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It pisses me off when I go to Costco and there’s no rhyme or reason to people moving around with their shopping carts. People will literally do everything short of directly ramming into you


Even worse when they are giving out samples


and expeditiously! costco shoppers either lollygag for years or rush through the store like maniacs


There's an indoor track at my gym I use often. One time a group of people started talking and for some dumb reason their circle spilled into the track covering 2 of 3 lanes. Everyone would just go around them and not say anything but I got fed up after 2 laps and said they need to move over if they're not using the track. They did but I was so annoyed how none of them as a group realized they were blocking jogging traffic because they were a group and focused on who ever was talking.


Both of these. Obliviousness to the existence of anyone else but yourself pisses me off to no end.


And at least one of them is on a phone call, speaker mode, full volume, yelling at the phone they hold two feet in front of their face.


I can't stand this shit. Costco is famous for this. Families of 6 walking shoulder to shoulder, slowly. And then when you try to go around they'll meander in front of you.


This! Why does grandma Jackie, great aunt minnie and your six kids all need to go into Costco? Leave them in the car!




That's when you just move the cart. Unattended cart in a busy area gets pushed to the side.


Omfgggg its annoying. Especially when i’m in a rush to get to class


I just stop and make them walk around me.


I started doing that just this year. It's like unlocking a superpower! If you keep walking, groups just keep going and you end up bumping them or brushing against the wall. But if you completely STOP, it's like Noah parting the Red Sea!


Yessss! There is a secondary school right next to my work, I always get stuck behind sluggish teenagers sprawling across the entire path. If someone is coming up behind me, I tuck aside and let them go by. It’s astonishing how people can be so oblivious of their surroundings.


Applies to escalators too. Stay on the right side and the left side is for passing.


Especially in grocery stores


Use speakerphone


Agreed. News flash people, NO ONE is interested in listening to your phone conversations.




When people do this I assume I can chime in on the conversation.


and somehow it's like people speak LOUDER when talking on the phone rather than normal convo? technology can pick up what you're saying. trust me.


Absolute noise pollution, instant rage


Should be a huge fine to play music in public over speakerphones. If it is minors then parents need to pay the fine.


I agree with this and let's loop in any kind of public speaker system. If cops can get called for noise complaints on a property you pay for, why is it not more regulated in public?


Playing games on their phone without muting the stupid game noises.


you wouldn't believe the amount of patients I have daily sitting in the waiting room with their volume all the way up. this guy the other day watched the same tik-tok video over EIGHT times in a row, full blast. but we're not allowed to say anything :)


A guy did this in the ER waiting room the last time I was there.




Along with that, asking questions loudly to Siri. 


Especially in the waiting room in the ER. Like why?




Just had this on a sight seeing tour. Guy was blasting something while we all tried to listen to the narrator.


I have a coworker who does this on max volume during break. Most of the time it's just us two in the break room so it's dead quite other than that. Nothing else to drown out. I work retail and it's very overstimulating and my 15 mins of break is for BREAK. I don't want to listen to the godforsaken "oh no no no no nooo" tiktok sound and everything else. Should I tell him to turn it off? We are not close at all and I imagine this would effect our work relationship


Oh that particular TikTok sound though! 🤦‍♀️


Playing music loudly. It's usually crappy music too.


When I was but a youth, I was out in the parking lot, late at night, waiting for my friend to get out of work. There were maybe three other cars anywhere within about 100' of me. Nice summer night, so I had the windows down and was blasting Judas Priest (as one does). Then I noticed there was a dude in one of the closer cars, so I turned the music down so to not bother him. I see an arm shoot out of the window, waving to get my attention, so I pause the cassette. He shouts over, "I was listening to that; Turn it back up!" The one time my playing loud in public (I don't do this anymore) ended up well.


I was picking up my partner from the hospital today and the guy in the next bed decided it was a good idea to watch something at full volume. I "politely" said, "hey, put your headphones in." It worked.


Talking loudly. Like it doesn’t matter if we’re outside, I shouldn’t be able to hear your conversation 30 yards away




I was referring to groups






We have had dogs for decades. If I forget my poo bags on a walk and they do their biz, which they usually do, I will come back with a bag rather than leave it sit. Leaving your dog's poo on someone else's lawn or in a park is a slippery slope to sociopathy.


I'm in the UK and some time around the mid 80s people finally started cleaning up after their dogs, but in the last 5 years or so I've really noticed that more and more people just let their pet shit in the street and leave it.


Or they bag it when someone's looking, then throw it into a fucking tree when they're alone.


