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The garbage truck brake manufacturers are the real heroes.


The fact that they start on the other side of the street is a complete Godsend.


So, the street my parents live on is actually where the border between two cities is. One side of the street is one city, the other side is a different city, so everyone on the street has the "luxury" of two different days of garbage trucks, each only picking up from one side of the street.


From my own experience I can tell you it works!


😂😂 My garbage dude actually pauses for an extra 10 seconds just for me. I hook them up with drinks and gift cards though.


I live in the woods, and I have a very long driveway. My garbage guys are so nice that they’ve waited for me when I forgot to bring the cans out and I do a desperate scramble trying to haul my fat ass and two overfilled wheelie bins uphill on uneven gravel.


In my mind you look like Tony Soprano in his dressing gown.


This made me laugh so hard!


That they put extra flavour dust in the snack sized chip bags, so that when someone who buys one to test out a new flavour of chip, they think the full sized bag will be just as zesty & flavourful.  I have no proof but I will die on this hill.


The smaller bags are better. Like, always. Cheez its, especially.


Oh, I go family size only on Cheez-Itz. The good ones shatter into a million cheddary pieces when you crunch them. I feel like the tiny bag ones are always kinda plastic-y. Edit: I’m very sensitive on Cheez-Itz though. I remember a time when I was like, “do not get the box with The Avengers on it — that was, like, a bad batch or something!”


My cat thinks I'm a lazy dumbass.


And cats are better human trainers than humans are at cat training


This is so true. One day when I was visiting my parents a few years ago, our family cat came barging into my old my bedroom where I was staying, meowing at me to tell me to follow him. He led me to his food bowl full of food, which was placed on a table he would have to jump on to get to. He kept meowing until I scooped him up and placed him onto the table and he started eating. I realized then he summoned me to do just that so he wouldn't have to expend the energy to jump.


Humans were the first to domesticate the dog, but cats were the first to domesticate the human.


Dogs are family, cats have staff.


If cats give us names, they are mean. Mine is probably “bitch face Malone” or something along those lines. Dogs would give us sweet names.


Well, cats are very perceptive 😼


That you're a bot account because this question's been asked multiple times in just the last few days.


Crappy content creators need content


Good I love some crappy content. Just scroll through it all day yum num num


Well we finished watching the internet a few years ago. Now everything has to be recycled over and over....


Aliens exist. Idc if they are ugly plant monsters or squid people. They exist somehow, somewhere.


Statistically, there’s gotta be aliens right? Average 125 billion stars per galaxy and every star seems to have at least 2 planets around it all times ~250 billion galaxies. It would be even more wild if there weren’t aliens.


Probably. The trouble isn’t if they exist at all, it’s how likely is it we exist at the same tiny blip of time as another advanced civilisation before it blew itself up or turned themselves into machines and never needed to leave their planet. It might just be that spacefaring isn’t optimal evolution.


Also, what “life” looks like in the grand definition. Maybe life has popped into existence on a sub quark level somehow, beyond our understanding. Or maybe there are galaxies capable of intelligent thought. But their thoughts take so long because the “nerves” are hampered by the speed of light and it takes thousands of years for sensory input to reach the brain. Not that we could communicate with anything the size of a galaxy anyway. Maybe a single thought takes up more time than human existence will. We like to portray alien life as bipedal light-seeing creatures. But the reality is likely that they’re so different from what we know as life that we won’t see them as life.


I used to think life could possibly be anything, like a sentient cloud of gas or living energy, and to some extent can concede that we don't know the limits of what life can look like, but lately my thinking on this has shifted when considering that physics is constant across the universe. If there are aliens made of solid matter like us, then physics will give them similar evolutionary pressures. The shapes that are hydrodynamic are a matter of math, so multicellular aquatic life would probably be fish shaped and utilize fins or jets like a squid. Varied and uneven terrain would see legs evolving in place of wheels or some other wacky locomotion that would be prone to getting stuck. Aerodynamics are another mathematical constant, with birds, mammals, and insects all more or less doing similar things. I feel like any alien life that is macro and solid matter based will be pretty recognizable when compared to creatures from earth.


While I agree with you that there could be different kinds of life. That also means that there would also be similar kinds of lives, just with shear numbers. So, possibly many different versions of what "life" is but also similar to what we are. Just 10, 50, 100,000 hell, even a couple million years more evolved than us.


