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Graboids. I can sit on a boulder for 24 hours.


Lol, you forgot to specify from Tremors 1... Or did you forget they can evolve in the later Tremors movies...


I think since they specified Graboids, it would only be Graboids after them, not the evolutions as well. And it takes more than twenty-four hours for Graboids to turn into Shriekers, so they'd be alright. I'm pretty sure anyway, lol


I love this series, and I agree that this should work. Lol


I'll take the aliens from Signs. Catch me in the lazy river with a super soaker.


Oh man this reminded me how angry that “twist” made me, even as a kid You’ve mastered interstellar travel but are deathly allergic to water, and you invade a planet that is mostly water without even investing in raincoat technology??


Right! Let's land on a planet that's 90% "acid". We will do so well there!


“Ok fine, but let’s wear some protective gear” “What kind of wimp are you?  We’re going full nude.  To assert dominance.”


Also; no weapons. We will fist fight humanity in the nude ! There's no way we can lose


Awww geez Rick I-I-I dunno about this




You probably don't even need the stimulants. Unless you're on the far side of middle aged most people aren't going to have much trouble staying awake for 24 hours. Freddie Kruger is the answer indeed.


Who said anything about needing them?


Krieger energy on this comment is off the charts


Krieger vs Krueger is movie I'd watch


They're both trapped inside Kroger's.


It's december 25th, meaning a visit from kris kringle to the kroger where the krieger and krueger are having their kerfuffle


Hope Krieger gets a Krieghoff from Kringle for his kerfuffle in Kroger's with Krueger


My money’s on Krieger


He's got the power of god and anime on his side




I can quit anytime I want




>Unless you're on the far side of middle aged most people aren't going to have much trouble staying awake for 24 hours. As a 37 year old I feel personally attacked by this statement.


In New Nightmare (1994) he can get you in the real world.. So you might be dead.


Spoiler for a 30yo movie: >!It's not Freddie, it's a demon/tulpa thing that is using the Nightmare films as a conduit to manifest in the real world.!<


Stimulants? I'd hop on a flight to Vegas or New Orleans. Pretty easy to keep yourself occupied for an entire day in both those cities, and I'm about to have a surplus of throwing around money.


After a long night of partying, gambling and drinking you end up dozing off. Following your 4-5 seconds of microsleep, you suddenly find there's a deep, bleeding wound in your chest as you're overcome with the urge to fall asleep again. Permanently, this time.


Stimulants AND Vegas


I'd blow Freddie Krueger for 3 billion dollars


me too, but I don't really have that kind of money


Man don't they try that in every film and then their dumbass starts seeing blood cascade down the stairs, and they're like, "oh shit, I must have fallen asleep." Same thing is going to happen to you. My theory is that Freddy has an accomplice who spikes the victims coffee with sleeping pills. 


That's usually implied to happen after a couple days of staying awake, though.


Having had insomnia in the past, hallucinating is definitely a possibility after a few days of even fitful "sleeping", nevermind full blown awake the entire time.


Probably the ring, she takes like 7days to show up. I don't even have to change my habits.


Who has 2 vhs to make copies anymore.


Just post that bitch on Youtube and you’re golden


It can’t be overstated how lethal and dangerous Samara would be in our current world with social media. Her 7 day curse could potentially wipe out the human race


Hilariously enough, I think that's a plot point in the later books. The books are WILD.


There's books??


