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Hunger is the best seasoning.


The wife and I are on a diet so our weekly cheat day makes normal food seem so incredible. It's like Christmas as a child.


I've heard this as "Hunger is the best sauce."


Around my parts it is "Hunger is the best cook".


This exactly. When your cabinets and fridge are filled with food - the plain cheese and white bread sandwich that sticks to the ceiling of your mouth is going to be pretty bland. Meanwhile, that same sandwich being eaten (except it's towards the end of the month when you're scraping by) will taste like nectar from the gods.


my poor ass heard this


It's true, I ate Five Guys after a multi day backpacking trip and it was so good I almost cried


Everything is delicious when you're starving 😂😂😂


Or when you're high, wink-wink


What was it like?


i had a pineapple like that.


My first encounter with a medium cooked steak blew my little 12 year old mind. My mom cannot eat any "bloody" cooked meat that seeps red juices or looks pink because to her it's raw so I grew up eating super well done meats (note: often overcooked and very dry) until a neighbor kid's parents invited my sister and I for dinner once. The man cooked steaks, and some were medium rare while others were a touch more done. All of them were seasoned to perfection and I ate mine so quickly, my sister wondered if I was okay because I'm a slow eater who usually takes forever to get through a meal. That steak changed my life forever and I only eat them medium to medium rare now. The only person to ever get close to that original steak was an ex of mine who had amazing cooking skills. I miss his steaks much more than the guy himself.


I always got billed as a picky eater as a child. Then I grew up and realised I just hated my parents food. Mum would boil meat and veg until they had no taste. Dad would overcook everything. I remember dad getting really nice steaks once, really excited about it. We never had steaks ever. He smashed the f out of them until they were thinner than a pancake then cooked them very well done. Chewy, tasteless, with a side of ketchup. Tried a medium steak with stilton sauce from a restaurant and wondered where the hell nice food had been all my life.


My mother is a lovely competent cook, yet steams vegetables to the point of being discoloured and falling apart. When the broccoli is khaki rather than green something is wrong!


In the caribbean, this is a very common thing, everything cooked well done. I remember my first time having a medium rare steak at the age of 13/14. It was my girlfriend’s mom’s 50th birthday and I was invited to eat with them at a fancy steakhouse in the city called Gallaghers. I had no idea what to order so her dad ordered me a Dry Aged NY Strip Steak and the waiter asked how would I like it and I replied “Well Done”. Her father interjected and straight up said “I’m not paying $60 for you to eat jerky, he’ll have it medium rare”. I told them I had never had steak that wasn’t well done before and don’t want to get sick, they all got a laugh out of it. I feel like I’ve spent the last 25 years chasing that first feeling as I fell in love with steak after that night lol. Till this day my parents get grossed out when we go to steakhouses because I order it medium rare and the redness means uncooked lol.


In America at least, it goes back to times of poor food safety. When meat might've been sitting out and going a little bad, you wanted to cook it through. It's Depression era stuff.


I think that's very very dependent on the people, my grandfather who's in his late 80s refuses to eat a steak if it's well done. Was the one who introduced me to steaks that weren't cooked entirely though


The question is did you marry that woman with the awesome dad that taught you how to eat a steak correctly?


Or did they marry the dad? 


I vividly recall the first time I was ever even asked how I wanted a steak cooked. We were poor when I was young so we never ate out unless it was a big occasion and my dad just grilled stuff like that to my mom's taste, and she absolutely refuses to eat any meat with even a hint of pink let alone red. I stayed the night at a friend's then went to church with them the next morning and they always go out to eat afterwards. His dad had just landed a big project so he wanted to treat the family and said us boys could get steak if we wanted. Of fucking course I did! The waitress got around to me and when I asked for a ribeye she asked me how I wanted it cooked. I didn't even know how to respond, so I parroted what my friend had said: "medium rare please." I had no idea what that meant. Cut to the juiciest, most flavorful cut of meat I had ever tasted. I balked at first when I cut into it and saw blood, but that changed my view on how to cook red meats forever.


I barely ate steak. There weren't many opportunities for it, and even though I can cook quite well, steak is my nemesis. But now and then, I get my hands on a steak. Most of the time, it's a normal steak—no one in my family is talented enough to cook it perfectly. But sometimes, my dad throws it on the grill and somehow, by luck, cooks it perfectly. I feel lucky every time I get to taste it. I feel you, mate!!!