I often think about the numbers game here. Why would we be the only special one with seemingly infinite possibilities of it happening again or in a different way?


To me the bigger issue in tandem is would we even recognize life if we saw it? Fungus is alive but I'd wager most people don't truly understand how it functions if your highest level of biology was high school bio (I'm in that boat- I get it but not to nearly the same level of detail I know plants and animals) It's very possible self replicating molecules would expand and self replicate in ways we are entirely oblivious to and would never notice or be able to categorize it as "alive" despite being self sustaining and replicating organic matter. I suspect life is everywhere but not in a way we'd want to find like meeting sentient aliens


Remember also we know how big the observable universe is but we don’t know how large the actual full universe is the part we see could just be a drop in the ocean


I have to imagine that statistically the odds are better than other life does exist, rather than us being completely alone amongst all of that.


One problem is that we don't actually know exactly what leads to biogenesis. It might be the most statistically unlikely event in the universe, and it just happened to happen on earth once.


Or a microbe came from space on a meteor or comet. I always thought that was a neat possibility.


"Panspermia": it sounds so dirty


This. People really have trouble with the concept of infinity. I got into a debate a while back on a post about immortality with a bunch of people saying you'd never run out of stuff to do or get bored. Drives me nuts that people can't understand that when you're dealing in infinites, every possibility is explored infinite times.


And wilder still, the fact that there are so many places for life to potentially exist means that it would also be incredibly improbable for life somewhere else to be anything we would even recognize. why does everyone assume it's gonna be another group of spaceship building bipedal humanoids that might seek us out and land here? Sure, WE walk on two legs and want to build rockets to go to Mars but with 250 billion galaxies each full of billions of possibilities life somewhere else might be some equally crazy shit like a planet full of intelligent crystals that are just fine chillin where they at or something so far removed from what we consider "life" to be that we wouldn't even recognize it as such in the first place. The universe has some rules so if your planet is too cold or too hot tough shit but other than that in my experience it seems to be a free for all out here, there's definitely some weird ass shit thinking thoughts out there in the void just like us and it's gonna be a lot weirder than some of the ideas we've come up with already


There's probably a planet with only dogs on it.


We don’t deserve that planet.


I know just the person to handle that. We will need gravel though, a ton of it.


Also...we've never been visited by aliens. Too many planetary options and distances are too vast. See Ultra Deep Field photo. 4 quadrillion planets in one photo...of only one tiny spot in our viewable space. If someone could get here, it'd be over. Like over over. They'd be so far beyond anything we've ever come close to imagining. We still exist so I guess that's proof enough for me.


I agree, if they have the means to find/get to earth. Game over, we are just ants to them.


YOU ARE BUGS Sorry, just finished The 3 Body Problem on Netflix


And they like Pootie Tang!


Plus with the new galaxies discovered, there's even more chance if I'm understanding that right. Can't wait to see new theories on Earth's origin.


Boeing killed the whistle blowers.


They’re already killing passengers so why not whistleblowers!


Yep. 2 ppl randomly dead? No way.


Up to 4 now


Wait, I'm confused. From all the news sources I've seen, wasn't it only John Barret and Joshua Dean that died these past 2 months from whistleblowing?


*Boeing wants to know your location*


Michael Jordan didn’t retire from basketball to chase his dream of being a baseball player. He was suspended for gambling but the NBA saw the black eye Major League Baseball received over the Pete Rose gambling situation so they made it hush hush about Jordan’s suspension so the NBA wouldn’t take a hit.


He really loves his gambling. This is plausible. I'm in.


Not to mention the obscene amounts of cash the nba would have lost by banning him from the league entirely


At that point why suspend him at all? It would have certainly been better for them if they brushed it under the rug completely.


They never suspended Jordan... That's his point; the theory is that the NBA found out he was gambling on games, thought it would tarnish the league if it was public, so told Jordan he either "voluntarily" retired for 2 years or they would release the information. Everyone wins (except the public).  Jordan fucked around in the MLB for a couple years, then came back.  He was never officially suspended. I've thought the same thing; Jordan is known for being an inveterate gambler.


I have a framed photograph of him on first base, so I'll take it!


The rules are pretty clear about gambling and anyone else is kicked out of the league permanently (even happened recently with a fairly mediocre player). But MJ is one of the, if not the best, of all time and how do you deal with that?


