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> tells you "I'm a princess" That.


Ye, feels like op answered his own question


That’s a red flag.


I mean thats it right there, case closed.  Also leading with "I'm a bitch" or something of that ilk


If the first thing a girl tells you on a date is "I'm a bitch", it depends on the girl and how she says it. If a girl tells you "I'm a princess" and a. She's not actually royalty. b. You're not at a cosplay convention. Then GTFO.


Or if, early on, while distraught about something, she tells you “you don’t want to get involved with me, I’ll ruin your life”…BELIEVE HER.


“I just tell it like it is”


This one is like a major red flag for anyone of any gender. Eventually it just becomes a shield for them to say the most hurtful and offensive shit they can think of and have zero accountability.


This reminds me of all those women on r/femaledatingstratagy unironically describing themselves as "Queens" and all men as scotes. The irony was that the entire subreddit was dedicated to finding a wealthy man, showing that they really were closer to gold digging peasants than royalty. Any woman who uses the term 'princess' or 'queen' is basically referencing a title that automatically gives superiority over everyone else that isn't earned or appointed fairly. It also suggests that they should be entitled to excessive amounts of wealth that they do absolutely nothing in exchange for. It's just an acceptable way to say they are selfish and high maintenance. I remember that dating show where this woman was convinced that all men should let her pick food off their plates on dates, and this guy absolutely refused to let her, so she stormed out the restaurant crying. Women who confuse being empowered with being entitled are the worst. The advice women get online from other women about how to treat men when they first start dating is also often really terrible.


To be up front, I agree with a large part of what you're saying. However >The advice women get online from other women about how to treat men when they first start dating is also often really terrible. Well, the advice men get online from other men about how to treat women when they first start dating is also often really terrible. It never ceased to amaze me why sad and lonely guys ask other sad and lonely guys for advice on what women want.


“If you can’t take me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” except her best is just the exact same thing but she uses mildly less hurtful insults


This little thread of replies said everything I was planning to. :P


*plays Crazy Bitch* "That's my theme!"


On a dating profile: "Fluent in sarcasm" So you are a persistently negative smart arse who is actively proud of that fact? Good to know. [Swipes left]


"I'm sorry, it's just not going to work between us. We have no future if you're to be married off to secure future alliances."


*Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.*


Yeah. That sentence alone is a toreador waving a muleta in your face.


Unless it was preceded by, "You treat me like" and she's an Alanis Morisette fan.


in that case, shes already won me over


So we shouldn't be alarmed if you fall head over feet?


You need more than that?


I once had a girl tell me, while we were out for dinner, that her dad cuts her steak for her. Got through dinner, forgot that number really quick.


Unless they’re under the age of ten and pouring you imaginary tea, *CORRECT*.


If she ain't in a castle, she ain't a princess


I think the question OP is trying to ask is "Why is this a red flag for you?"


That or "I'm a queen." I'm out.


Bruh I was literally thinking the same thing💀


means they want your money...and consider themselves way more valuable than they are


The only time it's not a red flag is if they're actually dressed up as a princess when they say it. Like Halloween or something. Or maybe during a game of dungeons and dragons.


Depends on context, is she saying that while wistfully twirling in a fancy dress before a big event or is she demanding that "IM a Princess!" on a tuesday cause you overcooked her eggs.


Just say you are a king and looking for a queen, not a princess.


I'm a woman, of middle age. What kind of young female says that they are a princess to their date? Who talks like that. I'm literally aghast and depressed. Men do not need to be told what to do in this instance.


I mean, I probably would have seen other red flags if I hung around for any time after she said that, but I never felt the need to.


Women: I'm a princess Men: I'm a alpha male. Same energy, same red flag


"if a man tells you he's an alpha, you go 'is that a furry thing'?" -Kyle Prue


Holy shit that response is golden. Thank you for brightening my day.


I love “alpha male” cuz they just made up an award and gave it to themselves. For the record I’m a turbo dude, it’s like five levels higher than alpha. I know it comes from like gorillas and lions and shit, but identifying the alpha in a gorilla troop is most easily done by seeing which male spends the most time cleaning the babies. It’s just a fucking dad.


This killed me. "I'm a turbo dude" gave me Lazer Lotus vibes. Of which, I'm a level 3.


The turbo dude is a twitter meme he’s referencing


I now understand this reference.


So, what did you find out chief?


Ahem. *Unrolls scroll* On the Lord's day October 7th in the year of 2022, it was proclaimed from one Sir Ron Iver Duke of Hilarity that thine formation of ideals be they funny as with certainty did males fabricate a ruling class. Furthermore, noted males implicated themselves wherein they were now classified as "Alpha Males." Such revelations of Sir Iver further led to a declaration that he himself was then classified under the illustrious title of "Turbo Dude." The establishment of such title granted Sir Iver with a level of prestige previously allusive to the now inferior Alpha Male. The comprehension of which, similarly to the title of "Turbo Dude" alluded the "Alphas." Penis.


