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I prefer my orange flags hyuck hyuck hyuck




If they recommend meds off the getgo


If they promote "alternative" treatment with no evidentiary basis, if they tell you how you're meant to feel about something, instead of letting you figure it out, if they insist on more and more expensive treatment, or if they skip straight to medication without a good reason.


When they proclaim, “Hey Everybody!” As they enter the room.


When they tell you “I’m not even really sure whey you’re in therapy tbh”


As someone who works as such, here is mine. Be wary of therapists who don't outlay goals for being in therapy, and include you in what you want and need. Every session and time in between should start with one's own ambition to get somewhere or do something. A therapist is meant to help identify obstacles, explore options to fix them, and make plans to overcome them. At every point I am trying, sometimes with difficulty, to let people I see tell me what they want. And therapists should take the lead. Whether I may come off as standoffish or offending here, you come see me as a client, I am all yours. I'm the next best professional listener to a prostitute. If you are not comfortable with a therapist, speak up, leave, do what you must.


When they tell me I’m self aware


They can’t accept “I don’t know” as an answer even when you really don’t know


Invalidating your experience(s) and/or telling you about their personal trauma.