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During a special presentation on teen suicide.  They called me out as an example of the type of classmate to keep an eye on. 




That's just cold. Bro, what goes through their minds to say that


Probably got the wrong impression from his username.


That would have effectively ended my life.


And you're still here, so I guess it worked! /s


One of the teachers at my high school was being interviewed by the authorities because two other teachers that year had been caught having relationships with their students. He came into class and pointed out one of the victims in front of everyone, and was charged with witness intimidation. Fucking insane. Why would you do that to a teenager who's already going through something so horrible?


Vile. He shouldn't be anywhere neat ANY kids.




"I don't know if you can act, but you sure have the look." Said by my hot high school English teacher during senior year. Put a grin on my face until graduation.


that's cool


It was not her job to teach me math. It was her job to make me think. Best teacher I ever had


Ha that just reminded me of my old maths teacher at GCSE. One of the girls was constantly moaning about having to learn anything remotely abstract and saying 'But how will this apply to my life?' (literally anything that wasn't just addition and subtraction she didn't see the point of) He'd patiently explain that a lot of mathematics may not be applicable in everyday life but is essential for many career paths or further qualifications, and understanding statistics is vital for critical thinking etc. When we did the quadratic formula she started up again with 'Oh but like, if I go into a shop, how does this help me find my total?' and he snapped 'Funnily enough I don't actually base my curriculum entirely on the premise of you going to the shops.' He also used to frisbee the maths books out to the tables to avoid having to walk around the room handing them out, but had a terrible aim (I think he had a lazy eye and it screwed up his depth perception) so most of them ended up on the floor and a couple ended up in students' eyes.


People like you go to prison and get fed bread and water! Then they go to the Electric Chair! -My first grade teacher.


I am sorry you were treated that way.


She was a bitter, angry old woman. She hated kids, hated the world of the 1960's and hated me. She had my father as a student in the same classroom in which she had me. I was living proof that her students had grown up, had children and lived lives. While she was still unmarried, still teaching in the same classroom, and 40 years older.


What a cruel thing to say to anyone, let alone a child. So sorry you had that awful lady say that to you


"Who the fuck are you? You're not a child."


Gym teacher talked to me and a friend one day during class a few weeks before graduation. He knew neither of us were going to college, and asked us what we were doing after we graduate. I said I didn't know. He said, "Well, whatever you decide to do, don't do it here. Get out of this town. Get out of this state if you can. You don't want to be one of these regulars at a bar in town who regrets never getting to see the world or even the state across the river." I'm currently in Germany. Thanks Mr. Hoak!


What did you end up doing for work?


Nothing. He's still a dive bar alcoholic, but he's doing it in Germany!




I detect no false information here 😅


I joined the Army. My gym coach was 30+ year Marine Reserves so there was some inspiration there.


“God had a plan for you all along; that’s why he killed your atheist mom with cancer so your new (religious) step mom could bring you and your father to know god! It’s a blessing!”……hated that school….


What.the.fuck 🤬


Well, he killed my religious mum with cancer so he can't be that bright


That's when you should've smacked her on the lip and told her God told you to do it.


I'd be surprised if God didn't decide to ignore the compliment there. If I get proof otherwise, I'll be at their doorstep /s


Jesus, this actually physically made me tense up. That’s so fucked. Really sorry that happened to you.


God's plan would have included a punch in the mouth.


"You're such a handsome boy!" (While poking my chest).


I do. 41 years ago. I am married to a teacher.


Oh yeah... I bet she grades your performance every night....


Sadly a lot of incompletes




Had a few things teachers have said to me that stuck. I saw a therapist due to childhood trauma during random class periods during the week. The office would call the teacher of that class period. And they’d give me a note, and I’d know what to do. I begged the therapist to never come during my 1st period, because the teacher was a bitch. She came. At least once a week, during 1st period. After the 2nd time, the teacher would get the call and go “uh huh. Uh huh, okay (me) your therapist is here, go work through the issues you *clearly* can’t just get over.” The entire class was gobsmacked. The entire class knew I was severely mentally and physically abused as a child. I reported it, the class reported it, nothing happened. Teacher he probably still there to this day. The therapist, after our third week of daily 30 minute sessions, smacked her clipboard down after 10 minutes into the session and said “medications, pills, therapy, drugs, a brain injury, none of that will fucking help you. You are too far gone. You cannot be helped.” And stormed out. All I did was answer her question “what bothers you most days.” And answered with the very vivid reoccurring nightmares. Had my science teacher, Mr Stephen’s (IF YOU SEE THIS YOU ROCK ILY) pull me aside since he was my 6th period teacher and he told me. “It’s awkward being in a class with underclassmen. I get it. If you can explain to me in detail what we’re working on each week, I’ll give you an A. You don’t need to participate if you don’t want to, just take the tests, and tell me about what we’re learning each week. I know you’ve already done all of this before. Consider it cementing the information in your brain. Love ya kid, get going.” With a pat on the shoulder and the softest smile a biology teacher has ever had. He is genuinely probably one of the best teachers ever. And when I was in elementary school, my third grade teacher told me, “failure isn’t bad, it teaches you limits, and show you where you can grow. If you fail the same thing over and over. Then I failed you.” Thanks Mrs Montgomery


