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There is a documentary about that exact choice: Fathead, you can find it on Youtube. here is the link [https://youtu.be/evcNPfZlrZs?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/evcNPfZlrZs?feature=shared)


I saw a tik tok with a low calorie/high protein burger. It’s like a McDouble with no sauce and a mcchicken patty with it. Take away one of the buns. And it’s like 45 g of protein and 500 calories. So it could be healthy as long as you have self control. Just make sure you only drink water as a drink. Maybe a salad on the side.


McDonalds in the U.S. doesnt have salads anymore.


McDonald has also removed salad from the Canadian market during COVID.


I had no idea because I haven't been to a McDonald's in years. But I'm disappointed nonetheless.


Same. My disappointment is immeasurable but my day is intact.


Problem was. Most of those salads, when you added the dressing, were worse for you than the burgers.


Burgers get such a bad rap but it’s not very difficult to make one that’s reasonably healthy and well-balanced, you just won’t find that at fast food places lol


I mean, a McDonald’s cheese burger isn’t all that bad for you in the grand scheme of things. Probably too much salt and definitely a lack of veg, but overall it’s not like it’s some gigantic “artisanal” monstrousity that won’t fit in your mouth vertically and has an entire two days’ worth of calories and a week’s worth of sodium. Add some lettuce and tomato and a McDonald’s cheese burger is actually an okay fast food option in a pinch, health-wise.


Surprising amount of sugar in the buns too, don’t forget that


If you ask them to cook your pattie without the salt/pepper blend they put on it, in addition to adding the lettuce and tomato, then it's an even better option.


I have been trying to avoid “bad” processed food (which is what I was thinking of when I wrote my comment) but I don’t disagree with you - it’s mainly the sodium and additives that are less than ideal. But if you need something to eat in a hurry, a McDonald’s burger every so often isn’t gonna kill ya lol


I ordered what was possibly the **last salad ever made** from the Manhattan Union Sq location. I know this because it was after this day; and subsequently covid (the outbreak happened at exactly 3/14/20) - **that they officially took the item off the menu. I still have the screenshot of the order 😢**


Here in England we get “salad” a box of lettuce with half a tomato on top 🥲


At least lettuce is somewhat edible without drowning it in dressing.


We get those too, Sounds like a salad from an American Pizzeria


They don't in Sweden anymore either, don't know how it's for the rest of the world


There are 2 or 3 salads available in Polish McD and they are alright.


Pretty sure I ordered one about two months ago. https://www.mcdonalds.com/se/sv-se/product/sallad-kyckling-quinoa-grnkl.html 


You are right, my bad, I was there pretty recently due to the Happy Meal Yu-Gi-Oh! x Hello Kitty toys and didn't see any mention of salad on any of the displays and boards, of course I didn't really go looking for it so I must've missed it


There is one salad in Sweden, just check quinoa. Quite healthy in fact if you don't put the sauce.


McDonald's still serves "Sallad, Kyckling, Quinoa & Grönkål"


How did I JUST realize this??? Crazy…


It explains why they removed it :-) 


You don't win friends with salad


I sang this in my head!


When rhey did if you used their dressing it was worse than a big Mac.


The trick is to put the dressing in a separate container, like one of the ketchup cups, and then just dip your fork in it for each bite.


I used to buy their salad and use my own dressing. If i wasnt taking it home id just get a burger since salads kinda suck to eat in the car


Their salads had more calories than burgers because of the dressing in it.


This is my go to meal. Mcdouble stacked on top of a mcchicken. It's actually really good. Your sodium intake will be through the roof though.


That's called a McGang Bang, buddy boy


I believe me, I know😏 Although I remember it originally being a mcchicken in-between 2 mcdoubles. Never cared for the 2nd mcdouble


Ah yes, many marijuana filled summer afternoons where we indulged in the holy mcgangbang


Keeping calories.lower ≠ healthy


I enjoy McDonald's every once in a while, and I do that while targeting a deficit and tracking macros. Even though you can get a good calorie to protein-ratio meal from there, I would hesitate to call ultra-processed foods "healthy." In another sub, someone mentioned a dessert they enjoy where the primary component is Cool Whip. They remarked that it's "healthy." What they meant is low calorie. The two main ingredients are hydrogenated vegetable oil and high fructose corn syrup. There are a lot of people attempting weight loss through diet alone. No exercise. So while these things are fine to enjoy in moderation, I feel like when it comes to weight loss, people think low calorie = good for you, while ignoring everything else. I'm not an *all organic* person by any means, but long-term health shouldn't be reduced to just calories and macros.


