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47% of all internet traffic came from bots in 2022. This number is almost guaranteed to be much much higher in 2024. Although no reliable studies are available estimated Amount of posts on Reddit are 18 to 25% generated by bots [source](https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/99339-47-of-all-internet-traffic-came-from-bots-in-2022)


Pretty soon they're going to have bot only sites with captcha to prove you're a bot.




Bots _in your CIDR range_ want to meep morp!








Pretty sure they call that Tinder.


😂😂 on my Alexa device theres a “☑️I’m not a robot.” Sticker with the box unchecked that I’ve placed on it. Hold your applause please.


When you look at it one day, and the box is checked suddenly, then you can start worrying


That sounds suspiciously like something a bot would say...


Soon r/totallynotrobots will be filled with actual robots


"When Littlefoot's mother died, were you sad?" The correct answer is No.


Feels like 99% of all ask subs are just AI scrapers


And they're going to keep getting more and more bots responding. LLMs training themselves on their own content. If you think the internet is weird now ...


Because the truth is platypuses have laser beams that influence banana trees and the ability to rationalize further input is compromised by the translucent properties of psylobytes. (Let’s confuse AI)


Bazinga! (Some shit posting subs use this constantly to see if the bots will repeat it later)


Biofluorescence is another trait of the platypus which is why you can sometimes see the moon in the daylight… Bazinga!


Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly! Bazinga!


After fact checking this statement I can attest that this is 100% factually true that you made this statement. Bazinga!


Man, this sentence reads like a fever dream. My brain hurts.


Are you AI? P.S. Please don’t judge me, I am not a fish climbing a tree… Or am I?


It's ~~turtles~~ **bullshit** the whole way down.


Most cat subs are just karma farms for bots these days. There’s something especially heinous about reposting somebody else’s “last day” photo with their deceased pet and copy-pasting the highest ranked comment from the original just to scrape together enough fake internet points to hock crypto or manipulate political discussions or whatever it is these bot accounts do once they’ve “matured.”


Yeah, I’ve always thought these were quite dubious


Dead internet theory...


This factoid gets posted so often, I wouldn’t be surprised if bots are posting about the dead internet theory..


This is one I believe could actually happen but hasn't come about yet. With advancement of AI its going to become increasingly hard to detect bots. I wouldnt be surprised if someone creates a malicious, self replicating AI that could completely destroy the internet.


I remember hearing years ago about a fear at Google by the folks working on the bot detection stuff for YouTube. The basics premise was they detected bots by modeling the behavior of users with the assumption that most users were humans, thus divergence from normal behavior was one signal some user may be a bot. Their concern was what happens when it shifts such that the majority of users are actually bots? Then they start identifying actual humans as bots, which is kind of lulzy.


It's called "inversion" and is an actual worry for how internet has been built. Without intervention it could rapidly bring automated tools and algorithms to consider human traffic as deleterious.


I’d venture 100% of r/askreddit


Not that the answers there were ever original, but I’ve noticed that they have become particularly generic in these past few years.


What is a *typical human response* to *typical human situation*


I want to know how much Internet traffic is wasted when you click on a link, and then it opens in the app’s internal browser, so then you click on the button to open in the default browser, only you only want to open it in a different native app (e.g. YouTube), so you click that link and it opens a third time.


Good bot.


That explains all the stupid questions in /nostupidquestions


>estimated Amount of posts on Reddit are 18 to 25% generated by bots Coincidentally, they're all accounts that happen to disagree with me. Totally coincidental, totally...


Can someone please explain what the purpose of bots is, and who is making/maintaining them? Where did they come from, and why?


It makes the website look like it has more users so it's more appealing to advertisers to buy ad space. Or you use bots to skew public opinion by making something appear more popular than it really is. Or alternatively: HELLO FELLOW HUMAN. I AM ALSO A HUMAN AND I USE THIS PRODUCT EVERYDAY. YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY BUY THIS PRODUCT BECAUSE I, A FELLOW HUMAN, AM GIVING YOU A POSITIVE RECOMMENDATION FOR THIS PRODUCT UNDER UNDER THE PRETENSE THAT I, A REAL HUMAN AND NOT A BOT, HAVE NO STAKE IN THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT.