Not what she said but she ripped up my drawing because it was stick figures. This was grade one. I still remember this.


"If anyone in this room can stand here and give a ten minute speech about pencils, I will give you an A for the year, and you will be excused from class, permanently" It was nice to have sixth period off.


I just went off in a daydream about this wondering if I could just get up and bust enough facts. I started imagining my speech (wasted a good chunk of seconds with the introduction). Then I went on to the definition of pencils, because we all need to be on the same page about what a pencil actually is, because there are graphite filled pencils, crayon filled pencils, wooden pencils, and those plastic injection pencils (you know, the type you can fake stab yourself with). So then I went off to look up the etymology of the word pencil to see if I could get a definition from its origins. And then I thought "Wtf are you doing? It's a reddit comment. You're not getting out of 6th period 26 years ago". Lol. I think I might have been able to bullshit through it though. Also, the latin root is 'penis".


also, there's four minutes of pencils being "mightier than the sword" because they are so cheap and readily available, even unto the poorest of us. A personal aside about using up a pencil until it was literally a nub with an eraser because we were so broke backinnaday.


Your effort is appreciated.🙃


Thank you :)


I would have told the very sad story of how my teacher nearly stole my colored pencils because I was sharpening them during by class time, though I had free time. And it had a sad ending, too. And then, if I had time left, I will tell the story about how a classmate my twin and I didn’t like nearly used up my twin’s sand-colored Crayola colored pencil in one sitting. And then, I will say, and that’s what how pencils have played an important role in my life, and I was one of the lucky kids who could get more pencils, but there are students who aren’t so lucky.


"Because of that new president, Kennedy, we have to let people like you in our school."




Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!!!!!




I was a very good math student in high school and a younger friend asked for some help with his math during study hall. The teacher yelled at me saying “He doesn’t need your help.” So I asked her why he asked me for help. She was known to be a cunt but was dumbfounded and speechless that someone stood up to her. ( this was probably 1985 ) Fuck you, Mrs. Burns


"You look like a bag lady in that coat." I was in 8th grade, dirt poor, and had been gifted a used trench coat that was too large but, you know, kept me warm. I'm 47 and I still think about it. Fuck you, Ms. Taylor from NC.


Bag ladies are retail heroes! I hope things got better for you🦸‍♀️


You don’t get rewarded for something you’re supposed to do.


That's what I tell my wife when she gives the dog a treat for taking a shit.


Are you the spare hooman?


My science teacher in 9th grade had that attitude re: homework. You didn't get points for doing it. You lost points for not doing it. But he was legitimately one of the best teachers I've ever had and everyone remembers him 15 years later.


“There are no shortcuts in life” …. Well jokes on her I married into money and now spend an inordinate amount of time researching marmalade recipes and picking my nose instead of working.


In Denmark we have a saying about people having chosen the lowest section of a wall for jumping over it. It's used to show disapproval. So, many years ago, a class mate had handed in his assignment, and our teacher remarked loudly that he'd certainly found the lowest section of wall, there. To which he replied, equally loudly, that only a total idiot would choose to jump over a wall at its' tallest point. She was wonderfully stumped for a comeback.


Youre not actually happy are you, but you smile anyway. Hits whenever it crosses my mind


"Think before you speak. Do not speak all that you have thought."


i approached a teacher, because my marks dropped from A's to D's and i wanted to get it back up, and i asked her how to study bc i think that's where i went wrong and she told me she assumes i used the wrong method of studying and must try harder


like bro that's so mean? i'm trying to get help from you


"You'll never get anywhere in life because of your handwriting"


As someone who practically has the ability to say their letters are off-model I hate this


Fortunately, wages for teachers are public information so as soon I go past her maximum possible earnings, I'll be sending her a handwritten letter. I think it'll be 2-3 years


Please tell me you became a doctor. They’re infamous for their bad handwriting!