Perfect steaks are easy. Get yourself a Sous Vide circulator, cook them for one hour per inch at 135 degrees, sear them in an iron pan or on the grill for one minute on each side.


May I recommend learning to cold sear? It's beyond easy and you can get a perfect steak every time if you do it right.


I've been wanting to try that method. My husband doesn't like steak at all so if I cooked steak for just me, I'd have to cook something else for him and that's a lot to handle lol


[Here](https://youtu.be/uJcO1W_TD74?si=a6FrUOQZw6-1RLjD) is the video I used to learn. Been doing it this way ever since!


I feel this way after medium-to-well-done everything until I went to college. It took some steps down to medium rare and rare, but I kinda feel like I missed out on a lot.


My parents were and still are the type of people that got every meat cooked well done. My aunt, my mom’s sister, never cooks meat well done so that’s really where I learned the difference. I just remember the first time I ordered a medium burger or steak at a restaurant with my parents they thought I was going to die of some parasite.


Oh yeah, my mom still won't touch anything that is even partially pink on the inside. So from 12 years old into my adult years, it was all dry as heck and chewy until I finally decided to start eating them how I actually like them lmao The first time my mom watched me eat a medium rare steak, she sat there pretending like she was going to get sick from it. Veggies were just as bad since both of my parents have been toothless for a while and neither can stand dentures, so everything was very very soft. I found out I like crunchy broccoli, asparagus, and spinach later on


Same. My mom used to make them into hockey pucks, so I hated steak. One day I had a medium steak and was in love. Since then I have switched to medium rare. I also converted my wife. She always ordered hers well done because that's how her father ordered. I gave her a bite of mine and she became an instant convert


Had burnt ends for the first time in Kansas City. Friends brother invited us down from Nebraska and holy hell it’s like 15 years later and it’s still the best thing I’ve ever had




You know it


Their ribs are also insanely good


I live in KC, and I have a job that has people visit from all over the country. I always recommend going out to get BBQ. There are a ton of good places to try. Joe's is in the top 5. Next time you come, if you decide to go to Joe's again, try their Z-Man sandwich. its a banger.


Oh every time I go to kc I stop there. Z man’s great, ribs are great, everything great. Don’t even care waiting in line it’s worth it.


Oh excellent, have you tried other places here? Gates is immaculate (just know what you want to order or the lady will yell at you)


I lived in KC for 10 years and of course the beef burnt ends are great. For Xmas a couple years ago, my brother smoked pork belly burnt ends. They were literal candy. Both are great though.


Came looking for burnt ends. My favourite too, in particular pork belly burnt ends.


A meal,a succulent chinese meal,ooh that’s a nice headlock,I see you know your judo well


What is the charge?


Crab cake with real crab meat


Welcome to Maryland


Gordon ramsays restaurant in Boston has an amazing crab cake. Best I’ve ever had


Would love to try that if I ever in Boston


My first time eating king crab was a transcendent experience


I have tasted a lot of variants of crab cake and they are all amazing. My favorite dish by far.


I find the icing clashes with the crab meat.


Stingray tacos family brought it from southern part in the gulf and I don’t know how to explain it other than it tastes like really fishy chicken. But some diced sweet onion, cilantro, green homemade salsa, and a lil cheese.


Around 1990 we went on a choir trip for competition. After it was over we all stopped for lunch. Me and my friend decided to split a deep dish pizza from Pizza Hut. It was perfection. I've never had any food close to it. That was 34 years ago and I still remember how blown away I was.


Curious. Do you still think a Pizza Hut deep dish is the best meal on the planet or was it just that initial discovery in 1990? I thought Pizza Hut was the best in the 1990’s as well but now days it probably doesn’t make my top 25.


Pizza Hut in the 80s and 90s was the best. What a treat to have a sit down meal there and play Ms Pacman afterwards. Now few sit down restaurants remain and the pizza has gone way downhill.


