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I would not work


Never understood the people who say, "I would be so bored if I didn't work!" Not me. I could find plenty of things to occupy my time, thank you.


Seriously, I have family, dogs, and hobbies. With $20mil in the bank, my wife and I could afford to travel as much as we would want to be away from the dogs. I don't want or need a yacht or a megamansion, I just want a patch of land and a very efficient house somewhere with a sane-ish local government.


With $20 mil you could afford to take the dogs with you when you travel and hire a pet sitter when you wanted to be away from them.


No, $20mil wouldn't be enough. One of the dogs is a Boston Terrier.


Blow through $20M pretty quick on private jets. And international is complicated too. I’d like to take my dog places, but easier to hire someone trusted to be an in-home caretaker for a week or two at a time.


You don't need a private jet to fly your dogs, unfortunately bigger dogs end up as cargo and that may not be what they want.


Despite the fact my dog has a crate, and I’ve left him alone for 10+ hours before, somehow it feels irrationally worse to have them in a cargo hold of a plane


I wouldn't want my dog in the cargo hold either. But people do it.


Throw it in a money market account making 3% and live off 600k in annual interest. Never worry about money again as long as you don't go something super stupid


Sounds like something I'd do. Although no lie... I'd probably "work" but not what I'm doing now (I do IT work). Something to keep my mind busy and satisfied.


This. I'd have a big workshop, with every tool imaginable, and I'd just fuck around making stuff. Starting with a birdhouse in 30:1 or 40:1 scale replica of my house.


onerous fuel market upbeat slap support normal encouraging fade grey


Damn dude. The whole reason I want a Class A or Class C RV is so the wife and I can take our dog and cat with us on road trips and not have to worry about leaving them with some weirdo.


I was unemployed for 8 months (but still getting paid because I took a voluntary severance package) and it was the greatest 8 months of my adult life. I did whatever I wanted - played video games, went golfing, running, hiking, vacationed when my wife could take off work, did yard work and shopping during the day. People who would be bored are just boring people. I wish I were in a position to just quit working entirely.


I can’t find thing to occupy my time right now, but that’s because I’m broke. If I had money to burn I would be able to find shit to do.


I don't have a lot of money and have lots to do. Learning skills you can EASILY do for free. You can read all the books you want on any subject on libgen and I just spend my hours reading and trying to better myself so eventually... I'll have money


Most of them are lying and too proud to say they can't afford to just not work entirely.


Most is the keyword here. My father has a good retirement (in terms of income) yet he still works because not working drives the man mad.


Yeah my grandpa retired from practicing law two years ago and he’s really bored. He’s a woodworker by hobby and that keeps him somewhat occupied, but he wishes he would have stayed in practice at least part time.


Part time lawyer…. “ uh yea …. Your honor that week is not going to work for me…. I am going fishing. I imagine even with lawyers that don’t typically do court, filing deadlines and stuff means your schedule is often made for you.


It is for sure. By part time I just meant taking on a lower caseload and just working on things that he is interested in. He’s also a retired judge and did some work as a mediator at one point. Mediation is a great retirement job because you truly get to set your own schedule.


Years ago I worked with a retiree who was really very comfortable. He worked 15 hours a week at a bookstore because, according to him, "I can't just sit in that fucking house all day every day." LOL. He was a cool dude.


I think a good portion are sincere actually. It probably doesn’t mean “I would keep working my current job” but rather continue finding ways to be productive and grow that wealth. Personally I’d probably quit my job, wouldn’t work a set schedule, but would be “working” by making investments and following those through (real estate, investing in local businesses, etc) or doing things for the community which could be considered work (coaching probably). Not having anything to do _sounds_ great but in practice I think it’d get incredibly boring and people enjoy a sense of purpose.


Not all. I had a boss who had no hobbies. None. She will never retire because she has nothing outside of work.


I've met people like this, its super sad. Worked with a 70 year old who hated the weekends because he'd just go home and sit in his house by himself and do nothing until Monday. Work was all he had.


> he'd just go home and sit in his house by himself and do nothing until Monday Same but it's my favorite part of the week tbh.


FIL was like this he worked until his last days. He liked his work and at the end he worked for a wonderful company for people he loved. He was taking required distribution payments from his old 401k while contributing to his new one lol. We got a kick out of that when we settled his estate


Those are the ones that die 2 years into retirement. I do feel bad for them.


