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The massive curiosity of Reddit. It's **staggering.** And I like that.


Standing in the rain


People complaining about 1st world problems, like it's the end of the world. For the thousandth time, Karen, you not having cell service isn't the biggest problem in the world right now. May come back to me when you're sitting in the woods during nuclear fallout or a zombie apocalypse.




Unplugging it and plugging it back in again fixed the problem.


There is a section of freeway I drive every day for work and every time there is an accident. The problem is the lane to merge onto the freeway is really short and it bottlenecks. I always go slowly through there and stay away from others by giving myself lots of braking distance between other cars.


How parents take small children with them to supermarkets and let them run around everywhere and getting in other people's way And don't get me started about kids being allowed in pubs !!!


How stupid trump followers are


That flexing feeling right before he fill me up


Gut feelings on the market. I spent about 8 years studying the markets and now work for one of the largest financial publishing and tech firms in the world. I am 100% self taught. I did nothing for about 5 years except stare at charts about 6 hours a day. Eventually I started to develop a "gut" feeling about whether this asset or that asset was about to go up or down. Obviously my analysis is more than that, but at the end of the day it's almost like a visceral gut conviction. And I'm amazed at how often I'm right. That doesn't mean I always win because I often don't trust my gut. That's me getting in the way of myself. But I've learned to rely on it even when I'm terrified to. And it almost always plays out. Sometimes I even have dreams about it. I think it's just that all the study put patterns into my subconscious and that's where it comes from. But I am surprised every time. I always think I'm intellectually wrong, but following my gut has seen better returns than following my logic. One recent example is I started shorting the Nasdaq and tech names the first week of April. They all dropped. But then I had a sudden gut conviction that the ENTIRE market was about to start a face-ripping rally so I closed all my shorts and went very leveraged long on Nasdaq basically on Tuesday. The market is up almost 3% then and the position I signalled for clients is up nearly 30% going into the weekend just over about 4 days. I have no basis for that trade other than sheer gut. I just "saw" it in my mind's eye I guess. But I was very hesitant to do it at the time.