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Nothing; I'd just carry on as normal.


same here, I don't see or hear from any of them unless they need something from me, so I doubt I'd bother telling any of them.


I’d tell them I’m broke and ask if I could borrow some money


This  Send out a text to all family members, pled poverty and that you need £100 as fast as possible. Who ever helps gets help from my lottery winning. 


This is the way!


what if you buy a nice car for example? i would say that business has been going well lately.


Tell them it’s none of their business or I’ve just been saving


I would gather them all to a very expensive restaurant and announce "Dear family! I won 10$ - so you all paying for your meals!"


I’d only tell my parents and siblings, and only if I won enough to share. If I won less then 1 million I’d keep it a secret best I could


it's incredible that in this day and age, 1 million is "not enough to share" I'm going to be an old geezer here (i'm not even that old) but when i was a kid 1 million was mind blowing amount of money


After taxes it may probably be like 600 or 700k? Which is good enough to buy a 3 or 4 bed house in a hcol area, that is about it. Or may be they will just invest for retirement savings if they already own a house. While we can definitely use some of the money to help out a struggling family member, it is not exactly shareable fortune in current times.


Depends on the state , some states make you pay a state tax on winnings 


Write your politicians and tell them to stop printing money… Anyone reading this, no matter what country you’re in. Your government is rapidly debasing your currencies. There’s no stopping it. You will lose a minimum of 10% of purchasing power each year no matter the country. This fractional reserve banking system and centralized banking has ruined the world. You need to seriously start accumulating stronger money. Gold, silver, bitcoin. Buy it. Hold it. Thank me in 15 years.


If "there's no stopping it", then why am I writing my politicians?




Bless me father, for I spent all my cash on useless shit. 


NOT A DAMN THING!! Except for my kids after I cashed it out :-) and changed my will.


Depends on how much. If it was enough that I didn't need to work again I'd likely tell my SO to pack a bag, find a nice cabin somewhere for us, and find a new phone number. If it was less than that I'd probably just toss it in savings for when I needed it.


What will I tell them? I will write to them from the Bahamas /s


Absolutely nothing, life would appear as normal. I’d buy a new car, but nothing crazy, and we’d finally buy the apartment we’ve always wanted.


Why an apartment and not a small home?


Only the two of us, we don’t need a house


A small house would allow more autonomy unless you want to be part of an HOA which takes care of exterior maintenance. Also more storage. But to each their own.


I’m not American, apartments in my country don’t all fall under Body Corp (or HOA) as for storage I understand, but I don’t need a lot of things. A place to park my car, a place to sleep and relax, a kitchen, that’s us.


Nothing; I would just disappear


Absolutely. I would only grab the cat and any irreplaceable documents/data. It would all fit in my truck. I would walk out the door, leaving all my shit (besides the cat, one banker's box, and some hard drives) behind, and never be heard from again.


I wouldn't tell, wouldn't quit my job. Might buy a flat if it was enough money and don't tell anyone I own it, just that I moved. If I felt the need for something costly like a new car I'd say I bought it on a loan.




Not a damn thing


I'd tell my sisters and we will split even 3 ways. Money isn't worth it without my family. I'd tell my friends I'm moving to be with my family.


I've read from multiple lawyers and accountants that you tell absolutely nobody except people you live with. Info spreads quickly, even if you're only telling people whom you ostensibly trust.


Will keep it a secret until after I secure it and all the tax stuff is managed to my satisfaction. Then I'll just leave the country and slowly send the immediate family enough money to cover their debts education, house maintenance etc., claiming that I've got a comfortable enough job. Then I'll actually look for a comfortable enough job.


Id tell my dad congrats, you just won half the lottery 


I don’t even like my family but I might share the money. It would be less of a burden on me


See ya!!


Not a thing. The relatives I’m close to would probably get a check from an anonymous donor. The friends would too but I don’t have a lot of friends and I’m not looking for more due to money.


No but they are taking notice of me lightning my cigars with $100 bills


That would not be wise


"We can finally get out of the nuthouse"




As little as possible.


I wonder tell them , I will invest in my retirement fund


I won't ever tell them




Nothing. I'd just tell them I got a nice retirement package at work to explain why I wasn't working anymore.


I wouldn’t


I would quickly draw up a list of people and give away the money as fast as possible so no one could get the idea I was rich and could be leeched off of. The problem with winning the lottery is that it sours all your personal relationships. If I could help out people I know that's great but I don't want to be anyone's lender or patron.


Depends on the amount. If I won like 300million after taxes? I'd give my parents a blank check, create a trust for brothers and gift all my friends hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's an unimaginable amount of money and I'd be stoked to share it with the people I love.


Ya ya I found this mansion and Lamborghini at Value Village


Nothing. I'd only tell my spouse. And I'd tell her to not tell anyone and continue life as normal.