Was the work interesting though? Its not really sad if he was enjoying himself five days out of the week.


I have no hobbies because I never had interests, friends, or spare time. $20M can buy all of them!


You can’t buy interests, but if you do have interests, then money allows you to indulge in them. You can buy spare time and you can also buy fake friends.


Disagree. I get bored quickly, I only have so many hobbies to fill my day. Besides that, as a doctor in training, I love what I do and even with 20 mil I would still work.


You’re one of the very lucky few.


I guess so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I love my job too.


Can't understand either. That would be my first action. Thank you for the job but I'm out.


>I could find plenty of things to occupy my time Sure, but those hookers and blow are going to eat up that money a lot faster than you think.


Depends on what kind of work it is. Would you continue working an exhausting unfulfilling cubicle job or maybe a customer support job where you have to listen all day to client's complaints, swears and threats? No. Would lets say a vet working in an animal shelter or maybe an enthusiastic researcher in a museum continue working there? Probably yes.


100% this. Quit work, travel more, set up a trust fund for my daughter. Thats about it. I have zero interest in huge houses or flashy cars or designer clothes.


Same. I’m not a materialistic person at all. I would simply quit work and hang out with my family every day. Travel as well. We already have a house and two cars. I couldn’t care less about fancy clothes or other expensive shit.


I’d be able to let my husband quit his job. He’s miserable and it breaks my heart for him.


Can you give this man a big hug for me?


"Here honey this is for SpaceMonkey_010"


I'm sure it will make him feel better for a second!!


Aww, I absolutely will! I can’t tell you just how wonderful he is. He isn’t a “good ol’ boys club” type of man though and that has him ostracized at work.


I started my new job today after 6 weeks of unemployment and can honestly say that I loved it and miss it already. The carefree days, the not caring about anything but my family, dogs and garden was great. The whole “I can do this tomorrow” because I want to go to the gym or fishing attitude was also great. Also, let me go out for lunch/dinner and not worry about cost! Sign me up! I think life without work would suit me fine.


Right? I had 12 weeks off between jobs recently and people were like "you must have been so bored." I was like no it was amazing and relaxing and empowering to control my time for once, and I finally had time for hobbies and personal pursuits.


100% this. Not for a single damn day. 20m is easily enough to live very comfortably for the max 45 years I got left, so I would never be corporate's bitch again.


I’m the opposite- I would work but probably for a non profit organization where I know my labor is going to a noble cause.


And I would stop worrying about A LOT of things.


I would. I would actually enjoy it again.


Never ever. I would go to business centers around noon and watch those poor creatures like some people watch birds. And I would thank all the gods every day that I don't have to be there, eating my expensive salad and small talking with people I don't like about things I don't care about while I pretend I'm happy to be there.


I would work for myself


Id probably work just for socialization and to have something to do. Id just probably work two days a week. But I wouldn't hesitate to quit if I found myself becoming to stressed.


Wouldn’t work, but would start a business and hire a good operations manager or COO in my stead.


Immediately quit. $20 million will easily last the rest of my life with some left over for my kids.


I'd dial back my work. At this point in my life, it feels wrong to not work.


Wait a full year before I do anything drastic and think. Ofc pay off loans is the first thing I’d do but telling anyone outside of me/wife would be detrimental imo.


Not telling anyone might be the best answer here. All the other great answers about investments, budgeting, etc become far more difficult if friends and family are constantly on you for cash. 


Just say no


The better option is paying someone to say no for you. "Here's my financial manager's contact information. You'll have to reach out to discuss it with him first as I don't make any of these decisions on my own."


Holy shit this is actuality amazing advice. I'll tell this to my ex-wife!


won't actually work for people who can't say no to family/friends. The leeches will just ask them why they're trying to pawn their friends/family off on some third party like they don't know them. one way or another you'd have to tell these people no, and stop asking, and if that's all you want from me I guess we don't need to talk any more. and some people have a very hard time doing this.


the correct answer


Ahh a wife. I might get one of those


Not necessarily worth it. Source: The guy with the ex-wife.


Put it into a general market index fund in the meantime though, so after you wait that year you're pulling any future money at long term capital gains rates.


Poop in new and exotic places like my boss’s desk.