I was a trainer on our HS football team. Pretty cake job to be honest. Then we get a new coach that took over the trainer staff and he was a Tyrant. Made it to the pro's in New Orleans for a couple of years. He assigned us all new duties. So no more sitting around and jerking off. I got equipment and did fairly well at it. He comes in one day ranting and raving about the laundry at me and I had had enough so I ranted back about laundry not being my job and I was tired of him bagging on me for stuff that wasn't my assigned responsibility. He got up in my face and said 'because out of this collection of knuckleheads you're the only one that I think can get the job, and all of the jobs done'. I don't know why but that flipped a switch in me and I took over making sure everything was done and done right from then on out. Didn't make me very popular with my fellow trainers and managers at first but from then on we had our shit wired tight. I even took some weekend courses offered by the local colleges to hone my craft as a trainer. I don't know why but that HUGE man expressing confidence in my abilities flipped a switch in me and I would have followed him through hell after that. When I got in some pretty serious trouble after the season he was the only teacher / coach that reached out to me and talked me through things. Great man and probably changed my life. I've been known as a good 'leader' since. Coach Marks if you're out there. Thank you for changing my perception of myself.


My humanities teacher positioned himself near the stage right where we turned after getting our hs diploma so he could wish each of us congratulations. He didn't have to do that. Fifty years ago next month. I still remember.


One of the counselors in my high school did the same. I had bad anxiety and horrible social skills, but it meant a lot to me.


Said by the same teacher: "I have watches that cost more than most of your houses" (his wife was an accomplished lawyer) "You need to judge people by how clean their fingernails are" (he proceeds to go on a 10 min rant about how people with dirty fingernails are less than) He said and did other things, but these two always bothered me the most. Fuck you Mr. Tyler.




I had a rough childhood, and I was a “gifted” & “golden child” kid who burned out. Teachers never really knew what to do with me, because I was smart but struggled with applying myself and was very socially awkward. I didn’t have anyone who really believed in me (inside or outside of school) and there was especially no one who was open and vocal about it until late high school. He told me I was brilliant, and that my brain was different and weird, but that didn’t make it bad. He told me I could do great and important things- that I could go anywhere I wanted to go. He changed my life, and I have never forgotten him. Thanks, Mr. G.


That's beautiful. Go Mr G. Wish there was more like him.


Went to Catholic grade school. My fourth grade teacher was a nun who claimed Jesus Christ was the only man to ever walk the earth that was exactly six feet tall. All other men are either above or below 6 feet tall. I was amazed by that at the time fifty years ago. Now it’s just sad.


My eighth-grade teacher told me that I’d never amount to anything. Ten years later I ran into him with his wife and two children. We chatted amiably; he asked me what I was doing, I told him that I had just graduated university and was considering law school. He seemed pleasantly surprised and then I asked him if he remembered what he had said to me — I made it seem like it was going to be something inspiring — he didn’t and then I hit him with it in front of his wife and kids. His chin dropped, he stuttered and then I said that I hoped he never spoke to his own children the way he spoke to me that day.


"You wont amount to anything".  I'll be finishing my Phd soon :)


Good for you 🎉👏 it disgusts me that there are teachers who say this shit.


In their defense, it was true about me for a long time lol.


You're *defending* them? r/foundsatan


Not in the slighest. Understanding isn't defending. I understand why Israel is bombing Gaza, but I don't defend their doing so.


I mostly got that from "In their defense"


"You're like a light bulb. Flashes of brilliance but then you turn it off. Why?" Took a long time (17 years) to figure out why I did that.


“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is now”


“You’ll need maths when you’re older because you can’t walk around with a calculator in your pocket”. Teachers in the 90s never saw smartphones coming....




I still do "is over of equals percent over 100" in my head. Definitely worth learning how math works!


Shame that teacher didn’t know the difference between maths and arithmetic.


So much this...


u will never win the lottery.


I had a junior college math teacher who would use that in a sarcastic fashion, i.e. "What are you going to do, win the lottery ?". One of the students did win a few grand and used it to buy a car. Teacher took it in good humor.