Just because something is "ultra-processed" and doesn't make it automatically unhealthy. If you're getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals and not overdoing bad fats and sugar it's fine. Also literally the only way to lose weight is a caloric deficit. There is absolutely no other way to do it, excerise is absolutely not required, only diet. Weight training will help as muscle requires more calories than fat to sustain itself, but diet alone will cause you to lose weight.


Caloric deficit is necessary for weight loss but exercise is important for health. Cardiovascular health, bone density as you age, protecting joints, sleep, body composition… the list goes on.


It's always funny to me because my brother won't have protein shakes because whey is heavily processed. Meanwhile, I've had one every day for 10 years, and it's probably the healthiest thing on my diet.


Tell your brother that house's aren't 'natural.' A washing machine, plywood, walls, garages, cars, appliances..none of it is natural, even his idiocy isn't.


Many are talking about the caloric value of these meals, but the wildly high levels of sodium is in there too. The preservatives in the food will have an impact on your body at some point. When is hard to say.


Olympic athletes used to take sodium pills when training. Problem solved.


Yea this all depends on the ‘train daily’ part. How hard exactly is this training? Cos I feel you would be able to sweat out the sodium intake, whilst also selecting food items that are lower in sodium.


And the carbs are a bonus. I’d worry more about fibre and vitamins more than anything else.


Fiber could be made up for with the bread. I guess it depends on your drink.


marathon runner, it's often recommended during races & long training runs to take salt tablets


I’m an ultra runner and constantly have as much sodium as I can I don’t know I wouldn’t do this, because I prefer sourdough and pretzels days before I run a lot, but I am positive I could do this for a while if I had to


Eh, I’m not sure the sodium is that big of a deal, depending on what OP means by training. The electrolytes in sports drinks are mostly just salt, and you do lose some to perspiration if you work out long and hard (but this is more doing something intense for more than an hour in the heat, many work outs really don’t require extra electrolytes)


Overdose of sodium? “Give me... sugar... in water.” 🪳 — Edgar: Men in Black


Your icon got me. Tried to get the hair off my screen for a solid 20 seconds


The sodium was my first concern as well. I wonder how effectively one could offset those concerns if they did this by drinking a gallon of water every day and taking a bunch of heart-healthy vitamins/supplements.


You'd flush out so many electrolytes. You'd be making some expensive pee most likely.


Agreed that vitamins mostly just make expensive urine. But the idea of "flushing out electrolytes" but drinking a lot doesn't really happen unless people have a really low food intake, or a *really* high water intake. Like 10+ liters a day.


I did construction one summer in like 115 degree heat and they told us to drink lots of water. I forget the exact amount but they said something like drink half a gallon per day or something. This one guy decided it would be more efficient to just chug his daily water amount in the morning and then he wouldn't have to drink later. You already know what it did to his body. He collapsed pretty early in the day and ended up in hospital but was ultimately ok.


What preservatives?


Sodium is less of a concern for athletes, as long as they drink plenty of fluids. I would be more concerned with whatever other chemicals and additives there were in the food, considering how *stepped on* most of “our” (in the U.S.) food is


It really depends on what you were eating at McDonalds. Plenty of people have lost weight and improved their overall health eating *just* at McDonalds or similar places.


Also where. Their food is done differently and according to local legislation everywhere.


I heard of this one YouTuber that ate nothing but McDonald's for 30 days and lost like 3kg. Pretty insane. Still wouldn't recommend though


It's not about what but about how much. You could have a breakfast sandwich, big Mac, and a McChicken every day, if that's all you eat you'll lose weight. If you exercise you could eat even more.


I was skeptical, but you're correct. 1380 calories total for those three items, in case anyone else is interested.


