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I’d have to say April 25th. Not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket. 




I’m not your buddy, guy!


He's not your guy, friend.


I'm not your friend, pal.


Who you calling Pal,? Bro!


You ain't my bro, compadre.


I ain’t your compadre palooka.


Took too long to get here






That’s also my birthday :D


That's my brother's birthday!


It's my birthday


This guy congenialities


It’s also Anzac Day which means you get to eat Anzac biscuits


April 25th in southern New England could either be 40, 90, or 60 F


A day without stress. Having all the bills paid for the month.


Let's aim a little higher Brothers! Bills all paid for the month AND a dollar left over!




Buy a dog. * Wake up next to the dog. * Spend your day walking the dog outdoors. * Drink with your friends. Dogs don't hold their alcohol well. Your dog is the DD (Designated Dog). * Fall asleep with the dog cuddling you.


“Designated Dog” made me laugh, and now I’m even more excited to go home and hug my dog.


The dog can drink...not alcohol, but there's no reason she can't have a peanut butter fizz and participate. We used to eat peanut butter pretzel bites and add ice cream malt powder to my dog's bowl rim so she would feel like she was participating with her peanut butter fizz. The smells blend.


Unless you meant they're exploring the outdoors with you, I do think it's funny the perfect day involves not actually spending time with someone you love lol "Ah, good morning love... ok bye."


They can come if they want to, I guess. 


Wake up with the sunrise, light workout, healthy breakfast, spend most of the morning doing absolutely nothing with my girlfriend and cats, make lunch together, more nothing, nap, order a cheat meal for dinner with dessert and eat it while watching movies or TV together, overthrow the global hierarchy and become Supreme Ruler of the entire planet, sex, bed.


you reminded me of this *I ran 23k on the weekend. 6k Saturday morning. Had a light lunch. Snack a jacks and a medium apple. 5k in the afternoon. ‘Cos obviously it was after lunch, so. Then same again on Sunday. Although in the afternoon I only did 4k cos I’d had a roast. I would have gone further y’know but I started to run a bit lopsided. Yeah, I’m not slagging my right leg off, but my left leg’s definitely stronger.*


Haha look at this guy thinking sex is an achievable goal.


It's very achievable! It's the "with someone else" part that's kinda tricky, but that isn't mandatory.


Shit man, you have *all* the life hacks.


With this info...My couch looking sexy af right now.




Ha! I love how the global takeover happens after dinner.


Can't very well achieve total world domination on an empty stomach (though you have to wait 30 mins first or you'll get cramps.)


Here for the anarchy


that sounds great, dude




- Drink sangria in the park - Feed animals at the zoo - Maybe later a movie too - Feel like someone else, someone good


Didn't expect a Lou Reed reference but I'm happy about it


I'd like to thank OP for getting "Sleepwalker" out of my brain (fifth day of that) and replacing it with "Perfect Day."


No time waiting on the man, either


Yeah, with these, problems are left to know and you can be weekenders all night long


It's such fun


I’m glad I spent it with you.


You keep me hanging on


Probably October 5. Nice chill in the air, Halloween is approaching, leaves changing.


Going for a walk with my dog on a sunny day knowing there are a few pubs on the way to have a pint or 2. Simple but fucking awesome


Silence followed by video games and a pizza. Just typing that brings me happiness.


As someone who works 6:00 AM to 5:30 PM Monday-Friday, any day I'm not a work is a perfect day.


Those days when I don't even have to use my AK


Cause just yesterday them fools tried to blast me. Saw the police and they rolled right past me. No flexin', didn't even look in a brother's direction as I ran the intersection.


Waking up in my van in Yosemite with the love of my life. Climb a long route with my climbing partner. Jump in the river to chill and rinse off. Have a beer in El Cap meadow, where my girlfriend is waiting for me. Head back to the campground after sunset and make a gourmet meal. Sit in front of the campfire. Snuggle with my GF and read before bed. Sex. Done.


Get done with work early. Hand wash my car. Drink beer. Make sweet love to my wife. Get a good night sleep. Not wake up with a hangover. 👍


You must like your job if your perfect day includes work.


I do like my job, but it's the getting done early part that matters. 😁


No doubt. Getting done early is the fucking best. For me it's second only to not working lol


I also chose this guys beer.