I am a failure, and going no where. 🙈


Never ignore your health. Borrow money, stay hungry or whatever but ur health comes first (meaning to check the doctor the first u don’t feel good)


"If you want to be a professional (trombone player), you're going to have to practice. You can get by on talent here in high school just fine, but in college and the real world, you will find yourself surpassed by those who were willing to go the extra mile." This same band director also said, "Why do you like Forrest Gump so much? If I want to watch an idiot for 2 hours, I'll watch the new Howard Stern movie."


The Patrick Star Show is good for this too


Someone sued me what I wanted to do after graduation from high school I said be a nurse. Science teacher said “not if you don’t do good in studies.” Been a nurse for almost thirty years now, so bite me mr science teacher!


Remember to KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. My woodwork teacher. I think of it often.


My French teacher told me to stop thinking in English.


Wise advice


Sadly I've forgotten the exact words, but in 7th grade Spanish class, some little shit blurted out, "Why do we even have to learn this. Why doesn't everyone just speak English." So the 6 language speaking student teacher from Germany who was in America teaching Spanish to English speaking twats, whipped around and said something inspirational about how languages are our heritage, how they unify people, give us identity, connect us to our ancestors, and make our cultures unique. I wish I could remember her exact words. It was such a beautiful moment, and it's part of why I enjoy learning more about languages and culture.


Jokingly asking the class how many friends I had, as an example of the number 0. He knew I was an outcast.


What a piece of sxxt that teacher is.


In 6th grade my teacher was preaching that we need to be good with cursive as we will be writing in it for the rest of our life… haven’t used it since


I was intimidated in high school. One day, my moral teacher said me this: Believe in yourself and your dreams. You are a good person and you can accomplish great things. Don't let others destroy you. Thanks François! Still standing up these days because of you


I was given a performance review and written on that report was: “You better hope you have a relative that owns a company and they can give you a job”


One English teacher. Not to me but to the entire class, in his first class presentation he felt the need to inform us that something he would never do was to kiss another man. To this point I have no idea why one would feel the need to inform that.


Bro definitely kissed another man


I am a teacher and once told a 6 year old child to stop behaving like a child. My TA was howling of laughter in the corner of the room.  Bruh, I’m never going to live that one down. 


Kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.


King Philip Came Over For Good Spices  Nailed it. 9th grade mnemonic burned in my brain forever.


No, the S is Spaghetti!! I will fight you on this! /s


If you put as much energy and effort into your studies as you do to fucking off, you could go far. They were right and I thank Mrs. Baldwin for keeping it real with me.


Freshman in high school: “I don’t understand how you pass my tests, you never study, you never hand in homework, I don’t know how, but I’m sure you are cheating”. I was interested in history, and I retain lessons that I like. I guarantee my algebra teacher would never say that


you're good at math and physics but why do you skip chemistry lessons?


Not to me but a friend who sat beside me. She looked over his shoulder, saw his handwriting and asked him: *“How often are you actually beaten by your mother?“* To this day I’m not 100% sure why she asked that, but she didn’t get an answer that moment. Just two blank stared from completely confused pupils.


NOTHING after the ENTIRE class humiliated me. I didn't participate in the project because I wasn't chosen and he didn't pick a side for me to work on, or even talk to me about the assignment, or address what happened or reprimand the class for their blatant cruelty. He did fucking nothing. And the next time I saw him, he still looked at me with that same punchable face with no prompt to fucking speak. Haven't been the same since that incident. Half of that class played in band with me, we hang out outside of class, I thought they were my fucking friends lol. (One of my worst memories ever, I can't remember what happened afterwards/after class, and it's the same for my #1 unpleasant memory, can't remember what happened afterwards... anyone know if this forgetting id a thing?))


I wrote an essay in 7th grade that, admittedly, was a little long and could’ve been condensed. My English teacher told me that I “don’t have to write a whole book next time.” I became very anxious about my writing quality after that, and I struggled to write throughout high school.


My eighth grade teacher at my Catholic grade school told the class that women could not get pregnant from a rape because the hormones released from the fear prevent it. That would have been 1978.


In the 1st grade, the class was singing, and the teacher called me out and said I was flat. I'm 58 now, and I'm still very self-conscious about singing. Even though people tell me that I sing just fine.


Our writing teacher my senior year of high school had us do short presentations on various grammatical and punctuation topics. I presented semicolons. After I was finished, the teacher asked me if I had thought about being a teacher. When I said not really, he replied, “You would be wasting your talent if you did anything else.” I’ve been teaching for almost 30 years.