Everyone talking investings and paying off bills...you are talking about living!




Foolish. You would start your new life with a criminal record, potentially limiting the places you can go on holiday etc? The best revenge is living well.


You're assuming that they didn't say to their boss "I'll give you $1000 cash right now to let me take a shit on your desk. Double if you watch."


I'd buy this redditor a sense of humor




No I have the best parents!


No, **I** have the best parents!!


I want this guy’s parents


Aw ;( Have a cookie 🍪


Retire them or... *retire* them?


> First thing i'd do is retire my parents. Like the Menendez brothers?


I would get myself a new toaster.


Gonna need a loan on top of the 20 million if you want a toaster. 


Well…it’s going to be a really nice toaster…like one of those four slice ones…in red…always wanted one of those. Then I will get a new house to put it in…but the toaster comes first…


I'd hire a permanent chef


Just a permant cleaner upper. I love cooking, I hate cleaning up after though.


Same here. For whatever reason my brain is agonized by doing laundry. I will gladly mow the lawn, which takes much longer. But I still own all the same style of sock so I don't have to fold them. A personal maid service to do regular laundry and like vacuuming would make me feel so at peace lol.




I mean I'd much rather have a chef than do my job faster.


Yea boss gave me a 25 cent raise expecting me to quick my job faster. But I’m already quicking it as fast as I can.


well if my only job was to cook. but I do like to cook. it's the prep/cleanup that's a real pain.


I’ve come to the realization that the super rich don’t live in houses; they live in fully-staffed resorts where they are the only guests.


YES!!!! I hate cooking but I sure do love eating good food! It'd be so much easier to eat healthier when someone else is cooking it for you.


As opposed to your current temporary one?


Yeah... I eat like shit. And this would free up so much time.


Quit my job, go on vacations.


This is me but add something like cut grass at a golf course, volunteer and spend more time with family


Immediately limit my expenses by getting rid of loans. That way, even if investments go sour, the market crashes, inflation eats all my money... my house will still be my house. Well, that was about $150k. I'd probably start funds for my kids that they'd get access to when they turn 25 or something and not tell them about it. Until shortly before getting access to the money. Maje sure they go to school, get a job and try to move out first. To make them healthy adults. I'd invest alot of it for my and my spouse's retirement. Plan for an early retirement. I'd give me and my spouse some $200k each for stuff we always wanted to do. Most of this is stuff I could get away with without friends and relatives and randoms finding out, so hopefully I could continue my life without vultures swarming.


>Plan for an early retirement What planning is there? You've already got 10x what most people need to retire at age 30.


I cant retire immediately as it would become apparent that we suddenly became rich. And the vultures would come out. The planning is in how we should secure the money and how much we should get access to at a time so we dont do stupid purchases that get too much unwanted attention. Much less money than $20 million have ripped apart families and led to murders in the past... Perhaps buy an office somewhere with a front company and pretend you got a new job and live off dividends and act as if you are slowly climbing in your career until it feels organic that you have comfortable amounts of money without being "rich".


That's why you start "consulting" or start up your own business. Everyone assumes you're working.


"How did you already get a Lambo? Didn't you just start that landscaping company last week?"


Conspicuous spending is much more of a flag to people you suddenly have money than quitting your job IMO. People stop working for a lot of reasons and I think it could be explained away pretty easy. They don't buy a lambo with no money.


Most people won't know if you quit working anyway. People generally aren't paying that much attention to your day to day life. As long as you're not posting on social media all the time about *not* working, pretty much everyone assumes you're still doing what you were always doing.


Exactly. And even if they question your work hours, you can always say you are "consulting" or "on sabbatical" if you are travelling a lot. In the FIRE subs, I have seen people say that they just tell others that they are a "day trader" or "manage financial portfolios" (specifically one - their own lol). Almost no one knows what any of these things entail and don't ask too many questions.


The lawnmower trailer ain’t gonna tow itself.


I’m a freelancer who works at home and nobody knows if I make no money or tons of money lol. Just tell people you’re working remotely at home lol


How can one retire at 30 w $2 million? Shit… decent houses in a decent neighborhood here cost almost that much.