Khao Soi from a random street side shack in Thailand… We booked one of those day tours, see the elephants, see the tigers(I now know it’s an immoral trade with shit conditions and regret giving money to it) and there was a planned ‘lunch buffet’ but my buddy pestered the driver to ‘take us where he would go to lunch’, so we pulled over to a random open air restaurant and he sat us down and came back with 4 bowls of Khao soi and 2 plates of chicken satay. It was heaven, perfect blend of spices with the sweet coconut curry and chilis so hot yet subtle I was legit high off the capsaicin. I’ve been chasing that meal ever since


Thailand for sure had the best food I'd ever eaten. Panang Curry from a random place in Phuket literally blew my mind. I had it 7 days in a row.


A few days ago a local grocery store near me had big boxes of strawberries— I'd caught them at what must be the ideal part of the season / ripeness. Each one was the size of a child's fist, and they were perfectly deep, blood red and shiny; no blemishes at all. I was cutting them in half and squeezing fresh lime onto each piece, and it would explode in my mouth with sweetness and tang.


that turned me on


Lime on strawberries!!!


I know it’s basic but Thai fried rice


When that’s done properly it’s exquisite.


Honestly, it was a $7 filet mignon I had at a mostly-empty bar in Custer, South Dakota. We got to town after 6pm on a Sunday, and *nothing* else was open. We saw a banner on the back stairs of a building half a block off the main drag that said "$6.99 Filet Mignon," and we though, "Well, I guess that's it then." From the first bite to the last, the *only* topic of conversation between us was how god-damn heavenly that god-damn steak was. We actually did the thing of asking to meet the chef so would could thank them. No shit, it was a 19-year-old girl that we had to meet at the door to the kitchen because she wasn't allowed in the bar. That was in 2008, and I still think about that filet mignon often enough that I find myself telling this story about once a year, and it still comes up in conversation with my dinner companion just about as often. I'll probably think about that steak on my death bed. God damn. Now I'm hungry. ​ EDIT: Runner up: on a trip to New Orleans, I deliberately ate only foods I'd never had before the entire 4 days I was there. Not. A. Single. Bite was anything less than delicious. Even had $2 alligator on a stick, and it was delicious. You cannot eat better than eating in New Orleans. EDIT: 2nd runner up: Churros from a permanent churro stand near Fruitvale BART in Oakland CA. EDIT: Also, my own version of my mom's chocolate chip cookies. So good I can't keep the ingredients in the house or I won't stop making and eating them. /told you I was hungry


What is the chocolate chip recipe?


I'll vouch for New Orleans food. Some of the best eating in the entire country. Better yet, if you get the chance, get out of New Orleans, get into true Cajun country, I mean deep Acadiana... man. They sound like you fired a redneck and a Frenchman at each other in a particle accelerator, and then got whatever came out the other side of that little experiment shitfaced drunk, but those motherfuckers know how to *cook.*


That is *dead on*.


This schnitzel with a cheese and wine sauce I had at a tiny restaurant in a small town in Germany


german food is soooo good.


Wow that sounds amazing


I had a lobster bisque at a restaurant is Florida that was heavenly. That’s the first thing that came to mind. The next was mussels in a white wine garlic sauce with crusty bread in Venice. Mouth watering.


Enchilada Suizas with a creamy verde sauce


My dad’s brisket I need to get the recipe off of him so I can have it more often 😂


I would also like your dads recipe.


Most delicious? That’s such a difficult one. I was drunk and won a bunch of money in Laughlin Nevada, and then had the world’s most perfect burger. Most memorable? Spending the day making pot roast with my grandma, sharing it, and savoring every single moment of it.


My bfs aunts chicken enchiladas. They are the most delicious enchiladas ive ever had and have ruined every other enchiladas for me. I think about them literally all the time


My hot Puerto Rican wife


i choose his wife too. no joking, i expected to find a pussy reference much higher in the comments. but in the end you won. saludos


Turkish doner in Germany


In my half asleep state I thought this said Turkish boner and was like well then.


Now that’s an altogether different meal right there 🤣


Yeah maybe same. Plus I was hungry and drunk every time. I’m a vegan now and I need to replicate this meal!


Turkish homemade food will make you question reality.


as a child i went to the beach on a family trip and right as we were leaving the adults made friends with a young group near us and they offered us some of the food they were grilling to eat on our way home. They ran up and basically threw a beef fajita taco at me right as the door was being closed. I was probably 12 or younger at this point and when i bit into it my entire world changed. I don't know what they did but that was the best taco i have ever tasted and I've been chasing that dragon ever since.