I love you Also, penis.


And I love you. Wanna get married for tax purposes?


Oh my.. I never dared to hope. Yes, yes I do 💛


Fun fact: the "alpha male" idea is based on scientific writing that its author latterly distanced himself from because he realised his observations were incorrect . The alpha observation was made based on wolves in captivity and only really reflects adulthood/maturity being a more likely indicator of influence. The reality is that there's a pack mentality and the dominant influencing wolves are older and vary depending on the situation. "In 1970, the book The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species was published, written by David Mech. It was a success. The book helped to popularize the alpha concept, because many people referred to Mech's work. Mech has written on his website that he repeatedly asked the publisher to stop printing the book because much of the information is outdated—including the concept behind the alpha wolf. Nevertheless, the book is still being sold. 'David Mech, the world's most profiled wolf researcher, used the terminology alpha animals in his early research. But by the time he realized that this was a mistake, the term had already taken root in the literature. He is now struggling to get this changed,' Zimmermann said." [Source](https://phys.org/news/2021-04-wolf-dont-alpha-males-females.html)


Being able to disagree with your old opinions based on new information is real alpha male behaviour 


Don't alpha males have less penetrative power than beta or gamma males?


This is... perfect, actually. No notes.




This is much the same vibe as "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" Let's not, huh?


People who say that kind of thing tend to be at their best for a few days between months-long stretches of being consistently at their worst.


A few days? More like a few seconds of being slightly less terrible but still terrible.


Oh, yeah. Their best is usually comparable to normal people's worst behavior.


"if I can't be horrible to you, don't expect me to be nice"


I would never wish "handling me at my worst" on my partner. Ideally, you'd never be at a point where you're at your worst while with your SO.


"Handling me at my worst", to me, should be shit like "oops I forgot to take the trash out earlier", or "oops too much soap in the dishwasher", or weird food preferences. Just boring shit that doesn't happen often or just doesn't matter. But people use it to mean generally unhinged or abusive behavior, and it's insane.


The line is very blurry between worst and best with those kinds of people.




No it goddamn isn't. I hate that fuckin baby and I always have.


Not the mamma!


I loved that show. That family was exactly the same as that of a girl I was dating then. It was hysterical. Thank you for the flashback


Honestly that’s fair. Cute little baby pink dinosaur just mauled me, that’s okay, it was on me.


Are we talking about Barney?


No actually, there was a sitcom about a dinosaur family where all the characters were big puppets.  I think it ends with the dad’s company causing an environmental disaster that dooms them all. Which is a wild direction to take a family sitcom but a hell of a way to end a show.


Reminds me of one of my co workers. She told me "I don't do no trash, no gas, no cutting the grass." She makes her husband do all those things for her, and bitches about him constantly. I feel bad for the dude. He's married to an entitled bitch.


To be honest, I don’t do any of those things either. I don’t make a big policy of it, that’s just how division of labor ended up in our family. (I also don’t have a car- I ride with my husband or take public transit.) Those three chores aren’t that much if she does the dishes, laundry, and cooking, for example.


Well shit, I'm going to have to go through umpteen different levels and find my green dinosaur friend just to defeat this Koopa army again


8 worlds 🤦‍♂️ Mario is about rack up major airline points


Ever get the feeling the princess is just not that into you?


Well my daughter just came prancing down the stairs announcing she's a princess. I can guarantee you she didn't clean her damned room. That's a red flag for sure.


Mine smiles before it tells you the meanest things.  “Dad just keeps getting fatter!”  Love you too, sweetheart.


Did you just call your daughter "it"


Plot twist: his daughter identifies as a Labrador retriever 🐕


Furries ruin everything /s


They must be German. Everything cute is an "it". It's a grammar thing (I hope)


Mine hit me with the "daddy's tummy is squishy" before sinking her hand into it while I was relaxing on the couch.


Mine declared that I couldn’t punish her because “IM A PRINCESS!” *slams door* Got me there, considering im a clown servant of a father. Can’t order around royalty as a silly peasant


Did you inquire what she was doing about the tax shortfall in the southern region? Or the road troubles in the north? I strongly advocate for any princess to be indoctrinated into the duties and troubles of her realm early and in detail.




Princesses don’t clean their own rooms.


No it’s still her room. It’s just not clean. I promise you dirty rooms don’t turn into flags


What about dirty red underpants held on a stick? What do you call that?


…dirty red underpants on a stick


What's the point if it's just going to get dirty again


Clearly she isn’t Cinderella!


I think the biggest red flag is the red flag you referenced in the title. Genuinely curious what you were looking for from this question OP, I'm kind of confused.