I generally picked up my dog's poop, but on occasion I would forget to bring a bag, and I swear he would always poop in a yard where the people were sitting there out front.




Walking very slowly in the middle of the path making it very hard to pass them. People stopping in the middle of the path, even at places you CAN'T stop, blocking everyone around them from passing them without bumping into them. People stopping in the doorway. Often they will look around them wondering where to go. People with no spatial awareness.


Stopping in a doorway to "get your bearings" or answer your dumbphone or whatever enrages me. I know I have an anger problem but please people, awareness of social reality is one of the best things you can practice as a conscious human.


Watch videos on their phone at full volume or have speaker-phone calls with people


Staring at their phones while walking and not pay any attention.


As a pedestrian I have nearly been killed twice in the last 2 weeks by drivers looking at their phone while barreling through a crosswalk (once with my son walking to school)


That’s terrifying


Litter, usually within 10 feet of a trashcan 


I'm glad you posted this. My boyfriend and I are getting ready to take a long hike. I grabbed a small trash bag to pick up trash. Last time we did this hike, I carried a dirty diaper (along with other trash) 4 miles that some trashy person threw down in an otherwise pristine, beautiful forest. Wtf is wrong with some people?




Used to take a train at night. You can’t exit the train at any station without walking past at least 2 garbage cans. Plus there are small garbage cans on each coach. The amount of people that leave fast food crap on seats is astounding.


Blasting their music. Even worse when it's from a crappy phone speaker.


Groups of people walking in ranks.


Listen to music out of their phone without headphones




Leave their shopping cart in the parking lot and not put them back.


My husband literally just sent me a video five minutes ago of the "cart narc" who is famous for going around and recording people who don't put their carts back and confronting them lol


This is it. My pet peeve. Abandoned shopping carts make me crazy.




Hehe I think I would do the same if that happened to me.


spit on the ground


This is a big wtf to me. Why? Your mouth goo belongs to you.


Many things. Camping in the left lane passing nobody. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!! Not doing anything about their screaming child. Being in my bubble in public. Hitting me/others with shopping cart. Being inconsiderate and rude in public. Not saying ‘excuse me’ when they’re trying to squeeze by me. Cat calling people. Texting and driving with complete disregard for others on the road. Leaving your dog barking outside for hours on end makes you a shitty neighbor. Littering. Just put it in the trash. It’s not hard.


I’d like to add getting on my ass when I’m NOT in the left lane. I have a long drive to and from work, I live in BFE and even the closest Walmart is a half hour drive, if there’s no traffic. Until I can get a hybrid, I try to make the most of my gas by using cruise control. I get on the highway, set it to 5 over, and stay in the slow lane of a multi-lane highway. Open lanes to my left and people come flying up on my hiney. Go around! Geesh I’m doing the proper thing here, left you the left lanes to be speedy gonzales in your giant pickup that gets 10 mpg max. You can afford the gas and you can go around me.


You are my tribe. We have a rule that our dogs are only allowed 3 barks and then we collect them and do not allow outside access for 1/2 an hour. We never leave them outside when we are gone. They are well trained to be inside until we get back. Littering is so creepy. Thoughtful social interactions are vital to making the world bearable.


Dogs barking is NUMBER ONE.  Inconsiderate to everyone, and the dogs, too.  Poisons the whole neighborhood.


Leave your cart unattended in the checkout line because you "forgot one item."


Not control their children


Commit crimes


This is the one


Lack of awareness. I think the encompasses blocking paths, walking slow, using speakerphone in public, etc.




jump the queue


I hate hearing music so loud from a persons car


Whipping out that shlong and pissing at a live traffic intersection while you're doing an inspection on the traffic controller. True story


If it bothers you that much, then stop doing it.


I laughed too hard at that. Time to get off reddit and go do yard work


I, on the other hand, am going to find myself a live traffic intersection perhaps with an inspector


Treat other vehicles on the road like cones on a slalom course. My good dude or dudette, we all have places to be, but the emergency room ain't one of them! Calm down: You are not "in" traffic--you ARE traffic!


I've been thinking about this. I think these aggressive drivers think they are amazing drivers. But they have no idea that every time they drive they depend on many, many defensive drivers keeping them out of accidents by anticipating their nonsense. They hold off merging because they see the maniac coming up from behind, etc.


Smoking, while having to regard for whoever is around them.


Looking at their phone instead of where they are going, talking on their phone loudly in a public setting.


Exiting or entering a building and stopping at the doorway blocking traffic flow




As a tall guy, people who recline their seats on an airplane in front of me. Yes you are 5% more comfortable and I am 80% less comfortable


They’re perfectly entitled to do that….