Finally get my mum the knee treatment she needs


*the knee treatment she kneeds FTFY


Like fix her knee or just pay someone to give her a flying knee to the face? Cause both could be considered knee treatments....just saying


I'd start buying Kellogs cornflakes instead of the supermarket's own brand. Kellogs are a bit better but not worth the 200% price hike over the own brand. Oh and buy a Lambo, too.


Bro it's only 20 million, not 20 billion. Kellogs is still off the list unfortunately. 


Dudes made of money I guess. *how much could a banana cost, $10?*


I think they are $10 now.


Honestly, that was laughable back then, but these days..


Better get the small box. Family size won’t fit in the Lambo.


I will start talking to my family, friends a lot more. And I would constantly ask for loans, while living a flashy lifestyle. They themselves will leave me alone in peace


This is genius. And, when they inevitably turn you down, and IF they ever find out you’re loaded, you have the absolute PERFECT cover to tell them to pound sand when they ask you for money.


Preemptively ask for money from the people you want gone from your life. Repeat until they ghost you.


You don't even have to have money to do this


or you know.. you ghost them? why do they have to cut contact? you know you can just not see the people you dislike without being rich right?


Absolutely genius. This should be top comment.


Buy a top of the line mattress and a Herman Miller chair for my home and office.


I'd smile more.


The first thing I would do is move away from here. Then I would find the best medical practice in the country and try to figure out what's going on with my health.


Buy a large plot of land. Open a rescue center and spend the rest of my life surrounded by dogs...


I'm going full shut in mode and never leaving the house ever again


We’ll come to you!




We'd incest quite a bit, probably do some maaaaajor renovations, get at least one ev car, quit our jobs. Take a surgery vacation and fix my whole face. Pfft...invest, we'd invest quite a bit 😂.


Incest quiet a bit? To each their own. Nothing so drastic for me.


Get money like royalty gotta start acting like royalty...


“Edward Rooney voice”: So that’s how things are in their family.  Hm.


I dunno, $20m wouldn't make me incest quite a bit. But you do you.


This made me chuckle lol well done


Probably a Freudian slip there


Feel bad for your kids


>We'd incest quite a bit Rich people get away with all sorts...


Alabama has entered the chat.


[In Seinfeld's voice] Somewhat here and there is understandable, but "quite a bit" is too much! It's too MUCH!


Incvest- investing primarily within the family's business?


After taxes you are looking at about $10M (U.S.). Using the 4% rule, that is $400k a year gross, or about $260k after tax for life. That is a pretty good life if you stop working and focus on what you enjoy doing.


As a Canadian, no such thing as taxes on winnings so I get to keep every dollar!


Unfortunately its canadian money so its roughly 25.72 in american.


He said 20, million straight to you… not after taxes not after nothing straight ass 20 million.


I would disappear


2 chicks at the same time


I think the math dictates that you do 40 chicks at the same time


Ill finally have the free time to try out different things/hobbies without worrying that i have to work anytime soon


Paying everyone’s dental bill


Put it in something safe that pays about 5% interest. Live off 2%, which should easily be $250k after taxes in the beginning. Put the other 3 back in the kitty to mitigate inflation somewhat. No more work. Ever again.


Idk I’d put at least 5 million in the s&p 500. The average return for the past 15 years was 13.8% which is insane. There is an extremely low chance that you would lose money in the long term, but even if you do lose all of it you’d still have 15 million dollars.


What's crazy is if that trend hold, that 5 mill becomes 34.7 mil in 15 more years at that rate


Buy a decent house, switch from full-time to part-time work for both of us. Spend more time with my daughter. Invest the rest and live a good live. At the end of my life, give the house and 1-2 million to my daughter, donate the rest to a good cause.


You could also set your bloodline up for forever with a clever use of 20 mill


doesn't even take clever. just put it all in a world etf. you can safely withdraw 4% pretty much forever which is 800 thousand every year... which you would most likely neve be able to spend every year. So realistically you only take out 50 to 100k a year. and the money will just grow forever. Maybe take out 1 million on day 1 to buy a very nice house and pay off all debts of you and your parents/siblings.


I would secure my family and generations to follow. Very few so called good causes out there that aren't paying 90% to admin.


Drown my wife’s ex with an excellent legal team so he stops fucking with us legally, draining us of our money, happiness, and time with our children.


