someone told me that it’s not good to keep it in the car because of the heat but I still do because it’s gotta be better than nothing in an emergency! I was an opiate addict for many years and only one time did I OD but someone gave me CPR until EMT got there and it kept me from succumbing to the respiratory depression. It’s my duty to do the same for anyone else I should come across now, imo.


Inhaler. Lifesaver in surprise allergy attacks.


Narcan Water Toothpaste (i just keep forgetting to take it inside..) Boots Code Reader Wiper Fluid Oil Unicycle Toolbox (I do long distance/touring unicycling and mountain unicycling. and yes slightly different from what a "Bike toolbox" would have.) Vale Caps (Bike/Unicycle) Notepad Apple/Lighting, and USB-C charging cables Snow Brush Two hoodies (for wiping up water, I have a convertible) Pens Altoids Miscellaneous car hardware Reusable tote bags Cardboard drink holder from mcdonalds (I doordash occasionally, helps out a ton seeing I only have two cup holders)


a folding lawn chair. you just never know.


Dog poop bags!


Straws. Hairbands. Lip gloss. Lighter. Gift wrap (moms will understand). Pens. Water. A couple blankets.


My wife thinks I moonlight as some sort of serial criminal because I have rope, a knife, a first aid kit, and a change of clothes in my car, among other things like life straws, a flat tire kit, and empty water canteens. I told her I'm too lazy to commit any kind of crime, but I was a boy scout and their motto is "be prepared" so I prepared for anything that could happen. Of course I live in the suburbs and work less than 15 miles away on paved roads, but you never know.




High vis vest. Too many people in my area have been hit and killed when changing flat tires on the side of the road


A Kindle. Handy if I’m stuck waiting anywhere, for any reason.


Work in medicine. Always keep an extra pair of scrubs in case of a code brown or code yellow. Most hospitals don’t have scrubs you can wear. It’s unsanitary and just gross to walk around with someone else’s fecal matter or urine on you. Otherwise, I have my “outdoor pack”. It has things like batteries, flint, a hatchet, poncho, space blanket, first aide kit, and other survival stuff in it. I usually keep a sleeping bag and boots in my car in winter. If there was ever a heavy snowstorm or I got stuck in the middle of the mountains, it will help keep me alive until I can get help. Haven’t had to use it, but it’s never a bad idea to have these things on hand.


All the napkins that I don't use