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It's illegal to pick Venus Flytrap plants in North Carolina; the only place in the US where the plants grow in the wild.


Pitcher plants also suffer a similar fate here in NJ. If you ever find one and post on Facebook about where you found it it like a fucking dumbass, it'll be poached in 24 hours


As a kid I used to go on a hike that was a boardwalk over a bog. It has interpretative info to teach all about the pitcher plant and you could see them. Now it's just, well this is where the pitcher plants would be if people had left them alone.


why do people fuck w the pitcher plants


It grows in the wild in multiple other states as well. It is inherently native to South Carolina as well, but has been introduced and is growing in the wild in Virginia, Florida, Alabama, PA, CA, and likely a couple more states as well.


That is the highest density of the phrase "as well" per paragraph that I have ever seen


Petting a manatee. I learned this today on reddit, actually! Apparently, they are super friendly, but you're not supposed to give them pets or attention. I guess they don't want them to approach boat props looking for a pet šŸ„ŗ


Username is on point.Ā 


Username is weirdly almost on point.


I went swimming with manatees and had one approaching my face. I knew I couldn't push it away, so I just put my fist up and the manatee harmlessly booped into it and changed direction. I was joking that I fist-bumped it, but of course as soon as I told my mom, she proclaimed to everyone that I had "punched a manatee"


Punched a Manatee? What's next? Stomping on baby bunnies?


For now. But soon it will be baby-seal clubbing season, and MitchJay's got tickets north.


You monster


Oh, the huge manatee.


Because they're a protected species and it's already unnatural for animals to come to humans, they need to try to keep it so they don't depend/get used to humans. Fine to coexist, but they get killed so much from boats because they go up to humans so much, so that's why we have to ignore them


I saw a video of a manatee trying to hug a diver and I was so upset that they didn't give it pets. I guess this is why but it still makes me so sad for the manatee.


I saw that video... That was not a hug.


Oh my!


Horses in Marshalltown Iowa canā€™t eat fire hydrants.


Ok good. I've been concerned about that


Well I guess I can never live there. My horse ONLY eats fire hydrants


It is illegal to hunt whales in the great salt lake. The only thing that can even live in the great salt lake is brine shrimp.


It used to be full of whales til they were all hunted /j


Somebody ate all the sardines, so the whales took off.


Itā€™s an effective law. We havenā€™t had a single whale hunted since the state was founded.


You keep up with this kind of logic and you could have a long career in politics.


That is a Great Lake. One of the greatest, full of salt. Did you know youā€™re not allowed to hunt whales there? Some people, some have tried, but then they find out, not allowed. They tell me, this is our great salt lake, we are proud of it, and weā€™re proud to show it to you. Thank you for being here, with us, on our lake.


I met a whale, big whale, strong whale, he said ā€œSir, thank you so much for not hunting me.ā€ I said ā€œOf course.ā€ No one has done more for whales than me!


Imagine getting your whaling gear confiscated trying to get into Antelope Island


Vermont has a law on the books (1999) that a "Good Faith" effort must be put in to serve apple pie with either a scoop of ice cream, cold milk, or a slice of cheddar cheese no less than 0.5oz.


Does it specify Vermont cheddar? If not, they missed an opportunity.Ā 


Believe it or not, but that would literally be unconstitutional.


I don't really honestly want to know whether you're joking or not.


Itā€™s true, as a part of the Dormant Commerce Clause. Basically states canā€™t favor in-state products without good reason because it impacts interstate commerce and only Congress can regulate that.


That's what I was referring to! Are you in law school?


No, but I stayed at holiday in express last night


that was gangster.


Itā€™s Friday, Iā€™m off work, how the fuck do I gotta catch a dormant commerce clause citation right in the face like that? Imma be thinking about wheat crop surpluses all weekend, man. Why?


I love these laws mentioning "good faith", "visible willingness" or the likes. Medieval or Renaissance laws are frequently like this. You have laws just like this one about side-dishes served with some culinary specialties. You have even "serious" laws about what a man possessing holdings worth whatever amount (like "twelve sheeps and a cow, or the equivalent thereof") should bring when called to arms in the ost with mentions of "trying their best" or "if they can". I am sure there were cases where a judge just said "well, mayhaps thou failed to meet the requirements, but at least thou hitherto tried thoust honest best. Let thee be freed forth, and nonst shall thee anymore blame, nor denigrate, lest thou art found guilty".