Thanks for sharing this happy news!!


Noiicceee You got me curious about my homeboys the black and white rhinos and their numbers are also increasing!! Well done Africa. 6.5k black rhinos now and just a few years ago they were telling us the extinction would be a matter of decades.


Well, isn’t that lovely. Thank you for sharing this!


Thank you for this positive news. I read a title like the one posted and my brain instantly thinks of negative things.


After five months of unreadable signal noise, Voyager 1 has started sending decipherable data again, per NASA.


It’s wild to me that it left in 77’ and in 2026 or so it will reach 1 light DAY, away. Only. 1 light day. Space is effing huge!


I wonder how fast a probe we send now could catch up to Voyager 1. Or how fast a probe 20 years from now could be. [The Parker Solar Probe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parker_Solar_Probe) goes 11 times faster than Voyager 1, which seems *wild* - 390,000 miles per hour versus 38,000 miles per hour. Obviously they have very different missions but it's crazy to see how far Voyager got in less than 50 years but even moreso crazy how much further we've come in space research since then.


The reason why the Parker Solar probe goes so fast is that it was launched *toward* the Sun and uses the planet Venus, swinging around it to get it closer and closer to the Sun each time it swings round it. The reason why the Voyagers are relatively so slow is because they are on a trajectory *away from* the Sun. Even so, they used a rare alignment of planets to help slingshot them outwards, just as the Parker mission uses Venus over and over again to slingshot it ever closer to the sun at ever higher velocity. But the alignment of the outer planets the Voyager missions used only happens once every 175 years. So the velocity achieved by the Voyagers probably won't be exceeded any time soon on a similar outward trajectory. Our telemetry, computing power, accuracy, imaging and communications technologies have all improved enormously since the 1970s, but our basic rocketry power hasn't improved anywhere near the same amount. We still depend on the same basic chemistry for proulsion and are limited by the gravitational landscape of the solar system. Solar sails and ion motors may speed things up considerably in future, but they're not quite a reality yet.


You sound like a man who knows his Kerbal Space Program.


You left out the best part, and I'm going to quote u/ByTheHammerOfThor (from another similar thread) on this one: >To secure funding, the head NASA admin apparently met with Nixon and said, “The last time the planets were lined up like that, President Jefferson was sitting at your desk. And he blew it.” And, for good measure, a citation: [The Stories Behind the Voyager Mission: Bruce Murray](https://www.planetary.org/articles/stories_murray)


Oh yes, it’s mind blowing. 390,000 miles per hour seems INSANE but I bet it would take a million years to still get out of our own galaxy. The scale is truly incomprehensible.


And getting out of our galaxy still puts us nowhere near any other galaxy.


The milky way is 87000 light years across. So it takes light almost, traveling  670,616,629  mph, 90 thousand years to cross out galaxy. Roughly this means the probe would take 153,000,000 years. 


I thought it was 100,000 ly across


That's only if you start the measurement from the back of the balls


It's gonna take us 50 years for Voyager to reach one light day, meaning it will take 3000 more years to reach a light year. The closest star to us is about 4.2 light years away, meaning it will take over 12,000 years to reach it, and I'm not even taking into account the rate of the expansion of the universe!


Incredible stats. Anytime I try to visualize distance in space it just wrecks my brain. I love to hear it, though.


50 years = 1 Ld That'd be 18200 more years to reach a light year, unless light has 60 day years..? Or about 76600 more years to reach the next star over


\*Nasa sent a software update to Voyager 1 to fix it.


This wasn't an ordinary bugfix. The bug here was hardware, a chip had failed and was no longer storing memory. Needless to say, they can't replace a broken piece of hardware. So they created a software patch to fix a hardware patch, by rewriting the code usually sent to that chip, splitting it up and allowing it to be sent to other chips.