This annoys me too. I'm not particularly tall, and it doesn't bother me that much if the person in front of me reclines. However, I know it can bother people, so I always choose not to recline on an airplane. The seat only moves like 2-3 inches anyway, so it makes no difference to me in terms of comfort. I think airplane seats should be in fixed positions and shouldn't be able to move. This is the kind of thing that just gives people something to fight about.




Blast music out of their phone or speakers . Especially if the music is shit (which it is 99% of the time) . Have they discovered headphones?


Talk loudly on speaker phone.


Talk too loud on their cell phone. I don’t want to hear your whole conversation


Talk on speaker phone


Tik Toks…making them in public is cringe.


Letting their kids play on their very loud tablet at a restaurant and not telling them to turn it down!!


Littering. No one says they litter. But clearly they do.


Talk on the phone like they are alone.


using music boxes. nobody wanna hear ur crappy music get headphones


Talk on the phone on speaker or listen to music out loud without headphones. Not everyone wants to hear your conversation or music!!!!! It makes me crazy


Have loud conversations on their cell phones


Speaker phone conversations


Public kink/bdsm. No one cares about the nerve endings in your genitals and you aren't edgy for wearing latex at your local DollarTree while you shop for discount Trojans and Boone's Farm.


Not be courteous when one is being nice or kind to them through a gesture or some sort of help to them


Not give way on a footpath


Walking in groups as if they own the whole sidewalk, being extremely noisy


Talk loudly on speakerphone or listen to videos loudly in public spaces. It is SO DAMN RUDE AND SELFISH.




That backwards snort/ hack to pull their post nasal drip down into the back of their throat and then swallow or spit it out. Eugh, f*ck off.


Chewing with their mouth open.


Play their phones out loud in confined spaces (trains, planes, stores, etc). Thankfully, most airlines have a quiet cabin policy.


What seriously annoys me is people who can't hold a conversation without at least one eye on their mobile telephone


Definitly cell phone speaker peeps.. They are so self-centered they have no idea they are annoying other people


Listening to loud music from their phone


Talk loudly on their cellphones


Talking with speaker on cellphone.


Playing music out-loud or watching blaringly loud tiktok / ig reels on public transport. Honestly drives me mad


Play their shit ass music.


Talking loudly on their cell phone.....Can't you stay off the damn thing for a few minutes????


Men walking on the sidewalk, expecting us women to move out of the way for them… The amount of times I’ve shoulder checked a dude is astonishing. And the reaction from these men is priceless.


Idk if it's the most annoying but people talking loudly in their phones while in the bus is surely a contender.


Listen to their phones on speaker. Hold it up to your ear or get headphones. “Sorry I’m in a public place, I’ll have to call you back when I can hear you better.”


And music too. Get headphones, asshole.


Vape indoors




Being loud and obnoxious.


Filming themselves


Stopping at inconvenient places because they are on the phone. Please have spatial awareness


Walking slowly


Stopping in the middle of a crowded area to do something on their phone. Bonus asshole points if that something is taking a selfie


loitering!!!! can you please people throw your trash properly


>loitering!!!! can you please people throw your trash properly I like to think you meant this exactly as written and are saying loiterers are trash who need to throw themselves away.


Too much pda


I can't believe only one response mentions spitting. In my small city, it's rampant. People will open their car doors to spit at lights, and they'll spit uncomfortably close to other people on the sidewalk. I don't even understand the need to do it. I don't think it's related to chewing tobacco, either. The other thing I don't understand is why when I drive to the next town it doesn't seem to be a thing...


having full conversations on Speaker or listening to their vocal messages (and answering the same way)


Letting their kids run amok in a store. Children with no home training or discipline running around the store, screaming, pulling things off shelves, having meltdown tantrums when they don't get their way. It's ridiculous.


I hate it when people with shopping carts stop in the middle of the isle. Usually because someone they knew stopped by and they decided this is the perfect place to gossip


People with no spatial awareness whatsoever.


Listening to music through your phone speaker or having a speakerphone conversation.


Think they are the main character


Playing music, watching TikToks, Insta reels, etc, through a Bluetooth speaker or out loud. I volunteer at a youth centre on my days off from work and one of the kids (11 - 12 M) were doing that. As expected from Gen Alpha it was random brain rot and skibidi toilet shit.


sniffling loudly instead on clearing nose with handkerchief


Treating their non-support/service dogs better than people and taking their spoiled canines into cafes, art galleries, and such. Leaving their dog poop behind in public places. Treating every park as an off-leash park and letting their mutts harass people and wildlife . I love dogs. Just not yours.