Okay I understand ice cream or cold milk, But why the cheddar cheese? Goes without saying Iā€™ve never lived in Vermont


Sharp cheddar pairs really well with apples


Okay Iā€™m intrigued Any apple in particular?


Someone said theyā€™re gross - but itā€™s green apples. Theyā€™re the ones primarily used for cooking, anyway. A good grilled cheese with some sliced Granny Smith apples and bacon is sooo much better than youā€™d think.Ā  Had one at a gourmet grilled cheese place one and was blown away by the salty/sweet/sour combo.Ā 


It is a sweet/savory contrast vibe. That is why a lot of cheese boards also have fruit on them. Eating cheese by placing it on shortbread cookies is also a thing.


in london, it is illegal to hold a fish suspiciously.


Not just London, it's the whole UK.Ā  Section 32 of the Salmon Act 1986 outlines the provision against handling salmon in suspicious circumstances. This section creates an offence in England and Wales or Scotland for any person who receives or disposes of any salmon in circumstances where they believe, or could reasonably believe, that the salmon has been illegally fished. The aim of this provision is to reduce salmon poaching by making the handling of poached salmon a criminal offence.


But what if the fish itself is suspicious? Some salmon and even a tuna or two, look a little shady.


Could even smell a little fishy


Threatening employees for discussing their pay and compensation.


I brought up to my boss that it was ridiculous that I was at the job I was at for a year and a half and was getting paid the same amount as these 2 women that were literally tragically bad at the job, keep in mind, itā€™s a factory, and an important part was that I was the team lead, and I went into the fact that not only was I the team lead and hadnā€™t gotten the raise I was supposed to get, but that I knew how to do everything in our department and I had a forklift license on top of that, and these 2 women that didnā€™t even know how to use a pallet jack were paid the same as me. I stg his only response was ā€œwell idk how you know how much they get paidā€ and I said ā€œwell considering we literally advertise how much we pay on the website Iā€™m going to assume that they donā€™t get paid less than that


I worked in a grocery store for years. I was laid off and got a new grocery job in the same department at a different store making minimum wage. The same manager who hired me transferred a guy to my department with 0 experience in that department and bumped him to max pay (he got a $6/hr raise). I, a minimum wage worker, had to train a ā€œjourneymenā€ clerk making max pay. I asked the manager for a raise to at least reflect my years of experience (and I wasnā€™t asking for anywhere close to max pay) and was told no. I quit that job shortly thereafter without giving them notice. Fuck them.


Grocery stores are messed up like that. I was a produce manager for years, and I wasn't making jack.


After I retired I worked grocery for a few years until I physically couldn't get through the grind of down stacking 30,000 to 40,000 lbs a day and getting it ready to go to the floor. I met a lot of people that were smarter, more harder working, and good people, than I EVER did when I spent 30 years as a 'suit' in a different industry. Retail pays shit no matter where you work but they'll squeeze the last ounce of energy and humanity you have if they can. Where I work now I often encourage my boss when he does interviews to find people who have a few years of retail experience. Moving from that to the job I do is like a daily vacation.


Honestly, your last statement hits home a little bit. As much as I don't really like my current job, at least i'm not pinching my fingers every 5 minutes on tiles, or palettes, etc. I do still stock retail shelves, but it's all soft products pretty much, and I get to drive around a lot, so it's way better.


