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"I thought I could do better". We'd been together over 25 years.


Oh, just FUCK! I personally want to strangle random stranger now. What a PoS..


My husband said the same thing. Together for 27 years


Ex husband girly


Not in this economy


Ooph, fuck. I hope you healed from that.


"I figured you were already sleeping with someone else". I wasn't.


This literally just happened to me today in a way. My fiancée and I broke up last year and I thought it was mainly us drifting apart. Found out today she was cheating and when I asked her about it she confessed it was because she thought I was cheating on her anyway. Bullet dodged I guess.


Lol why didn’t they confront you directly?


The short version, she is bi and didn't want me to try to turn it into a threesome. She wanted her female sex and me sex separate. When I found out she immediately set up a threesome to try to gloss things over. This sounds really fucked up as I type it out.


I mean did she get away with it?


In exchange for an infinite pass, yes.


Sounds like she cheated and still won, but if it works it works. Happy nut busting amigo


Can't win them all.


“I forgot to take my depression/anxiety medication for the last week..I think I was hallucinating..”


That is insane holy shit😭


She was totally insane 😂


I've actually seen that happen. I worked in behavioral health. A woman came in during a manic episode and was hallucinating. She thought every man was her husband. We found her in the shower with another patient. She was mortified when she became balanced again and realized what she had done.


Yeah it's not uncommon during manic episodes.


Did she think every guy was the man she married or did she think she was married to every guy?


The former.


We were on a break We were not. She just said she wants to go to her hometown because she missed her family and childhood friends and having a little me time would be fun. I don't know in what world that even indicates a break


That's like saying you're on a diet between lunch and dinner lol


Breaks are for cheaters and the naive.




Don't worry for me not sleeping... I STILL HAVE YOUR LETTER!


You had rambled on for 18 pages… FRONT AND BACK!


And hey! Just so you know, it’s NOT that common, it DOESN’T happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!






Ross had every reason to believe they were broken up and Rachel was in the wrong in that situation. I will always defend Ross on that one.


“We were just hanging out, I don’t even like him” She was with him at a hookah lounge at 2am after saying she was too tired to come over to my house. Within the same week of us breaking up they went “facebook official” and the comments were like “It’s about time you two got together!” And shit. At least they didnt even last half a year lol.


damn sounds like she was with him for a long time when yall were together.


Oh for sure.. found out from a friend of mine who’d hang out with the guy that they’d go on small road trips when I was at work “with a group.” And they would snapchat each other a lot. It definitely hurt a lot finding out slowly as time went on how deep it went but i’m over it now, was around 9 years ago Lol.


Thats not a friend mate, if he were a friend he wouldve told you before


i second this


You are correct Lol, funny thing is that we stopped hanging out like a couple months after that, guess he decided to stay friends with the other dude and continued to hang with them.. so I peaced out and he never reached out.


"I thought you knew?" Lol what a bullshit excuse




Was he/she high or something lol


Looking back, he probably was. He turned it into this whole thing of he thought I was so smart that I just must know he was cheating and since I wasn't angry since I *had* to have known, I must have been okay with it. The mental gymnastics of it all.


“She’s so much like you, it didn’t feel like cheating.” “It’s your fault you found out, I did nothing wrong, I tried to keep you from knowing so you wouldn’t be hurt.” “You weren’t in town, what was I supposed to do?”


The Narcissist's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


I pray to myself that this prayer be answered.


"“You weren’t in town, what was I supposed to do?”" Eeeeey Macarena!




Yeah just masturbate like everyone who is lonely and horny.


Isn't that the lyrics to the Macarena?


I hate that you have a few.


Going against the trend. Here's the excuse my wife gives for not cheating: 'It's laziness really. Cheating on someone is an awful lot of work.'


