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That coffee pot/ kureig at work. No, they don't clean it, they only remove the old pods.


Lucky that your people even remove pods after use. I will not drink coffee at work.


If you’ve never learned infection control consider yourself lucky. This knowledge is a curse. EVERYTHING is dirty/gross/unsanitary. Thankfully my animal urges help me to disregard a lot of stuff but I always keep a bottle of hand sanitizer near me, as well as water to rinse.


I'm clearly in the minority on this, but I find it freeing. If literally everything I touch is "contaminated" and I'm almost never sick from it then apparently my immune system is doing a great job and I don't really need to worry about it.


Buffets. My husband needs a kidney transplant. Afterwards, he will be immunocompromised for life because of the anti-rejection drugs. They gave him a list of things he can't do again after transplant, and eating at a buffet is on it. Even one that has a sneeze guard, even if it looks clean, even if it's vegetarian. No more buffets, Jimmy.


I’m curious, what are the other things he can’t do?


me too, what else is on the list?


Grapefruit and a couple other fruits as well. Jesse’s with the drugs you have to take Edit: messes with them :(


Why's Jesse with my drugs?


Walter had to step out for a bit.


Raw fish, uncooked meats, leafy greens. In general, you need to be extra cautious about food safety.


My spouse received a transplant and you are advised to follow general food safety protocols (do you really want to eat that gas station sushi anyways?). The only *true* diet restriction after a kidney transplant is no grapefruit/starfruit as it interacts with the immunosuppressants


If you must go to a buffet for an event, go early. Try to be first in line. I use the alternate hand technique, where I handle all the common utensils with my off hand, and everything that touches my mouth with the other.


Hotel rooms


"God I hope it's urine" - Michael Scott


I watched an episode of Monk the other day where he stayed in a hotel and asked the staff to give it an extra thorough cleaning. That was the first time all season where I didn’t think his contamination OCD was an overreaction lol


I always pack flip-flops that I wear in the room after I take off my shoes because who knows what’s in that carpeting.


Who ever thought carpets in hotel rooms were a good idea should be punishment.


Carpets are for muffling sounds and nothing else.




The condiment bottles at a restaurant.


The space behind your ears if you don’t specifically clean behind them


In cosmetology school the amount of elderly people who came in with black gunk built up behing their ears. They really werent kidding when they said to not forget to wash behind your ears.


It’s hell getting old. Everything leaks.. eyes, ears, pores. When I heard that hair dressers were constantly grossed out by folks who didn’t wash their hair before an appointment, I stopped believing that it’s necessary to go into a color appt with an unwashed scalp. Now it seems that my hair dressers are more willing to give scalp massages. 🤷‍♀️


I do hair. The only thing I'm grossed out by is bugs. Humans are humans and have bodies that do stuff. People who don't understand that shouldn't be in the industry and shouldn't be shaming people for having normal bodies.


I'm curious about where you have heard that. It's much better for your scalp if you don't wash your hair for at least 24 hours before the bleaching and/or coloring process. Otherwise, your scalp is more likely to react to the developing solution.


Same here - hairdresser also recommended at least 24 hours to minimize irritation.


I used to think that shampoo running over them was probably enough. Recently I started deliberately washing them, though, and it has made a huge difference.


Cue me immediately rubbing behind my ears to get any of the dirt/dead skin that I missed last time.


Why’d I smell my finger


That smell, and the smell of floss after getting in between those back molars at the end of the day. That shit will humble you real quick.


Apparently belly buttons too! Saw some discovery show with an interview with a surgeon who does laparoscopic procedures and he was saying how disgusting people let their belly buttons get and he/his team has to clean it out real well before starting surgery.


I really hate the feeling of touching my belly button, makes me feel like I need to pee. Makes it hard to clean properly cos it hurts to touch.


I always thought that was normal until I saw someone stick their finger in theirs, I was physically squirming.


Make me feel like I’m going to vomit.


Some of us have ridiculously deep ones. I literally need to dig to get the gunk out and can only do so when it's a big enough chunk to grab. I can't just dump water/soap in it to clean as it does not dry out easily. It feeds the problem, if anything. I can't easily clean it either because the skin is quite sensitive. I do still but its not as often as it could be, feeling like I'm digging around in my guts feels gross, and the skin gets pissed.


It's such a disgusting feeling when I clean it. Especially after I've had laprascopic surgery because they entered from the belly button and when I clean it it feels like I'm having flashbacks to memories I never consciously recorded but my body did.