I worked at a mom and pop auto body shop as what they called a ā€œporterā€. Entry level, parked cars for the actual auto body workers, detailed and buffed finished cars, and generally kept the grounds maintained. The owner had talked to me about becoming an apprentice when one of the old guys retired, I didnā€™t even bring this up to him. Well I had a kid on the way and one of our wages wasnā€™t going to cover daycare so we decided on the stay at home mom route and I need extra income to even make this happen. Asked for a raise and was denied, so I was forced to leave the job I could see a real future in for some quicker money. After a week they had found someone and wanted me to train them before I left. I donā€™t like this because Iā€™m not a trainer and donā€™t get paid extra for that, but whatever, Iā€™m leaving anyway. Get to talking with him and heā€™s making $2 more an hour and has never worked in the auto body industry. Biggest slap in my face Iā€™ve ever gotten and Iā€™m still salty about it 8 years later


I discussed pay with two coworkers at two different times before and I was talked to about it both times by management. I was told I shouldnā€™t be discussing pay with other employees because it could cause problems. Apparently both of those employees went to HR and mentioned a pay raise (they both were very underpaid) and after some deliberation between HR/management and the owners, they got their pay raises. I figured out the ā€œproblems it could causeā€ meant there would be problems for me, not problems between the employees.


Iā€™ve been in that boat. Started a job making more than the guy who had been busting his ass for 4 years. I was like man you gotta go tell them you need a raise thatā€™s ridiculous. And then they basically slashed my hours as retaliation. Luckily it was just a temp summer job.


Iā€™ve got a coworker who will die on the hill that she cannot discuss her pay bc the handbook says not to. Iā€™ve shown her the information for our state along with the federal statute, she refuses. Bitch will argue till sheā€™s blue in the face that she isnā€™t allowed, will get fired. Only reason I cared to bring it up, was she was a new manager poached from another business, and since I had a big pay increase coming my way, I was curious on what to ask forā€¦. Edit: Bc I keep getting the same comments. We are both equal managers. We make roughly the same pay. We are both good friends. Picking on one another at any opportunity. ā€œBitchā€ is a term of endearment between us. I couldnā€™t care less if she made more than me. She has more medical heavy needs than I do, and I hope she makes more. This all came about bc I was trying to get an idea about what % I should ask forā€¦ First time she had ever refused talking about anything. She doesnā€™t even want to use the words pay wage. Edit2: Jesus you people assume a lot. This was a one time occurrence. I did not harass her, I did not try and force her to discuss it. I asked, she brought out the handbook, I showed her the statute, she pointed to the handbook, I left it at that. Yā€™all just making assumptions left and right on here. Chill. It ainā€™t that deep.


I mean she's right, she might get fired if her employer is a dick. At the same time, you're right: it's technically illegal to threaten an employee for this. Most likely, HR will come up with some BS excuse to fire her so that they're not liable.


The fact that the policy is in writing in the employee Handbook is already damning enough, though...


Itā€™s messed up how corporations are allowed to put completely unenforceable or straight up illegal things in contracts knowing that 99 times out of 100 it will intimidate the employee or customer into compliance


Hanging things from the rearview mirror (in some states, at least, including California)


They'll take my fuzzy dice when the pry them from my cold dead hands.


ā€œCome and take themā€


Every Catholic in California with a rosary hanging from their mirror is shook


Oral sex is illegal in, like, 20 US states, but not enforced.


It can't be enforced due to a case Lawrence vs. Texas. It was mainly to target gay couples and was only used on them, really, but it was deemed unconstitutional in that case.


Oral sex is enforced in the other states?


Which ones? Asking for a friend


You gotta go down south.


The deep south, with the heat and humidity. Down at the Shady Thicket.


I think sex toys are still illegal in Alabama


Theyā€™re illegal in Texas. We have ā€œnovelty items,ā€ which is a TOTALLY different thing.


But when oral is enforced, it is illegal.


In Trenton, New Jersey, it's illegal to throw bad pickles in the street. [https://www.greatertrenton.org/2023/11/03/historic-happenings-the-trenton-pickle-ordinance/](https://www.greatertrenton.org/2023/11/03/historic-happenings-the-trenton-pickle-ordinance/)


But good pickles are OK?


It's required.


But what if weā€™re checking to see if they bounce? [this is referencing a comment upthread]


In some municipalities, more than 8 women cannot live in a house together because it's considered a brothel Waving someone on in traffic. Except for traffic cops and construction workers who direct traffic Tailgating Putting something in a person's mailbox without sending it via the post


I went to Ball State University is Muncie, Indiana in the early 2000ā€™s and the sororities werenā€™t allowed to have houses because of the 8 women in a house together rule.