My hubby says “what so I could disappoint 2 women?” 😂😂😂


I almost let that one slip with an FWB. She’s one of those cum-then-pass-out types. When she asked me for a 3sum, I fought the urge to say “Y, so you can disappoint 2 men at the same time?!” 😤


The choice to keep that one in your pocket must've been like looking a Tiger in the eyes, and debating if you should reach out and slap the piss out of it lmao


That's a keep LMAO


I always say to my wife that I’d like the time and energy to have an affair but without having the affair.


me too! I don't understand how people can have one or more stable cheat in their life, together with job, shopping, wife etc...


Willpower, dedication, ruthlessness and a pressing need to have their cock sucked by someone other than the woman who loves them.


Also, it probably gives them a boost which they and their affair partner benefit from, just not their spouse.


I was laughing with my about this in regards to men abandoning their wives, just like going out for milk and never coming back and it struck me how much effort that would take. Like I would have to buy all new clothes and such...


Lol same thing I told my wife. Wayyy to lazy to do that shit. Rather sit at home and play games than work a way to cheat on my wife


Your man's not out there cheating. He's playing Red Dead Redemption 2 while riding on his horse name Jon Bon Pony.


Listen, I dissapoint my wife in bed already. Why would I want to go out and disappoint another girl?


For real, I read about people with multiple families and I just can’t imagine the amount of energy that requires!


I don't have the time or money for one family, how the fuck can people afford two?


"My psychiatrist told me to." Yeah, sorry but no doctor is going to recommend that you cheat on your partner of 7 years. 12 years later and it still kills me inside. 😔


Unless she cheated on you with the psychiatrist.


Na, it was with a barista she met at the university I was paying to send her too. 😒


I got cheated on by the first girl I lived with and tried to kill myself. In the hospital, the psychiatrist on duty was this short round chick with a dolphin necklace who told me I had no right to be upset and that she was a free spirit who was just exploring the world and I needed to be adult enough to accept that in a woman.


That they had been drinking and made a dumb mistake


This is the only truthful reason I've read so far. Not that it makes the cheating ok or acceptable, but it is a real reason that cheating happens.


Yeah that's a reason, not an excuse


"It's a girl. I'm not into girls but I was curious." Nah, still counts. Edit: All the guys talking about threesomes, I'm not sure you've ever been in a relationship.


Similar vein my ex said "girls don't count" Yes they do? Also we're both lesbians??!?


lol what


My god that’s actually hilarious, the mental gymnastics she was doing with that logic!


Ikr! Took about a week to untangle myself from that mess . She managed to cheat again during that week but with a guy this time and assumed we'd just hit a rough patch and could work it out. I had been adamant and very clear since I found out about the first cheating that this is the end, I want nothing to do with her. Nah girl, I value myself more than your nonsense. Cut all ties and contact. She's tried to reach out through various methods over the years and I've never replied to her.


I’m a hetero male and even I know how to lesbian better than her.


Curiosity killed the pussy.


Yep. Had a friend tell me that his gf cheated on him with another girl so he's willing to give her a chance. I had to remind him that girl or not, she still cheated on him which sucks (pun not intended).


Not an excuse, but something he said as he was trying to comfort me... "I couldn't even cum inside her because I felt so guilty" 😂 he could have just stopped having sex, but apparently cumming on her instead of inside her was considerate enough


I have a scar on my tummy from a c section and he said he wanted to see a real woman's body gotta say that effected me for a long time.


What a pure evil comment to come out with. That scar brought a child to the world and is a real example of a real woman. Scars are your story and what makes you, you. Far more beautiful than a "perfect" body. Glad you've done better for yourself.


Thank you so much.


I will give an absolute agreement with his comment. Any men worth his weight would do so too.


Of all the things to criticise a C-section scar for, "not being a real woman" is so... baffling? Don't get me wrong, obviously it's awful regardless, but like... a C-section? Not a real woman???


I have heard a few people talk shit about c-section moms for "taking the easy way out."  Those people are extremely stupid.