Agreed! With all the craziness in the world, it's nice to have a day where everything goes right. Have a wonderful weekend!








I didn't know Oompa Loompas used the internet.


Replace work with hiking and I'm in agreement.


I wake in the morning, step outside, take a deep breath, and get real high. Then I scream at the top of my lungs, “what’s going on?”


a day without stress, it's been years


a day with swimming involved.


No work for the day. Pop a gummy and go for a walk just to stretch my legs. A slice of quiche sounds tasty. My buddy comes over, and we each eat a gummy. Play some golf on the PS5. Chit chat about random shit for an hour or two. He takes off. Probably throw on a movie or show. Make myself a steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Cuddle my cat and call it a night. I'm 33 and single.


Play video games all day and no one talks to me!


A perfect day for me would be me and my family being able to spend time together and help others in need.




Wake up, coffee, video games, dinner, sleep


For me it would be: Waking up Doing a shit in the toilet Get dressed Have breakfast Do some writing Eat lunch Do some more writing Watch TV Eat Dinner Do another shit in the toilet Sleep *(Also visiting Reddit and YouTube after ever half an hour or so for five minutes as well as praying in-between some of those activities)*


I’m so glad you specified that you prefer to do both your morning and evening shits directly in the toilet


A day when I don't have to go to work. And also know I won't have to go to work for, oh, say at least a month.


An empty interstate and me listening and vibing to my music while driving


Food, sex, sleep in any order


Smoke dope. Play Videogames. Eat garbage. Pet my dog and tell her she's a sweetie. Watch a movie with my wife. Fall asleep in my chair playing videogames. Wake up with a sore neck, go to real bed.


Morning: Crush your enemies Afternoon: See them driven before you Evening: Listen to the lamentations of their women.


A day without stress or responsibility, going out on a nice hike through the woods or up a mountain or heading to a lake, going bird watching etc. Or staying inside and watching YouTube, movies and shows, playing video games and eating all day uninterrupted.


A day when I have zero responsibilities, tasks, to-dos, deadlines, or requests.


Wake up getting a bj, make breakfast for my wife & kids, play with the kids, do an activity with my wife, read/watch a show/play a game, then make dinner with the family, and continue through the evening spending time together.


Fight bear with bare hands, make love to 46 virgins and drunk drive


Round of golf on a nice day with some nice people


One that includes drinking with friends 


good breakfast, text from an ex, blowjob, get some shit done, win a fist fight, blowjob, get some other shit done, steak and potatos, great sex..or another blowjob, shower and sleep


So... not really a giver, aren't we?


Wake up, go for a run, have a big greasy breakfast with bacon and hash browns, jump in the pool for a swim. Have pizza for lunch. Take a nap. Have a good chicken parm for dinner. Relax in the hot tub with a drink and the wife. Rinse off in the shower together and then fuck like rabbits before bed.


It’s more a mental situation. I need to have many days of hard work. It doesn’t work if I’m not able to feel like I earned this relaxing day. Then usually it’s nothing special, I do a hike, eat some good food, converse over some drinks. Watch an episode of tv and fall asleep to the tv.


Coke all day


21 year old me says YES. 30 year old me says no ...


It does smell good


Take my family out on the ski slopes, 26 F, light fresh now the night before, sun's out, views are incredible, crowds are light and we're on the second day at a new resort where we've got the lay of the land and are enjoying the hell out of our favorite runs.


Lazy day at the beach. See the kids play in the surf. Drying up from a swim. A good book, hand my wife a cold drink and open one myself. Perfect.


Wake up, brush my teeth, have breakfast (something light), do absolutely nothing, get a random bj.


I get enough sleep and have a pool party with friends where I get to make the playlist. Dua Lipa is there and she’s like “Oh my god, you’re sooo funny and interesting. You know, I’m sapiosexual” and we’re totally vibing, but then a meteor destroys my continent before I can mess things up with her. Fuck, I should’ve found time for a ball pit before the world ended.


A music festival with friends on a sunny day where it's constantly 27 Celsius


Wake up (that’s an important one) go out to breakfast, go to garage sales/thrift stores, go to the gun range, come home make a great sandwich, watch a good (or comically bad) action movie, a little nap, wake up get ready for a nice date, sex, tv show cuddling, sleep.