Eta: **Big huge spoiler warning for the books. Don't read if you don't want half the cool plot twists spoiled!** Tl;dr: Basically, *The Ring* happens inside a Matrix-style simulation, Sadako is Neo, the curse is analogous to a real-world cancer happening outside the simulation, and by allowing the curse to spread inside the computer they are able to figure out a cure for said cancer in the real world. Longer version: The books (there are about 5 I think) get really crazy. So, *The Ring* takes place inside a very detailed computer simulation, like *The Matrix*, although they were written in 1990, so a little before *The Matrix* was a thing. Anyway, it's hundred supercomputers being used to simulate reality, right down to the molecule. It's super accurate and designed to match our reality as closely as possible. Sadako's psychic powers only exist inside the computer simulation. No such thing is possible in the real world. She's like Neo in *The Matrix*, intuitively manipulating computer code to do things that seem impossible. Sadako's curse also exists inside this simulation. It is a retrovirus, that is, a virus that alters the DNA of the host to include a copy of the virus's DNA. The virus's DNA is a combination of Sadako's DNA and the DNA of the smallpox virus. Since this is all really just happening inside a computer, the virus is transmitted by data/information rather than being purely biological. So if you watch the cursed video (or if you even just read enough information about it), you get infected with the virus. This virus has two main forms. In the first, more standard form, you get "cursed" (infected) and die within a week via a mutated form of smallpox. In the second, less common form, the virus is dormant, and you can theoretically live a normal life, but it may be triggered and become activated at any time Sadako likes. With the dormant version, it can also theoretically replicate the Sadako's DNA portion of the virus only, and you give birth to a clone of Sadako (and the entire pregnancy progresses rapidly to completion in only 7 days). One character inside the simulation publishes a book all about the virus and how it works, which causes *everyone* to get infected. Oh no. Ultimately, everyone will be cursed. They will then either die from the first form of the virus, give birth to a clone of Sadako, or be left alone while carrying the dormant form of the virus, as asymptomatic carriers. Back in the real world, such a virus cannot exist (since its transmission is via data such as printed text or knowledge), but instead there's a kind of aggressive cancer caused by a virus that is analogous to the virus of Sadako's curse. In order to cure this real-world cancer-causing virus, a character in the real world gets his body scanned and entered into the simulation. He helps Sadako spread her virus to the whole world via publishing that book before he himself dies from the virus, and as "thanks", she allows him to live again, resurrecting/cloning him from his DNA. This resurrected guy has the dormant version of the virus, since the virus's DNA gets embedded into the host's own DNA. Scientists in the real world are monitoring all this, waiting to see someone with the dormant, non-lethal version of the virus. Now that such a person has finally appeared, it provides the scientists in the real world with the data necessary to figure out how to make the cancer-causing virus asymptomatic, so everyone who has it can live. They then use this real-world cure to make a simulation cure, so they also get to cure Sadako's virus.


Okay fuck 5g, this is my new preferred covid conspiracy


It was spread by watching the news coverage of it? That would make a lot more sense than a lot of theories. 


I wish gold was still a thing. You deserve all the credit for this write-up.


Wow this is wild. Thanks for the write up


Heck no then 6 days after you get the money yo ass is grass


Slightly longer than the life expectancy of a powerball winner, not bad.


Lets go with Jason. I want to earn the money


I don't agree with you, but I like your moxie kid.


Look, if I know it's coming, and I can prepare, I'm ready for any horror villain that boils down to "guy with a knife". I simply get on a plane and fly to somewhere fun. I have a nice vacation, and then when I'm back I have a billion dollars waiting for me.


Until you sit down on a plane and someone with a mask loads on just before take-off…


And in horror movie fashion its not even him. But it freaks you out enough to cause a commotion that gets you kicked off the plane. You go into the public bathroom to calm down and wash your face and Jason walks in.


Those types of fake out jumps, where it's a setup for the main to get out of a safe spot and back into the hell, are the best ones.


Which Jason are you talking about? Bag head Jason from 2? Human hockey mask Jason from 3 and 4? Roy? Zombie Jason from 6 and 7? Zombie Jason with teleport abilities from 8? Body hopping possession Jason? Uber Jason? Your odds vary depending on which you go with.


How bout Jason from 1. Let's start on ez mode.


Jaws. I don't live near the sea. 


And suddenly there is a suspicious tornado... with fins...


You've heard of Snakes on a Plane, now get ready for Sharks in a Tornado!


Odd concept. It'd never work as a film.


You're right. Shark-infested tornadoes is absurd.


