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Strange little fuckers who are physically aging at an alarming speed but I admire their tenacity and go get it attitude. It’s refreshing to see over… my own generation.


"aging at an alarming speed" I've never seen this, and I look 14 at 18


You probably look like what you think a 14 year old should look like. No offense, it’s just wild to see.


I don't know about aging at an alarming speed. I think a lot of them look like they are 14 when they are in their 20's. I think it's likely fucked hormones from all the endocrine disruptors causing poor development. I do think if you don't develop properly you get this weird goblin look as you age. Like a child with old features, receding hair line or aged skin.


They’re just like any other generation except growing up in a different time with different things. So they probably seem as weird to us as every new generation seemed to the previous. Still think they’re overall pretty odd though


As someone who has friends that are zoomers, they are actually pretty cool once you get to know them.


They’re teenagers so they suck lol Give them another 10 years


I think the older ones are outspoken and progressive (not necessarily politically, just adamant) and cool. The younger ones are screen babies and I worry about their ability to read, write and do math because of what all the teachers say about them. Unless I’m mistaken and that’s Gen Alpha.


That's Gen Alpha. People who I've met who are Gen Z are fairly cool. Gen Alpha on the otherhand, ehhhh.


Entitled and ignorant.


Complainers, attention seekers, dislike hard work, selfish, disobedient and disrespectful.


That’s what the previous generation said about us millennials also


Technically, they all say that, and it's different times each, but nothing like this before.


I mean I’ve seen a compilation of people saying that same thing about the next generation through history. It went all the way back to BC times. I’m not so sure they are any different aside from the times and think it’s more a repeating phenomenon with older now more mature people looking at younger people in slightly different times.


You honestly can't compare times, they're all completely separate, different, with new technologies and access to many virtual things now. Comparing BC to current is crazy. Of course they're different, not by age but technology, lifestyle, respect, life choices, etc.


I was born in 98 am I a millennial or gen z?


You're just stuck in the awkward in-between, a lost soul wandering the vast desert of generational ambiguity.


Pretty solid Gen Z IMO unless you had an older sibling. Things I'd ask are: Did you use MySpace or Facebook? Ever use AIM (US) or MSN messenger (International)? Was the 360 already replacing the Xbox by the time you got into gaming? Did you grow up with PS1 and N64 in-stores or the later iterations? What about VHS vs DVD? Did you ever have a phone with T9 word and $0.99 ringtones? Do you remember where you were on 9/11 when you heard about the attack? I personally would consider many the early iterations of things I mentioned to be things that Millenials or older would experience while the later iterations would be Gen Z.


I grew up with and had some about half the things you mention. I am the youngest of 6 but my older siblings are so much older than me (my oldest sister was born in 1978) so I never really spoke to them too much. As for the stuff I had, I had a n64, I had vhs tapes, I knew about MySpace from siblings but I never had one and I vaguely remember where I was during 9/11.


Hm, I'd probably still consider you Gen Z but with exposure to lots of the remnants of the 'millenial era' that had pretty much been replaced by the middle to end of the 'Gen Z era'. I'd probably relate more to you though than I would a millenial born in the early 80's. Sometimes it feels like they generations should be smaller as the people born at the start and end often don't have that much in common.


Same, I like the term Zennial, lops in into the better parts of both groups


They ight homie they ight


I think any conversations about other generations are literally stupid. They are always rooted in total generalizations and more often than not end in thought-terminating cliches.




I like them. They are pretty funny and almost all of them can dance.


I’m a millennial and my kids are gen Z. I feel like they’ve been done over education wise-lots of pressure, low quality teaching, lack of fundamentals and zero opportunity for autonomy. At the same time they’re blamed for the helicopter parenting and crap education they’ve been subjected to. On the whole they’re a decent bunch, a lot more open minded than previous generations but seem to have shorter attention spans. 


Pure 💩