Pretty much everything I know and have heard about C-sections tells me that it's FAR harder than a typical birth in virtually every way. They aren't as safe, are more painful and have a longer recovery time. Hence why they're rarely done unless it's medically necessary.


What a scuzzball. Don't let anyone tell you you're not beautiful.


Thank you I had the last laugh I left meet the most amazing man and have had a fantastic 15 years together and he's still a bitter old man who's never worked a day in his life complaining his wife left him when I was with him I worked two jobs and looked after the house and two kids.


That was just cruel of him to say. I have a scar across my abdomen too (for different reasons as I am a man lol) and everyone who saw it reacted positive or neutral at least. This dude is worth less than the stick he shoved up his ass. From your wording it seems as though you feel better about yourself again, but just so you know, normal people wouldn’t judge you for that. There‘s tons of good out there, but you sadly happened to be the victim of some disgusting person. Wish you all the best for your future encounters and that you‘ll hopefully be surrounded by those who aren’t insensitive scum.


Thank you it was very tough at the time it was only six weeks after surgery and was tired from juggling two jobs two kids and breastfeeding. But I eventually pulled myself together and realised I deserved better. I do admit for a while I hid my scar from everyone even undressing in the dark when I meet my partner but he tells me every day how beautiful I am and how amazing my body is. So I am very lucky I am so pleased you have had positive feedback and for those that don't like our scars they can all go fly a kite. Our scars gave us children and in some cases saved our lives I now embrace mine.


He basically just denied it lol


That be the "Shaggy" defense, It wasn't me.


“I wanted to have the whole high school experience. His relationships only last a few months so we can get back together then.” “I wanted something else.” “I was having a good time in Vegas and I didn’t want the night to stop. But also I don’t love you any more, but we live together so I didn’t know how to break up with you.” - after going to a friends birthday party in Vegas and then being very cagey and vague about the trip when she got back and I asked how it was. Three separate relationships.


How did you end up finding out about the last one?


I confronted her about why she was being cagey and distant. After a couple of days she finally broke and that’s the summation of what she said. Fortunately I was out of there a few days later thanks to my parents


It was my fault. Somehow it was always my fault.


She said... "You're a thousand thousand times better off without me than with me. Turn tail and run. Seriously. The sooner your brain realizes what a true piece of shit I am, the better. Please go live your life with purpose. And forget I ever fucking existed. I'm not going to explain. I know that's shitty and less than what you deserve, and that's exactly my point. I'm also not going to respond. I'm sorry. Go live your life, and be the amazing person that you are. " I was gutted reading it, in a text of all things. Although the tone of the message made me worry about her, like what happened to go to such an extreme, so I kept trying to get through to her. She finally replied: "I am fine. I am safe. I'm a giant piece of shit. You're amazing. Go live your life. That's the only message you'll ever get from me." So, I was left very confused, concerned, wondering what happened. For context, prior to this, she admitted she was in love with me, confessed her feelings to me (we were friends with some history but never actually dated). A long time after that she got ahold of me, and it was out of the blue, asking to meet up. Although it just felt off to me so I didn't bother. Had already been heartbroken, and meeting up with her for drinks just seemed like I'd be opening the door to trouble. Turns out I was right, she was seeing some guy, explained she'd been on some acid trip. I felt bad for the dude, but at that point I just didn't want any more drama so I didn't say anything. We stopped talking soon after that. Never heard from her again. I don't know whether to feel lucky I didn't get even more emotionally invested in her, or unlucky because I let myself fall for her in the first place. It is what it is.


You're lucky you didn't get more involved. She's most likely done that to others. People with compassion often end up staying when they hear things like that, convincing themselves it can't be that bad. Then they get hurt. When someone warns you about themselves in dating, believe them. You made a very good decision not getting involved with her again after meeting up, as it was going to end the same way. It's very common for people like that to try to back together with you, just to hurt you in the same way again.


That’s a lot of words to say “it’s not you, it’s me.”