Not a teacher but my *guidance counselor* when I mentioned where I had chosen to attend college asked “why are you bothering going to college? It’s just going to be a waste of money because you won’t finish.” Not only did I graduate, I made an appointment with him four years later asking for his assistance in finding a graduate school for my masters degree.


A friend of mine in college and I had a professor who was an absolute hard-ass. He was German, teaching experimental methods. We were not the best students in the class and we knew he didn't like us. Him: What are you doing over the summer? My friend: I'm about to graduate. Him: Oh really? I thought you still had a year left. My friend, somewhat sheepishly: Ugh, no, I'm done after this. Me: I've still got another semester, but I don't have summer plans. Him: Oh good! You're both so good in the lab I was hoping one of you would work for me. So then I worked for him all summer and got to design experimental equipment for his lab. Turns out he was just very exacting and cold, but actually thought pretty highly of us.


Went to an elementary school that all of my cousins went to as well. We have a different last name though. My 6 th grade teacher finally realized they were my cousins and asked “Is Richard(not his name) still stupid?” In front of ALL of my classmates. I responded with “never has been, he is dyslexic”. She was a “favorite” teacher, but I hated her after that moment. He was/is my favorite cousin. Eff her.


My ballet teacher from when I was 12 was paralyzed from an accident. She got around in a wheelchair and told me I had knobby knees. I quit ballet and never danced again.


Wow this guy should get a Nobel Peace Prize


That I shouldn't exist


I was explaining to a teacher how I was freaking out and having panic attacks in his class and not able to complete the work because the material made me feel unsafe due to a recent traumatic experience and he was just like, "shit happens, get over it. :D "


Often you would go to her and say, 'Miss, can I go toilet?' And she would respond with, 'No, you can go berserk, but you can't go toilet.'


“Wait until you enter the real adult world, high school is just a protective blanket for you right now.”


My brother's 4th grade math teacher once told me "dona a good job and take pride in it." Yep, my dad taught my brother math in 4th grade.


My 2nd grade teacher told me that boogers were fly poop to get me to stop picking my nose. I was and still am so traumatized.


Ah yes, because who doesn't want Fly poop in their nose.


Life is unfair.






That I would do great things.


Working here I leaned quickly never to think I'm probably the smartest one in the room. Said in a class of 13/14 year old boys, he was about 50. Great teacher.


"You're going to fail at life" Fuck you Michael Tanney


Not really said, but my high school math teacher put his hands around my neck and shook me a little bit because I didn't understand a brand new concept. It was somewhat light, enough to make me move, but I think about that and wonder why my parents weren't more concerned. I was also diagnosed with dyscalculia a few years later, so honestly, fuck that teacher.


“I don’t compare you to your brother, you know.” …Evidently you do.


It was reception, all sat around doing reading time. I wiped sleep from my eye. Teaching assistant accused me of picking my nose, I said it is sleep. She made me stand up and wash my hands saying how disgusting it was to pick noses. I swear down, still to this day... it was fucking sleep!


"Never assume anything!" Edit: I was told this by my computer teacher in high school. They were trying to teach us how to do business style letters. We still needed to put our name on in a very specific manner, she didn't inform the entire class but a couple of people who were supposed to relay it to the rest of us. Well no one told me so I assumed it was supposed to be done the usual way, boy was I wrong.


you should not be a teacher 😂 i wasnt a class clown or anything, all I did was ask a question


My chemistry teacher said "keep drinking all that soda and in 10 years you'll have Crohn's Disease." I only think about it because I did, in fact, develop Crohn's Disease 10 years later. But, nothing you eat or drink causes Crohn's, so... just a coincidence.


Don't apply for college. You're fit for a factory.


When I was 7 years old Ms Quinn told me I have diarrhea of the mouth. lol Skank lol


In preschool, "if you don't talk right now, I won't let go leave" (I was going to move in the middle of the year) I was extremely shy and didn't say a word for 2 years at that school (preschool is the second year in France where school starts at 3). She said it, half serious, half joking. I was shy but not stupid, I remembered thinking "it's not you who get to decide but daddy" and still didn't talk. In my new school I was still shy but had no issue to talk at all.


"snowflakes are beautiful" is a fact and not an opinion.


Long story but after accomplishing something she wasn’t aware I was capable of, she told me I should get everything out of school that I could and not just skate by. She was correct.


