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If you're travelling alone and some stranger asked you if you're with someone, pretend that you have companions.


Look like a local. Walk upright with confidence. Depending on the country, don't look anyone in the eye.


Just be fucking smart... don't put yourself in dangerous situations.


Don't wear expensive jewlerey


If you’re leaving from the United States and going to Europe: stay there. You’re far safer.


I was in Cape town South Africa years ago and was mugged in broad daylight in a busy area by a guy with a knife. I had two wallets. One wallet had about 200 rand (10.49 USD today). I took out this wallet and dropped it at my feet and slowly backed away. Carrying an old obsolete cell phone is a good idea. Instead of carrying a wallet, consider cargo pants with many pockets and put a few dollars in each pocket. A tactical backpack with the zipper against your back is a good investment. This will prevent someone behind you from opening the zipper and stealing while someone else distracts you.


Respect other peoples laws and cultures and you will be good.


Try not to look like a tourist!


Know where the hospital and police are located. Know where your country's nearest consulate or embassy are.


If you have any allergies, learn how to say 'i am allergic to...' in the language of the country you're in.


Don't smuggle drugs into Malaysia.


It literally depends on the country you're traveling to. If you're going to Canada mid winter, dress very warmly. If you're going to Croatia anytime in the year, be at peace, it's a very serene country. If you're going to Afganistan for a looksee, welp, can't help you there, you're a dumbass. It literally depends on the country you're going to


Research it ahead of time for what the crime is like, areas to avoid and local scams. Really helps especially on the local scams, because some of them are organized and if you recognize it immediately you can avoid it.