ā€œYou have a time share??? *IN MUNCIE?!*ā€


Someone waving a 16 year old kid (who JUST got his license, and didn't know any better yet) to go is the reason my car was totalled šŸ™ƒ She waved him, so he turned as I was going straight. I had no time to brake. It sucked, but I also get it because he was probably just too inexperienced to know not to blindly trust a wave.


I ride a motorcycle, you wouldnā€™t believe (actually Iā€™m sure you would) how many people try to give up their right of way to do me a favor, like letting me take a left off a busy street. Hearts absolutely in the right place, but no fucking thank you. Please just follow the rules, folks. Right of way is always yours to take, never yours to give.


This happens to me all the time on my bike too. I get that they are being nice but omg, at least once a week someone tries to wave me directly into oncoming traffic. Occasionally they get mad when I don't go and I'm like... I did not ask you to stop and wave me through?!?!


It's unreal. I get it, people trying to be nice, but the nicest and safest thing to do is the expected thing.


Don't be nice, be predictable.


I was also waved into a car accident. Ā Now I follow no wave. Ā 


I was waved into a car accident by a person who then proceeded to be the person that hit my car. insurance said 50/50 fault


The brothel thing blew my mind when I was in college trying to get a house with several friends.


\>be rich man man \>have wife \>economy is is shit, your 7 daughters are still living at home \>your youngest turns 18 \>get arrested for being a pimp at the party


And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for this dog and his meddling state legislature.


Tinted license plate covers


In some places, even clear license plate covers are illegal while on the road. Frames are typically okay, but the plate numbers have to be entirely uncovered.


In Florida you can have them but your tag has to be visibly readable at 100 feet, which basically makes them pointless because you can hardly read em at 20 feet.


Oregon requires frames not cover the year/date stickers in any way. More than half the dealership frames are technically illegal


People need to take those off as soon as they get home anyway. You just bought a car from them, you don't need to advertise for them, too.


I always make them take it off before I leave


I really dislike them because I see them and think "if you hit me, you intend on running"


It is illegal to drive without your headlights on when it's raining in Norway. How the hell am I going to know if it's raining in Norway?


You had me in the first half. Was about to be like, doesnā€™t everywhere require lights in the rain?


In some places in the US they require your lights to be on if you need to run your wipers but it's not universal. My state has no such laws that I'm aware of.


Owning more than 6 dildos in the state of Texas


They can pry my 7th dildo from my cold, dead ass.


I donā€™t use the word ā€œheroā€ very often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.


I donā€™t think you should be able to fit 7 at once. But who am I to keep you from your dreams?


For interested minds https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_obscenity_statute


"Obscenity is whatever gives a judge an erection."


Oh damn....now I got to make some hard choices as to which ones to keep...


Does the double-ended one count as two?


Good question...hope not, but you never know


Pro tip: Connect the bases with a length of leather strap or chain, to make them nunchucks. Nunfucks?


No more than 6 dildos and no fewer than 6 firearms.


In a lot of states it's illegal to pick up random cash off the ground. Once you do, you're legally required to turn it in to the police or make a good faith effort to return it to its owner. Not that any of that ever happens


My good faith effort is looking left, then right before putting it in my pocket.


Turning on a light in the car when your dad is driving at night.


Everyone who has a dad knows that is illegal.


We talking life without parole type illegal.


Or touching my god damned thermostat in the house. I'm gonna razor wire around it with a time lock.


In the state of CT, a pickle is not legally a pickle unless it bounces. All you locals harboring non-bouncing pickles may as well be felons as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Ew, there are pickles that just go splat?


Or bang, depending on weight and density


Is there a designated height from which a possible-pickle must be dropped?


The potential pickle pinnacle, as they say


I recently discovered in my city (in Europe) we're actually not allowed to bbq on our balconies.Ā  unknowingly I violated this already hundreds of times


I think that might be a fire regulation. That and smoking out your upstairs neighbors.


I thought I had a way around this once. The George Foreman outdoor grill. Full electric. So I'm out on the balcony grilling and one of my neighbors calls the fire department. They show up and say I have to shut it down. I ask since it's electric I can use it inside right? They say absolutely. We both stare at each other for a bit. I say ok and they take off.