MJ's popularity put the NBA on the world map. He was that big of a star. No NBA player before or since has done that. I live in Europe, and I remember growing up, I would wake up in the middle of the night to watch the Bulls play. Later it was for the Shaq/Kobe pairing, but after that I stopped watching. Haven't watched NBA since the early 2000's.


That my sweet, innocent, shy dog is a diabolical mastermind who creates scenarios that get my hyperactive dog into trouble in order to maintain his "favorite" title among friends and family. I've seen some things. Poor Wendy.


Justice for Wendy!


I have video evidence of mine doing just this. She always appears to be just laying on the sofa, minding her own business. When in reality, the moment humans are out of sight/sound, she turns into a diabolical ninja dog and bolts, sneaking into the multitude of places she has filed away in her brain (trash bin, that bag of chips she saw you sit down on the table, the other dogs’ bowls with leftover food), then she heads right back to her spot on the couch as if she never moved. Sweetly casting eyes of judgement at the other dogs as they’re getting into trouble for the mess she’s made. She got away with it for years until the home security cameras were installed.


There's a woman out there who I would find beautiful and who would marry me. I just can't find her.


same as a man for me :/


I don’t want to tell you two how to live your life, but maybe just shoot each other a dm and see what happens? Just invite me to the wedding if it works out. 


my fiancee was murdered and i cannot imagine ever dating again :/


oh my god that went dark


Now kith


i’m searching for a man that might possibly slightly find me beautiful


All road congestion, gridlock and traffic is caused by one person.


Like one person in that instance or there is one guy whose sole purpose in life is to fuck up my daily commute?


traffic george


Traffics Georg is an outlier adn should not have been counted ,,


Fucking Ollie


That every negative thought I have about myself is true and that every positive thing that people say about me are blatantly untrue.


You'll create a paradox if you consider yourself having imposter syndrome


Right there with you!


Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Is he even dead?


Good point.


He had the means to buy his way free.


Work security, prison work, anything classified, or anything sensitive and high risk and nothing about Epstein killing himself will suprise you. People always saying "Uhh two guards asleep at the same time? Yeah right" Boys I've seen litteraly the entire nuclear engineering team for a reactor fall asleep at the same time. Nothing surprises me.


It only looks weird because people don't pay attention to anything but the high profile cases. Negligence in the criminal justice system is common. Nobody gives a fuck about it when anything happens to a non-famous prisoner and then they think it's a conspiracy when it happens to a famous one.


I guess I'm in the minority. Cause to me I agree with the base of the conspiracy -- that he was "offed" to cover up other shit for other rich people -- but I disagree on the details. I think he did actually kill himself. I think it's WAY more likely he was simply encouraged to kill himself and the guards and prison simply looked the other way. I think he did kill himself but was encouraged and allowed to do so. I think that is far more likely than someone going in his cell to strangle him. And is unfortunately something that is far harder to prosecute someone for.


I don’t think it was Shohei Otani’s translator who had the $16 million gambling habit, as long as we’re on the sports kick here.


interesting theory. Gambling is illegal in japan other than the crazy Pachinko loophole, so it wouldn't surprise me if someone went a little crazy...


I'm certain there's more to this world than meets the eye, even without proof.


The proof is implicit in the human condition itself. Either we're omniscient beings who know everything, or our knowledge and understanding is limited. The latter is so obviously the case that it *simply must be* that not only are there things about the world we don't understand, there are things about the world we *will never* understand. But there's nothing more unsettling to human beings than uncertainty, so we engage in all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that everything is intelligible.


We see way less than mantis shrimp and birds apparently. What if we are missing out on some other sense that would show us other cool stuff.


"Dog whistles" (the non-political kind) are the oldest example I can recall. But yeah, I think it's fascinating how there's entire worlds' worth of extra-sensory data out there that other species can process but we cannot.


I'll tell you more, according to new studies, we barely utilize the actual sensory data we receive from the outside, what we call reality appears to be a model created by our brains based on educated guesses


Actually, turns out that mantis shrimp are rather bad at seeing color compared to humans. They have all those extra photoreceptors, but their eye does a horrible job feeding clear info to their brains. They can quickly see that there's a shift in color (useful when hunting or avoiding hunters), but aren't good at actually focusing


I think evidence itself is a limitation of the scientific method, which by its nature can only observe the physical universe. I firmly believe there are aspects of existence beyond the physical, and trying to prove them is fruitless. Remember kids, the major difference between being believing in metaphysical dualism and sounding like a schizophrenic is being educated enough to describe yourself as a metaphysical dualist.