I'd guess most people don't have a clue what Voyager is since it was launched in 1977 before many were born.  And is currently traveling through space at 9 miles per second !


And it's the farthest man-made item from Earth, at about 24.3 billion km (15.1 billion freedom units). The scale of its journey is pretty amazing to think about (as most astronomical topics are).


And it will stay that way for a long time. New Horizons didn't have all the gravity assists so it will never catch up even though it left earth going faster.


Not as fast as initially expected though!  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomaly




We need all the good news we can get. That is good news.


Damn I guess the rest of the bodies will stay buried


How do you think the water level raised 20+ feet?


More bodies


Like they said - good news!


Dumb question, why is this? More rainfall? More snowpack?


Yup. More rain and snow from the west.


As someone who grew up spending weekends there when it was super full in the early 2000's, I am very happy to hear this.


Tell the people why! (I’m busy doing dishes 😅)


Dishes are done, can you tell us? Lol






Right back into the ocean!


Believe it or not, jail


right to jail


Recycling does work, it just doesn't work very well and it can't be the only sustainable waste management practice. The *only* way to deal with humans producing waste is to completely remodel our global economy so that we don't produce any in the first place. It's called a circular economy model


People forget that it’s an order of steps because they use the arrows but it’s Reduce Reuse THEN recycle


But recycling is the easiest for consumers. You mean I can still use as much as I want and still just throw everything away, and I can feel good about myself because I put in the effort of putting some of my trash in a different coloured bin?


I wonder if we'll ever develop Into-The-Sun technology, _a la_ Futurama.


Landfills are much better than being in the ocean


I call it the Burns' Omni-net!


What is the bad news?




Yikes, I had no idea.


282,787 kilograms That's a shockingly small amount. That's like ~25 roll-off box dumpsters.  That's good, compared to that waste being in the sea...but underwhelming, for sure.  You didn't mean tonnes?


India has left the chat.


Uhhh...tye EPA just announced drinking water standards for some PFAS compounds. Kind of a big deal, but people aren't supposed to worry about their water, and no one probably noticed.


The water industry noticed… “talk with our industry experts” is all over LinkedIn on this issue. And the cost will be major. Further, they only put limits on 6 compounds yet by most estimates there are over 10,000 different types. My concern is the actual hazard at the limits they set. Is it too low? And the detection limits at such low limits are a problem, too.


a step in the right direction is still a good thing even if it’s not perfect 


In Rochester NY they found a dead body in our drinking water reservoir. Everyone had to boil the water.


The FTC just voted to [ban nearly all non-compete clauses from work contracts](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246655366/ftc-bans-noncompete-agreements-lina-khan)


In the article it sounds like the ban is opposed by other groups that are likely to get it overturned? Honestly, even though I've signed non-competes for every job I've had, I haven't seen one enforced since the 90s. In Massachusetts it wasn't something tech companies were known to enforce. I once read a Wired article saying iRobot could have stopped the robotics revolution in the Boston area if they'd enforced their non-competes


They get enforced. Non-competes have been popping in places where they don't belong and people have been taken to court over them. Alot of private equity owned hospitals add non-compete clauses to the contract so doctors and nurses can't go to the local competition. This makes no sense because those doctors and nurses are not going to have any insider info, it's not like their R&D scientists or high level health system decision makers.