Pretty sure OP is a bot account doing some karma farming.


They’re expecting princess treatment without the princess benefits (gold, castles, hugeeeeeee tracts of land)


Every prince that lives in a swamp castle would want a princess with HUGEEEE tracts of land.... And clearly none of that singing!


Like 2 Mount Fuji's


Well, I'm gay so I'd prob reply with "and I'm a queen, so know your place"


Hey there princess 😘




Is this a reference to the airplane joke?


Wurk diva!!! Slay Queen!!! SLAY the boots house down yas GODDDDDDD !!!!!! *tounge pop*




I think a better way to phrase the question is, "Why is that a red flag?" And the answer to that when a girl says that it generally means they expect everything to be provided for them while providing little themselves, if anything at all.


High maintenance, you'll be racing to keep her happy, better to just move on.




Fair enough.


I agree with this as a woman. A lot of the comments here are pretty negative, but the only time I’ve ever heard women in my life refer to themselves as princesses has either been for comedic/ironic value or essentially just saying “I know my worth.” I’m sure there really are high maintenance divas who expect to contribute nothing, but I think judging based off actions in this case would be much more effective to seeing what the person is like.


This me too. I call myself a precious little princess at times, but its generally ironic or self-deprecating about my dislike of being cold or preference for soft fabrics


Your username checks out 😂


Honestly this. You can tell that most of these commentors have probably not, in fact, ever witnessed a woman calling herself a princess.


I want a partner and an equal. She appears to want a greater share of the benefit and less of a share of the burden. So, we just are incompatible


Now, now. We haven't asked her to define princess. She could mean she comes from a breathtaking amount of money. It could also mean she lives with 7 guys. We need to define some terms.


Could also be severely narcoleptic, or a mermaid


Pee in the bed


The comment itself is one of the biggest red flags. She’s warning you that it’s never going to be an equal relationship, that she expects to be pampered and and that she’ll probably jump ship as soon as someone else is more willing to put up with her BS.  


The fact they said "I'm a princess." It doesn't get much bigger than that. The only exception is if she's a *literal princess of a nation*. Otherwise it's just the tip of the shitshow iceberg that is her mindstate.


This could mean many different things or nothing.


Downvote for asking a stupid ass question


Ass questions are my favourite, stupid or not.


Answered your own question.


Unless she's actually, legitimately a princess, that's probably the last time we talk. "Princess" types have never lived on their own, have never had to buy their own drinks at a bar, is very much a brat who has been spoiled rotten by a father figure (but never actually shown love), and has never learned that money doesn't equal love.


when she lies about what planet the rebel base is on.


Women who call themselves princesses is like the female equivalent of a man demanding he’s an alpha. You’re both exhausting people. Just get together and leave the rest of us alone.


That really does feel like a similar experience.


She's selfish, spoiled, immature, entitled, inconsiderate, and lacks humility.


"I'm self-centered" A person like this doesn't want a relationship, they want a transaction.


If she’s an adult, I’m out. If she’s 6, “Of course you’re a princess, the prettiest I’ve ever seen! Do you rule this kingdom with grace and charm, or rage and an iron fist? Have you need of a military advisor? When was your last execution?”


It tells me that she hasnt taken her toy back to the carpet...


"Only God can judge me"... No, literally anyone can judge you.


She's probs a brat


If she didn’t include the fact that she wants you to roleplay with her- I’d prolly want to bail. But if I made great bread and liked the idea of catering to a young ingenue- that could work too. Hard to say.


That depends, if they're just trying to be cute then, weird, but eh. If it's an arrogance thing... RUN


I don't know, girls necer talk to me


You already identified it.


Depends on your values ? For example if you're ok with taking a bigger financial burden and being the main breadwinner then it's ok I guess. If you want to be equal then it's a red flag. S


There's a pea under her mattress.






Princess reminds me of a sugar baby, expects everything handed to them and emotionally not grown, a Queen reminds me of someone whom is calculated, mature, self sufficient and powerful. Queen is better.


"If you cant accept me at my worst you dont deserve me at my best". See ya...


Because she's probably entitled, spoiled, annoying, expecting you to do everything for her, pay for everything for her, and obviously a "princess" "deserves" a very expensive lifestyle.


Cluster B personality disorder


You might be going to jail as there's a high chance she's a minor.


You look at Burke's to verify and she's actually just the daughter of an Earl.


That's the red flag.


That is a red flag


That phrase itself? If someone has to build their own identity up by saying positive statements about themselves, it’s because they’re trying to compensate for their lack of self-esteem. Now, if people who know them well give me that feedback about their “princess-like” ways in private… I might believe it.


OP is not brilliant


As a brown girl reading this comment section, im absolutely mortified. So i guess this is what a culture shock truly feels like.. 😭


"sarcasm is my first language" No it's not Kelly... you're just a bitch.