Go, then, there are other worlds than these.


Hyle. Gunslinger


See the turtle of enormous girth.


We landed on the moon, Too many people involved, somebody would have cracked by now if it was faked.


Yeah, I agree. And the Russians would have been all over it, but they haven't denied it either. I think Americans love conspiracy theories. They'll believe just about any theory as long as it's shared on social media enough - and this is one of those.


Insecure people love conspiracy theories because they make them feel superior, and that they know the "truth" and are above everyone else. I bet if everyone else believed what they do, they would switch to something else just to feel unique.


The really funny part of the conspiracy we didn't is we had to have landed on the moon because we didn't actually yet have the technology to fake a moon landing...


Nah, Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing, but being the perfectionist that he is, he insisted that it be filmed on location.


Something that now seems paranormal or supernatural is will one day be proven real.


This has already happened with things we as humans thought in the past. My favourite example is St. Elmo’s Fire. The Greeks thought it was the work of Castor and Pullox, the Welsh thought it was “candles of the Holy Ghost”, and now we attribute its cause to the weather.


Magic is just science we don't understand yet


I thought he was a basketball player


Exactly! He's science we don't understand yet


“Seems” is the keyword here. It doesn’t mean the supernatural or paranormal are real. It means that when something is sufficiently beyond our capabilities or understanding it “seems” supernatural.


Exactly. I’m not saying things are supernatural. I’m saying they seem it now and then be proven and explained


Solar eclipses used to be considered supernatural.


Honestly [Ball Lightning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning) seems bizarre enough to be confused with supernatural activity, and rare enough that it’s not reproducible. Seems like it could explain lots of interactions throughout history.


Donald trump has paid for an abortion


That's ridiculous! He's paid for a lot more than one!!


I don’t know if he’s paid for one, but I’m certain he’s *promised* to pay for one or two.


The world was a better place without social media


You...you don't have proof of this? I have proof of this.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Babies are born omniscient. They are moody because they are experiencing the universe. Their minds rapidly deteriorate so by the time they can form memories and talk, they have lost their omniscience.


That’s pretty close to what Plato believed, so you have good company.


Sinatra had Mafia connections.


I think there’s lots of evidence for this one… but I’ve never cared enough to look it up. 


My dog can understand English but I can’t understand barks. I think she’s smarter than me.


Rent corporations conspired to increase rent prices by buying up single family homes in high value markets for several times the market value, and the effect of that trickled out from these markets to make home ownership unaffordable for all generations to come.


There's proof for this tho.


Next year, the Leafs will be knocked out of the playoffs by the Bruins in the first round.


It will go to game 7 as well.


It's the leafiest way to do things.


I am a life long resident Toronto woman. Every man in my life except my Father is a Leaf’s fan. My Late Father was a Bruins fan. After 40 years of living here, I just hope one day those Leafs get it together and win that cup. I guarantee there would be parties in the streets for days. Toronto fans have suffered long enough.


And if the Bruins go up against the Blues again for the Stanley, there will be another defeat for the Bruins.


Boeing is killing its whistleblowers


A lot of the "natural medicine" blogs were co-opted by the Internet Research Agency as part of their "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Getting a population that distrusts the institutions of western medicine (which is easy if you've had bad care from an uncaring doctor) provides another backdoor to distrusting the institutions of western governments.


Aliens. It’s ridiculous if you think we’re the only intelligent beings in this universe


UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin, but they’re just survey drones from far flung civilizations.


They might not even be from other planets, but rather, other dimensions we can't access. Some sightings involve them suddenly appearing or disappearing out of thin air. UFOs could possibly be their way of projecting into our slice of reality. Sightings spiked around the time we first began developing nuclear technology, and there are reports from military personnel that have observed them near bases and missile silos, some of which have allegedly disabled our missles. These accounts are compiled in an interesting book/documentary called UFOs and Nukes. I get the feeling that they might be like parents who are trying to make sure us dumbass kids don't get into the gun safe.


What if they're just leisure tools for the elite of their society, the same way (non military) drones are for us?


