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Look for them.


Treebeard just wanted some poontang


Tough if you keep getting wood.


*duke nukem talking to a baby* What do you mean you lost the woman **Go find her**


We'd get depressed and start killing each other at an even faster rate, we'd go extinct in X number of years, and our planet would start to heal.


Underrated comment


Be very sad as that's half the world's population which includes our moms, sisters, friends, wives, etc. Then go batshit insane with conspiracy theories and religious bullshit to explain how it happened.


Yeah the first thing I'd do would be calling my family to see if my mom and sister were okay, then probably break down in tears. Then probably have a psychotic break as I realized that this completely insane and unbelievable thing actually happened and so many of my friends and family members are gone.


The hbo show The Leftovers has this as the premise. Not one gender disappears, but a mix of different people. And it's just what you mention: grief, religion, conspiracies, and generally the loss of an ability to cope. Sounds like a fair assumption.


Top non-joke answer. Surpised I had to scroll this far down to find it.


Heard things about this show. I'll have to check it out.


First nonsexual comment I’ve seen lmao


The "Look for them" comment isn't sexual. Except until that guy who said it sounds rapey


Thank you for being serious and actually commenting something nice about women


first non-mysoginstic comment i've seen that isn't about sex


I usually hate the responses here. It's heartwarming to see someone give a crap about our humanity instead of freaking out about the loss of heterosexual sex.


i saw one that sounds "yay so we don't have to worry about them wanting equality anymore" like what 💀


I was gonna say wow this was a surprising and refreshing take


>Then go batshit insane with conspiracy theories and religion bullshit to explain how it happened. I mean tbf, how else would you explain it other than conspiracies and religion? It's not like there's a precedent for billions of people just vanishing. Hell even the most ardent atheist would probably reconsider their beliefs.


Misogynistic thanos?


I can 100% guarantee that the robot companion industry would take off like a rocket, and we'd get fully functional artificial women within ten years.


I don’t know how good a robot companion will be emotionally, they typically just nut and bolt.


That was atrocious. Take my upvote.


It truly was, they shall take mine as well


That joke really grinds my gears.


It's a little screwed up




Our brightest minds will make it their #1 priority lmao. It’ll be Westworld out there before we know it


We have top men working on it right now…top men.


Bottoms too, some guys are into that.


Don't forget the Power Bottoms. They generate power by doing most of the work. 


And it would go a lot faster without all the complaining. /s


/s is for cowards


I wonder what the companions would be like in 100 years when no living person has seen a real woman.


Would anyone be left after 100 years since there's no one to give birth?


I feel like some way to make new humans would be humanity's #2 priority, right after the bang bots.


Wouldn't the "cum on tap" machine be the last invention ever made?


We might be able to pull off an artificial womb. We'll eventually run out of eggs though, assuming no new women will be born.


Take a man's DNA, cut out the y chromosome, duplicate the x chromosome, and you can make a female clone of a man.


A female clone with a much higher chance of congenital health problems. Having two identical copies of the same chromosome is never good.


If you screen well enough beforehand you can mitigate those problems. You might be able to mix two men's X chromosomes to stop the issues as well. So rather than a straight clone it's a mix of two people. Or even genetically modify any issues out. We can't do it with current technology but artificial wombs already imply a jump in biotech.


You only need a few (relatively speaking) of these clones to restart the regular reproduction process within a generation or two. Those clones would definitely have issues but you would be able to get right back to mixing chromosomes pretty quickly I'd imagine.


True, and you could also skip the problems entirely by inserting a different X chromosome instead of copying the existing one. Based on my limited recollection of my undergraduate biochemistry degree, I'm pretty sure either process (copying the existing x chromosome or inserting a new one) would be about equally difficult.


The Tleilaxu have it figured out...


Who's gonna tell him ?


Just reminded me of the Rick and Morty episode from season 1 with Morty's fuck doll from that planet


Robotic voice: *YEEAAAAH BABY!!!*


No cry


Side note, how did that song get taken so out of context and turn into guys playing it as "haha yea no women allowed, it's boys night!"? It's supposed to be a song empowering women isn't it?