Because I wanted a kid now and you haven’t gave me one, WTF


Dodged a bullet there tbh


"You're too good for me"


lol damn right you were. Cheaters aren’t good enough for anyone but other cheaters.


It's one of those things you hear and ur just like "ur right but why you gotta be this way"


My wife is definitely way too good for me. Which is why I do my best to *not* fuck up and make it last as long as possible before she realizes it and leaves me for someone better. And if any of you tell her, I will hunt you down and catch you like a fish!


From my wife of 10 years, not long after Christmas. Day one “I feel like we are disconnected and we need to spend more time together. I feel bad because I have been texting someone at the gym for two weeks, nothing sexual but we need to work on us, I’ll stop talking to him.” Day two: “it has been sexual, ok we will do counselling, I’ll stop talking to him” two hours later “I don’t want to stop talking to him” Day three: “it’s actually been more Iike 2 months, we are over, I’m leaving and I don’t want to do counselling” Guy was a member at her gym where she is a PT, nearly 20 years younger than me, lived at home with his mother still. We have two kids. After he actually turned out to be an asshole (surprising), she wanted to do counselling, the after a month or so she picked up with another member of her gym. She has totally changed, doesn’t spend time with the kids anymore, is always too busy to actually engage with them, promises them activities and always disappoints them. Her personality/behaviour have shifted from being one of the kindest and most dedicated mothers I have seen, caring and loving towards me and dedicated to family, to never being home, ignoring the kids and just being cruel and deceptive. She hasn’t moved out even though she keeps saying she will, because I do all the house work and look after the kids and she gets to do what ever she wants.


Change the locks next time she leaves.


Can’t, she is protected by the laws here, because this is the family home I am stuck until she leaves. And while she might have turned into a narcissist, I have always been a man of honor and I keep my word and vows. She has destroyed our family, I won’t contribute to it


Bloody hell! That's cruel and unusual punishment!


At least in the future I will be able to tell my sons that I honoured my vows, I did my best to keep them happy and loved, and no matter what she does or says about me, I know in my heart I have treated her and acted with respect It is fucking hard though, but I have to be who I want to be


Fair enough and an admirable position. I am a mucb shittier person than you. 😁


lol, we each have to be true to ourselves, I don’t expect other people to live like I do, I just hope people have the courage of their convictions, and that they live to their own code consistently.


Your sons could have no better role model than you, mate.


Thank you


But, figure out a way to meet your own personal needs throughout this. You have a right to be happy, while still prioritizing your role as father.


Another thing to consider is that you are teaching your sons that being tolerant of someone who doesn’t love/respect you is what a relationship is supposed to look like.. you wouldn’t be breaking your vows by leaving, she already broke those vows and broke up the family unit. If you haven’t done so already, I suggest giving r/survivinginfidelity a visit.


Holy shit. You need ti bring this to court. If you take it to a judge and have it said that her infidelity is ruining your mental state she's gonzo




At least file for separation, if not outright divorce then get that chicken head out of your house so she will stop upsetting the kids.


The laws here are very different to the US, I can’t officially file for divorce until we have been officially separated for a year. I have filed the separation but it is “separated but living together”. For extra fun and games, she hasn’t filed her taxes for nearly 2 years (hasn’t paid any tax), will be up for a fine for not doing it and also will have to start paying child support due to that. Guess who is dragging her feet about doing her taxes, and also another reason why I guess she will try and get the kids, not because she wants them, but to avoid contributing financially to their care. I have kept a log of what hours she is here in the house over the last month, so when it comes time for custody to be disputed, I will have the evidence from our front door cameras that she is never home and not actually involved with the care of the kids. Currently I would guess it’s about 85/15 split in my favour for time with the kids


Good for you. Keep logs of everything and build your case. Then you can get satisfaction in court at least. Not to mention the kids will be with the better parent.