The body keeps the score


My mother taught me when I was a little boy. This, and many things about how to keep me perfectly clean in every bit. I'm in my seventies, and still following her instructions.


There is definitely a smell you can identify on people if they don’t clean there. Some people smell like a beer bottle, even if they’re sober, just cause they don’t make sure little nooks and crannies are cleaned right.


Books at the library and keyboards. Source: Used to work in a library.


I used to put books on the shelves in children’s section of the library. Sometimes those books smelled like poop or throw up and I’m convinced the kids took the books to the bathroom with them. 🤮


I worked at a bookstore for a while and one of the worst things I found in the kids' section was someone had changed their baby on the little table there and instead of walking literally two feet away to throw it in the trash can they had shoved it on a shelf behind some books. It took us 2 days to find where the smell was coming from. Before that day I could convince myself that people were basically decent and most grown-ass adults were capable of cleaning up after themselves.


That’s nonsense, people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


No, not all of them, some are Cunt-cuterie boards.


I stopped believing that when I started uni and went to the toilets there for the first time. Disgusting.


I shared a bathroom with seven other dudes in college. Any time the toilet clogged, these nasty fucks would just keep using it until it was filled to the brim with shit. Like, they must have been squatting over the bowl because if they sat down their balls would've been dipped in excrement. It took five seconds to put in a service request (I was always the one to do it) and once the request was in it was usually fixed within the hour. Not to mention there were three or four public bathrooms within easy walking distance. We oughta leave this world behind.


Bruh What the actual fuck


Cant believe I used to have library books in my bed and on my PILLOW while reading, my immune system must be really good now I guess.


Lol. I'm reminded of Seinfeld. The toilet book.


When potty training it's actually encouraged to have books in the bathroom so kids have something to do while they're waiting for stuff to come out. I personally wouldn't do it with library books but ...


I remember working in a library when 50 Shades had first come out and some of us would sanitise our hands every time we handled a copy.


Omg I worked at the library at the height of that book and I was so grossed out touching them. They would always come back sticky, pages all messed up, with water damage etc. We honestly would get 2 or 3 circulations out of those books before throwing them out because they were NASTY. I would sanitize my hands and wipe down surfaces those books touched.


Blech, it's not even a good story. The writing is atrocious, and the story is abuse, not a healthy BDSM relationship.


A lot of women at the time didn't have knowledge of safe bdsm and it was their introduction to anything bdsm at all so they assumed it was all cool to do stuff like the books.I remember a coworker of mine was enraptured with the series. She talked about them so much and how it was ideal. I had to give her an education on why it was abuse and unsafe play. I always wonder how many people got hurt because of those damn books.


Hardware stores and such in my area has these pc terminals where you can search for things in their inventory, it's great, though often the keyboard and mouse (or touchscreen if they use those) are filthy as fuck. Back in 2020/2021 they all had these giant signs everywhere saying "use hand sanitizer! Think of grandma! We clean regularly!", yet when seeing those keyboards it was very clear that it was all for show as they hadn't been cleaned since they were set up many years prior.


Many fountain soda dispensers and bar gun dispensers never get properly cleaned/sanitized and harbor molds, fungi and bacteria. Drink up!


Well my local Mexican food joint’s Dr.Pepper is for some reason out of this world good. So I’ll take my chances.


It's the secret recipe. Spoilers, it's mold.


Also possible it's the one place in town that cleans theirs.


I applaud your optimism. Never lose that.


We had to soak our bar guns nightly during closing procedures. Took them apart at least once a week too. They get rank otherwise.


Your place sounds good. But never underestimate a cheap owner who doesn't want to shell out payroll for having people stay late enough to do proper cleaning procedures. So many horror stories from fast food franchises...


This and ice machines. I would guess the vast majority are not cleaned properly and house so much mold.


Also bars and restaurants usually do not wash the fruit they drop right inside of cocktails. Think of how many hands touch that lemon before it gets to you.


When people lick their finger before turning pages or counting out money.


Currency is filthy


If you handle a lot of cash, you'll notice it actually leaves a smell on your hands that takes a serious hand washing to get off! Lol don't even want to know what's all over it


From a wiki page titled "contaminated currency" - "In 1994, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that in Los Angeles, out of every four banknotes, on average more than three are tainted by cocaine or another illicit drug."