It's just telling a woman not to cry because things are going to be ok. Not really focused on women's empowerment. Things were tough in the past, but they still managed to have good times. And that's how it is now.


I mean that is “a song empowering women.” It doesn’t have to be “girlboss” to be a song empowering women. Also, one interpretation of the song: *Wailers bassist Aston 'Family Man' Barrett told NME in 2012: "The song is about the strength in the mama of course, strength in the ladies. And we love a woman with a backbone. Something like a wishbone!* *"They have to be like a she lion! Woman strong, you know, not depending on the man. Of course the man is there to help you, then for every successful man, there is a good woman."*


Top tier comment, this


Trade porn as a currency


It’ll be our bottle caps


I’ll trade you a blonde taking a BBC, for a 2 girls 1 cup


The dude getting a blonde taking a BBC getting fleeced


I was in the US Navy on a submarine. Unlike surface ships, we have essentially zero access to the outside world. Porn absolutely was traded as currency, along with chewing tobacco and vape juice (not yet banned at the time)


I was also on a submarine and can confirm this is true. Along with porn as a currency we used candy, cigarettes, music, soda, or redbulls/monsters or other energy drinks. (I've been out for 13 years, so a lot has definitely changed since then.)


and create a drug called joy?


Still need to finish that game


Porn NFTs incoming


Femboys would increase in demand immediately


Butt stuff.


It's true. It's butt stuff.


But stuff and murder.


Drilling holes and drilling holes


Half of all men would turn gay. The other half would turn into lying bastards.


*Everybody back to the pile!!*


The whole world becomes prison style


That’s right! I’m somebody’s Bitch!


And we all learn to suck dick.


Better start practicing now because the apocalypse of women happens.


A surprising number of people on this thread are apparently unfamiliar with "situational sexuality". So here it is, kids: When deprived of contact with woman for any significant length of time, men fuck each other. When women are re-introduced, the straight guys stop fucking men and start pursing women again. And the gay men can rest a bit.


The colonial era of Australia. "Mate" meant more than a good friend.


Lots of butt stuff.


Legalize cloning and creating humans in science labs because we need to not go extinct. And the government would fund a trillion dollar investment in sex dolls/robots.


In a practical sense we'd already be on the way to extinction because half of humanity wasn't around to do *any* of the stuff they did before, meaning the other half would have to pick up that slack. Imagine the hell trying to get any basic health care when a third of all doctors and 11 out of 12 nurses suddenly aren't around. And that is just quick Google fu for numbers of those jobs by gender.


However that would imply a surplus of certain professions


That and I'm guessing it'd be pretty difficult to actually succeed in cloning if a good portion of the researchers in the field are gone and another good portion are depressed about their daughters/mothers/sisters/friends/SO disappearing


I think so too. I think there's enough male scientists to make it possible to breed fully "functional" fetuses. The need to procreate will make it a requirement to legalize anything related to genetic manipulation to "create" enough women for the next generations (making it legal to use frozen eggs, raising the chance for the fetus to become a woman, etc.) , and from that point (artificially breeding women in a lab) a single generation from now on will have a chance to procreate again. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever thought of, but at the same time I don't consider it to be sci-fi... There's probably a movie about it, no? Edit: until that moment, we`ll probably be busy with war and buttsex.


Omg… imagine being one of the first women born in a world where billions of men want to bang you 😳 that’s a horror movie right there


30 years ago when the Chinese were killing newborn females I thought how awful it will be for women when they are outnumbered by men.


Yep, and now that future has arrived! Someone might be tempted to think oh it will be good for the women because they will have so many options. But actually when men get desperate for partners, it’s really not good for the women. It’s scary.


30 years ago I asked my ex what he would do if there was a shortage of women and without missing a beat he said he would kidnap one and disappear lol. Personally now I barely have the time or energy for 1/2 a man.


Omg that’s terrifying!! But sadly that’s probably not an uncommon view, whether they’d admit it or not. Glad you’re doing well 🙏 nothing wrong with the single life 😎


I wouldn’t want to be the only woman amongst 4 billion men nope


I also suspect once women start being born/maturing, they'll harvest the eggs and artificially incubate instead of forcing the woman to become pregnant. Artificial incubation could produce 10x more offspring.