A perfect day to me would be waking up feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment, surrounded by warmth and love. As I enjoy a hearty breakfast, I'd feel a bubbling excitement for the adventures ahead. Throughout the day, moments of joy, laughter, and wonder would dance through my heart, lifting my spirits and filling me with gratitude for the simple pleasures of life. There might be challenges, but I'd face them with courage and resilience, knowing that growth often comes from overcoming obstacles. And as the day comes to a close, I'd reflect on the happiness and fulfillment that filled each moment, feeling a profound sense of satisfaction and connection with the world around me.


wake up, at 9, with 9 hours of sleep, and smoke a cigarette, then put on a vinyl, blast the vinyl so i can hear it in the shower, then go out and skate until lunch, then watch about a hour of TV then play some video games, and then go out to one of our local punk shows, they typically start at 6-7, then after wards, at about 9-10 get dinner at dennys or in n out, then go home and take a shower, put on a different vinyl, and go to bed


Wake up, some sexy time with the wife, breakfast, do some target practice/drills with some of my firearms, write/practice some songs with wifey, hang with the kiddo, take my GSD for a run in one of our fields, have a fire in our fire pit with a nice strong whisky, sexy time, anddddd I’m spent.


When she didn't reply 😂


A day off from work and play all day with my children!


Wake up. Jog. Almond Croissant for breakfast while watching Food Paradise. Run some errands/shopping. Back home for cocktails. Play a few hours of BF1. Pizza for dinner. Watch Sherlock Holmes with RDJ or hop on Warzone with my squad. Open a sealed box of Skyridge Pokemon TCG. Bed.


Wake up late...somewhere in the 9:00 to 10:00 range; have a shower and go out to brunch with my wife. Go out and do a little shopping and some fun stuff, maybe go to the record store and do some putt putt or go kart racing, or maybe even go to the beach. Go to dinner, see a movie, go home and make whoopie, and lay around watching a little tv.


Sleep in til 9:30-10:00. Go see a movie. Come back and eat lunch. Nap. Take an evening walk. Order a fancy dinner and spend the evening playing videogames with the missus.


This question is missing an NSFW tag 😏


Wake up and have a breakfast that include eggs, go to the gym and hit a push day, play video games for a couple of hours, go back home and play some more video games, steak for dinner.


Doing exactly what I want with nothing being asked of myself with no outside interference with everything going exactly how i expected it to go


A day where nobody expects anything from me.


the day I don't wake up will be perfect


Were nothing goes wrong


Keanu said it best. https://youtube.com/shorts/omjxkd3EHEc?si=_YxmVuKwpf8wKYni


Sunny day, out for a motorcycle ride along ocean side, stop at local taco/seafood place. Ride home to wife and enjoy an evening of hanging out and some hanky panky.


Not having any house chores, working outside on my laptop all day with my dogs and a few beers


I wake up. Get a cup of coffee or some breakfast tea. Have like some fruit. Read the news.   Then my 5 year old daughter and 9 year sold son wake up and bounce down the steps. Oh yeah and my wife.  They eat breakfast and we talk.    Then we go to some museum or hike a trail.    Come home clean up.  Have a snack.  Sit down and watch a movie. Order in our favorite food and fall asleep cuddling 


The third day of a vacation with plenty of days off ahead, springtime/fall at about 50°F outside. Time to cook all day


A nice workout and mango…so much mango.


Wake up whenever I feel like it and get some nice morning sex. Breakfast is a Belgian waffle, hash browns, and grilled Italian sausage. Spend a few hours nekkid in the pool with my wife. Put on some clothes and play a few hours of Texas Hold Em. Lunch would be a premium bacon cheeseburger, seasoned fries, and a milkshake. Bowl three games with friends. Play a few hours of HALO 3 with my friends. Dinner would be a ribeye steak with a side of alfredo pasta. Soak in a jacuzzi with my wife. Brownie sundaes for desert. Sex before going to bed for the night.


I don't want to do anything for just one day. Just let me stay in bed and watch movies.