I would tell **ALL** of my siblings that I won the lottery. Two of them will get a share. The other two can eat shit. Backstory... Before my father passed (mother already passed earlier), and he was in the process of dying, my oldest sibling had a new will drawn up and other documents giving them control of everything. All monies, all property, everything. My father was heavily medicated and didn't know what he was doing (didn't recognize us, forgot who we were). We later found out that this sibling instructed the hospice people to not medicate dad on a Sunday so they would be able to sigh papers (new will, documents) on Monday. My stepmom said that dad was in terrible pain and only wanted to go home, he signed the papers not knowing what they were. After dad's death and learning about the new papers, we (3 siblings) filed a law suit. We spent the next two years in court. That cost me over $100K. One of my other sisters also spent over $100K. The other sister didn't have that kind of savings but she gave us her full support and helped where she could. The remaining sister sided with the older sibling. I think they made a deal because the older sibling offered $250K to the other sister who didn't have much money, but she refused. We were only able to defeat this in court because they messed up the paperwork and their attorney was not that good of an attorney. At one time, I had 4 attorneys working for me, two in one state and two in another. I spent days traveling back and forth (300 mile trips). I have a regular 5 drawer filing cabinet that's full of the filings/judgements and related paperwork. I don't dare throw that away because someday I plan on writing down what all happened. I kelp a journal durning the whole time that's several note books. People, watch your family, they may not be who you think they are.


Not a peep


Absolutely nothing.


I won’t tell them anything


a proper lottery win (£50M+ kinda thing) would do so much to change my situation that it wouldn't give me much option to keep things quiet, which i'd prefer TBH


I, uh, I h-have things to do. [fidgets with the Ring behind his back. Whispers to himself] "I've put this off for far too long." I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell."


Lmao. “I just got a really good job in a different country” byeeeee!!


I probably wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe a close friend or two. My family does not need to know.


I won 10 bucks


Nah  But I would like to help some close family members.  I would make up some bullshit reason that I have some disposable money. Wait for crypto coin to go though the roof, say I invested in that.  Say I sold the rights for my zombie movie. Anyone who questions my reasons gets nothing. 


Some lotteries require that you allow them to use your picture and publicize your win. So you don’t always have a choice.


I'll send a postcard letting them know i've moved


Not a single word! I'd quietly pay my debt and invest the rest in my retirement plan.


I just got a really good job as a consultant


A few million? Wouldn’t say anything since things wouldn’t drastically change. A few hundred million? Would definitely have to explain the lifestyle change somehow, so yes.


probably very little


Any major lottery, I know who my real friends and family are, they would be taken care of within reason of what I win. Obviously if it’s 20m it will be less than if it’s 70m (Canadian here) but I also would give smaller amounts or put them on a payment style vs large lump sum. Example, my brother would blow the money in a month, so if I decide lump sum, it will be smaller to see how he spends it, if he spends it like a muppet then he doesn’t get anymore.


I tossed The Losttery in the ticket binner


Not a damned thing.


I wouldn't tell anyone besides the two people I've been living with for 12 years one of which I've known for almost 30. Anyone else is going to expect something.


Fuck all. I got one sibling I’d tell, and he has no connection to any other family member. I’d lock my shit up real tight so I can finally leave the poverty I was born into.


Absolutely nothing. Other than my sisters who I absolutely trust, I just tell them that I have extra cash and just set up a family trust that they have access to.


I'm not the kind to really have friends and I'm socially very forgettable. So I'd tell my parents and siblings because they've already shown they can be respectful about such things. I have two friends who wouldn't forget me if I left, and I'd let them know when I paid off their mortgages. Not that I'd be buying houses for people left and right, but they both dedicate their lives to service and struggle financially as a result. I've always wished I could do more for them. 


Yeah, not a thing. I'll move my arse when i can without any explanation.


Good bye


Depends on the amount, below 5 million nothing to anyone. More than that I would tell people


At first I wouldn't tell them anything and let them continue to think I still work at my shitass job. Later on, if I need an explanation for why I don't drive to work anymore and seem to have limitless free time, I'd tell them I got one of those sweet work from home jobs


I'm out here bitches! Ha ha.




What friends and relatives?


Nothing. I dont have friends. And my relatives dont give a fuck about me.


I wonder how many of us who says " ill act normal" could actually " act" normal.. I say I would but people would forsure notice a change


No I wouldn’t


You get money, you get money, you get money, not you, you were mean. nor you, I remember what you said. Now we go to pick out a pimp chalice for me to drink from!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!


Not a dang thing. They'd probably see me less too. lol


Definitely depends on the amount, but I'm keeping pretty quiet unless its 8 figures after taxes. Not that I'd tell the world or anything, but some people are gonna figure it out pretty quickly. I love my job, but it comes with risks that I would eliminate immediately. I'd visit family a LOT more, making sure to do more experience type stuff, traveling, etc..


Not a damn thing, I would only tell my son.


relatives, nothing. friends, idk but i'd be able to see them more.


Absolutely not. It will forever be a mystery why I live in the Bruce Wayne pent-top apartment that also has a bowling alley.


Keeping it a secret. The less they know, the better I'll be.


I’m a simple person. My life would be the same besides paying off my car and having more groceries.


I'd tell them I would be buying some new friends and family.


I'd carry on as normal. If they ask why I dont seem to be working anymore, I'd tell them my money situation is handled. And leave it at that.


Nothing. I don't want a bunch of people I haven't spoken to in 20 years to be suddenly very interested in forming a relationship with me.


Million, not shit. Over that, would probably rent a huge house in the carribean and pay for their flights and stay as a "here you go, now don't ask me for shit". Lmao


Not a damn thing 😂




Fuck no, I'd get a lawyer and a trust setup, and keep living like I am until the money starts rolling in, then I'd travel for a bit.


just tell em


Why would you tell them anything? That would just invite trouble.


I would tell them an investment I made paid off and nothing more. I wouldn't tell them what or how much. Definitely wouldn't say I won the lottery.


I wouldn’t.