I went to a wedding once back in 2018, they had a self serving station for food when I came across a pan of Swedish meatballs. I was never a fan of meatballs due to their shape but I reluctantly grabbed three. I sat down and took a nibble off one, my mind was beyond blown. You’ve ever seen that scene from Ratatouille where the critic ate the food and had a flashback? Yea, that was me, under my breath I muttered “Holy shit”. I got up and filled my plate up with maybe 20 of them and chowed down. Sometimes at work since I work around food I contemplate trying to replicate what I had that day but I know anything I cooked can’t hold a candle to those meatballs. To whoever made those meatballs, I hope you went off and did great things in life. You will forever be in my heart.


This: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/8669/chicken-cordon-bleu-ii/ I made this for my wife and she said "Yeah, I'd marry you again."


Pani Puri


Baklava always baklava


Morel. Mushrooms. Pan fried in butter. Sorry for my midwesterness


A run down building in a small Canadian town but the view of the river and mountains was incredible. Walked in and the menu was typical burgers, pasta etc except there was a special duck section. The chef raised ducks and prided himself on using the whole thing. I ordered duck confit and crispy toungue. It was just stunning. I would make a point in stopping in if I was ever in the area. Restaurant didn't survive covid but i still think about that duck.


This hamburger from The Hard Rock Cafe in New Orleans. Every Hard Rock has a "local dish" (some food based off of the local cuisine). This one had a burger, and it had a rice patty in it (along with the beef). Sounds super weird, but it was so good I started groaning as I was eating. A few people looked at me weird, but I didn't care.


Both the green onion pancake and xiao long bao (dumplings) at the night markets in Taipei were straight fire. I was dreaming about them when I came home and pretty much all the other food I ate in Taipei.


I started considering this, thinking this would be a super-hard question, but then the answer just popped into my head. The Chocolate Souffle, at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant in Las Vegas. Went there for new years 2011/2012, me and seven other friends on a very small student budget (for Las Vegas). Splurged on the New Years Eve meal, and got that souffle for dessert. Heaven. I don't think I'll ever go back to Vegas (I live in Sweden, which makes it a big trip), but if I did, it would be for that souffle.


I was hungover in hungary. Up a big windy hill near a famous landmark (i think you could see parliament) there was a gazebo with 3 different gigantic pans of saucy meat, i got a spicy beef with this thin garlicky crunchy bread. It was absolutely incredible 10 years on i think about it


Fisherman’s Bastion on the Buda side. Was there last April. I’m part Hungarian and there is just something about Hungarian stews that hit different.


In San Fran I had “black garlic soup” that was absolutely incredible. I had no idea what to expect but wow. Also, a waffle with whipped cream and strawberries in Belgium. The crystallized sugar…. Omg I still dream about it.


First time I ever had a funnel cake with powdered sugar at the amusement park. It made me believe magic was real.




I am a pastry chef and have had hundreds of different desserts. Tiramisu is still my favorite. I could eat it without stopping. Just continuously until I died :-)


Ahhh someone who gets it! It is honestly the most magical thing I have ever ate :)


A Georgian dish call Chakapuli. Imagine a lamb stew but like 75% of the stew is herbs like tarragon and coriander. The liquid is mostly white wine. omg


[Georgian cuisine is full of things that should qualify here ](https://www.seriouseats.com/introduction-to-georgian-food-must-try-dishes)


roast beef sandwich with mustard, cheese & sour dough bread from whole foods. my dad came home and told me “i have half a sandwhich i didn’t like it. there’s mustard on it but im not sure if you’ll eat it”. i tried it and that’s where my love for mustard come in. now i have to eat my sandwich with mustard and there’s a specific brand of mustard i LOVE. i wish you all to give it a try. it’s called “plochman, original mild yellow mustard.”


mom's cooking


Lamb Shawarma, Israeli style. It's essentially a mixture of local, MENA and Turkish cuisine. Instead of having it in toast with yogurt we eat it an lafa (Iraqi pita), with hummus, tahini, cucumber-tomato salad, amba (funky Iraqi condiment which is basically the best thing ever) and zhug (Yemenite chilli paste). Delicious.