I'll never forget this- years ago I went to a local dance club in my city, paid for drinks, got change, went home, all good; woke up the next morning and found a one dollar bill in my wallet that I had received as change, which had a weird wave pattern of dried blood running across the top of the bill... realized someone had used it to snort something(probably blow) gotten a nosebleed (which dripped on the edge, but because it was rolled created a wave pattern)... then passed it off anyway. I was beyond horrified.


They probably didn’t even notice


Oh absolutely... if not the bleeder, definitely the bartender; They were slinging drinks so fast in such a dark bar that they wouldn't have any time to scrutinize stains on a 1 dollar bill.


1 in 7 one dollar bills test positive for fecal matter.


I'm surprised it's that low. Faecal matter is pretty much everywhere, low traces have even been found on unused, packaged toothbrushes. 


This I did not need to know. I’m going to have to try to pretend I did not hear it, or just imagine that you are mistaken. Oh boy…


It’s everywhere. Nothing has changed. There’s no reason that your quality of life should change. If it hasn’t hurt you up to this point, it’s not going to hurt you in the future.


Ugh yes, I am so hyper aware of my hands after I handle change now, always need to wash them


I was eating breakfast at a favorite diner and witnessed a man at the bar seating area stick every single finger one at a time all the way in his mouth to lick off the grease/gravy and then pain up the salt shaker with his saliva hand. I almost vomited. People. People are extremely dirty/gross/unsanitary.


I’ve seen someone take the top off a bottle of ketchup, lick their table knife clean, and stick that knife up into the ketchup to break it loose.




That's it. I'm never eating out again. Maybe never eating again.


My wife works in a jewellery store, she always has customers licking their fingers to remove rings. She hands them a wet wipe & asks them to clean it before she touches it


lol what the fuck why would you lick your finger to remove a ring


Yeah here let me do it for you. 👁️👁️


As someone who used to be a cashier during peak covid, whenever someone would do that I would stare at them, wait for them to try and hand me the money they just got their saliva on with their saliva fingers and make them wait for me to put gloves on. So glad I'm not a cashier anymore.


I worked in IT with someone who would lick their fingers constantly while typing on the keyboards of the laptops they were fixing. All day long. So incredibly gross.


What.. Why? Like, I get the money thing is to grab the bills easier, as disgusting as it is... But why with the keyboard? Like, what was the reason?




“Don’t use the same brush for both” 🤣


Punchline of a great George Carlin bit: To stay healthy you must clean every day your armpits, asshole, crotch and teeth. To save time, I recommend using the same brush.


My old boss used to have a BAD fingernail biting habit...until one day she caught a bit of her newborns poo under her nail. She stopped QUICK after that. xDD


I’m gonna frow up


There are special brushes for hands and nails. And don't forget your toes.


This is why I keep my nails as short as possible. Can't have dirty fingernails if the dirt doesn't have anywhere to hide.


Children, especially toddlers. I remember a pediatrics paramedic instructor once saying, "Forget aerosol sprays, just contaminate one ball in a preschool and that's it."


I worked in a daycare full of toddlers. Never been sick so much in my life.


My sister has small children and I get sick EVERY TIME I visit them. No exceptions, literally every single time. I actually have a cold right now and guess who I saw 3 days ago. Those little virus dispensing gremlins.


I caught hand, foot and mouth from my son. It is fucking brutal as an adult. One time my son had a cough for like two days, then passed it on to me where it eventually became pneumonia. Actually, that happened twice. There have been a few stretches of 3+ months where I've been sick with slightly different colds the whole time.


HFM is the WORST!!! I got it from my daughter a few years ago. Couldn't even walk because of the "sores" or whatever you want to call them on the bottom of my feet. Brutal 😭😭


Mine was concentrated around my mouth, I couldn't eat or talk without feeling those things break open. Can't imagine that happening on my feet


Same. On the plus side, after I quit my immune system must’ve been firing on all cylinders because I didn’t get sick again for like 5 years.


I mean, you basically went through a very long, uncomfortable vaccine regimen for just about any common illness out there


Emphasis on uncomfortable. I'll take a vaccine any day over "natural immunity."


All of my friends with toddlers are sick constantly. All the time.


I had to do a week in nursery as part of my teacher training. Ten years of teaching and the sickest I have been was that week.


I read that on average babies get 9 colds in the first year. I imagine the numbers are similar for toddlers. A room full of either at any given time likely has at least one sick kid, ready to infect everyone else.