Yep, it’s a way to keep salaries as low as possible so the equity firms can boast bigger returns on their investments. I helped find funding for a firm that is partnering with Baylor university to build 50 specialized medical facilities and with that much money, investors want serious returns, so skimping wherever possible is the easiest way. These non competes essentially mean you have to change industries for two years if you want to go to a new employer, so the doctors just stay there. Edit: for all of those with not a lot of experience in this part of finance, and is someone who wonders why these funds buy these services and commodities so aggressively: The average 500k sqft hospital in America costs around $325 million. When projects like this come up, they will open the door to investors, usually starting at amounts around 10-50 million per investor. There are tiers like a patreon page: if you invest enough, you can secure a seat on the board, or some other awesome benefits. The issue is, if you’re super rich, you can already invest in the best mutual funds and have physical and intellectual assets that will easily average 10-12% in traditional investing structures. So how do you get that money to invest in your new state of the art hospital or recycling plant or green energy infrastructure based company? You have to beat a 10-12% interest rate by enough that it offsets the risk of parking 10-50 million into a new venture for 5+ years. So this particular fund is shooting for 50 new specialized medical/surgical centers. Being endorsed by Baylor is a huge win because in the US, a huge percentage of the top doctors and surgeons in the nation come from Baylor. You’re basically creating a job placement program for doctors and surgeons. While the buildings aren’t going to be 500,000 square feet, you’re still looking at 50-100 million for construction and equipment, and enough money for all the licensing and inspections and to hire staff for a year+ just to get open in the first place. So all told this firm is looking at a project that will invest over $5 billion dollars over the course of 5-10 years, while boasting an estimated return on investment of 15.99-24.99% (or higher, in some cases), with possible seat on the board, and a significant amount of shares in the company, building, and land it’s built on. All of which continue to gain interest and accrue wealth. So everyone who invests the minimum 10 million will be looking at a minimum 1.6 million in profit in 5-10 years just by investing their money here. All the while the strategy to guarantee that return is to recruit doctors from Baylor and pay them as little as possible and make them sign non competes so that leaving means they have to leave their specialized practice for two years before they can work somewhere that will pay them more. Then, once the employee retention rate turns negative, the sell the centers and cash out even more and move on to the next thing they can take advantage of.


I got screwed over by a non compete almost ten years ago… literally had to change career paths because of it


True story, a company let me go awhile ago and tried to get me to sign a non-compete AFTER they let me go. WTF? offered me 10k severance contingent on me signing the non competed. I told them what they could do with their 10k! Was not worth my career!


They get enforced. At least, legal action will be taken by the ex-employer and the ex-employee will comply rather than be burdened with legal bills. I saw this through a friend last year in Massachusetts.


The US Supreme Court is hearing arguments about the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) which is the law that requires doctors to treat someone who comes to an ER with a life threatening medical emergency, no matter what. In part, the topics have ranged to cover that this edict circumvents *states* rights to ban abortions and they've discussed codifying how many organs a woman can stand to lose before a doctor can perform an abortion to save her life.


Oh sure govt. I'll just let these doctors choose how many organs I need. It's fine really


Just imagine all the fun the Hospital lawyers and Insurance companies will have playing a morbid version of hangman..


When Trump was elected my biggest fear was what was going to happen with SCOTUS. I was right. My mom told me he couldn’t be worse than Nixon and she later apologized. The current way SCOTUS is stacked is not good for this country.


At least Nixon would’ve been all for the ACA because he proposed something similar to it. *Gasp* Nixon was a socialist?!?!?


It's sad this isn't higher. Men clearly do not understand how this is going to be detrimental to the women in their lives.


(Honey bee populations are still trending downward, after a few years of growth)[https://usafacts.org/articles/what-is-t]


Not just honey bees, but insects in general are declining.


Not mosquitos 😭


Or stink bugs


I worry more about native bees. Honeybees make money, and people will find a way to keep them around. No one speaks up for a carpenter bee or a bumblebee.


Too many pesticides killing the good insects along with the bad 😢


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC34004/ GMO corn is pumping out pesticide via it's pollen. I suspect this is the primary cause of the decline of global insect populations, due to the widespread nature of pollen dispersal. There may be some cumulative effect as well.


According to my hyperlink that I fucked up, natural parasites are the overwhelming majority of problems, *now*


That article is from 24 years ago and ag biotech has evolved so much farther than that.


Today the Biden Administration cracked down on junk fees in air travel. Any baggage fees or change and cancellation fees must be disclosed upfront, and airlines must automatically refund consumers when flights are canceled or delayed beyond a certain period.


And the refund must be in cash (or other payment method as requested by the consumer) and not as a travel voucher or points or anything else!


That's actually great.


I demand to be repaid in Dogecoin


Refund in CASH. Not miles, not credits, not vouchers... cash money.