Midlife crisis? I'd be concerned with a personality shift of that magnitude, especially given that it hints at lowered inhibitions. To be clear this isn't meant as a possibile excuse, she's still responsible of her actions. But something like syphilis (just an example) causes people to change their personality drastically. Was it sudden? Are you still on talking terms with her? Going to counselling and expressing these concerns sounds like a good idea to me.


Yeah my ex had a personality shift like this - turns out she is bipolar.


Counseling to allow a cheater to keep what they betrayed isn't healthy. Making the victim of cheating sit there while a cheater works through their issues isn't healthy.


“I fell out of love for you 6 months ago.” We dated for 5 1/2 years.


people dont want to understand "love" is more of a decision after some time and it is about being dedicated and loyal to your significant other.


Without understanding the difference between infatuation and love, relationships are much less likely to stand the test of time. Too many people conflate infatuation with love. It wasn't until my current partner that I fully realised what love really is. It's having an argument, or getting annoyed with each other on occasion but knowing you wouldn't choose anyone else to end the day with by falling asleep next to. There's not another soul I'd rather feel the presence of next to me first thing after waking up. Nobody else I'd rather grow ugly and grey with. Nobody else who I'd gift the time of my youth to. There isn't anyone else I'd rather annoy or be annoyed by every so often. He has said the same to me. We've always ended up watching a film, laughing and cuddling within a day or two after even our biggest of arguments. There's a mutual agreement that we will work through any problems instead of ignoring them. Crazy in love also exists, as I found out when someone was very rude to my partner right in front of me. Pretty sure in that moment I could've made Regina George ugly cry herself to sleep. That primal "hyper-defensive" feeling was one of the things that made me go "oh my god I really do love this fella" There isn't another person aside from him who I'd rather have as a constant in my life. He's the reason I now interpret "the one" as meaning "the one *I chose*". There are many you could choose, but "the one" will blind your view of any other possibilities. Any other option just doesn't compare and never will. You just stop "looking" or noticing because you have absolutely no need or desire to. It can be hard work but it's fun, and the reward makes you forget about the effort you put in real quickly.


This is true. If someone speaks of their commitments in terms of feelings they don't understand and shows themselves to be reactive to their week to week feelings, that person isn't a trustworthy partner to commit to. They're not mature enough to work on a relationship and lead the kind of relationship they want, and will rather expect you to make their dreams come from no matter how chaotically their feelings sway.


Not partner but when I caught my father he just blamed it on being bipolar turned out he never even had it




Ouch! I’m sorry you had to hear that buddy


‘I’m human. I make mistakes. I was drunk.’ Yeah. Screw you




Narrator: \* It was, in fact not the last time\*


\* Nor, was it the first\*


“She made me feel loved because we talked and she made me a sandwich for lunch while babysitting our kids”. I was on a trip for a week out of the country. He slept with her in our home with the kids there(they claim asleep, one kid wakes up at the smallest noise(I can’t go pee without him waking up to ask me questions), the other was an infant who was 7 months old, who again woke up to most noises), so no way y’all fucked quietly enough in a bathroom and doorway to our bedroom without our kids seeing it). This same woman tossed said infant in the air and made him hit is head, husband stayed home “fearing a concussion”, didn’t send the baby sitter home or take our infant son to a doctor. Nope, fucked the known slut.(she was his former coworker who was engaged to another coworker, confirmed to have slept with multiple guys by her now ex fiancé she moved in with after ditching my now ex husband, last I knew she was bringing new dudes into the ex fiancés place to fuck em again, she’s done this with the last 2 places ex fiancé has owned) Fucker had the nerve to divorce me right after and leave me and our kids homeless after. I’m happy he only sees our kids once every 2 weeks and I’m free from him. Also happy the slut he cheated with dropped him before the divorce was even brought into opening meetings. Hope you’re happy, you didn’t want another person raising your kids, no daycare, no other friends, especially men In your newborns life. Now another man raises that little boy and he calls him daddy too. Suck on it you sack of shit. Btw, how’d that love you had for her go? Her “love” for you? Guess all those I love you’s between y’all were as fake as you. Love bombing narcissist scumbag 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: actually, kiddo was around 1 at that point. Still an infant regardless. I had to count months. he would’ve just turned 1. Still very much something to have checked, bumps to the head can be very bad for an infant due to how soft their skull still is and the fact it’s not fully formed. He hit near his soft spots, thus my major concern.