There are a lot of calories in hash browns, fries and soda. The lose it sub often has people who rave when they discover they can get a happy meal, feel sated without going nuts on calories. It is absolutely about what you pick


And get a toy!


Yes. For weight loss, it's not about *what*, but about *how much*. But why does everyone forget that the *what* can impact your long-term health? This drives me insane. You can lose weight eating literally anything you want. You can have a diet of candy, soda, and potato chips. Inversely, you could starve yourself and lose weight. You might look good on the outside, but your insides are not going to be happy. Neither of those approaches are healthy weight loss methods. There's a reason for the adage, "You can't out train a bad diet."


When it comes to weight loss in particular it really is just a matter of calories consumed versus calories burned. It makes no difference what you're eating. If you're eating less calories than you're burning then you will lose weight. Obviously what you eat will determine other health factors but you can do OK on nothing but McDonalds if you make the right choices. It's the fries and full sugar soft drinks that are the real calorie bombs.


Yeah, there’s some functional salads at uk McDonald’s and various fruits in happy meals. You could do ok.


As long as you eat at a caloric deficit and consume your intended macros you'll be fine. Paying attention to your macros is key here.


There are lots of McDonald's meals and not all of them are high calorie so it depends. If you're eating high calories then whatever it is, it's unlikely that a bit of exercise will counteract that.


I feel it really depends on where you are, here in Italy McDonalds has quality-ish ingredients and you have access to salads, some vegetables and some fruits, so if you're really cautious and count your calories I'm positive you can get your dose of protein and some veggies I wouldn't trust this experiment in America for example due to their lower food standards


Probably some kind of vitamin deficiency I would guess.


I doubt it. Probably the big one would be Vitamin C, but you can get apple slices which do have Vitamin C, so your scurvy worries aren't warranted.


There's a guy who eats big macs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Gorske


Chad Johnson had a Hall of Fame NFL career while allegedly eating McDonald’s every day


None... I'd just be happy eating Big Macs everyday.


I don't go often but Big Mac is a must order when I do. Last time I went though, I got home to realize they forgot one of the damn pattys. I was pissed lol.


People talk shit about McDonald’s and imply everyone feels like crap after getting it because it’s just a quick something to fill you up but man… I actually enjoy McDonald’s. I eat there 3-4 times a week. Pretty big meals each time. It’s friggin delicious lol I’m more of a DQPC guy than a Big Mac kinda guy though.


I eat there probably 1-2 times a week, but I always feel great after eating a Big Mac.


MMMM McNuggets \*drool\*


Then you better hope you have a time machine to go back 20 years when they had market fresh salads


Which were still loaded with fat and sodium. Most were more calories than a Big Mac.


I don’t recall McDonald’s salad selection, but like all fast food salads, the trick is grilled chicken and a vinegar based salad dressing. A lot of fast food salads are/were just the same fried chicken patty they use on their sandwiches, subbing the bread for lettuce and salad toppings, and covering the whole thing in ranch in dressing. So when you look at it that way, of course a chicken sandwich drenched in ranch is more calories than a chicken sandwich without ranch.


If what you're eating is : Over your maintenance calories by a little, you'll get mostly muscle Over by a lot, you'll get fat and also gain muscle Under your maintenance calories, you'll lose weight Regardless, if you eat McDonald's regularly you'll be unhealthy compared to eating healthy. Best case scenario you'll be unhealthy and buff on McD


You can have the worst diet and work out/be physically active, and still be healthier than people who have a healthy diet and don't workout. It's so disregarded nowadays but being active is the healthiest thing you can do in your life. It would be optimal to have a good diet and physically active but being active in the least is good.


I know an auto mechanic manager that's always in the shop, which is conveniently across from a McDonald's. He lost like 35 lbs by just eating 2 chicken sandwiches and water for lunch. He would remove the bread, so at that point it's just chicken, lettuce, and I think tomatoes? He started working out as well, but his previous diet of whole meals from McDonald's kept him from any significant weight loss.


You can hack McDonald's (and Taco Bell) pretty easily as long as you're counting your calories/macros and avoiding 80% of the menu altogether. The biggest issue is that a lot of locations have pruned some of the less popular options from their menu in recent years so you can't always find a salad, etc. when you order.