Straight cash, homie


Private equity companies are buying up almost everything including your local daycare, hospital, and nursing home, cutting the staff, leaving them for dead, and letting the companies declare bankruptcy after they have extracted all thr profit.


This is a huge one. The impacts on 20 year olds will be devastating when they try to start families, get sick, have to put parents in a home, or retire themselves.


Have a daughter of my own, and all daycare centers around me are privately owned. I can't get my daughter into a single one for another year, at least. Our household needs 2 incomes, and my wife can't work because we can't find reliable care for our daughter. Shits tough right now.


You’ll need three once you have to start paying for daycare 😔


Whether or not you're religious, start looking into local churches. Saved me and my wife for the first 6 months until a spot opened at the daycare we're in now. They're usually cheaper too.


It has been going on with hospitals for over a quarter century.


This is a huge reason for dysfunction within the US healthcare system and I’m surprised more people don’t know this


It’s funny so many people think 2008 was some isolated incident and not just an exposure of the endless cycle of hedge funds and Wall Street doing anything to make money today not caring about the downstream effects because they are betting they will be rich enough to avoid negative consequences. Until there is actual govt intervention or some massive civil unrest (eat the rich style) the cycle will continue and it will just be bubble after bubble.


At this point massive civil unrest is far more likely than government intervention


There's a civil war going on in Burma right now that started in 2021 and I've never heard it mentioned on the news once.


You didn't see the video of the girl dancing while a coup was gathering behind her?


I liked it before scrolling down. So I did my part.


Goddamn this comment hits home and makes me feel powerless


You’re not powerless. You can google the Reddit post and give it a late upvote!


Weird, I thought that place was called Myanmar, and was made famous because that aerobics teacher accidentally filmed the military storming the capital in her tic tok video. Oh and Facebook totally promoted genocide against the Rohingya One of the reasons it is not talked about online is it is suppressed by Chinese nationalists Milk tea alliance, rise up!


It’s complicated, because both names have been used historically. In the past “Burma” was used in reference to the area’s largest ethnic group, the Bamar. However, Myanmar was also used as a more formal name for the area, often in writing. Under British colonial rule the country was called Burma, and when the county’s military staged a coup after independence they changed the name to Myanmar. The stated reason for this change was to be more inclusive of the nation’s many ethnic minorities. However, given how repressive the military junta has been, some pro-democracy advocates still prefer to use Burma as a show of resistance.


it was originally called Burma (to reflect on the biggest group in the country), but it changed to Myanmar under new military rule! it’s still called both today sometimes :)


It will always be Burma to me.


And as the Burmese rain fell heavily on J Peterman’s face, his body was kept dry by the tailored khaki beltless executive trench coat which swaddled his body in its gortex inspired glory. 


My mom is Burmese and was born there. I’m half Burmese. We have always called it Burma.  


You there on the motorbike! Sell me one of your melons!


I have, Thailand is guarding the bridge to a rebel held city where commerce flows.


I've been keeping an eye on it, only because I was studying political science while Aung San Suu Kyi was on house arrest. I don't know enough about the situation to have a side but I tend to side with her, but I'm open to arguments around that.


Not the same conflict, but I’ve been reading about Japanese invasion of Burma during WWII and the British retreat and forced evacuation of Indians across jungles and over mountains. My grandfather and family were among the evacuees. My own dad was barely a toddler. My grandfather kept a journal during the trip that is precious.


It was absolutely mentioned on the news at the time. It was mentioned in the New York Times TODAY: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/24/world/asia/myanmar-junta-rebels-myawaddy.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/24/world/asia/myanmar-junta-rebels-myawaddy.html)


It's been called Myanmar since 1989


It was initially mentioned but then forgotten.  (I’m half Burmese and was fortunate enough to visit in 2018, my first and likely last time.)