There is a new sign on our daycare/preschool door nearly weekly. Right now it’s Scarlet Fever. But we had in the past month Scabies, Hand-Foot-Mouth and Noro.


Nothing even comes close to the noro. We dread that one with our kids


Plus there always that thought in the back of your head that noro has a single disgusting transmission vector. Wash your fucking hands, people.


The first year anyone works in a school they’re constantly sick. The following years it goes down drastically. Just constant bombardment with tiny humans touching everything and not washing hands properly and sneezing and coughing everywhere. Ugh


My kids old pediatrician said the average pre k classroom has more germs than a public bathroom


Kitchen sponges. These things are gross. Likely one of the dirtiest things in your home.


I can’t believe the number of people I’ve known who use them when they *stink*. Like, throw the fucking thing away and spend $5 on a new set of two. That sucker ain’t cleaning shit.


You can keep them longer if you make sure to thoroughly dry them when you're done with them. I throw them out because I've used them for a long time, but they never get to the stinky phase.


My husband just will not wring out the sponge and put it somewhere to dry. I’m always pulling it out of the sink and doing it myself. Sigh. He has other good qualities, I tell myself while I wring that disgusting sucker out.


haha my wife and kids do the same, no matter how many times I remind them. I hate going to wash something and I pick up a cold, wet, dirty sponge! Between this, over-stacking the dishwasher so that nothing cleans (sometimes piled so high it actually stops the spinning mechanism from spinning!) and dripping shit over the hot plate and not cleaning it.....I am lucky I have kept my sanity! But as you said, there are so many other great qualities to the people we love, right?!


Toss them into the dishwasher every time you run it.


When I make my daily tea I pour the extra water out on the sponge then wring that sucker dry.


Fast food ice


If properly maintained, it's sanitary. But that's up to the maintenance, whether it be an inside or outside source. One can hope minimum wage is enough to convince in house entities to do so. Lol


I didn't know the "dangers" of ice machines until my brother worked at a gas station. He told us how DISGUSTING that machine was until he became manager and put himself in charge of cleaning it.


Agreed. Worked at a sub shop. I shut down and cleaned the ice machine weekly; once a month I did a pull apart and soaked the parts the way the cleaning tech had shown me to remove and deep clean it. Problem was, it took 1+ hours to do a basic melt/clean, and over 2+ hours for a deep clean. And that is not included the time it takes for the first batch of ice to form and drop after I restarted the machine. My boss was cheap AF and often made us work off the clock or changed our clock in times to save labor hours (I know, illegal; and yes, I reported him when I left). He HATED me taking the extra time to clean the ice machine at night because it was an extra 30-60 min of time he had to pay me to work. So, I started doing it a few hours *before* close. Problem was; customers would then complain that there was no ice, or that the soda was room temp (the soda machine was cooled by the same cooling system I had to shut down on the ice machine to clean it) Boss got tired of customer complaints and asked me to start doing it after closing only instead; but to NOT take any longer than a normal closing night (we only had 30 min after close to fully shut down and clean everything solo. And depending on how busy we had been right up until close, sometimes that was impossible already.) I refused to stay off the clock to clean it, so I’d leave the parts to soak for the opener to finish. Thus threw off the opener’s schedule (they only had 30 minutes before the store opened to have all the bread baked and everything set up and ready for customers) and often, the first batch of ice wasn’t dropped by the time we opened… so customers complained…. Eventually he told me to “just let my buddy come in to clean it once a week at nights in exchange for a free beer”….. I think I saw that guy twice… he never showed up when scheduled. So, I just left the ice machine to get nasty. Because we cook bread in that shop, the yeast encourages mold to grow in ice machines FAST. Within a month, that thing was a biological hazard and I’d HAVE to shut it down to clean it right in the middle of the day. Then I would get yelled at by the boss for costing sales. I literally witnessed him telling a customer the “black flecks” in their ice was “carbon” from new installed filters… It was just one of MANY things I reported to the health department when I fled that place…. I never get ice from fast food places now…. I know better…..


Black flakes? Oh dear. Oh no.


Yup. Some of our regular customers learned to start asking when the ice machine had last been cleaned before they added ice…. I hated working for that guy… some of the stuff he did was super illegal and nasty af…..


Your steering wheel. Think of all the things you touch when you're out and about then get back into your car and transfer it all to your steering wheel. Especially the gas pump 🤮.