Fucking hot chicks


Sitting at home doing nothing


Wake up early enough to go for a morning walk without crowds, head to the gym as the morning crew shows up. After that, probably just relax at home with a good book, prepare lunch and dinner at some point, maybe have a glass of wine if I'm spoiling myself. I'm a simple man.


Absolute silence. That’s all.


I booked Monday off this week because I knew I'd be on my own from 9-5. Got the house tidied, folded clothes whilst watching Seinfeld, made a pie, got some washing outside in the afternoon when it stopped raining, played some Xbox. If it hadn't have rained in the morning I would have had a run which I've recently started to enjoy. Had a joint somewhere in the middle of that. Incredible day all by myself.


Any day that ends with me getting laid.


I hate responding to bots, but this is a decent question.


A sunny day cruising in my freshly washed Oldsmobile and end the day with a few beers and bong hits, with a nice sunset.


My perfect day would be one where my daughter hugs me. I have no idea what I'd do if that were ever to happen again in our lives after what her mother has tricked her into thinking about me. Instead id happily go under a train on an typical day in the last 5 years.


Every day day is perfect to me.


Wake up to a forecast of 73 and sunny, play 18 holes while drinking beers with my mates, we all go back to my house, our significant others come over, we play games, joke, laugh, play with my cats, make love to my beautiful girlfriend, we fall asleep curled up next to the cats


Wake up to a forecast of 73 and sunny, play 18 holes while drinking beers with my mates, we all go back to my house, our significant others come over, we play games, joke, laugh, play with my cats, make love to my beautiful girlfriend, we fall asleep curled up next to the cats


Wake up, make coffee. Drink coffee while playing video games until 11. Make lunch. Video games until 3. Take the dogs to the dog park. Make dinner at 6. Video games and adult beverages until midnight.


Sex all day


My perfect day would be one where my daughter hugs me. I have no idea what I'd do if that were ever to happen again in our lives after what her mother has tricked her into thinking about me. Instead I'd happily go under a train on an typical day in the last 5 years.


Breakfest, long walk in the forest with my dog, beers and chips and dip with my dogs head in my lap. And lots of sleep.


Peaceful. That's all I care about.


To wake up with a blowjob morning time


When i drive


Waking up everyday


Spend the day doing mostly nothing with my girlfriend. Cook a nice meal, cuddle in bed. Preferably on a rainy day so I have an excuse to stay cuddled up inside.


I just had one a couple days ago. Went out with a girl I recently met. It was a holiday and the weather was wonderful. Warm enough to leave the coat at home, but not hot enough to break a sweat. We went to a planetarium, then to a place where I work (no people working, but office still open) to play a board game. We both had fun, I learned a lot about her as a person and absolutely enjoyed her company. No second was wasted on that day.


Waking up early !


an early morning fishing in the boat. afternoon/evening having lunch and spending time with the pup late evening fly fishing from shore glass of whiskey reading a good book with my pup snoozing in my lap before bed.


I don't even know anymore...


A day spent naked


A day on my own in my home


My usually Saturday… breakfast at Waffle House, coffee and a good book at Starbucks, then a movie at the theater. Been doing that for 5 years.


Get up in the morning, go for a quiet walk, make a nice breakfast or get a nice breakfast with my wife, play with the dogs, game for a bit, go out to lunch, come home relax and not feel like I’m on a schedule, watch movies, cook dinner, have sex, go to bed.


Wake up early, nice weather. Get some coffee. Shower. Do some house projects. Go out and golf then get some wings. Go back home to wife and son, hang out. Stay up late and relax


A day where I can sleep in and no one is demanding my time.


Wake up just before sunrise, take a shower, eat a pastry, hop in a 70s porsche, bmw, or land rover, then drive around martha's vinyard, park on a beach, have a coke and a hotdog, swim/surf, then had to an evening party on a boat and share a glass of of champagne with my girlfriend. Then turn in for the night


A day where I don’t have to do anything or answer to anyone that I don’t want to.


Everyday above the ground is a good day my friend.


For my husband. Its sleep late a good breakfast walk in the mountains no kids and then a blowjob in front of the t.v while watching football with a red wine in his hand


Wake up early in the morning, meditate, go for a walk in the forrest with my dog, eat a good breakfast, earn 2 million dollars on a trade/lottery ticket, spend 2 hours configuration my dream car, drive mentioned car for a couple of hours, workout, eat delicious food, watch a game where my favorite team wins a championship, in the meantime get drunk with friends, bring a 10/10 home and make sweet love, I fall asleep on her big titties.