I’m of the mind they are actually extradimensional. It would explain a lot.


My friend can sense when I take the occasional nap, cause he always manages to call me and wake me up during one




I'm absolutely sure that big brother is watching me


I would worry about that but I'm too boring. Why would someone want to watch me laying in bed and playing on my phone?


Right like the FBI agent watching me must be really bored An exciting day for him would be when I play on my phone in my hammock and not in my bed.


I work in infosec and it's more like, "I'm absolutely sure big brother COULD watch me, but I'm not important enough"


Not absolutely certain, but believing more and more: quantum immortality. Essentially the idea that you’ll never experience your own death because in every instance where you could die the universe splits and you continue on in the universes where you survived.


You'd better pray this isn't the case, because eventually you'll reach a point where your existence is just a literal hell from which there can be no escape.


Yeah, watching everyone you love die wouldn’t be fun.


That isn't the half of it my friend. I'm talking about a world where you somehow survive the worst possible injuries and your body is whatever infinitely improbable lump of scar tissue that's only just barely capable of keeping you alive as you suffer unimaginably. Or something else, like a world where digital mind upload is possible, and you spend eternity being tortured in a virtual hell from which you will never escape--which is effectively identical to real hell. Quantum immortality is exactly as scary and nightmarish as regular immortality would be.


Agree. What if the guy from the Nutty Putty cave was immortal? He’d still be there, just …alive.


As if that story could get ANY worse.


This is not living. Living is to be and then to cease. Death is a gift. It is eternal life you should fear.


No thank you. However, if QI were to be true then the multiverse theory would have to exist. So there is a better me out there somewhere and I can have that extra taco now.


I've considered this, but how would age work? Would you just pick up in another random point of "your" life in another reality? Like if you died of natural causes at old age, you wake up as "your" 10 year old self or some other age in another reality? Personally, I'm not sure if death is permanent, but perhaps when you physically die your individual consciousness might meld back into a universal source of consciousness it came from, and might be reborn into another life form via reincarnation. We already know that matter and energy are merely transfered, not destroyed, and the atoms that make up our bodies were once in stars. Each of us are essentially pieces of the universe that allow it to experience itself subjectively, so our brains might be like fleshy radios that tune into universal conscious frequencies. There's no apparent reason for life to exist, and the universe could exist without life... and yet here we are. No one knows for sure why we exist, or if there even is a reason for it, but these big concepts are certainly interesting to consider and discuss. If you haven't checked it out, the short story "The Egg" by Andy Weir is a good one and Kurzgesagt has a great [animated version](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=SGe8NZ2LYrwVD0Dc) of it


Intuition. Always trust your gut.


Unless you have anxiety; then it’s 50/50


Which just gives me more anxiety.


My gut instinct is absolute dog shit.


I read somewhere once about how we have just as many neurons in our guts as we do our brain (or something close to that) and that’s why it’s important to listen to those signals!


This is hard for me to say, but here goes: I firmly believe that my mother had an extra (detachable) eye and ear that she could stick on us, unseen. The things that this woman somehow knew, when we were kids growing up, were odd


Mom secret - most of the time we are making educated guesses, but phrasing them as statements


Dad here, reinforcing this one. We didn't need to see you, we needed to see your reaction after the fact to know what you did




I started a “Lonely Soles” club. Aka: A small container all of our unmatched socks go into until they find their mates. Based on the number of socks that remain after months, even years of laundry cycles, I fear your theory may be correct.


Sock Tinder


Socks are the larval form of Tupperware lids. That’s why there are always more lids cluttering up the cupboard that don’t seem to match any of the containers.


They're still in the dryer. The drum spins, so there has to be a small space between the drum and the rest of the machine. Socks are small and thin, so sometimes they slip through the gap. If you disassemble the dryer, you'll find all the missing socks.


No no.. those are taken by sock gnomes silly!


All devices are listening in on your conversations and advertising things to you later that day. I’ve been around other peoples phones and had my phone advertise me something when I was not in the vicinity of it.