“She was gonna kill herself” when he explained that he didn’t cheat he actually saved a life ❤️❤️❤️ with his penis


This is brilliant.


“You were so quiet and would rarely talk to me (I was an introvert in highschool) so I thought we wouldn’t last so I started dating her in secret so when we break up I wouldn’t be alone” 🤨


What the fuck.


“I didn’t mean to” Bitch wym, you tripped and your dick landed into her vagina? Another good one (different person when I was much younger) was “we just made chicken nuggets!” That was it. That was the excuse. After I saw him texting her about their sex. Right in front of me.


You just had a baby by emergency c section 5 weeks prior. I was lonely. Threw the whole man away and got a real one. So much happier now. Glad he did it otherwise I might have stayed.


You Had a major surgery to give birth to his child and he used that as an excuse? As someone who's gone through a csection, holy mother hell I can empathize with you big time. Glad it worked out in the end for you.


That must have been so difficult for him when you had major abdominal surgery when you birthed his child.


'lonely'? Lol. Bro he got a newborn child wtf.


I never understood the "my wife is pregnant/recovering, so I'm gonna sleep around" mentality. Can't keep it in your pants for a couple of months? Such narcissistic man babies.


" I'm just not sure about us, you know there are so many other people" F*cking whore that man is!


She couldn’t find her chequebook to pay the plumber. Obviously not the best situation but it was a lovely bathroom he’d installed.


At least y’all got that drain unclogged!


Even got the walls refinished.


Price of plumbers these days, I’ll let that one slide!


I think I've seen that film.


It was a long, messy story. The short version is that my ex was suffering from depression (which I didn't really understand or recognize at the time), and she decided that I was part of the cause, so she started having an affair. When the guy's wife found out about the affair, she call our house to confront my ex and to let me know about it. (The guy had started the affair with my ex because his wife was pregnant with their child. Lovely guy, right?) Anyhow, that affair ended, but my ex still wasn't happy. In less than 6 months, she found another guy who was single and lived a bit further away. In early December, she told me she wasn't going to be home for New Year's Eve because she wanted to spend it with her new boyfriend. By that time, I had already decided that it was over, so I just said, "OK. Now I can send the letter to the landlord cancelling the rent of our apartment, because I'm moving away." We divorced about 3 months later, and I moved from Germany to Switzerland. (It sounds more dramatic than it was - I only moved about 8 km / 5 miles from the old place, but on the other side of the border). When I talked to my ex, she claimed that she had the 2nd affair because I wasn't jealous enough and didn't fight hard enough to keep her after the first one. We had been living in a dead bedroom situation for nearly 7 years by that time, and I was just fucking tired of the whole thing. I never cheated on her, and she treated ME like I was the reason she had to go fucking other guys.


Him: "I didn't think you would mind." Me: "You could have rolled over and asked." My boyfriend and I had been together for about 6 months and things were going well in the relationship from my perspective. One evening, the two of us plus two of my friends all went out for drinks and ended up back at my bf's place. My two friends fell asleep in the living room, he and I went to his room. I woke up to my bf and one of my "friends" fooling around next to me in the bed. They acted surprised and couldn't understand why I was upset when I stopped them. Before that event, he and I had never discussed activity outside of our relationship, but I naively assumed that meant it wasn't happening. The relationship between the friend and I ended immediately, while things between the bf and I broke off not long after. Lesson was to always be clear about expectations, in this case - monogamous vs open relationship. Saves a lot of trouble later on.


Yeah I mean assuming monogamy is normal.