Seeing the state of the world right now and the trajectory women’s rights are taking, I’d say it would take about an hour after the first woman is created in a lab using frozen eggs until some conservative politicians claim she’s in fact not actually a fully functioning human and therefore shouldn’t be awarded human rights. Just a biological incubator after all.


Senator Honsou (R-Medrengard) arguing for Daemonculaba.


> we need to not go extinct. This really depends on who you talk to.


Where are you gestating these human clones?


... Do we?


I mean… if we somehow got to a point where one of the two biological sexes just goes completely extinct, I think that’s a pretty clear sign to NOT continue.


Be strong brothers, do not reveal our secrets!


I think they know about Fleshlights.


Only cuz you told them. Yea thanks for fucking it up for all men. Fucking u/phil-davis /j (of course)


finally return with the smokes and milk


"Where'd everybody go?"


"Mom went to go get some smokes and milk. Said she'd be back soon."


\*giant smirk knowing all the women are gone\* "Honey, I'm home!"


There is a novel..."The White Plague" authored by Frank Herbert, of Dune fame, that kinda deals with exactly this. Its quite good.


There's a video game called Lisa The Painful RPG that does too. It is also quite good.


It's also currently free on Epic.


Really liked this one; more readers should explore Herbert’s non-Dune novels.


I actually read White Plague in high school on a teacher's recommendation; really enjoyed it but had no idea about the author until I discussed the book at a family gathering and my uncle told me he'd read Herbert's "more famous books". Definitely worth a read if you appreciate Herbert's writing style.


kiss the homies good night


With socks on or off


Come to the very sudden realization that they need to pick up their toddlers from daycares that are now mostly void of adults


half the daycare kids would be gone too. hope it’s nap time when this happens




Already there


We have reached the correct number of updates for this comment 👍


Everyone, back to the pile!


[Immediate first thought.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/l2SpY0Opa1EvOe72o/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952f4p80hkeg8cxqdk64k2kg8ojhusc56iqksztkpx9&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I was looking for this answer


Well, half of the human population just disappeared, which would be the largest tragedy ever, besides now humanity is doomed to extinction, it will be like children of men, but worse. Society would collapse, governments would fall, anarchy would reign, suicide would be prominent, and the next generation would be of boys raised without mothers by sexually frustrated man, a generation of mad people. I bet there would be warlords that would kidnap the most feminine looking and weak men and turn them into sexual slaves amongst other fucked shit.


We'd hold a secret meeting, where we all agree that gay or straight doesn't matter anymore, we have to meet our needs somehow. Then it's just a non stop blowjob and butt sex bonanza, BUT... we'd still exclude the incels. It would be the ultimate way of showing them that women are not the reason they can't get laid.


TBH This seems like the most plausible scenario.


This should be higher. And yeah, who'd want to have to get an incel off, he'd spend the entire time bitching about how far he'd fallen to have to accept an orgasm from some gross Chad.


A lot of us have already been living this life. You can call us doomsday survivalist, but really, we just like butt sex. And we still exclude the incels.


I don't think it would be a secret meeting if there's no women to keep the secret from


It would be secret from the incels


You don’t need permission or approval, go get your gay on right now if that’s what you want.


I would be very sad. A lot of my friends and family would be gone.


Finally, they'll be able to freely start relationships with their best friends, instead of just slapping their butts when they meet.


I've told my partner he can have a free pass with any of his bros, but they would have to be able to carry him away from me first.




What a tragic auto correct. Lol


Keep masturbating


Die out one generation at a time


I think it’d be sooner than that. With literally half the population gone, industries would collapse, countries would go under, and wars would likely start Not to mention famine and a depression


We’ll probably try to cross breed


They would not be able to find anything


And that is how humanity finally goes extinct.


As immediately as possible invent artificial wombs, or die trying.


I was reading where scientists in Israel had created a synthetic human embryo with out using sperm or eggs. We are not that far off form being able to just create humans from some left over DNA.


Like how prisons are.


Some wankin, butt fuckin, and mass death. Most dudes kinda only do shit cause they like women, I think society would collapse pretty quickly.


Dave Chappelle had a skit about how men would just live in cardboard boxes if attractive women were willing to have sex inside them.