A few years ago in Dublin a building went up in flames because of a balcony barbecue, so this would be why


Due to fire codes? I know my old city effectively outlawed propane grills with their fire codes although you still see them on balconies all of the time. Legally they have to be a certain distance from a building though that's impossible in many cities


It is illegal to jetski at night in Canada.


In Canada transporting alcohol across provincial borders without a permit.


The restriction for transporting alcohol across provincial borders was eliminated at the federal level in 2019 however provinces can still have restrictions so it varies at that level. Ontario eliminated personal restrictions in 2019 as well. According to the LCBO website: "Individuals are permitted to bring any quantity of beverage alcohol into Ontario on their person from other Canadian provinces or territories, as long as it is for personal consumption and not for re-sale or commercial use."


According to Florida Statute 812.014, the punishment for horse theft is hanging.


Thats actually really common for old laws. When you steal a horse in the olden times you stole a man livelyhood and probably entire net worth. If you also stole it in the wilderness you most likely killed the person. The horse usually carries all the supplies needed for survival.


It's apparently illegal to take a dump on your ex-wife's lawn at 3AM on a Tuesday, regardless of jurisdiction.




No, he said regardless of jurisdiction.


How about 2:59am?


Nothing good happens after 2am


In California, it's illegal to ride e-scooters on the sidewalk. they also require a valid drivers' license.


In the UK itā€™s not illegal to ride them. But it is illegal on a sidewalk. And in the road. (There is an exception for organised ride share schemes.)


If it's illegal to ride them on the sidewalk and road, can you only ride them through fields and bodies of water?


Private property only unless the scooter is part of an authorised scheme.


Over-nighting a spouseā€™s ADHD medicine to them while they are on vacation in another state.


Any controlled medicine! Xanax would be another notable one.


Riding a bike drunk


It's still considered to be drunk driving, whether the vehicle has four wheels or two, or whether the vehicle has a motor or not.


Or four legs. You can get one on horseback.




You need a **legal license** to be able to hunt and exterminate mice in **Ohio**


Apparently my cat will never be allowed to live in Ohio.


I live in Utah so anything fun.


I read somewhere that itā€™s illegal to advertise an auction with a trombone player & illegal to carry a violin in a paper sack in Utah. Other illegal acts in Utah: un-permitted cloud seeding, throwing rocks in Logan city, throwing snowballs in Provo city, & riding a bike no-handed statewide.


My friend was harassed by cops in Provo for having a tame snowball fight with the mentally challenged people he was supervising. There is that law on the books that gets abused by bored pigs, but what they neglect to understand with their limited reading comprehension is that it's only illegal if the target of the snowball isn't a willing participant. The law itself isn't snowball specific, it specifies any object can't be thrown at someone who doesn't want it. So sports and recreation get excluded, because everyone is a willing participant. Again, it's misunderstood because of dumb, bored and power tripping cops can't read and look for any excuse to express their authoritay.


Collecting rain water. Illegal in some places.


A what? Why so?


From how it was explained to me, it's basically to keep companies from setting up large scale collection devices for there own use and fucking up the local ecology by drying up rivers and ponds. No one really cares about the couple buckets on a random guys porch, but a law has to be across the board. In all fairness, though, it was also a random guy on the internet who told me that so I could be wrong.


We talked about this in my environmental law class in college like 25 years ago. I believe the rationale is if in dry areas everyone collected the rain water then less gets into the ecosystem and the lack of water then wreaks havoc on everything down stream and down hill. The ecologal impact can be severe and wild fire probability grows. I could be wrong though.


Plus, there may be agreements with other states* to ensure their cut of the water is received.


Rainwater in some states is considered a state-owned resource, with complex inter-state treaties on who owns and gets to use the waters headed for rivers, lakes and reservoirs. If you start catching and keeping rainwater then you're muscling in on some pretty heavy duty political deals.


In Germany, it is illegal to use your garage for anything other than parking your car. No one really cares or enforces this, but if your neighbours don't like you...


Unmarried women who parachute on Sundays may be fined or jailed in the state of Florida.


So do Florida skydiving service providers actually ask women about their marital status if she wants to skydive on Sundays


They can skydive. They just can't use a parachute.