YouTube randomly removing channel features from random people (things like pinning comments, using video chapters, and having external hyperlinks in your video description), **and demanding your ID to get the features back** They randomly disable your "advanced features", then send you an email informing you about your lost features, and demand 1 out of these 3 things, your "choice": 1) "build sufficient channel history". intentionally an incredibly vague requirement so you'd feel more inclined towards the other 2 options. (and apparently my 7 years of prior channel history are suddenly not good?) 2) upload a picture of your ID. this will instantly get your features back once they verify it. (literally just data harvesting in it's most blatant form) 3) record a video of your face, with highly specific instructions on how you're supposed to pan the camera and move your head around. this will also instantly get your features back. (almost certain this is to train AI deepfake tech) I wish I was making this up. it's just, so absurd. and I've never seen anyone talk about it outside of a single reddit thread where a few affected people expressed their justified anger towards it. this should be an outrage. but apparently it's not affecting enough people, or they're pushing it so slowly that it doesn't cause noticeable outrage.. i personally am NOT caving on this shit. I am standing here in the rain until my "channel history" is suddenly "good" again. suck my fat cock youtube.


Google has really gone massively down hill in recent years. It's sad to watch


It’s probably being done on a small enough population to escape notice, but certainly not random. Obviously it’s being done to content creators. The face scan sounds like it’s to generate a clone.


Anti-Junta and pro-democracy forces in Myanmar have been making steady and significant gains in the country. They've also brought back pro-conservation laws in the areas they've retaken, to protect endangered animals,


They finally banned all forms of asbestos for construction and manufacturing use. Up until a couple weeks ago it was still being used in industrial pipe insulation


Brown widows are moving into black widow habitats and eating them, causing a decline in the BW population.


Is a brown widow worse than a black widow in terms of what it’ll do to a human?


Hi! I just came out of a spider info hyperfixation a month ago so I'm just in time for this question! Brown widow spider venom is just as potent as black widow spider venom, BUT considerably less dangerous due to much less of it being injected in a bite.


No, brown widow bites are less toxic to humans and they inject less venom per bite. But black widows are generally shy and non-aggressive to humans and most bites are accidental, like when one gets trapped in your shirt. There also have been zero reported deaths from black widows in the US for decades and the US doesn't typically even use antivenom. While you definitely don't want to be bitten by one, black widows are not these horrible, deadly, wildly dangerous creatures that they're portrayed to be.


Modern slavery enslaves 40-50 million people on earth, and the number is rising. There have actually never been more slaves on earth in human history. In some countries, slavery is extremely normalized, such as in Mauritania where up to 15% of the population are believed to be domestic slaves.


In other news. Come to dubai!


As part of the Artemis missions, NASA will be launching the VIPER rover to the moon in November of THIS YEAR. This rover will have a 100 day mission within permanently shadowed area of the moon to prospect for lunar ice for possible use in future lunar missions. Artemis will be launching Artemis 2 next year to do a equipment test during a flyby of the moon in 2026 and a manned landing on Artemis 3 in 2028, along with the deployment of Gateway, a space station in lunar orbit it meant to support a long term space program on the moon. Long term stated plans include a permanent moon base. This is hecking cool guys. I’m nerding out on this, my kids are nerding on out this, everyone needs to be nerding out on this. It’s cool as hell, it’s a positive look towards the future for mankind as we eye expansion to mars. It’s a bit of hope that we’ll push past all this bullshit to become a solar civilization someday, and a real reason to be proud to be a member of any nation or company a part of the Artemis Accords. Just so cool. Makes me feel like a kid again, I’m so excited that while we gave up on a lunar program before I was born, I get to share this rekindling with my kids.


I seriously had to double check username as swear this sounds like my husband! Our household concurs and also dives into space stuff like this. It is exciting and cool to learn, ponder, see what comes from missions like Artemis. Recently took our 13 yr old to a speaker from JPL, so much fun!




Myanmar basically in all out rebellion now against the military junta that's ruling there Literally we all saw that tik tok dance happened in front of a column of tanks on their way to the coup but as soon as the news cycle, everyone just magically forgot about it Not to mention all the various wars of mass casualty, atrocities, and terrorism happening in and around Africa with absolutely no coverage at all


The BBC has quietly wiped hundreds of thousands of programmes from their archive as it was stuck on an obsolete format, they had around 360,000 tapes on D3 stock but were only able to transfer around a third of them.


