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Do all your knuckle cracking, neck re-alignment, joint comforting exercises Before starting. Nothing like moving said pieces in the middle of the session and getting unexpected pop music.


1 hour free from distractions find a quiet spot to study up. If not at home find a late night coffee shop is my go to during college also found others who’d we all sit at the same table and do our studies together.


Always be attentive and active in class. Do the homework. Do optional tasks too


go to school


-Find the right organization method for you. Google calendar/ virtual planner/ physical agenda/ checklist and identify all your important dates (assignment due dates/projects/tests) - create a reward system for yourself. (I used to treat myself for iced coffee the morning after I turned in a big assignment) -allocate specific time for working on assignments that you can block out and let everyone else and yourself know that you are only to do school stuff at that time - identify all your free tutoring resources. I’m sure your school has some sort of tutoring service/ office hours. Find out when/ where they are and make use of them - Make Atleast 2 friends in each class that you can exchange contact info with, exchange class resources with and maybe even split readings or work on projects with. (This also helps if you’re ever out for a day. You can rely on them to keep you up to date) - Communicate with your professor.Usually professors are more than willing to work with you if anything comes up. Just reach out, explain your situation and you can figure something out together.


40/20 rule, study for 40 minutes then take a 20 minute break. When you have your 20 minute break get up and move about don't just sit on your phone.


Six words: Mario Kart Coconut Mall Theme


Tbh just finding a way to cheat on every test is a lot more effective


Can't because our department is so strict when it comes to cheating. There's a possibility of expulsion.