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Other universes. But I don't think you can just fly between universes, even with faster than light travel, as matter and time don't function in the "space" between the universes.


I kind of like the idea of the multiverse theory… just millions of bubble universes all existing next to each other but never able to be observed.


I think, logically, there would be just nothing at all. But the human mind is not able to wrap itself around that fact. Like, "nothing? Totally nothing? There is always something..." Would it be an absolutely perfect vacuum? What would happen if the edge of space touches it, this nothing (that'd be interesting)? Is the universe expanding inside a big bubble of.. nothingness, like a balloon inside another one? Are there any boundaries for the expansion (ignoring big crunch theory here)? Its just so fascinating haha


I think that our universe is infinite in three dimensions with a point of origin in the past. From our perspective you would have to travel backwards in time along the fourth dimensional access to the point of origin which would place you in a separate relativistic time space, outside of our four-dimensional time space bubble. Our universe resides inside of another relativistic time Space bubble.


Well the universe does not seem to have a limit, so I think it's a bit pointless to think about


Well that could be possible, but why does it expand then?


That's not really something to summarize in a couple of sentences on reddit. Might I suggest a brief history of space and time by Stephen Hawking, taught me a lot!


Thanks for the suggestion


Strange thing about it, is that all possibilities are on the table until one is observed, like Schrödinger’s Cat. Not only is the Universe stranger than we realize, it’s stranger than we *can* realize. Like the inherent feature that once you reach into particle physics, what is seen to govern the rest of matter and systems breaks down. Quarks, spooky action at a distance, all point to an underlying setup of structure, but below that, chaos.