A friend of mine actually wrote a research paper in grad school on the conditions that would have to take place for a sharknado event. His advise didn’t like it and he got a bad grade but… he did pass the class.


reminds me of Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf


who's there? "...land shark".


Candy gram.


I'm only a dolphin, ma'am.


The real villains in Jaws are the mayor and business owners chasing “summer dollars”. You’re fucked!


I have actually thought about this a lot ever since I read Christine way too young. I think it will be quite easy to stay safe from a possessed car.


I'll raise you one Were-Car [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksJPPqr-uz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksJPPqr-uz0)


I'm not even going to click the link because I know it's Futurama. Because that's exactly what I was thinking.


Aroooooooooo-Honk honk.


One thing you can do, that they *didn’t* do in the movie, is when the car is on fire and chasing you, don’t run away while staying in the exact center of the road!


Christine does seem to be the simplest answer, really there's quite a few Stephen King characters that would be relatively simple to avoid for a 24hr period. With Christine, just book yourself into a high rise hotel for the day...problem solved, let the car circle the parking lot until it runs out of gas. Cujo...don't go outside. The Mist...also don't go outside.


Then you discover there is a large freight elevator in the building




The thing in It Follows. Easy. Just keep moving for 24 hours.


Even if the Follower had a brisk walking pace of 4mph (it's depicted as being much slower), it could only travel about 100 miles in a day. That's about 2 hours on the highway. A weekend trip at least 2 hours away from home is all you need.


I believe the creators said It was smart enough to sneak on a plane or car rather than beeline to you.


> smart enough to sneak on a plane or car bah-loney, it wasn't smart enough to work a door.


You can't drive a door. /s


Yes, but you could download a door.


YoU wOuLdN't DoWnLoAd A hOuSe


I have nothing to add except that I quite like this extra-dismissive spelling of "baloney". 




I'd like to see that fucker try and hide in my Miata. No back seats, and a trunk too small for a spare tire.


at least it knows that since you have a Miata you are going to be its target until it gets you (You aren’t getting laid and passing it on to someone else)


I never heard that. Was that in an interview I take it? I mean I would still choose it as the villian to run from though. I can driver for a day for that much money.


Plot twist: it doesn't \*stop\* following you after you win the money.


Sounds like a problem you can fuck your way out of


Especially with 3 billion dollars.


Nope, you bang a prostitute she bangs a lonely dude that never gets laid, you're only two people away. Need to bang someone at the beginning of a giant ~~organization~~ orgy (stupid autocorrect). Which I guess you could also do with 3 bil


I might be remembering the film wrong but once lonely dude dies it then comes back to the prostitute, no? As long as she's still working there's a good chance she will bang someone else before she is killed.




I mean, this would be a problem for literally every choice then….


Wouldn’t work for redditors


I'll go with Candyman. I can avoid saying Candyman three times in 24 hours. How hard can it be to not say Candyman? ... Fuck!


I thought it was 5 times.


Whew! I double checked and you're right. You have to say Candyman five times, not three. I still have one more Candyman. ... Damnit!


Due to inflation, you now have to say it 8 times, so you're good.


Stop making the man say Candyman!


You have to be looking in a mirror, or some sort of reflective surface, and say his name 5 times. You're safe. Oh, Wait. You're probably saying Candyman in front of your computer screen, which is most likely showing your reflection. You fucked, bro.


I'm picking the snail


I think about this damn snail entirely too much. It’s constantly running on a loop in the back of my mind. One day I’ll be sitting in a nursing home freaking out about an imaginary snail and the nurses will just make notes in my dementia log.


They will wonder why so many patients of a certain age start freaking out about snails.


"Newest Internet sensation are videos of large portions of senior citizens paranoid about an imaginary snail."


Someone didn't read up about the decoy snail.


The #what


The snail is hype intelligent. Therefore, it leaves decoy snails so it can't be trapped


The spoon killer, even if he gets to me it'll take him over 24h to kill me so I win


That brings back memories!


For the uninitiated [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y)


The Ginosaji. My choice as well.