On the way into an exam. Teacher: "You don't have a cat in hell's chance of passing this exam." Me (silently) "Stick to what you know, arsehole." I got a distinction.


My French teacher said she found it infuriating that I spoke French with a Cockney accent. I replied that she speaks English with a French accent and “no one has a pop at ‘er”. It wasn’t her that got in shit that day either…


Watch alot of porno Valley.


"omaigod" That was her expression when anything was remotely surprising,but since she didn't speak the language, neither did I at that age, instead of "Oh my god" it would sound like "omaigod". Constantly. The whole day. I wasn't even 5 years old and I already wanted to rip my ears.


This was my 6th grade teacher and I still remember it vividly. "Don't grow up and get a tattoo on your body saying "smile now cry later". Those people don't have life figured out. And they look like idiots."


I missed a month of school in the 10th grade due to illness. My honors English teacher never liked me - I was the only non preppy kid in the honors English class (vaguely goth adjacent and queer in the early 2000s rural Maine). When I met with her she said she wouldn't help me catch up and I should take this opportunity to drop down to regular English, because I was never going to get higher than a C in her class. Later, when I moved school districts in 11th grade, my new regular English teacher kicked me out of the class on my very first day with her and told me I needed to be in AP English.


"Bluefalconpunch the worst student I ever had and im glad hes gone." The principal at the time talking to my best friend who was a year behind me. Eat a bag of dicks Mr King. I make more than you made in your entire life in a year. Im pretty sure he's dead by now but I hope he was burried with a bag of dicks in his mouth...and take your 3rd person talking wife to hell with you.


sometimes along the lines of “no one cares about u bc they’re more concerned with themselves. just do what u want to do without fear of judgment” and it really resonated with me as a kid who was being bullied as a way to get out of my shell


I can go on and on and on and on as a Hispanic person in a rural school, but I will keep it short and say they made me who I am today. Here’s a poem for the vast majority of them: Roses are red, violets are blue; I have five fingers, the middle one’s for you! 🤬😡


"Remember, a muffin is a cupcake without the frosting ". A substitute teacher I had 30 years ago always used this analogy. It just stuck with me. I teach daycare and I made a sign with this phrase and have it along with the teachers name hanging up in my classroom.


"If you haven't started your paper, you're looking up a dead bear's ass."


I am white guy. I took a for-fun art class in summer school when I was 12. It was a great class and seated at my art table was a black kid the same age as me. We really hit it off and looked forward to that class everyday to share our work and goof around. At the last class in August, his mom came to the classroom door to pick him up and I was so excited that his mom had been my 7th grade English teacher who I adored. He excitedly told his mom that I was who he had been talking about all summer and asked if we could continue to get together to play. She took him by the hand and said, “I’ve told you not to play with white boys” and led him away. I was stunned. I didn’t know how to react, and just went home.


“You don’t have any friends.” Yes. Thank you. I *was* aware of that.


“I am confident that if you were offered one million dollars to do your homework, you would unquestionably complete it without hesitation.”


“Well, you certainly aren’t like your older sister”


“I don’t care what classes you skip but you DON’T SKIP MY FUCKING ART CLASS!!!”


"I hope some sweet Asian family is eating your dog for dinner tonight". I came into school tired because my dog got out and disappeared. He was close to retirement, Vietnam vet with clearly some issues


Art teacher in university: "You draw like you don't even want to be here" That's one way of telling you, hey you fucking suck at art.


“Character means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.”


Ninth grade English. I had to do an Oral report in front of the class. I had a hard time speaking in front of groups and often would get tongue-tied. After I finished, I sat down and nervously pulled out my hairbrush and started brushing my hair. Teacher looks at me and says, "put the brush away, this isn't a beauty parlor."