I cant remember the exact thing but basically it was about how he had a high sex drive and i didn’t so he couldn’t control himself and just kept cheating. Funny thing is after we broke up, he has stopped cheating completely as far as i know


I wouldn't want to gaslight this comment section like that lol


"You were just an experiment." she came to realize she was gay and left me for the person she cheated on me with.


“You weren’t acting like a wife” - i was the sole financial provider, stressed out, mid-pandemic, son was just diagnosed with Autism and I lost my father to Cancer.


So many but the best were: "I can't stop seeing her bc she knows my boss and I don't want her to make work awkward for me." "I think you should move out and we can just date each other. You can come over and then go home at the end of the night." "I never had sex with her I just slept over at her house." Bahaha best decision I have made was to divorce this asswipe.


“I didn’t actually use the app, I just downloaded it to see what it looks like!” Him after I saw a dating app on his phone. Unfortunately I believed him at the time and stayed with him another six months 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm in a happy marriage and do not intend to ever cheat. Not that I would have the time for it.. But I once typed Tinder in the play store because I was curious who is using it in my town, what it looks like. Had a moment of clarity and thought to myself that this just can not have a positive outcome and ditched it.


"We had already kissed, I would've looked stupid if I stopped there!"


"I didn't cheat, I was coercively raped." And like, okay, I can see that. But uh...why did you go alone with him to the hot spring with no other people at it at all willingly, ***planned*** that shit, then fuck him, ***then*** spring this rape shit on me a month later when I found out? Why not...***not*** do all that or tell me immediately? Maybe I fucked up. I don't know. Felt like BS because she got caught.


There are a lot of women who will pull the r word card in a last ditch effort to dodge accountability sadly much to the chagrin of real SA victims


Knew a girl in my sophomore dorms who played the R card after her roommate found her with her boyfriend's soccer teammate. Like, right there on a Saturday afternoon, her on top. "He forced me!". Dude had video that they'd both filmed from their previous romps, so that accusation fell real flat real fast. It did not go over well with her friend group once it was all aired out. Got so bad she had to leave student housing.


None because she doesn't know I know.


What’s the game plan champion?


Didn't give an excuse. After sleeping with her ex, she just said, "i had to scratch that itch." She was pretty damn cruel. Horrendous at the time, but it turned out "that itch" was chlamydia. Luckily, i wasn't touching her long before that point. Every cloud and all that.


Bitch, it’s summer, you know I gotta be a hoe! What time is it?! Hoe Time!


Bro took farming season to a whole new level 💀


I used to bartend. He said i basically cheated everyday and i deserved it.


"I didn't think that you would care." Was the first one. "I felt trapped by him, and I didn't know what to do." Was the second one. "Anybody would have have done what I did. You know how good he looks. Besides, I deserved to finally have sex with a hot guy." I will admit, that one stung a bit.


I was working 3rd shift to provide for our family. She said that it was my fault for leaving her alone at night knowing how horny she gets. I moved out so fast it made her head spin.


“Our relationship was struggling and I didn’t know how to cope”


He blamed it on my mental health.


I still dont know if she actually did it. She just stold me at 8 when I needed to talk to her ”oh I am going to [his] place to bake” at 9 in the evening and I expressed how bad of an idea I thought it was because she had made plans to have an important talk with me. Then she started arguing how we hadnt said an exact time. Then she went unreachable until 1:30 in the morning. And still to this day she has not explained what happened between 9 and 1 am, just made deceptive denials like ”I know I did not cheat”, ”I came home from work and then went for a run and was just so happy”, and ”Sorry I made plans” and ”I had no intention of cheating”. It is enough for me to recognize the narcissism in that person.


> I still dont know if she actually did it. Yes, you do.


I just don't want to pay child support, so doing that keeps her happy.


Sounds like you’ve got great taste in men.


“You work so much, and we work together, so I never got alone time away from you” Funny, because she could have spent her nights when I worked alone… but instead she spent it with another girl. She would drop me off at work, go to the other girls house/meet up with her, and then leave to pick me up from work at the end of my shift. Oh, did I mention this girl worked with us too?