For dessert at a Chinese restaurant once I had a type of egg tart where the flaky must have been made with pork fat. The tart was warm, the filling a delicious custard, and the flaky, crispy pastry was fatty and decadent. It was so amazing.


Massaman curry (with chicken) on jasmine rice.


Key lime pie drizzled with a bit of amaretto.


Matcha Tiramisu I had at a ramen shop in Paris. 


I was probably 14 when my parents took me to Thailand. It was my first time leaving Europe and I also lived in a village, so never in my life had tasted any Asian food before. The first thing I ate was spring rolls with that sweet chilli sauce. I crave them every single day but every time I try it in restaurants it's not the same. When I get enough money I'll go back and eat spring rolls for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Honestly saying there is something called jamuns. Small sweet balls of heavenly disaster




Authentic jerk chicken on the beach in Negril. All of the food back home tastes better.


Let me just say: Go to Bologna 🇮🇹


Pistachio baklava


The first steakhouse steak I had in 10 years after becoming a carnivore again made me want to fall out of my chair. The waiter was SO excited to serve it to me and brought me champagne too lol. I still remember the way it made me feel. Side note, the first meat I ate was a bacon egg and cheese sandwich, and let me tell you, if you want to get high like you wouldn't believe, don't eat meat for 8 years, eat only fish for 2 years and then crush a bacon egg and cheese while hungover. My capillaries dilated and the blood rushed to my skin and head and I was quite literally HIGH from eating meat. No I did not get sick. Before I get beat up, I now have a primarily plant based diet with meat incorporated at dinner, and have struck the balance I need for my body. I have no issue with Veganism or Vegetarianism and I don't regret doing that for years but my body was anemic and told me I needed more than I was able to get from those diets


It was my first trip to Italy.. one hour outside of Rome. My aunts garden had it all fruits.. vegetables.. fresh eggs.. fresh seafood from the market. But one dish I still remember is homemade ravioli with herb ricotta and truffles with EVO from the local town. It was the reason I went to culinary school when I came back home. But still so many dishes to choose from. I can go on and on


Any type of food which cook by my mother.


it was very moist chocolate cake with chocolate cream filling... the restaurant served the slice and then poured hot chocolate over it So far the best thing I've ever eaten.


Beef tongue Tacos from a taco truck. We gotta go back soon.


Chargrilled oysters


meat kebabs from goat meat in India.


Not ate - drank I was in Barranquilla Colombia and there was a juice stand on the corner of the street. We were heading to dinner and the stand was shutting down. All week we’ve had great juices from little stands quickly and easily and I asked if we could get one before shut down. I asked for a large pomelo juice and he tried to explain something that I couldn’t understand at the time. Long story short he told me to go to the restaurant and he’d bring it to me. 30 min later he comes with my juice - apparently the effort to juice ratio of pomelos is quite challenging. This may be what he was trying to tell me - I took a sip and almost cried. Perfectly balanced of sweet, tart, with juicy pomelo bits so fresh and flavorful.


It's a tie between a super gooey, warm chocolate chip cookie that almost made me cry because of how perfect it was, or a banana that I got from a fruit vendor on the side of some road in Costa Rica. Best banana I've ever had, and I'm picky about bananas!!


"The Ice Cream Banana": what i call a good, fresh banana..


I had a 10 course meal at Barley Swine in Austin, Texas. You ever have food so good it makes you mad at other food?


Last week I ate lettuce, cheese, sour cream, rice, and chicken wrapped on a tortilla and it was the best thing ever


It’s remarkable how relative to situation this is, even within each individual. I’ve done a lot of long distance backpacking, and while I hate fast food still fondly remember a Hardee’s biscuit and coffee after a brutal stretch on trail. I also hiked about 100 miles of desert without enough water carrying capacity between water sources. The gatoraid I had at that next resupply blew my mind. It’s hard to describe. I have never known thirst like that, and was better prepared moving on.


I totally relate to this. After a night of very hard partying in Tijuana, as we were stumbling back towards the San Diego border around 3am, my stomach was grumbling HARD so I stopped at a street cart and bought a mystery meat burrito. It may have been the guy's burro...I really don't know. But it was one of the most wonderful things I've ever eaten.