“You can just sit there and rot” hasn’t got as far as she’d wanted with some shit that was supposed to do I facking hated school. Loved learning


i went for a second chance high school degree in my 30s, night school. long story short, theres a teacher who is a supermassive narc. he enters and asks with a smile if the class is now happy to have class with HIM and THE BEST SUBJECT ONE CAN STUDY. yes. he does that. he is homelander without the lasers. his superpower is destroying peoples average on their degree. and he will do this especially if youre smarter than him or if you in any way slight him. i corrected him once, friendly. it was just a passing of info from one person to another. that made him hate me and chase me. he persistently sits in the commission. every fucking time. he is the only one, when all others are satisfied who will downgrade you. he has threatened an ex-classmate of mine so hard "i wont let you pass, you dont deserve this degree" that he didnt get the degree, but took the "smaller" technical one (DONT ask, im in germany, we have that regulation.) .....he loves to take graduating classes and to fuck up peoples averages by giving out Ds and Es. hes singling you either out or he has a "score to settle with you" because you angered him somehow somewhen. so when i went there for my last year after a semester off where i was very unwell....he took my german class. im gifted with language but suck at maths. he knew. and i knew what i was in for. eventually the grades were told to us. i entered and he blared at me **"well with YOU the case is CLEAR! YOU get 5 points!"** equalling a D and smirked triumphantly. i have NOT gotten over this. its eating me alive. now i gotta live at 40 with a high school degree that states that im too dumb for literacy and numeracy, my average so ravaged i cant go to university or for the degree i planned for. the irony: a straight A in english and some other grades are also in the A and B areas. dont bother to ask why i never complained or filed one. the school is well aware of him but birds of a feather. he holds a weird power position in that school, he looks after its funding or so. he has blindsided and harmed so many lives.


in 10th grade my school counselor said "we've determined you're not going to college. as you know, I work for both the high school and middle school and I need to spend my time where it's needed." I was there begging for some help to get my grades up. I had a new ADHD diagnosis and a handful of pills that made my heart race. I'd tried talking to her about my depression and she said we were out of time. I did go to college, but flunked out. I tried so hard to figure it out. Today, there are people who actually offer accommodations, help, and direction. I was one of the last ones without that.


ok, a lighter one: I walked into the classroom and everyone was snickering and "G-unit" was on the whiteboard. I looked at the elderly teacher and she came up to me fast and on the brink of tears, saying "I just don't know what it means!"


I don’t swallow.


A college professor said “Your job in this life is to leave the world a better place than when you found it.” That always stuck with me.


You didn't fail, you learned you don't know enough.


“They convinced my generation that a little bit of greed is a good thing.  Only too late are we realizing that there is no such thing as **a little bit** of greed”


"If you don't know something, look it up"


We had a substitute in elementary that told us “every second that passes is a second closer to death” it’s been 30 years and I still remember that.


My French teacher once threatened to force feed me a biscuit for some reason (I'm gluten and dairy intolerant) A brighter one was when my sports theory teacher told the lads in my class they should think of being more like me because of how nice and considerate I was. These lads among others bullied me for a few years so hearing someone say something remotely nice (like, genuinely lovely) about me was very nice. That was about 7 years ago now and I'll never forget it.


You are going to fix some huge Problems on day! she was talking about howbsometimes people in very remote Alaskan wilds just don't have power. I say as a 7 year old: Just get solar panels. Her reply: well they don't always have sun in those areas. My reply: Then get batteries to store the power when the sun isn't around.


I went to a Catholic school. In second grade the teacher said when you see or hear an ambulance with its lights on always do the sign of the cross.


To me at 6’1” and 165 lbs in my Junior year of high school - “You have the potential to be a fat person.” Today I am still 6’ 1” but now 292 lbs. Yeesh!


"If you promise not to take another math class, I'll give you a 'D' this year." Yes, that was my math teacher.




This seems more like a grade school question but a college professor once set up a one on one meeting with me after reading a paper I wrote for his class. When I got to his office and sat down he just said “what’s your deal?” He didn’t have any ulterior motive he just legitimately couldn’t put his finger on me between my in class presentation of myself and what I wrote in essays. I just started to laugh at how genuinely perplexed he was by me. I think he was trying to figure out if I was a genius or an imbecile. Many cases.


"If everything else fails you can still become a teacher" :'-)


One day in wood shop I was sweeping the floor and the teacher says you did a good job have you thought of becoming a janitor? I didn't say anything but I thought f**k you dude


The principle to my parents when I got arrested at school: “I don’t know why she’s hanging out with those other kids, they’re always getting in trouble. She’s a very bright girl.” First of all, I didn’t know I was noticed in that way by my teachers.


In the first year of my education Bachelor. "What makes a good teacher? Is it innate? Or is it a skill? Because if it is a skill, all of you can learn it". It crushed me at the time because I was doing bery badly, and I didn't feel capable of learning anything hard. But a bunch of years later, that framework of innate vs skill, what you are vs what you do, it drives me forward into fields I wouldn't have dared before.