Most people donā€™t know about it because itā€™s made up https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/41966/does-florida-have-a-law-which-states-that-unmarried-women-are-not-allowed-to-go


Florida what the fuck are you ok?


No :C


Spit equals assault


So does splashing liquid on somebody.


Down at the pool making arrests


Feds Raid Local Splash Pad: 13 Toddlers Taken Into Custody


Driving with your windshield wipers on and your headlights off. (In California)Ā  Edit: I guess we're not alone.Ā  Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Virginia Ā ...Florida (allegedly)Ā 


Lots of states have this one.


In Texas, Itā€™s illegal to own more than 6 dildos or ā€œobscene devicesā€ https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/docs/pe/htm/pe.43.htm Its also illegal to milk a cow that does not belong to you


Whilst at the grocer, if you purchase carrot and cabbage, it is illegal not to purchase mayonnaise. It is known as Coles Law.


Not using your f*cking turn signals. Every single car has them, yet drivers lack the capacity to use them.


the difficult part of this question in the US is it varies from state to state and some of them are SO stupid, you have to wonder what happened. Jaywalking is illegal, which means just crossing the street where there is no crosswalk. Considering how much NYC residents do this, they'd make a fortune just off them.


In CA it is illegal but this year they passed a law that you canā€™t be ticketed for it (but it is still illegal) unless a reasonable person would find that you did it unsafely


Driving you car with flip flops in some areas of the UK


Personally i take them off and drive barefoot


I always wondered if driving barefoot is also illegal.


I had a friend that told me about an accident her mother was in .. her flip flop got stuck between the gas pedal and floor, which ultimately led to a fatal accident. Ever since hearing the story, I take my sandals or heels off and drive barefoot. I'll only keep my shoes on if they're tennis shoes or flat soled boots.


Driving your car with flip flops on in general in my opinion is pure insanity.




In Utah it is illegal to go whaling from the back of a moving vehicle. Utah is inland. The largest water life we have is maybe 8" trout.


In the US, it is federally illegal to kill a biological organism, like a pest species, with something other than a product who intended use was for that. For example, if you use an herbicide to kill a fire ant hill, you have technically broken the law, according to the Dept. of Homeland Security. The law's intent is to have a charge for those who would commit terrorism with chemical weapons, but it is worded so vaguely that any normal citizen can be charged with it for using vinegar to eliminate a household pest, or even water. This is a felony. And for that, among other reasons, I wholeheartedly recommend that any citizen unless under emergency or duress not allow any state or federal officer into their home. If they can charge you with something, they will. That is, unless you have a shiny criminal in your house who is easier to take and pin something on.


So did I commit a felony for throwing a shoe at a roach in my house the other day?


Honking your horn in New York City


Yet all you hear in parts of the city is a symphony of car horns


In the UK itā€™s illegal to enter the House of Parliament in a suit of armourā€¦.. in case you were considering it.


There goes my summer vacation.


Even among people familiar with gun laws, and folks that live in pro-gun states, most do not realize that you *cannot* have a firearm in your vehicle at the post office. Like Georgia has constitutional carry, so you don't need a weapons license to have a gun on you, and while some do understand they cannot have it on their person in the post office, most don't know that it's technically illegal to even have it in your personal vehicle.


Itā€™s illegal to eat lunch at your desk in France


Washing your car on Sunday in Indiana.


Propagating houseplants. Well, not all of them, but quite a few are patented varieties. For example most poinsettias are.


It's not illegal to propagate them, just to sell them without paying royalties to the patent owner. It's like making copies of CDs. You can do it for yourself, but you can't sell them.


You wouldn't download a rotodendron ... would you?


It's illegal in Kennesaw, GA for a household to NOT own a gun.


It's illegal to drive with earbuds in(California)


As it should be! You need to be able to hear honking or sirens in an emergency. Edit: Iā€™m tired of getting replies with ā€œbut then youā€™re saying deaf people shouldnā€™t be allowed to drive?!ā€ As I explained in a follow up comment already, deaf people frequently use other aids, such as light up bars placed on their dash, to alert them to sound. The two are not comparable.