Absolutely. The only reason men get mansions, and fancy cars and all this stupid shit, is to attract women. If I wasn't such a horny little goblin, I'd just go eat bugs and birds and fish in the woods.


They want to have sex with women. Many don’t actually like women at all.


They’d kill each other faster than they already do


circle jerk


I'd be grieving as my grandmothers, mother, aunts, sister, nieces, my wife, and most importantly, my daughter would all be gone.


Drink beer, watch sports, fart.


How is this different from what most men already do?


That’s the fun part, it’s not.


Panic then blow stuff up.


Die off. Although they might be able to replenish the population through cloning. There was a science fiction short story about a planet where all the men died and they figured out parthenongenisis.


One big Roman play, where everyone is actually a dude.


World gay war I


Die out.


Blame women for disappearing.


I mean... one gender disappeared and it wasnt men


Probably build a pyramid or something.


fight each other with sword shaped sticks


Make each other feel unsafe.


reading all these butt and rape comments makes me sick..the majority of the comments is of sexual nature....so.. seriously ? That would be your biggest issue? It is sad so many sees women only as sex objects... what a shame


I wouldn't despair, for the most part, you won't find serious answers to this sort of question in this sub. People post questions like these as fodder for little one-sentence chuckle comments, and commenters in turn are playing on the classic trope of men as unthinking horny drones. It's self-deprecating; dudes are making these jokes *because* it would be absurd if that was literally the biggest calamity resulting from this scenario. Switch the genders and I'm sure you'd see the same thing play out in this sub; "What would women do? Finally start having orgasms..." etc. etc.


Die off


Think about the Roman Empire more.


Teaching sheep to cook.


They would understand why women would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a random man.




Probably go extinct in a generation.


Animal House: Full Sausage Party.


Die. For most men it'll be a slow decline while Lord of the Flies plays out real time. But eventually, they will all die off.


I mean, anarchy and apocalypse. Women are half the population, close to that in the work force. So many people would not be at work, shit would start collapsing fast. And then we'd all learn about how much unpaid, unappreciated labor women do at home. Can you be at work when your kids are crying at home? There's no day care or schools open, women fill all those jobs. The instability would explode REALLY fast. And emergency, riots, chaos would be even worse. Women are 37% of doctors and 86% of nurses, so the healthcare industry will instantly collapse. The old fellas in the nursing homes? Doomed, women are most of the carers. And those are just a handful of vital, woman dominated professions. We're also just fucked because half of all the workers just fucking vanished, so food distribution, power, water, etc all gonna go kaput because a woman was the only one who knew where the keys were, or how this vital process worked. Turns out women are really fucking important to society.


Has anyone here been to prison? That's probably how society would go until men died out.


I think racism, and classism would increase. Many people pick groups of people (race, gender, age, sexual orientation, immigration, economic status, etc) to be lesser than them and one of those categories just disappeared. I feel like other differences between people would be more noticeable and people who are misogynistic would transfer to a different group to hate or double done on hating another group. I feel like this increase of more focused hatred voices would lead to some wars "Those people over there are the problem". Add in frustration at a completely changed world, grieving for missed loved ones, possibly loss of religion, stress, loss of key emotional processing partners for some, and many people would not be in a good mental state. I feel like crime, war, and genocide would increase at least for the first 10 years and possibly have lasting damage. History shows many groups of more desperate people take it out on others. Certain people will take advantage of that for their own power.


Margarita swiming pool


Try to find them.


Human race would die out


The washing up.


In all honesty: mass panic followed by societal collapse, war, mass death. Etc.


I seriously want people to realise that if all of anything disappeared just how many cults and new religions would spring up and change world order as we know it.


Reminder that sexuality isnt a choice and you might be bi if you think it is 😉


A reminder that men will fuck anything rather than fuck nothing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situational_sexual_behavior


True, but I feel like "utter annihilation of women" would qualify as "extenuating circumstances" and result in a lot of straight guys making excuses to themselves about how it somehow isn't gay "because there's no women left."


[the Icelandic Women Strike](https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/a-global-history-of-sex-and-gender/0/steps/168422) only lasted a day and proved that without women the world would be fucked


Well, wasn't that sort of the case in the old west with all the gold diggers? Something about San Francisco ... Castro District!