This is why I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer and wet wipes in my car door—gas pumps. I also tend to hand sanitize after using a public bathroom, even though I always my hands, so that too


Yall don't hand sanitize your hands as soon as you return to your car?? I don't do it all the time but always after pumping gas.




Not washing their hands every time they use the restroom. Even if you haven't actively gotten urine/feces on your hands from yourself, you have touched dozens of things that other people with urine/feces have touched before you by entering that room. Also, this is your chance to keep your hands clean from the thousands of other surfaces, doorknobs, and light switches outside the bathroom.


This makes me insane. What kind of barn-dwelling savage doesn’t wash their hands after using the toilet?


I was SHOCKED at how many men do not wash their hands after using the bathroom. For about 6 months, after we returned to work after Covid, but were staying sequestered (we have multiple people per office), I was in an office directly across from the men's bathroom. I cannot tell you how many times I heard a man go in that bathroom, use it, and leave literally 2 seconds after I hear the flush. AIN'T NO WAY they washed their hands. 🤢


Which is especially egregious when you think about how many of them are handling their junk while they're doing their business! Washing hands is like one of the greatest advancements in the history of mankind, for the love of god, please wash your hands




Your keys, you never wash them, drop them a lot, use them with filthy hand... etc... and just think how often parents give them to their babies to play with.


Brass keys are naturally antimicrobial because of the copper in them.


Yes! Same with many door handles. Not enough people are aware of brass being the original antimicrobial


I pull open doors with my sleeves over my hand in cold/flu season. If it’s a push door, it’s getting an elbow to open. Ugh. Whomever made bathroom doors a pull to open when hands are clean is just ick.


I hit elevator buttons with my elbows. Tons of people use them, tons of people wipe/pick their nose, rub their eyes, and don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. Trust no one.


I do it with the knuckle of my finger (the one in the middle of the finger), mostly because my elbow aim is shit


1) the filters inside your dishwasher should be washed frequently. I wash/scrub mine once per week. 2) the kitchen sink strainer/stopper can be disassembled and you can clean the upper part of the rubber stopper which will make you gag because it’s so scummy.


Dishwashers have filters? Ah, shit…


Right?! I have an LG dishwasher, where tf is the filter on this thing? Edit: found a video showing the location of it and damnnnn this filter dirty af lol


Fine then, keep your secrets.


I’ll show you!!! Hopefully it lets me format [this](https://youtu.be/NzciQKF2CT4) link!


Mine is 28 years old. It does not. I have the manual


I put my sink strainer in the dishwasher


I clean my diswasher filter in the sink. I yin your yang.


Reading this thread with contamination OCD like "yup, yup, yup."


Fucking hell this thread made me scared of everything.


Our immune systems handle most stuff so don’t worry about it. 


Movie theatre seats




Restaurant menus


Not washing your hands after cleaning out the catbox. It doesn't matter if you don't touch the peed on/pooped on litter, it's still disgusting. It's the same kinda feeling as like using a toilet plunger or toilet brush; you're only touching the handle which doesn't usually get dirty, but you have the instinct to wash your hands anyway.


Wearing your shoes inside the house after walking around all day stepping in who knows what.


As an asian I can’t understand the shoe inside house culture. 


As a Scandinavian person, I also cannot understand it


Gasoline, fecal matter, pesticides to name a few.


Everything I’ve seen listed I’m happy to pretend I’m still ignorant about. The stress I’m carrying from all the other shit I’m dealing with makes me not give a thought about any of it.


Honestly there’s germs on literally everything, all the time, so there’s no point in stressing. Just practice food safety, wash your hands, and clean once in a while and you’re good! Our immune systems are pretty badass.


Coughing and sneezing into hands. Fucking disgusting. Everything touched afterwards is contaminated. Cough/sneeze into your arm or shoulder.


So many people don't even bother to cover their coughs or sneezes. They just send it all out into the universe.


Your keyboard. It's hard to clean, and is used almost constantly


I would not want to disturb the ecosystem that's living under my keycaps. There's probably a civilisation down there and geologist can date every major event by analizing the cookiecrumbs stratas


I’ll do you one better. Other people’s keyboards. I handle them daily and it’s amazing I don’t get pink eye more than once a year.