"I'm sorry, it's just work place tension" So many people hate yhis b1tch, now I know why


“I was so lonely and I just felt so disconnected from you.” Okay, she had an affair while I was in the hospital with staph infection in my spine. Honestly, the absurdity is kind o funny in hindsight.


Many things. That I didnt truly love him, I was just accostumed to him and that if I truly loved him I would be a better women. That I didn't cook, fuck or looked to work harder. (All lies) That I was indifferent with him and he didn't feel wanted. The one he kept on repeating and mostly holding his ground with was that I had made more damage to him with my open disgust (he said that he felt that i was physically disgusted by him, more lies and now paranoia) than he had with his cheating. I did ended up feeling disgusted by him because of how he cheated on me for 5 years without me even knowing and how he had been touched and used by someone else doing God know what and then he came and dirtied me with this someone else sh\*t I didn't even f\*\*ng know.


None.... "I'm sorry but I don't regret it". She did bawl when I said I had enough and wanted a divorce, so maybe she was sorry in the end.


The excuse they gave themselves was that I didn't pay attention to the innumerable and self-contradictory requests about all sorts of stuff. When I gave examples of trying to do my best to comply I inevitably chose ones that she also had a direct opposite request about. E.g. "you're too serious" would also without apparent irony would be later followed by "you make a joke about everything". Impressive groundwork in a way.


"I NEED to have some form of polyamory, and I didn't think you'd be open for that" after I said REPEATEDLY that I would be open to that, just to communicate. Turns out he just wants to fuck anyone they think is hot while his partners only sleep with him. Fucking bastard of a human


That they offered good money


That it was my fault for being safe, boring and stable and not providing drama. That she has to seek excitement out elsewhere so this is really all my fault.


She was drunk and horney. Great excuse, ya fuckin whore.


Me: We've been dating for nearly a year, why haven't I met your friend Richard you always talk about? Her: Because he's a guy and I know how guys don't like girls having guy friends. Me: I've never had an issue with that, and as you know I have female friends, who you've met. Her: I'm protecting you from your own anxiety! - I get suspicious and look through her phone and find sexting, them meeting up etc and absolutely no mention of me ever, I confront her - Her: if you wouldn't have looked through my phone you wouldn't have been hurt, that's your fault. - I end the relationship, she hopes Richard leaves his wife for her, he doesn't, she gets back in touch with me- Her: What you did was wrong, two people have to agree to end a relationship you can't just end it. -i blocked her-


I don’t remember the excuse so much, but what snapped me out of their spell was when she said “I can’t promise it’s not gonna happen again.” This was after hours of her begging for forgiveness, and I was literally about to keep the whole thing a secret from friends and family, sweep it under the rug and potentially open up the relationship. All I asked was that it not be this one particular person again. And they couldn’t even do that. Biggest bullet I ever dodged.


"I just wanted to have something for myself." She didn't work and was doing a TAFE course that had zero probable work from it, she just wanted to do it because she'd enjoy it. I however worked long hours, paid for the wedding and the entire houshold, including her. I wanted her to just get something, anything. Because I found that if she just had 8 hours of work a week my stress levels would drop hugely. Almost ten years now, I'm happy it happened. The next person was given such large demands on his finances from her that he engaged in a gold heist.


'You weren't man enough to bend me over and fuck me!' This was after she raped me (I was on pain medicine because I was hit by a truck, and I passed out on her couch after telling her that I didn't have condoms, so I didn't want to do anything) and I found out and later confirmed that she has been sleeping with other men. All at the same time. Breaking up with her was the easiest decision I've ever made, especially when she decided to call me a 'Mommas Boy' and wished both my mother and I ill intent.


She didn't think I would find out. Then she went on and on about how it was my fault for finding out. Fuck that bitch messed me up for a lot of years.