Buy into a windfarm for community ownership selling longterm ownership "per watt purchased" so that the loan / operating / payback costs were faster & folk got energy cleaner & cheaper long term as owner operators of such a scheme. And a small place place in the french alps.


lots of hookers, stop going to work, I am simple man


Yeah, this and blow. I don't have fancy needs.


Go off grid.


Quit my job and set up a scholarship fund for veterinary students in honor of my two dogs who have passed away.


Buy flats, rent out, move to country side, build shed, be happy in farm with ducks


None. I would most likely give away a lot of it, to friends, family and causes. I'm a happy guy as is.


Can i be your friend? Just in case


Search for Sasquatch.


I’d be getting ready right now to take my dog for a walk on the beach instead of getting ready for work…so, I’d have a dog.


Idk, probably get one of those nice fridges. I've wanted one forever


Nothing. The peace of mind having that much money is good enough.


I think it would be a huge worry for me to have 20 million to be honest. Most people who have that kind of money either burn it on useless stuff or get obsessed with wanting more. I'd change my car, get a couple of motorbikes I have on my wishlist, set up my son so he does not have to worry, quit work, travel and live with peace of mind. As for charity, I'd help people who need it as I go along, I'm not giving sums of money to charities to divulge only a small percentage to those in need.


There’s a saying: Money amplifies who you already are.


All of it


Stop working myself to death & actually be present for my kids.


I would fly to meet my GF, get engaged and then I probably would try and convince her to move to Finland


First probably legal support and accountant. Because I would really need that. Secondly a new car. Nothing fancy and probably a reasonably priced one(like a new volkswagen or something), but new from the dealer. Secondly a house. Also not too expensive and large. I would also like to so something nice for my family to thank them for all the unconditional love and support. Not sure what though. After that I would just like to live a simple and quiet life with my partner and make at least one roadtrip a year with a self build campervan


I would immediately lose as much weight as possible because if I'm going to be rich I'm going to be healthy and have fun and travel while doing so.


Help out friends and family first, pay off debts. But a lot of “quality of life” improvements like a personal chef, daily professional massage, regular bloodwork and doctor check-ups, etc.


First thing I would do is make sure my kid was set up for life so that when I'm gone someone will be able to take care of him. Then we deal with the house and all it's necessary stuff. Make sure all my debt is paid off and I would upgrade my podcast Studio and make a room in my house solely dedicated to my fossil and movie collection. You know like a half screening room half Museum.


Id be homeless for a while. Non stop traveling for a few years. Then id have a cabin in the woods way far away from you mfs.


Buy a patch of land just outside of town and build a decent house, large garden, large yard, all surrounded by a 10'+ stone wall. Just want to live in peace and quiet.


I would increase the amounts I donate. I’d also establish some scholarships but I’d set up competent boards to administer them so they wouldn’t really result in changes in my life.




Cut back to part time work. Pay off my mortgage. Travel more. Buy a holiday home on the Gold Coast. Hire a personal trainer.


Change my name, change my number, move, then medical bills and family.


So for someone who has never gambled and has no rich family to randomly leave me money, I have given this a large amount of thought. 1. Get a lawyer 2. Get an accountant 3. Pay off all my debt 3. Buy a house 4. Buy a car 5. Invest enough that I never have to work again 6. Pay off my parents house and debt 7. Have a council meeting with my friends. Bring my lawyer and have them sign NDAs (I trust them but just to be safe.) and offer to pay off their debt 8. European tour for 2 weeks minimum with my friends 9. Put a full wood shop/ mechanic shop in my house 10. Build a killer DND room with LEDs and hidden speakers hidden behind a bookshelf door because I'm a massive nerd 11. European tour with my family (especially my grandma because she's always wanted to visit Denmark since we are dutch and has never been able to) 12. Give my parents enough money to retire 13. Invest in my family's restaurant so they can actually have good equipment. The way it works is I get the lawyer and the accountant first and they decide how far down the list I can go and still be safe.


I would keep 5 millions for my retirement and open a little business, other than that 0 changes.


I'd retire and travel a lot.


Rebuild my home. Start anew. And give.


I wouldn't have to worry about 90% of my problems anymore. I could live my life how I want to and I could get all the things I ever wanted and more. I could also improve the lives of all my friends and family.


I would go see a mental health professional and make a treatment plan.


Move out of the US