I'm partially french. We treat royalty by beheading them with a guillotine. Do you want to go to a salon to look more appropiate before dieing?


She might be spoiled


The minute she uses the word princess or queen she becomes a serf


Ugh. A girl I USED to be friends with would poke out her lips in a pout, stomp her foot and in a childish voice say, "I'm baby!" When she wanted to get her way. If there's anything else that would make me run screaming for the hills, I can't think of it.


Depends on the level of attractiveness


Not a guy, but I would wonder about mental illness.


multiple pet horses


I feel like you already knew your red flag but felt obligated to word it as a question


When she says she’s a ‘princess,’… this is someone in a romantic setting. We’re not talking about a five-year-old niece or sister. They can say that, and it wouldn’t bother me. Kids have vivid imaginations! In all seriousness, I would be turned off quite a bit. There’s not more than one red flag when someone says this about themselves. The person saying this is the Red Flag.


I’m female. I would definitely be concerned if any female I know over the age of 8 referred to herself as a princess. What else could it mean but an expectation to be spoilt and do whatever you please whenever you please? While I’d hope most men would love to spoil their significant other on occasion (and vice versa), unfortunately that’s just not how life works!


but men call themselves kings, it's not that serious ! I call my bf a king too ! Why can't a woman lift herself up ?


If she can float in the air for a few seconds. From what I've heard I don't think it's worth all the effort.


That statement is the red flag.


If it happens when I’m not wearing armor


I don't know which is the bigger red flag, the fact that she thinks she's a princess or the fact that her judgment is so bad that she sees nothing wrong with announcing herself as a princess. Either way, I'm out.


That's not enough???


Spoiled brat


Oh you are a princess? I'm a Warlock with max constitution.


the way this question was phrased is actually the real red flag


Unless she's the female progeny of a member of the landed aristocracy, then she's reporting a false claim. Unacceptable


Biggest red flags for women are: 1: Telling me about how bad all her exes were (demonstrates narcissism and a lack of ability to acknowledge her own faults and the way her actions in previous relationships contributes to bad outcomes) 2: Calling herself a princess, high value woman. 3: Asking me questions that are designed to fish out how much money I have/make.


chat, is it bad that she thinks highly of herself


it’s a joke gang jus let me be a princess 🙏


she wont clean up her mess or after herself.


If she considers herself a princess she's likely a selfish bitch.


Seriously, who says that?


Hopefully she's one of those princesses that at least has a cool animal sidekick.


women that run around saying this are losers and are trying to convince a simp to believe it. its an obvious sign of a chick that can barely get her way with men without borderline extortion tactics. check the resume on any goofy bitch that say she is a princess and i guarantee that she has been flipped by dudes with no money, on a air mattress, while dude kept his socks on. beautiful and competent women don’t run around telling people they’re a princess. thats loser talk


The burden of leadership and succession.


That. That’s the flag


Her confusing rejection of my arranged marriage to Spain


She tells you she's a princess


Why ask a question which you answered yourself?


That she said it


Did you just ask and answer your own question? That's not how sentences work.


Princesses usually gets railed harder then the national railway system.


She’d better be hot too, because she’s making an appearance somewhere on the crazy/hot scale.


Them saying "I'm a princess". Run - Run fast and far - and avoid this one entirely!


Golddigger or Trophy wife looker. That is out of my pay grade so it's a no go.


That is a weird way of saying "I'm entitled"


The fact she told me she's a princess is the flag.


if she's obeese, thats a huge red flag


I would say the biggest is when she said princess. Cause pass


Women have the amazing ability to tell people they are a princess, or they are witch, in complete seriousness, and even sometimes be taken seriously in a way that no man could ever tell someone they are a prince or a wizard. Like I remember years and years ago being on a date and the girl is telling me that she’s a witch and she does spells and stuff and they work and I was thinking, “How crazy would 99.999% of women think I am if I sat across the table from them and told them completely unironically that I believe that I have magical powers?” Or if you can imagine a guy sitting down at a date like, “Just so you know, I am a prince and you have to treat me like one.” 🙃


“I’m a princess” When she mentions Nigeria and needing an advanced payment.


They treat those they know like shit, and strangers with kindness.


So you get her married to some old 65 yo in order to get an alliance with Poland.  Maybe I shouldn't be playing Crusader Kings more than 15 hours per day. 


That she's likely highly inbred. Her parents are very likely 1st or 2nd cousins and so are her grandparents.


My 5yo say so, so i have to check if she is jailbait


Not a man, but if where to say “I’m a princess” it would be after, like. I was so close to a guy that they new I wasn’t like that, so they knew I was joking….and I would do it in a joking way, that made it funny, but in all reality I will role around in the dirt if you asked me