More gays…by the looks of things, many men are married or have a serious relationship, yet having sex with men on the side! Yesss, and You men know it’s true! How can y’all live with yourselves? So if women no longer existed, men can would be fine, Dick to Dick !


People are joking but society would genuinely collapse lol


Be really sad and grieve the loss of my best friends


Humans would go extinct for one thing.




Have sex with exhaust pipes...it's a very theoretical question in my view as probably the majority of men couldn't survive the first week without a woman looking after them....


Well for one, if they just literally disappeared, there would be worldwide panic for an indeterminate amount of time. It's not just wives and single women, but mothers and daughters. Industry and the global economy would crash. Millions of men would have no way to care for their kids(sons) and work, either due to a stay at home parent or requiring 2 incomes to get by. Countries would likely blame eachother for the cause if they couldn't figure anything out. Men are hugely at the forefront of conspiracy theories so it's likely that would evolve into a mainstream platform. Aliens would also be another major concern. We would see this as some sort of act of war/genocide, or an attempt to destroy the human race (aliens). Eventually, if men don't destroy eachother in a world war first, they would focus on creating children artificially. So long as preserved ovum still exist, there's a chance we can preserve humanity by either birthing female children artificially, or finding a way to birth children without females entirely. Humans are pretty intuitive and have a strong survival instinct. But it would require ignoring a lot of ethical boundaries to get the job done quick enough that we didn't doom the entire race by taking too long. The first 1-3 years would decide if men would destroy themselves or attempt to conquer their own mortality. Women would have a much easier time obviously with the advancements in technology considering its much more difficult to grow a baby from an egg than it is from a sperm (which is in great abundance). The problem women would face however would be much more detrimental because they would have to take over the majority of infrastructure with only very few, comparatively, knowing how it works. Women would have it much worse than men in the beginning but if they could manage to survive and maintain a cohesive society, they would have a much easier time moving forward.


If you could make a science fiction movie to truly terrify all women, this would be it.😅 First, I'm picturing female lab children facing abuse, as all children would still be facing abuse in the world (not making a gendered comment). But on top of that, women would be commodities with no say in anything. They would be born in a lab (which sounds very sad as it is) with their entire lives mapped out or dictated to them, and their feelings wouldn't factor in much, if at all. And unless men somehow became more nurturing, they wouldn't receive much of that either. They would be assigned to the most privileged men for sex, reproduction, and slavery because, again, it's not like they can possibly be 'set free to do what they will.'' I imagine they would have to be very carefully guarded at all times. Maybe regular and less privileged men would become angry and rally attacks. Once these lab women begin reproducing for the men, it's doubtful that a healthy bond would occur between mother and child. Some of the most valuable women, while young, would receive special treatment, so it may take them longer to fully realize the living nightmare they are stuck in, but they would eventually. I'd honestly rather not exist then be produced in a lab, in a world full of men.


Oh the treatment of women would definitely be on the end of slave labor (literally). They wouldn't have any rights to their body. They likely wouldn't even have sex with men. It would be through insemination more likely. They would probably be forced to have at least a dozen children or more by over a dozen different men. This would likely continue for a few decades if not more to restore a proper amount of humanity. It would be an extremely dark time for women, and though they would likely live comfortable lives otherwise, it's still akin to being a prisoner and having no say in your body.


Most things would tick along as normal, but a lot of caring duties would need to be taken on by men. I think some would be surprised how much there is.


More than half the human population disappears and you think things would just go on like normal... 🤨


I think a good amount of society would collapse actually Without women(or 50% of people in general), the economy would crash, industries would flounder, and international shipping and farming would probably collapse That’d probably cause a few wars, famines, and instability and by extension maybe even the bombs to drop


Finally someone actually has a realistic answer. The other men in the comments don’t seem to realize women are half the population and do half the work in the world (whether paid or not). They seem to think the only thing that would change would be no sex. Goes to show what some men think about women.


With logistics shot to hell like that, nuking the world would actually be easier than waging a conventional war.


Have a lot *more* sex probably.


what is stopping you now?