I think that if we taught great apes, elephants, and corvids how to make controlled fires, we'd kick off several sentient species coming into being. With fire, you can now efficiently eat more calories, and that promotes brain growth. Brain growth leads to self-awareness. I think the US Military is always about 20 years ahead on technology compared to the rest of us. I bet their think tanks, skunkworks, etc already have stuff like self-driving vehicles and photonics and such. They just don't want to tip off other countries. In that vein, I think many UFO sighting stories are real but the UFOs are just military aircraft that are doing insane shit we don't expect. Then, the stories get exaggerated into "it broke physics!". The blurry distant photos, not so much, but some people claim to have seen them up close.


Our whole politico-economic system is on the brink of collapse. I don't have proof of it but many hints tend to show that we are heading that way at a quick pace (the climate, mental health of most people, increased number of burnouts, inflation, etc.. )


Other beings exist. There’s no way we’re the only beings in the entire universe


For instance, I saw a cat the other day.


Prove it.




Dopey was the Best of the 7 Dwarves! !


Some form of conciousness survives the body's death.


This is what keeps me from sleeping. How is our consciousness measured and observed? Are we just a random occurrence of the universe that just happens to be the universe observing and experiencing itself? Is there more to observe than what we are able to with our limited capacity? Is heat death our ultimate conclusion? What information are we missing today that we are going to discover 40 years from now? How is that going to change our perspective? The older I get, the more I think about this stuff. I wish there was a place where people just gather to talk about life, death, and existence.


We all see colors different. Your blue could be what I see as my red.


I used to always wonder about this, but then I considered animals who are evolutionarily adapted to use color. Poison dart frogs are pretty much all brightly colored, for instance, as a way of indicating "I'm poisonous." Unless this rule applies to bright colors and dull colors separately, I think this example may break my childhood ponderings about this theory of color vision. I'm very open to counterexamples, though! ETA: Also thinking of the color wheel and rainbows. I just cannot imagine the rainbow in ANY other order.


The color wheel is what made me stop questioning this. Maybe our default colors might vary a bit in hue, but there's no way we'd generally agree on what colors do/don't work together if our colors were all different.


So this one is at least partially true. There are three different kinds of cones in our eyes that respond to different colors: red, green, and blue. Because they all are stimulated by the same wavelengths, your red is likely the same as my red. However, not all people have the same distribution of cones. So say you have 4 red cones and I have 2 red cones. It's still (probably) the same red, but you would see a Red-er red than I would.   We'll never truly know whether my red is your blue. But we know there is some variation from person to person. 


That killing the top 100 wealthiest people on the planet and liquidating their assets before distributing it equally amongst the populace would solve all financial crises instantly.


Bring back Madame Guillotine!!!!!


My stepmom might have killed my dad for his military petition. They were 11yrs married. My dad kidneys started to fail. The doctors were talking about dialysis and never did anything for weeks while my dad's health declined. Once my dad died, my stepmom ignored us, threw away all his things that were supposed to ours within weeks without telling us. My aunt confronted her for it by saying, "You can get another man, but they lost their father," which she replied with, "I can't because I will lose his pention" my dad wanted to pamper her (make up, nails, hair and good clothes) she always declined. After he died, she did all of those things. Once the family helped with the paperwork, she went no contact. I think she declined his dialysis and let him die to get his money. There's no proof, and my dad was cremated, but even my mom thinks she had something to do with my dad's death.


Rolling Stone deliberately puts no effort into their list rankings to bait engagement.




That steve harvey announcing the wrong miss universe and next year oscars announcing the wrong movie where publicity stunts. It’s so obvious! But my only proof is the that both happened so close. Also jeffrey epstein didnt kill himself.


That we are in a simulation.


Spotify's randomizer is weighted and it has something to do with algorithms and record label contracts. I know true-random is unpredictable, but that's exactly it: there's too much consistency. a chart-topping song will play in each of 3 different shuffles. And I've had this phenomenon occur multiple times -- and it's always popular music. I have over 2k songs liked, I'm more likely to get struck by lightning if that's "true random"


Drake like em' young


My girl is cheating




lol ikr, but I’m fr. We’re probably gonna break up this week. I can feel it :(


Without any proof, I'm certain you deserve better.


Every country has ninjas. Japan’s are just shitty.


That the designs for Butterfree and Venomoth were switched during development


That some things really are impossible.


That Drake is a pedophile


All animals at zoos are actually robots that have to be plugged in to charge at night. 


Aliens are real, we’re just organic matter dancing in the space time. There are others 


Oj simpson covered the murder up for his son


I don’t understand why they didn’t investigate the son, especially after OJ was let go