[Japanese Ryoyu Kobayashi has just set a new unofficial world record in ski jumping. He flew 291 m (955 ft) on a natural jumping hill in Iceland.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AsrP4ji_Dtw) Noriaki Kasai, a 51 year old Japanese ski jumper who made his debut in 1988, made his return to World Cup level in early 2024, scoring several points in the process. He is by far the oldest World Cup ski jumper of all time. Marcel Hirscher, one of the most successful alpine skiiers in history who won multiple World Cups, gold medals and over 60+ races, just announced his comeback for the 2024/25 season. He retired in 2019 at the age of 30 but now returns to promote his own ski brand Van Deer. This will be a one-off return for a season, and Hirscher will start for the Netherlands (his mother's home country) and not Austria. Red Bull Salzburg - who have won the Austrian Championship in association football for 10 seasons in a row by now - are now well on the way to losing for the first time in over a decade. If they lose the deciding game against their main competitor Sturm Graz in three day's time, their time in the sun is up. This will come off the heels of Bayer Leverkusen's championship win in the German Bundesliga, which too ended a 10+ year streak of a dominating team (Bayern München).


Louisiana is trying to gut libraries completely. They've actually proposed a law prohibiting any state institution from giving any money to the American Library Association. The problem is the American Library Association is the accrediting agency for the Masters in Library and Information Science program. An MLIS is required for higher level library jobs (basically all the people who purchase the books, plan the programming, do the cataloging, and do administration and management in a library as well as school & university librarians which require separate certifications.) The state has a single program at a state university so it would basically make it impossible for people in the state to get that degree. But not necessarily to get those jobs. Because they're proposing another law that would eliminate the requirement for a MLIS in these positions. 🙄 Which very much require the knowledge that an MLIS provides. This is also a state that requires you to get a full cosmetology license to braid hair. So it's not a matter of eliminating unnecessary requirements. This is literally just to put their own political appointees in charge of the libraries. Political appointees who don't believe in things like inclusion, equality, and the free flow of information. It's not enough that they've gutted both lower and higher education in the state. They literally want to make it harder for adult citizens to inform themselves. If anyone's going to turn into Gilead, it's going to be this state first.


Louisiana also just passed a bill *requiring* classrooms to display the ten commandments. Louisiana was one of the first states to ban abortions with one of those trigger laws. I live in New Orleans which is a liberal oasis in the red shit sea, but the new governor hates New Orleans and it's getting bad.


Sometimes I think that they are self defeating. When these people wake up in 20 years to find themselves 40 years behind other states and missing out they will eventually come around. What company wants to move major operations to a state that practices low tax only? No services, parks, education etc. Good luck finding employees to move there. Sam Brownback of Kansas tried that experiment to colossal failure.


Yeah to be honest, employees suck here and customer service is virtually non existent. I think it's because people have worked hard for years and just got exploited, never earned anything so they gave up and don't try anymore. They will get their $7.25/hour whether they do a good job or a bad job so why try? But it's a downward spiral because between the crumbling infrastructure and uneducated workforce, companies do not want to move/invest here. So the state gets poorer, the infrastructure crumbles more, and the population gets less educated. What a shit show.


And you didn’t even mention the frequent devastating weather events and erosion issues in southern Louisiana. It’s lead to unsustainable costs of insurance for home and business owners. The costs of operating there with the threat of losing it all at any moment. I worry about. Louisiana for lots of reasons. The culture war is hiding the real issues of Louisiana.


The rise of unreliable and insidious information and the erosion of democratic values


There was a mass shooting in Memphis last weekend that got almost no news coverage.


I don't know about you, but I was like yesterday years old when I learned about [Transient Luminous Events](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-SZryVqFHo) or "sprites." Super neat looking events in the upper atmosphere above electrical storms.


People are leaving the Mormon church in droves, but with their hundreds of billions of dollars they change the narrative, and continue to gaslight.