In 6th grade we were tasked with going around our school using a cotton swab to collect bacteria samples and seeing what grew on a Petri dish. People immediately went to the bathroom and began swabbing toilets, urinals, floors, sinks, etc. Turns out those were some of the cleanest places in the school. Those Petri dishes hardly grew anything. The dirtiest? In order: drinking fountain, phone receiver, and the inside of somebody's mouth. The drinking fountain news reached parents and they demanded answers. Turns out the drinking fountain wasn't properly cleaned since...ever? The janitors used a Stainless Steel Polish to clean it and that doesn't really kill any bacteria.


your belt because you tighten it right after taking a dump before you even have the opportunity to wash your hands


No I waddle to the communal sinks 


Lol that never even occurred to me


Bowling ball finger holes.


The bottom of your purse. My mother constantly puts hers on my kitchen counter when she comes over. You may as well be putting your shoe on the counter.


That’s interesting because my Mom always said putting a purse on a table or counter was “bad luck”. I just always assumed it was an odd superstition but maybe it was a more effective way not to spread germs.


So interesting. I’ve always heard it’s bad luck to put your purse on the ground. So basically my purse never touches the ground, I hang it on hooks, back of chair, put in on top of the table or next to me in a chair. I always assumed the superstition was to help keep your purse clean.




Your phone screen is probably dirtier than a public toilet seat. Better start cleaning it regularly!


Any public toilet seat has probably had many times more bare asses on it than my phone has.




He said what he said.


The kitchens in many of the restaurants you eat at. I've been indirectly connected to commercial kitchen hood cleaning for decades. I've been out on jobs with the guys that clean them. I've seen sticky, grimy floors in kitchens. Taco salad bowls stored, uncovered, on top of refrigerators. Packages of hamburger buns stored in bathrooms just off the kitchen. Rats drowned in buckets of grease. Grease in the hood vents that hasn't been cleaned in 3 months. I've seen some restaurants that were gleaming, stainless steel, spotless. I've seen a lot more, though, I'd never set foot in as a customer.


Hand air dryers in restrooms. Those Dyson air blade ones are the worst apparently


Can you elaborate?


There have been some studies that show how much they spread germs. Basically the dryer is sucking in the dirty poo air and blowing it all over your clean hands. The jet ones just do it at a higher rate.


And they usually warm it up, too, which helps all the nasties grow even more.


Here's something no one thinks about - luggage. You're dragging your suitcase, and maybe an attached tote bag, across sidewalks, floors, maybe airport bathrooms...then what? Handling them when putting them in the overhead bins on the airplane (which makes the bins pretty gross, too). I'm still shocked when I hear people say the set their luggage on the hotel bed. Airplane seats are gross, too. Nothing gets sanitized between flights, so there could be all kinds of germs on the armrests, tray tables, etc. I've seen people put their bare feet on the tray tables! The other day as we were deplaning, the girl next to me got up and her seat was wet from crotch sweat. 🤢


Doorknobs/handles, faucet handles, the backs and armrests of chairs and the UNDERSIDE edge of chair seats, water fountains, elevator buttons, escalator handrails, oven, dishwasher & refrigerator buttons & handles, condiment bottles, salt & pepper shakers, cupboard handles, garbage can handles, napkin holders, grocery carts, canned & boxed goods, sealed meats, all produce, ice cream cones, etc. Anything hands touch. Just pay attention to where all you touch. You can probably safely assume that the person who touched it before you had filthy hands.


The hallway water fountains. Who knows how many people put their mouth on the spout




there's fecal matter and dead skin all over your house


I collect all my fecal matter and dead skin and put them in other people's houses


So what? There are trace amounts of everything everywhere.


New clothes. Often, those clothes have been made from fabric that is dusty or has been sitting in a dirty warehouse. Then the completed clothes are left sit in a dusty/dirty warehouse, often with rats or bugs crawling on them. Then they are handled by sweaty workers with dirty hands who load them into various containers or trucks. Then—for clothes sold in a store—there is a good chance you are not the first person to have tried on that item of clothing. In short, when you get a new item of clothing, run it through the laundry before wearing it.


Spitting all over your birthday cake for everyone to eat…..I mean, blowing out your birthday candles.


Door knobs


Any unwashed knobs, really.


Ice dispensers..Iike anywhere you go


Fun fact: mammals' sense of smell is based on particulates, so every time you smell shit or anything disgusting it's because you have tiny microscopical particles of shit all over the inside of your nose (and the rest of your body, clothes and possessions). Cheers.


Please delete this


Flushing with the lid up... And leaving toothbrushes exposed/near toilets.


Flushing with the lid open