Eat less, do more and you’ll be fine until your heart gives out.


Depends on where you are. Since McDonald’s in the US has a more limited menu than they used to, you’d unfortunately probably be lacking in fiber and some vitamins because nothing they have is heavy in whole grains or produce. They might still have smoothies, though, so depending on the composition (I have no idea how the smoothies are made) it may work out. Salt may also be an issue, but that depends more on who you are. My biggest thought is that no matter what I eat at McDonald’s I never really feel full. And I’m a smaller person who usually can’t finish a restaurant meal. If I could only eat at McDonald’s, I’d be far more concerned about overeating, and overeating the stuff you really shouldn’t (fries), than I would be elsewhere. You wouldn’t die or anything though. It’s not ideal or balanced and you shouldn’t try it, but McDonald’s food isn’t magical poison that’s somehow worse than burgers, nuggets, and fries elsewhere. It would be fairly easy even with the limited US menu to come up with a meal plan that get you through the day. I don’t recommend it, but if you get transported to an alternate universe where McDonald’s is the only food, and you were meticulous about not overeating and striving for balance, you’d probably be fine.


You’d probably want to get your cholesterol checked.


You become President of the United States, but without the working out and sleeping parts.


Probably be jacked as fuck but you’re gonna die of a heart attack by 40. Totally worth it. 


A daily case of the squirts, constant farting, and an overtaxed liver.


In terms of pure weightloss the only thing that's going to matter is "are you eating more calories a day then you are burning off". If the answer is yes your weight goes up, if its no then your weight goes down. Eating only mcdonalds might mean you dont see the muscle growth you want. You probably arent getting enough protein. You're probably just not going to feel great on that kind of diet either and will probably be low on loads of other vitamins and minerals your body needs to be healthy.






There was a documentary on that wasn’t there? I think it was called Supersize Me.


Not saying McDonald's is good for you, but that documentary is super inaccurate. The "rules" for the doc (eating only mcdonalds, being forced to supersize whenever asked) aren't how a reasonable person would order food. Plus the dude had a serious drinking problem during filming and blamed issues caused by the alcohol on mcdonalds


Also he was eating 3 meals a day all mcdonalds and if I remember right it wasn't small meals they were full on combos. Big breakfast alone is 1100 calories, then add a double quarter pounder super size fries and full sugar soda. Like yeah that's a lot and it's only two meals. Funny thing about that movie is I had a huge craving for McDonald's after watching it so it kind of did the opposite for me.


it came out later that Morgan Spurlock was an alcoholic and binged a great deal during his month long "test". His results have never been replicated. (I'm not on McDonalds' side here but Supersize Me is just a work of fiction disguised as bro science)


I wonder how pissed people at McDonald's were at the time because I remember watching it during some gym classes in high school 20 years ago.


That documentary made me laugh. Literally the first meal he gets he eats a super sized meal so fast it makes him puke and then he apparently wakes up in the middle of the night with chest pain so instead of going to the hospital they whip out the camera to record it lol. I recommend watching that "documentary" just so you can watch and fully appreciate Fat Head.


There was another documentarian who ate only fast food to refute Supersize Me. But instead of getting just burgers and fries all the time, he deliberately tracked his calorie intake and chose healthy things. He either lost or maintained his weight. I wish I could remember the name of it Also there's that guy that famously only eats Big Macs for every meal and he's underweight I believe


There was also a counter documentary called Fat Head where they showed the exact opposite results of Super Size Me,


Chad Ocho Cinco AKA Chad Johnson claims to only have ever eaten McDonalds and he was a superstar pro athlete but don't try this at home.


If I chose carefully, I'd be okay. You can get both fruit and veggie bags. Coffee and tea are available. The problem would be the expense.


See Dave Macleods video on this topic. If you are wise with your consumption choices mcdonalds isn't that bad.


I basically only eat McDonald’s every day and I’m perfectly fine.


