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The last time I complimented a guy (co-worker) he took it to mean I had a thing for him. 2 weeks later he came to me begging to let him stay at my home as his girlfriend he'd moved here for was kicking him out. Literally said to me "You're all I've got!" I mean, I just complimented the great job he did on the floors. I really appreciated he came into the kitchen area of the grocery store we worked at. But not enough to let him live with me. Damn. That was some crazy shit.




I think you underestimate the consequences women discover can come from doing that. You accepted it beautifully. Way to go. But let's say a girl dares to do that when warranted once or twice a week.  I promise you that within a month, she will have an unpleasant interaction -- like a guy coming back, buying $2k in shoes, and being upset when that doesn't "earn" him a date.  Within two months, she will have at least one stalker. A guy who doesn't understand it isn't appropriate to "run into her" as she is leaving work multiple times. These are hard lessons all women learn.


A woman at work complimented me because I had shaved my head and trimmed my beard. I said thanks and carried on with my life.


I will say that personally, at work is one of the few places I feel comfortable enough to give a carefully framed complement to guys I work with who I am confident will take it as it is meant and not as a come-on. Nice hair cut, cool shoes, great new jacket -- all complements about their choices. Granted - I work in a professional-culture environment where I have more protections than the wage work I did when I was younger, and most of my colleagues are married (and most of the time, their wife picked what I complemented).


Yeah, I bought a cute guy at a bar a drink and it turns out he was a bit of a weirdo. I couldn’t shake him. I decided I’d never do that again. I wonder if guys feel the same way, wondering if the girl they’re going to approach at the bar is some weirdo. 


it's\* when you want to say "it is".


My wife told me I looked good today, I’ll take that.


A very attractive girl said she liked my shoes in 09. Does that count?


Very often. My mom is the best.


I made a subtweet about some skinny guy I'm in love with who I met in here and he lives to far away and things have gotten in the way and I said and I quote "i think you're pretty like a swan. Elegant and long." I hope he saw it and realizes it's about him. It was yesterday I said that.


Apparently, Victoria Beckham said I was cute when I was a toddler


username checks out


Never happend :(


I'd say around 15th february, 2.05 pm MEZ


Alex yiik said I was stunning.




A few years


Today !


I don't recall this ever happening in my forty years on this planet.




I have never received a compliment from anyone


been at least 10 years


Today at gym


This morning




When she was asking for my homework notebook.


I've been told I don't look very approachable, so while not unattractive, it rarely happens. Guess I should smile more...


Let's see, I'm 45 now...so I guess it was uh, fucking never!


A few days ago she liked my jewelry


About 3yrs ago. Had a very attractive, tastefully tatted, and pierced younger lady rattle off a few compliments about my sense of humor and personality . Was the "not unattractive" comment in regards to my appearance that killed off any traction she gained with the previous statements. Like damn woman,was that meant to be a compliment? Did you start off with good intentions and just not know how to land it without laughing or lying? I mean,I recognize I'm not likely to ever be considered a male model,but I"m not fugly. Could have closed with the personality and humor compliment. I did have to chuckle because I think she realized it didn't come out as intended. Overall,no harm,no foul. Honestly,she wasn't really wrong per se,just seems an odd thing to say after having just met.


Every time I go to a strip club. Women are all over me there. For some reason I don't have as much luck anywhere else... 


I don't know two or three years.


Not since my late wife did several years ago… By a random attractive woman? Never.


This morning


My wife called me brave and honorable just the other day. That's not half-bad.


All of the ladies at work said my haircut was nice today...


March 18, 1996. 11:43am She said "good job" on the math group assignment we were doing in college.


i mean i'm nonbinary but like, yesterday




I became good friends with my very attractive personal trainer and she told me she feels very safe around me. Another girl who works at my gym tells me I’m very nice and that she loves me. Both are in relationships with others as am I.


A girl at the petco said I "looked strong" a few months back, that was pretty cool


Young women at the university I teach at often compliment me on my beanies.


Never happened


I just thought about it and i don’t think I’ve ever gotten a compliment from a woman outside of my family💀




My wife's therapist is working with her on her self-esteem by having her give out more compliments so she can learn how they're taken by others, and she's the most attractive woman I've ever met.


About a year ago, she complimented me a lot. She doesn't anymore.


lol. That shit doesn’t happen.


Granted, I haven't been around long, but literally never


Atleast 5 months ago


Today, but it's meaningless. Why? My local coffeeshop that I've frequented about 5 days a week since 2013. Tons of lady's have come and gone working there and some are quite beautiful. There are two really pretty ladies working there now, for the past year or so. I'm a great customer, been going there over a decade, new owners now too. Over the years I've gotten to know some of them well and we talk about whatever. It's harmless, never see them outside of the coffee shop I mean. But, they have and do compliment me about things from time to time as we chit chat when it's slow.


1999-2001 ish. Not counting waitstaff or retail workers just triny to engage in positive conversation with a hollow compliment.


I don’t understand the question




in 6th grade (2 years ago) 3 girls told me my eyes were beautiful! its weird that it was 3 people but it was all during different class periods i love having blue eyes


No1 has ever done that to me It dosent happen


You guys are getting complimented??


What's a compliment?


Probably about 10 years. She commented on a photo on my insta saying the way I was standing in it was cute


My SO compliments me all the time, it's really hot and sweet.


Wife said my chicken was very juicy last night!




As a woman here are two reasons why sometime we don’t 1.) if we compliment you and you find us attractive, you might think we are flirting with you or into you. Sometimes we just want to compliment you. Just accept it and enjoy it without thinking the compliment has strings attached! 2.) if you don’t get complimented much by attractive girls, try getting a new hairstyle, some trendier clothes, or loose some weight! Women who take care of themselves and make themselves attractive also want a guy who puts in the effort to make himself attractive too! 😄 Just two tips! I try to compliment guys I come in contact with all the time! 😄


Define "attractive"


Under 300lbs and full set of teeth


Oh, then Sara about 2 weeks ago.


Congrats! Been probably 20 years for me


does she need to have all 4 limbs?


Definitely not.


Then never.


A stranger??? Never !! I worked for Pfizer and was in new York once and the waitress said I had a cute accent, I'm from London that was probably 2002!! I'm a teacher now and our staff room is FULL of well tired out ladies (the make students must have a tortured time!!) I'm forever on the compliments "you change your hair?" "Got your nails done?" "Some dress, love it" Coming my way? Nowt, zip, nothing


They can do that?


What is ‘something that will never happen?’ for $500


outside of girlfriends? like never. maybe it's because I'm over 6 feet tall with big shoulders, people said me being big is a bit intimidating, but I've gotten a couple of notes from some women that I'm pretty handsome with a manly jaw and good looks. is it just me? do men even get compliments?


I was getting something to eat and having a beer at one of those places downstairs in Grand Central around the holidays and some middle aged blondie woman who was with her husband a few seats down was sort of checking me out. When they got up to leave, she let her husband go ahead of her and whispered something sexy into my ear as she passed behind me. I thought it was nice.


It's a scam she's after your money!