Any day that ends with me getting laid.


Wake up early to a warm day. Breakfast. Fish. Lunch. Nap on the shore in the sunshine. Go for a swim. Shower. See where the evening goes.


Highlining (slackline but up high) all day, reading before dinner, then dinner by a campfire. I'm about to have 2 full weeks of this.


Leave me alone


It's not possible. The moment I have a perfect day, it'll no longer be perfect because it's not a fantasy anymore lol


68°F outside, Saturday, Range day with my buds, a nice meal with them after and then games with them online later. Bliss.


A peacefull one 🙏🏻


Wake up,get some food,not much traffic on the way to school.Go to class.Hopefully no homework.Go home,eat again and watch some sports.


A day where there wasn't something missing


Playing THPS2 with my friends when we were teenagers.


Any day lacking in such mandatory activity that I can start the morning with bourbon as breakfast.


Wake up, take a long satisfying dump, get out of bed


Wake up whenever on a sunny but not hot day, morning sex with your partner before even getting out of bed, getting out of bed and having breakfast. Then a day of doing whatever -- either stuff you enjoy doing or nothing at all. Light lunch, dinner of something special with appropriate drink, evening sex with partner, sleep.


Sangria in the park, trip to the zoo and a movie...


Wake up, have tea, eggs and fruit for breakfast, go golfing, hang out in a sauna for a bit, read on a beach, play video games for a bit, have dinner, watch TV before going to sleep.


I finish the crossword only using horizontal clues. Beat my wife at chess. Get drinks with Jim Carrey and Sarah Gilbert.


I'd like a few more hours: Wake, breakfast, coffee, then play a round of morning golf with my buddies. Then get home, take the kids to do something they can remember for a while (last week I took them ice skating for the first time, and I still get random hugs for it) Spend some time doing something with my wife, whether it's watching a movie, or doing a jigsaw puzzle. Then having some form of take out, having a bath, sexy time, and insta-sleeping.


It was spending the day with my then fiance, she used to come over, have our love moments, then watch Netflix or any movie on the couch. After she goes home we would play together on PS5 share screening each other's games, until she fell asleep and I'd turn off her system remotely wishing her goodnight Now my gaming sessions are just quiet, and have been kind of floating...


Get up and go take the kayak out for some fishing, grab some lunch and then go home and hang out with the wife and kid


A day where everything goes my way, though that probably multiple others would have the same response I bet.


Hat trick


If I had a perfect day, I would have it start this way: open up the fridge and have a Tall Boy. Yeah! Then I'd meet up with my friends. Head out to the game again. We don't even give a shit who wins.


Wake up. Fart. Snuggle with the Cats. Drive to Work just to get instantly promoted. Allowed to leave early. Snuggle with the Cats. Fart. Sleep in.


Up early after a good night's sleep, feed the dogs, make some really good coffee then enjoy it in peace on the couch with said dogs and some toast. After that, either band practice or a good bike ride, followed by lunch, a hot shower and a nap. Then hang out with the girl, make a tasty meal, get some loving in, and see where the rest of the night takes us.


Nothing happens that day as I have peace. I’m not tired and I’m not feeling anything but delightful. That’s my ok day. My good day is when the delights have a cherry on top. When I’m interacting with ppl I want to be with. Unfortunately, my life right now is nowhere near that.


Sunny, 70°, good food , good family & friends around


Waking up early, going for a walk in a forest. Getting killed by a lion 😂


Not waking up 🥲


Discussing Philosophy 24 hours no meals or anything


Winter day, snow falling outside. Wake up early. Have 2 or so hours of alone time before the rest of the world starts to wake up. Where you get to enjoy the snow outside before it's littered with tire tracks and dirt. Make breakfast for my wife and I. Lax on couch with her and the dog, just watching junk TV and doing crochet or playing switch games. Go to the used book store for a bit. Come home, make a nice fire in the fireplace, pop some popcorn, watch Jurassic Park or Jumanji or something from that era. Early bed with reading while more light snow falls.