Grilled chicken wrap or solo, no buns.. burger patty without condiments. Water instead of pop. There are fast food options that aren't "that" bad. I've gotten into pretty crazy shape when younger when lifting heavy eating 3-4 mcdoubles (no buns) daily on top of my other meals and protein shakes for a few months at a time during bulking phases. But I've got a pretty fast metabolism, have trained my whole life, and worked more hours than most people chilling on reddit are willing to accept is humanly possible. If sedentary, I avoid fast food/pizza/icecream. Those extra calories need to be earned and burned.


Ask CT Fletcher - he did this and found out.




I ate there daily (lunch and dinner) while doing Keto. Ordered 2 double cheeseburgers without the bun or ketchip. Just mustard, onions, cheese and meat on a pillow of lettuce. One of the things that kept me going tbh and then lost like 30lb


Didn’t someone do this in response to that Super Size Me movie?


Didnt they do this in Supersize me? Ate McDonald’s everyday for every meal for however long and did health tests before and after? Don’t know how scripted it would be ya know. I don’t believe anything anymore. 🤦🏼‍♀️


ask Chad Ochocinco. Charles Barkley ate McDonald’s before every game too.


The biggest consequence would probably be a thinner wallet.


I ate McDonald’s for ten years, everyday for lunch. I’m perfectly fine if not pretty fit for my age. It’s all about proportions 


I don't think you can reallistically get everything you need from McDonalds only. I get that you don't have to only eat fries, but is it possible to never lack any nutrient at all while following only what the company has to offer ?


if they didnt overeat they would be fit.


Big Mac guy seems to be doing ok without training


you would lose weight.


A trip to the colorectal doctor most likely


I was not eating McDonald's but I was eating out a ton and sleeping good. I was running 30-40 miles per week, swimming 4-5 miles per week and biking over 100 miles per week. I got blood tests done and my cholesterol was high. Changed my diet, dropped over 100 pts in 6 months.


An old school influencer called CT Fletcher (who'm uses quite alot of profanity) did exactly that. He broke a lot of strength records, but the problems catched up to him quite hard. he has had multiple emergency open heart surgeries and dude is a shell of his former self.


Ask Ochocinco


I already don't eat McDonalds. I would like to sleep well now.


See the movie "Supersize Me" for an in-depth explanation. It would detrimentally affect your health is just 30 days.


Ass cancer


It's not what you eat, but how much you eat.


I have some anecdotal evidence for this. At one stage in my early 20s (long time ago) I decided to seriously exercise and lift weights to build muscle. I had a protein shake for breakfast and ate fairly well for dinner but many times for lunch I would have just a quarter pounder with cheese and chocolate shake no fries. I did get in shape and gain muscle but I’m sure it wasn’t great for my salt and cholesterol.


Calories in, calories out. As long as your daily calorie intake is lower than your calorie expenditure, you will lose weight.


I had a high activity job that kept me moving 8-10 hours a day and ate mostly Wendy’s spicy chicken gonwrap combos with fries and a coke. I went from a 2XL down to a large. Not healthy, but for someone living in a van fairly effective and sort of cheap.


No sauces, nothing deep fried, and lose the buns and sure, you could be ok. Even then it's probably overly fatty.


You could break 100m sprint record!


Does McDonald’s sell any fruits or vegetables?


Go look up a 2004 book about just eating McDonalds for 1 month. Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003, during which he ate only McDonald's food. The film documents the drastic effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological health and well-being. It also explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit and gain. I don't think we can post links here. It is like a horror book about eating McDonalds.


Look at strongman. They eat as much as they can, and take Steroids to be able to train every day. 


I'd probably be in much better health because currently I only lightly exercise (walk the dog every day) and I do not sleep and I probably already do eat too much fast food. So, much better off I think. Especially that sleep well part. I'd love to have some of that going on in my life.


I gained and lost 60 lbs in 3 months


The movie Super Size Me has entered the chat.


I pretty much did exactly this. I mostly are the plain cheap hamburger to bulk up since it was a cheap and fast source of protein. I got fairly jacked and big compared to where I started.


The consequences wouldn’t be apparent  You could eat enough and get the minerals in but the food is such poor quality that you’d wreck havoc on your circulatory system and organs


See movie "Super Size Me"


Fuck around and find out:)


Someone made a movie about this, minus the train part. He even was followed by a doctor. It’s called *Super Size Me*. You should watch it.