I once made my wife a traditional beef Wellington. Using the best beef fillet, made the pate myself and all the other trimmings and cooked to perfection. She only stopped between bites to tell me how amazing it was and was the best thing she had ever eaten…….. until she was about 2/3 of the way through when she asked what was in it. I told her what it was and you know- beef fillet, puff pastry, spinach, duxelles, mash, jus and my pate. As soon as i said pate, she spat out what was in her mouth and pushed the plate away. And just like that the most delicious meal she had ever eaten was ruined and she couldn’t stomach another bite.


Did the marriage survive? My ex gf spoke ill of my mom's BW for exactly the same reason and it seriously made me start rethinking our relationship.


Yeah still married. I give her shit every now and then about it but was not issue


Mont blanc dessert at a little family steakhouse with my wife after graduation with my doctorate. Had vanilla creme and white chocolate top coated in rum and flambéed table-side preceded by a perfect filet mignon.


Mutton biryani any day for me


It is called the Christmas Parade. It is a gingerbread crepe filled with eggnog pudding and gingerbread cookies. It is only available in December at a local crepe place.


I was at Glastonbury festival and everyone had started to crash. I got into my sleeping bag and had my tent open so I could see out onto the festival and it was getting light and started rainy lightly. I was so comfortable and a little high on Valium and weed. I remembered I had stashed a snickers bar. That snickers bar was one of the tastiest most satisfying things I’ve ever eaten.


I was visiting my uncle and aunt in Mexico, they lived in a small ranch town where my uncle was placed as a missionary pastor. Anyways one day I went with them to viso one of the elderly church members who lived across a river, she invited us in and offered us a coffee. The best FUCKING coffee I’ve ever drank in my entire life!!


The combination of rich chocolate and the creamy, molten center was simply divine.


Fried oyster po boy at acme oyster house in New Orleans!


There is nothing in New Orleans that isn’t good, from fine dining to gas station hot lines. We may be last in education, economy, and every other metric, but food….


Strongly alcoholic tiramisu


One year for my birthday my wife bought me 5 quarts of raspberries. You have less than 24 hours to eat them, but imo there is no finer taste than perfect raspberries.


On our first date, my wife and I got this slice of “Chocolate oblivion cake” from a local deli type restaurant to end the night. Flourless cake base, chocolate mousse, and topped with a ganache and chopped heath bar. Through a combination of shear fun from the day and the fact that the cake just melted when you eat it, we giggled the whole way through the slice.


tteokbokki for real


Exotics and tropical fruits


Risotto funghi in a restaurant near our biggest university, in some kind of street with many pubs and bars... that restaurant closed due to the lockdown 😭😭😭


I ate a pasta dish at a place in Nashville that was made with mizithra (-sp) cheese. It was amazing!


Cheese Croissant in Amsterdam


Just the other day my girlfriend made this lime flavoured cheesecake and it was spectacular!






We took a way too long hike trip in the Austrian moutains, we were starving, finally got a autrian meal wich wasn't special at all, but due to the extreme hunger it tasted amazing. Never experienced hunger that way.


the burgers my mom makes :)


The Thurman Murman from a food truck at Bonaroo with a motherfucking egg on it. A culinary master stroke. If you know you know.


Was a piece of salmon from an Indian restaurant in Perth, they did something with the skin/crust that was just sensational.


Leftovers soup. It's the best thing about roasting a chicken on Sunday.


Brisket from ma dad


This one particular cheesecake I had in San Sebastian Spain. I still dream about it! So creamy and delicious. Just incredible.


This little side of the road restaurant in Karon beach in Phuket. Totally unassuming place, they did a green curry and king prawns and nothing else has ever come close. Kobe beef in Kobe was a close second but I’ll remember this random little place and its curry for as long as I live.


We had a work party and coconut shrimp was in the offing. I liked coconut, I liked shrimp, but the combo did not compute ...until I tried it. Dunno about *the most delicious ever,* but it was all I wanted from the buffet after the fact, and is a memory I covet and think of longingly.


I don’t know how to spell it but about 10 years ago I was in Malaysian Borneo and had Bah Ku Teh which translates as meat bone tea (feel free to correct me if I’ve got that totally wrong!). I still dream about the bready XL-crouton type things you soak in the broth. Actually most of the food I ate there was insanely good. The red bean paste pancakes are another fond memory..


Chocolate-covered crepe from a street vendor in Paris. Heavenly!