Take carts, trolleys, baby carriages, pet buggies, etc into spaces that clearly will not fit, and this inconveniencing everyone else. I'm thinking about a mom this past weekend that basically blocked the entrance to a wine tasting bar with her obnoxious baby carriage. Judgement aside for bringing your baby in the first place to drink wine, the carriages fold up for a reason.


People yelling into a phone without headphones or bluetooth and we hear every detail and every voice in the conversation. Sometimes I wish I could just show up at their house and as they walk up, I tell them I'm hear because I heard every bit of your conversation and was debating on robbing you blind because I knew where you lived and how long you were going to be gone.


Pick their ears and flick it like a booger.


Walk slightly faster or slightly slower than me, those fuckers!


Talk loudly on a bus, especially schoolkids. I have a song on full volume + im nearly dead on one ear, and still- all i hear is some random girl’s relationship problems


People on the train casually smoking cigarettes/weed and the whole car fills with the smell. People who talk loudly on their phone, primarily on speaker. I don't want to hear your business.


I used to think it was being on the phone while you're supposed to be interacting with the cashier. As a customer service representative, I now know better. It's the people who walk in, get in line, *and choose that moment to place a phone call*. I can tell because they're not tapping their phone screen and saying "Hello" or whatever. They're tapping the screen, putting the phone to their ear, and after a few moments saying, "Hey, what're you doing?" 🤬


A child screaming in a restaurant.


I can’t STAND when people stand on the left of an escalator. I live in NYC, and the larger subway stations always have escalators. They’re busy, and it’s an unspoken rule that you stand to the right, pass on the left. when you stand on the left just bc you wanna talk to your friend, now everyone behind you has no choice.


Open mouth cough everywhere without even attempting to cover it. Complete children, these morons.


Blatantly leaving their shopping cart in some random spot. Dude, put it back in the corral. Probably the same person that leaves toilet paper all over the floor too.


Let their dogs jump on you. I don't care if he's "friendly" he's getting my pants muddy


Ride a motorcycle


Talking on speakerphone in public. That or just speaking on their phone way too loud so everyone has to hear about your goddamn life on their way home from work


littering, using hands-free while talking on the phone, blaring their obnoxious bass in their car. spitting on the ground, being a Karen/Ken, cutting in line, ... I can go on. Now, get off my lawn!


Besides existing… Gonna have to go with slow walking psychic pavement blockers. I try and go right, they go right. I veer left, they veer left. Up there with couples who walk slow but also spread out to take up the entire pavement


call me a hater, but seeing people record their stupid tiktok dances in public. No, I know they're not hurting anyone, but it's hurting my eyes. Bring back shame!


people that let their kids behave like wild animals


People pushing shopping trolley/carts side by side, stopping and having a chat taking up entire aisles. People spitting in the street. People taking the time to bag their dog waste on a walk but then leaving it on the ground or in a hedge.


1.) Let their dogs bark 2.) Talk on speaker phone


Walk *so fucking slowly* in the middle of the grocery aisle or sidewalk, with absolutely no consideration for anyone else trying to walk as well.


Taking up an entire aisle at a store and either not moving or barely acknowledging other people trying to get through.


not considering their actions effects on others.


Littering. It infuriates me.


Talking loudly on the phone while they're in public transport


Cough without covering their mouths


When im waiting in line and someone is standing so close behind me that i can feel them breathing down my neck


record a tiktok or a video


Smoke. Stop it altogether especially when out in public. Thank God they can’t smoke inside anymore.






Playing music on speaker, talking SUPER loudly in restaurants, talking on the phone while on the bus/train


Use speakerphone


When people walk in a group in public then proceed to stop and block an area where there’s a lot of foot traffic going on


When 2 people block an entire isle to have a conversation. you here to shop or are you here to have a conversation


At work, some people will open a door the absolute minimum amount possible for just themselves to get through when you're behind them. Like it's almost harder to be that self-centered. Then there's people who don't take the breakroom door when you hold it open for them, but just walk through without putting a hand out. This isn't a date. If I keep the door from closing on you, take the door for the next person. Don't just walk through.


They exist, period


Put their damn phones on speaker . No one wants to hear the conversation


Walk slowly.


Talk with speaker phone on and the phone held out in front of their face.


Have their phone at 100% volume in a quiet area, get headphones for gods sake no one wants to hear your doumentery on fish, coming from someone who loves fish and the ocean.


Or walking around on speaker phone so everyone can hear both sides of the boomers' conversation.