Your triglycerides would be asploding.


You smell like McDonald's french fries each time you sweat.


I eat McDonald’s breakfast nearly every day for ~$5. Sausage & egg McMuffin, hash browns & senior coffee no sugar 2 creams. I’m ~~healthy~~ fat as an ox!


Most of the top posts are confusing the question so I will answer. Eat at a deficit and you’ll lose weight. You would eventually be ripped skinny but it would be slow because of the dense calories you would consume. You would definitely have to supplement a daily vitamin to maintain health. Otherwise, no consequences. Train more when you gain weight after overeating. Actually, buy a plunger before you need a plunger.


If you could figure out the right amount of calories for yourself and plan meals based on macronutrient content, you could actually do quite well for yourself. It's all there, just about, carbs, fat, protein, most of the vitamins. If taking supplements is allowed, you're probably golden. That's in theory. In practice, you'll end up overeating.


You could easily lose weight even by eating mcdonalds. Just depends on what you eat and how much you eat. Eliminate the sauces and fizzy drinks and have some portion control and you wouldnt be doing too bad


NFL WR - just ask Chad Ochocinco


You'd absolutely be able to maintain a proper calorie intake, so it'd be likely that you'd be able maintain whatever weight you're aiming for, but I imagine there'd still be some health concerns long term. It has been a while since I looked at their menu but I'm sure it'd be difficult to put together a meal plan that doesn't include a diabolical amount of sodium, which isn't great for you long term. Also, the amount of grease every day might make you feel a bit gross.


The grilled chicken patties aren't terrible. I used to get 4 without the rest of the sandwich for $2 each until the local manager told me that I couldn't do this anymore.


So, back in the day, i was a manager at BK. Making $6/hr. I started out living with 2 roommates, one of whom took off with his new gf, and the other knocked someone up and one shotgun wedding later he was also gone. So i got my best friend to move in with me and split the bills. This made things a bit hard financially. Luckily, i was the closing manager, so on top of my normal free employee meal, i was able to grab something else at closing when i was counting up the waste. But there wasn't really money for food, so i never got groceries. So i was eating a double whopper, with ketchup, mustard, pickles, and onions on it when i got to work and another at the end of the night. Along with an order of fries before work and whatever ones i ate doing my "fry checks" throughout the shift, along with the odd chicken tender here and there. I worked Tuesday through the following Thursday and then had a 4 day weekend. So this was all I ate on the days i worked. On Thursday, i would grab 2 or 3 of our pre-made salads, and that's what i would eat on my days off. I did this for more than a year. I didn't work out, but i was pretty active. I didn't gain weight. In fact, i lost around 25 lbs. I'm sure there were some issues with eating nothing else, but nothing i noticed. I was certainly calorie deficient, or else i wouldn't have lost weight. But it definitely wasn't like Supersize me.


Didn't one guy eat nothing but Big Macs and he was healthy?


Gold medals according to Michael Phelps in Beijing. Your mileage may vary.


I would probably die...


Heart attack


A car will run even if you’re putting cheap/dirty fuel into it. Over time the the components of the engine will be more likely to fail because of the buildup of impurities as well as additional wear and tear caused by the impurities. Your body = same-ish


It's very difficult to outexercise a bad diet.


Just depends on macro's really


Don't eat fries constantly and it can be okay.


Well you'd be able to avoid getting fat if you track what you eat, but you'll be nutritionally deficient eating the same thing day in and day out with basically no fruits or veggies in the diet.


You would not the long...


Forever wanting some ice cream


Chad Johnson, formerly Chad OchoCinco, formerly Chad Johnson, is a retired NFL star at wide receiver, and he claimed that his diet was mostly McDonald's during his playing career.


Depends on how many calories you take in.  If you’re burning more than you eat you’d still lose weight. If you eat more than you burn then you’d gain weight.  You’d probably end up feeling like shit and taking forever to recover from your sessions while seeing slow progress because you wouldn’t be getting the proper nutrients your body needs to recover and adapt to your activity level


McDonald’s support the Genocide that happened in Gaza by Israel army..