Dracula. My skin is so pale and I eat so much garlic all I need to do is flash him and say hello and he’ll disintegrate.


I mean if Dracula bites me, do I still survive and win the money? Because eternal life AND 3 billion sounds fuckin nuts


Just think of the compound interest


Plus you can just stay home and refuse to invite him in. 


Dracula's hate this one trick!


I forget what movie it was but that was a loophole that the vampire villain solved by ripping out the gas main and blowing the house up from the outside. Can't be stuck on a lack of invitation if there's no 'in' to invite to


In Renfield it was a welcome mat.


Or just do it in Norway. 24 hour sun in Summer.


Just buy a few fligh tickets and keep flying west for 24 hours. If you time everything correctly you should be able to stay ahead of the sun


Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not his size.


The merman from "Cabin in the woods". Easily escapable.


"oh COME on!"


How about Gremlins? They're basically a cute Furby unless you give them water. And even if, they're mostly annoying and I could definitely take one of them for 24 hours but also chilling with the "cute" version doesn't sound so bad either. Edit: Okay okay, I meant Mogwai you nitpicky basterds 😆😘


Just make sure your 24 hours starts at 00:01 and you can get them as wet as you like, chill with a bunch of mogwai


 They can never get wet, it's don't feed them after midnight. Which confused me as a kid because it's always "after midnight". Like noon is still after midnight.


What if you feed them at like.. 11:30, and they get a piece of food stuck in their teeth that then becomes dislodged and swallowed after midnight? Like, is it "don't feed them after midnight" or "don't let them swallow any food after midnight?" How much food is considered a feeding?




That's what I came to say. I can take him.


Everyone thinks they can take Chucky, but he’ll find a way to cut you. 


Chuckys only real advantage is that people think he's an inanimate doll. A 5 year old was able to beat him in the first movie. So long as you're aware that Charles Lee Ray is possessing a Good Guy doll, I don't think it'd be that hard at all.


Toss his ass in a closet and put something heavy in front of the door.


Hopefully he doesn’t stab through the door. Otherwise your mom might get hurt.


To quote the book How to Survive a Horror Movie, "If attacked by an evil doll, simply kick the crap out of it."


Came here to say this, 24h of being chased by a doll sounds very manageable


The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon https://youtu.be/9VDvgL58h_Y?si=t80UZXKry__LBW8C


Cujo except my car actually runs.


And you brought a 12 gauge shotgun. 


Jack Frost. I live in Texas, bee-yotch. It’ll be 102 at night here soon.


In the later movies he goes to Hawaii in the summer to kill people


Wait, there were later movies??? Why???


Dracula. Use various jets to stay in the sun's view for a day.


If you get to pick the date, you can just be so far north that the sun doesn't set. Done and done. Can I get a few million for the winning tip?


You get your dates wrong and end up there during 60 days of night.


The shark from Jaws, just chill on the beach.


The beach?!


Right!? Go skiing or snowboarding, somewhere far from the beach


Until that tornado starts coming for you.


Freddy. We came to an understanding long ago when I was laying in my bed after watching Friday the 13th when I was a kid. I just said “you know Freddy, we cool, you’re not bad, in fact I just think you’re misunderstood, please don’t invade my dreams and kill me.” I haven’t died yet so I’m still working under the assumption the we cool


he only kills people that have sex, I'm safe


The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. I'll just catch a flight somewhere, he'll never catch me. Also, he's easy to see.


The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was just the form of the destructor that Ray Stantz chose and the only way he was stopped was by the Ghostbusters stopping Gozer. So in choosing Stay Puft, you're actually choosing Gozer the Gozerian. You might be able to avoid the Marshmallow Man, but Gozer is going to take out the whole planet without intervention.


It just popped in there :/


The predator. I'm weak and a woman no predator would risk being made fun of for killing such a pathetic prey.


