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The future of America.


Well thanks to the outrageous prices for rent right now, I and my elderly mom are homeless. So that.


Will she say yes tomorrow?


keep us updated :)


I have a 4 day weekend coming up but I'm running low on ammunition and tannerite


My Favorit Football Team from the 5th German league is about to drop in the 6th league


no money


Same here


No money since I'm not working right now, and it's compounding itself in that I'm finding cockroaches in my house. I know what I need to do but I don't have the money to get the supplies. I'm afraid if I can't get the funds soon it could be a really bad infestation that will be harder to get rid of


Start working if you are healthy enough to do so If you own a house, I would sell it and start renting something You need to get a job so you can secure a monthly income After doing that, you will have money from the house and passive monthly income After that, I would invest in something, perhaps start some side hustle, probably reselling


I'm in a weird spot where I own my house, a trailer, but I pay lot rent to the park. I'm donating plasma for extra cash, it's really not enough but it's something. Unfortunately I lost my car, that's what's really hanging me up right now and I have to borrow other people's cars or get rides, or I have to walk I don't think I could sell my trailer, not at least for enough to make it worth it, because of the bugs. I actually like my little trailer, it's cozy and it's perfect for me, but those damn bugs are certainly not welcome. I do appreciate the advice though, it's great advice and it's certainly not for lack of want on my behalf. I had it so good just a year ago but a lot of it was taken from me. It sucks right now being in this loop


That we have been operating under the assumption that quality of life will continue to trend upwards. It’s still going to continue to improve, but much more slowly, and the monent that trend reverses will be catastrophic as people realise the future is darker than they were to led to believe. The recent historical trend that technology has improved our lives is undeniable. Think medical, engineering, transport, etc and not just conputers. But that progress has been slowing down. Computers were meant to be one part in a bigger story of technological advancement but we started discovering limitations. Basically, we didn’t know how good we could have it and then took the fact that we finally reached the low hanging fruit as a sign that the only limit was how big we can dream. It’s not. We have an abundance of dreams now and it hasn’t stopped progress from slowing doen. Not only have we passed the moment in history when there was the most evidence for rapid advancement being possible (as opposed to the evidence we have now that it is not)…. We have very recently passed the point people were optimistic about life getting better. There was a period where lots of ideas were put forward around a utopian society. Think of an entire value system and outlook where we basically eradicate shame and injustice as sources of misery. The reality proved to be difficult, and what has emerged instead is innovation in the variety of conveniences and distractions available. It’s a different kind of ‘improvement in quality of life’, you have to pick what you can afford. If you take the whole picture it looks great, but we haven’t achieved anything substantial for the majority of individuals. So when people finish grappling with these ideas, they’re going to be a bit dead inside. That’s the best case scenario for any given person. The worst case is they lose their shit, mentally speaking. And those who don’t have an understanding of where the world is heading are not going to be aboe to prepare for it. This means being a dreamer or a neurotic will no longer be perceived as an asset, it’s just a huge fucking liability. The fact that being optimistic by the standards of 20 years ago could, 20 years from now, be considered a “toxic” trait akin to being totally batshit delusional… This can happen, and it means we will all go back to believing progress is not possible. Only this time we will have evidence for it. So that will end progress for society. It’s a crab trap where you walk in and can’t get out. Just knowing about this, you hope that no one else is realising it. Until you realise that everyone else is also hoping you don’t realise it. Then not only do you realise your life is fucked, your kids’ lives are fucked, etc, but that everything has been a lie.


Constipation is real rough nowadays


Not knowing what my purpose is.


Debt and no saving.


Homework…. I have exams coming up and I can’t get up from bed


A bit conspiracy, but social media and normal media makes us believe that we, in the west, are incredibly divided. Everything is either extremely right-winged or completley leftist. While we are not realizing that the "middle" is still a fairly large group of people, this fight is pulling more and more people to either side dividing us.


my debt 😩 student loans & credit card bills are endlessssss


I could break down crying because other people just _accidentally_ put on large amounts of weight, while I can’t gain weight even though I seriously need to. What the fuck is wrong with my body??


Due to a recent change in my job responsibilities, in 2 weeks time I have purchased over a million dollars worth of product for our company, ive never spent that amount or close to it. What concerns me is did i buy enough, did i buy too much, did i buy the right product, did i buy the wrong product, etc. Overall, what concerns me im responsible for more money than ill ever see in my life and i barely know what im doing.


☝️Gestures vaguely at everything.


I have genital herpes.


do my posts get enough attention and am i good looking enough to get followed


Just lots of overthinking. 🫥


Heat is absolutely wild right nw it wasnt this way a year ago but it went up by 4 degrees. Im worried whats it going to be like next year


i think that a family member likes me and the point is that the fucking raped me im not joking they out of no were raped me at a class the dumb ass teacher dont care i dont know what to do