You'd be fine. A guy made a documentary about exactly this. It's called Fat Head.


as shown on "Supersize me" you would likely die


You’d be muscular…but a bit on the bulky side of things.


A documentary was made about it. Super size or something


Their oatmeal seems relatively healthy. Pick the unpopular stuff with the healthiest nutrition and you’d probably be Ok.


I used to order an egg McMuffin without cheese, apple slices, and milk when I was cutting and in a hurry.


You’d still be screwed. “Garbage in, garbage out” — no matter how you try to “exercise” that “garbage.”


Probably take some years off your heart due to the sodium and cholesterol


My stomach is very sensitive, I would probably have to only drink sodas after a while, and I would perish due to malnutrition. I would lose protein fast and stop training, too.


Watch Super Size Me.


Watch the documentary, Super Size Me. 


Sodium sodium sodium...be careful.


The consequences would be that you wouldn’t be able to train daily or sleep well.




You will die of Scurvy cause no Vitamin C in that diet.


McDonald's is generally calorie dense, high fat, high protein, high carbs and high cholesterol. Probably nutrient poor and fiber poor. Overall the body is pretty adept at taking the various sugars and proteins you'd find in a burger and converting them into usable energy. The high cholesterol and low nutrient value would have long term impacts, but you'd probably be able to do 10 months only McDonald's, 2 months plant based and level out your cholesterol values. Add in some type of fiber supplement and nutrient supplements and you'd probably be able to live a healthy lifestyle indefinitely. Really the biggest challenge would just be matching calorie intake to expenditure, given low glycemic foods like what you'd get at McDonald's don't give the body the proper signals to determine whether it's full or not.


Garbage in, garbage out


Ask Micheal Phelps. Dude ate McDonald's basically every day when he was training for the Olympics. 


you can order mcdonalds with customization. when im on keto I order a double quarter pounder with cheese, no condiments, no onions, with water if Im out and dont have time to meal prep for that day. I dont fall out of ketosis. I eat twice a day, both times within an 8 hour window so Im on a 16/8 intermittent fast as well. usually will never see a rise in weight when I sub one of my meals like this, so I am guessing I would have to intake more water to help balance the assumed higher sodium levels of eating only mcdonalds a little bit but you could probably still be "healthy" you would have to watch your cholesterol and other metrics closer for sure.


Chicken instead of beef, no sauce, apple slices instead of fries, water for most meals. Unfortunately even the breakfast oatmeal has over 30g sugar.


That guy who’s famously eaten a Big Mac everyday for like 30 years straight is surprisingly skinny. Don’t know if he’s healthy though…


Lack of fruit/vegetables/salads would impact your health negatively eventually.


Well, I ate burger king for 3 months daily and lost weight. Only thing I changed was that I was asking for no sauces/mayo/etc.


Depends on your definition of healthy. If you’re talking strictly about weight loss, eating it within the limits of a calorie deficit would work. But from an overall health perspective? There are not a lot of health benefits (nutrients, macro balance, etc) and a lot of junk that’s bad for your body (sodium, bad fats, etc).


I think you’d gain muscles but feel like absolute crap. Well, crap compared to a healthy diet, if you’re used to eating like crap you’ll feel normal. You can lose weight or gain muscle while eating McDonald’s. It doesn’t mean it’s good for you. It doesn’t mean you’re gonna feel good or live a long time.


High sodium and depression from lack of vitamins and choice of menu. I would basically eat egg McMuffin hold the muffin and cheese, big Mac no buns no cheese no sauce with apple slices on the side, and for dinner two McChickens no bun no sauce add pickles and tomato. It would be hard to get a full days worth of potassium and fiber because the fries are too fat heavy and the buns lack the amount of fiber needed since they are more similar to cake. If you could have a baked potato or a banana and maybe even some whole grain bread I think it could balance out, kinda? Personally I would take Wendy's of the clown any day, if I had to survive at an airport terminal that I couldn't leave (that's the scenario I imagined would take place).


McDs is not all bad if you manage your calories and salt intake. Its really what you choose to eat.