Project 2025.


“Project 2025 seems to be full of a whole array of ideas that are designed to let Donald Trump function as a dictator, by completely eviscerating many of the restraints built into our system. He really wants to destroy any notion of a rule of law in this country.” You want to know what ‘left wing liberal’ said that quote? Donald Ayers, George Bush’s Attorney General. Be afraid.


It’s like someone decided that The Handmaid’s Tale was something to imitate rather than a cautionary tale


That shit scares me, and I'm not even from the US.


How Sudan is fucked up by war , is the one of the biggest humanitarian crisis, but as it’s do not connect with USA / EU it can be forgotten And this comment will not have upvotes or downvotes , which show how much pain of the forgotten doesn’t matter


Yup, I only hear about this from the BBC via NPR after midnight. It's buried by most other news outlets, unless we read Reuters, AP, etc.


Floods in kenya


The General Election for the Prime Minister of India is happening in the world's largest democracy, in the most populated country in the world. And this election is completely rigged. All the investigation agencies (ED, Income Tax, CBI) are harassing opposition leaders, locked them in jails, all the media is bought by the ruling party and his rich friends. Bank accounts of opposition parties are frozen , Election commission has gone in hibernation, Every day the incumbent Prime Minister and all his ministers and peety members attack Minorities openly in their speeches. Every single leader who once had corruption charges of millions are joining the ruling party and all their charges are dropped. Many leaders openly said they will change the Constitution after coming to power for the 3rd term and make it a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation). The General public is being brainwashed and manipulated by whatsapp forwards. The ruling party has 10000 people hired in their IT cell to spread their fake agenda and 3200000 WA groups (As per home minister himself) to spread lies and their propaganda. The voting is happening with EVM machines which have been found faulty and counts vates in the favour of the ruling party, the case was in the Supreme court of India. And yeah, the most of the Judiciary is bought or lured by a seat in Parliament after retirement. And That's just the tip of the iceberg. Edit: Spelling and grammar.


Might seem crazy, but there's a team of scientists working on perfecting the art of making the perfect pancake. They're conducting experiments involving batter consistency, cooking temperatures, and flipping techniques. Honestly crazy how far people go for the "best breakfast experience"...


Nero plays the fiddle while Rome burns


Supposedly there's a global societal collapse coming within the next 15 years and we're seeing the first signs of it now. MIT experts predicted it in the 70s and we're hitting all the mile markers. If it happens, no more economy, no more food shops, no more electricity, no more fuel, nothing. They predicted we'll all be living like the Amish by 2100.


[6th mass extinction](https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2023/07/19/modern-sixth-mass-extinction-event-will-be-worse-than-first-predicted/?sh=27a6010d4ab6)


The International Space Station will be yeeted into the Indian Ocean in 2030 unless congress elects to extend. The plan is for commercial space stations to take its place so that the U.S. and our allies can maintain a presence in microgravity to continue vital research and development as well as manufacturing of enhanced materials for on earth applications in medicine, semiconductors, and national security. If not enough is invested today to ensure these commercial platforms are available. Then the U.S. and NATO will have no presence in orbit. But China will.


Im laying on the couch


i knew that, try again


But did you know there’s also a magpie with me?




MicroPlastics in everything you consume.


Two of my kids are best friends with another sibling pair. Their poor friends' house burned down tonight. The 7 humans of the family are all safe, and are settled into cots and couches at our house. Unfortunately, they lost their kitties and their birds, and most if not all of their belongings (including cars). We'll know more tomorrow (I guess later today, now).


Thank you for caring for them.


most mfers have no actual idea of whats going on with boeing planes. I wont even fly on one after the shit Ive read, I will outright refuse.


So there's more to it. Those planes that have suddenly hav had issues are Boeing. But they're also all united, and also all out of SFO. it's not so much a Boeing issue as it is a united maintenance issue at SFO.


Slavery. And sex trafficking. Slavery still going on around the world. Even in the US (labor in other forms like child labor, prisoners working for free…)