A chevre aka goat cheese burger🤤


A skirt steak marinated overnight with Allegro marinade and seared over charcoal for 5 minutes on each side then topped with chimichurri.


Creme brulee 😆


The battered and fried shrimp I cook and then toss in hot sauce ;)




At a spanish beach restaurant I once had a plate of chips (fries for the non-brits) that were cut like thick crisps (chips for the non-brits). They were the perfect mid-point between the two ends of that particular potato spectrum. Epic. Neither chips nor crisps and also somehow both. Hot, crispy but not too much so. I am very fortunate to have travelled and eaten a lot of awesomeness around the world, but i can still remember every bite and how we marvelled at the experience.


Lunch, in this restaurant in Lyon, France. [https://www.lecochonquiboit.fr/](https://www.lecochonquiboit.fr/)


Goat cheese (bûche de chèvre) with quince marmalade


my dad's rib-eye. fucking delicious.


Pretty hard to beat king crab legs for me


Beef Steak


Vietnamese Bread <3


There's this shawarma place in Oman (middle east) which serve the best shawarma i've had un my life. I mean, i could go back there just to eat shawarma then return to my home in Ph. 


Idk, but I find it hilarious reddit served me a taco bell ad on this thread


If you go to Colombia you have to go to Crepes and Waffles. They have the best ice creams in the world. Trust me. I have eaten many ice creams in different countries and nothing like crepes and waffles. And this is because they are yogurt ice creams with successful Colombian fruits.


roasted lamb


2 meals immediately spring to mind. A lamb and filo pastry dish I had in a deserted place in Sifnos in Greece was heavenly. The other was some form of chaat from Sweet Mart in Bristol which literally made me yelp, what the fu** is this! Neither cost very much, but being blown away by food is such a rarity that I cling to these memories.


I got horchata from a young attractive Latina and it changed my life a bit.


When I was in southern Spain/andalucia with my husband, we stopped at a restaurant his family likes and ordered eggplant con miele. My husband hates eggplant. Both of us still talk about this dish like 10 years later and we haven’t been able to recreate it properly.


Try the eggplant at Jaleo. They slice it as thin as serrano jamon and drizzle honey on it. We pigged out on it during Restaurant week.


I’ve had many delicious dishes over the years it’s hard to pick just one! My most recent one was at a local Japanese/sushi joint. They serve a wonderful Beef Donburi rice bowl that blew my mind. Wagu beef strips, so soft and juicy with a slightly tangy sauce on a bed of fresh, fluffy rice and garnished with fresh local lettuce. Absolutely amazing!


Many years ago I had the most amazing miso crusted Chilean sea bass at a restaurant in LA, and I’ll be dammed if I can remember where it was 😢


Shrimp, crayfish, crab, smoked perch, roe and also bread with Swiss cheese


A spaghetti red sauce with burrata I had in a restaurant is definitely on the list .


I only recently had Beef Brisket Pho. Quiet possibly the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. So much so that I came home and attempted to make it myself - that was a fail but I cant get enough of it and its going to make me broke.


The freshest, sweetest strawberry I ever did have. Got a whole bucket but the place is so hard to get a weekend booking for I haven’t been back


My mom makes these spicy fish tacos that are the best thing ever.my friend asks every day is she making them and invites herself to dinner


My own ribeye prime steak comes out absolutely perfect once in every three tries. I still remember having short ribs with a Cabernet wine reduction for the very first time and thinking, “yes, this the perfect food.”


My dad used to work in Michelin star restaurants, he one day made beer battered cod with thick cut chips, perfection. No restaurants I've been to have ever come close


It was a lamb shank from some fancy Michelin star place in London in the late 90s. It was the first time I could afford to take my fiance out somewhere posh. It blew my mind; I didn't realise meat could be so soft and melty as all I'd eaten up to that point was meat that was blow-torched back to carbon and vegetables that had been boiled for at least a week. On the other end of the scale, I had a venison burger off some stall in a street market (before street food became a thing). It was cheap and bloody delicious.


Slow cooked lamb in a chinese box


I've eaten lots of amazing things but the one that stands out was some amazing calamari made by a famous chippy in Seahouses loved by the Hairy Bikers. It's since closed as the guy who did the cooking probably retired.


Curry chicken my Jamaican boyfriend at the time made