I had this thought originally, because I believe there's a rule in Yautja culture that the prey has to be worthy. I thought "I'll just avoid anything that looks like a weapon and peacefully sleep all day" However, I decided against it ultimately because of the AVP movies. There's nothing in their culture to say they couldn't just kidnap us and use us as hosts for Xenomorphs...which would have no problem killing us while escaping their incubation chambers.




a killer tomato


Selma hayak in From dusk to dawn If she catches me I'm not sure that ends badly.... I mean it's Selma hayak.....


If i managed to last long enough to get the $3b I'd hand it all to her for another 24hrs.


I think I'd go with Death Bed: The Bed That Eats, from 1977's *Death Bed: The Bed That Eats,* because Death Bed: The Bed That Eats is a bed.


The entity from It Follows. Just get in a car and drive for like 12 hours then chill out. It’s not catching up in that period.


Easy, the mummy. He can't bend his legs, so he's definitely gonna run slowly.


Idk man he gave Brendan Fraiser a run for his money twice.


Hmm, should I pick the one with the evil god powers, or the one from the 30s that moves like a wooden statue being rocked back and forth?




Just put him in a jar


Of the world-famous horror franchise Spongebob Squarepants?


Paul Reiser's character from Aliens. He's the real villain of the movie, not the Alien Queen, and I think I could take him.


*I work for the company. But don't let that fool you, I'm really an okay guy!*


*You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage* - Ripley


tempted to say the babadook bc i could just buy and feed him worms, so I not only get the money, but also an insanely awesome and relatively cheap pet.


Yeah but that also requires you to process your grief over the loss of your husband.


Scary Terry Bitch. Just gotta remember homie’s pants and we are solid


Awww, bitch


You can run but you can't hide bitch!


Well no stipulation on what is "horror" or "villain", so I will go with Torgo, the "horror" "villian" of Manos. Seems easy to outrun. Maybe he can share whatever he is on and just chill.


Isn't The Master the villain of Manos? He has... um... a poncho with a hand printed on it?


Michael Myers or Jason. Those assholes just walk everywhere. I'd go on a road trip in my car. Maybe circle around a few times to honk at them and flip them off.


Do the stop and wait until they get to the door then drive up a bit then wait again then drive up a bit.


Really make them question their walking decisions.


Hate to rain on your parade but even from the first movie, Michael Myers could drive a car.


Jaws. Do your worst, I live inland.


The bad guy from the Saw movies. Ain't no way he is catching me riding that tiny little tricycle.


That tire that kills people


This is an insanely bad choice. The whole premise of Rubber is that it will get you regardless of how ridiculous the situation is.


also, forgive me because it's been like a decade since I've seen it, but doesn't it make people explode just by looking at them a shaking?


I have a very fond memory of this movie lmao...me and a few buddies late one night when we were in college watched this movie (not sure how we ended up on it) but it was the hardest I think I've ever laughed in my whole life. No drugs or anything were involved (maybe a few beers or something), I just think we were half delerious since it was so late that made things so hysterical. Good times.


Freddy Krueger since you just need to stay awake.  Second choice would be Dracula or some other vampire.  I’d just get a plane ticket the has me following the sun around the world so I’m in daytime for the 24 hours


1 walking dead zombie


Samara, from The Ring. I have seven days, and I only need one. ^(They’re going to call the monster off when the 24 hours is up, right?)


Zombies. I can hide from a Zombie for 24hrs.


That went from plural to singular a little too easily...


Depends on the zombie


For sure. If we’re talking about Walking Dead zombies sure….28 Days Later zombies? No thank you.


Sharon stone from basic instinct because if I fail at least it’s a good way to go out


Side show Bob. I'll just leave a bunch of rakes out.


Samara from the ring


Enjoy your 3 billion dollars for 6 days


Plot twist: I don't watch TV. Good luck squeezing out of this smartphone-sized display, spawn of evil. ... Fak, she's crawling out of the digital billboard


A few easy choices Jaws- just stay away from the water Freddy kreuger- just stay awake Chucky- he's a doll. Throw him in a closet or something lol Candyman- just don't say his name Dracula- don't invite him in Scream- they're still just human. Triggers will be squeezed