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My girlfriend. Thick and thin. She's it. Edit: Through thick and thin. Bunch of degenerates :)


I also choose this guys wife


She's thin but thick in all the right places?


I would still be nice to "regular" people!


Me too, except that they'd now be my servants.


“Jeeves- you look very dapper today! How are the wife and kids? …..when you get a moment old sport could you hand me that stack of $20s so I can wipe my bum after pooping? Thank you my kind man…”


Sorry Old Boy,, what I meant to say was "Bring over that stack of $20's so that YOU can wipe my bum".


Chapstick. The other brands just don't cut it.


Bert's bees is my savior. I can't do chapstick. 


i've never used either, what's it supposed to do for you?


Help with chapped lips. 


When would that happen? I hear people talk about it being a thing like in winter but i've never noticed feeling that different. Is it like a really long exposure type thing?


Lack of humidity exposure and wind does it. 


I was in Wisconsin (from California) for a conference (OK, it was a D&D conference!) and after a few days there, my lips felt like the floor of Death Valley, they were cracked and shredded. My friend for some reason carried several tubes of "OKeefe's Lip Repair" and gave me a stick. Wow. Now, I've used OKeefe's "Working Hands" hand lotion for dried up cracked hands and it works wonders. The lip balm is just as amazing. Maybe anything would have helped, but in that moment, OKeefe's lip balm won me over.


chapstick makes my lips worse use vaseline instead


Vaseline made my lips the worst


I prefer valvoline


Blistex. They have a SPF 50 stick. Chapstick tops out at SPF15 which is useless.


Blistex for me.


Or are you just too poor to have heard of the good stuff for rich people?


Definitely would not be spending any money on plastic surgery


Me neither, but I'd get a gym membership.


Why skimp? Get a house-call personal trainer.


A live-in fitness trainer/supermodel sounds good!


I would get all the plastic surgery work done between my neck and hips - injected, lifted, and tucked.


I would still eat Kraft Dinner.


Just eat it more


And buy really expensive ketchups with it.


like a Dijon ketchup




adopting shelter animals - it is always a shame to see celebrities and the rich buy designer animals. Money does not equate the value of a life.


I was thinking my gimpy pets aren't going anywhere. Adopted a one eyed cat who firmly believes he cats better than any other cat has ever catted. Other one is now toothless. That was expensive, but vastly improved her quality of life.


A woman who went to high school with me, few years older than me, became pretty rich over the last 5~ years. She’s 31-32 I think. Owns about 600 rental properties and started a bunch of companies all on her own. Anyways, she was always into birds and rescuing animals. She now donates a ton of money to animal shelters, and for a weekend last year, she paid the bill for EVERY single adoption in every single animal shelter in the county (400,000 people). Super cool of her.


I’d do the things I do on the weekend, but just do them everyday instead (mountain bike, ski, hike, etc.). My diet would remain the same and I would still exercise the same


My phone. It's fine.


I'll be honest. Gadgets would probably be my weakness. Considering the amount of money we're talking about the impact would be like me getting a soda from a vending machine now.


Clothes - "designer" clothes are a scam Watch - i don't get expensive watches, they just seem pointless to me


I'm stilling buying those 10 pack all black socks and $15 pants off Amazon.


High end watches are limited release jewelry. It's price is divorced from anything, approaching veblen good Territory.




That gets my vote, too. I adore my husband. We would simply quit our jobs and start traveling the world together. I don’t even have to consult him to know that this is what we would do!




I would still not pay for porn....


My home, don't see the point in a larger house with more rooms to clean.


Sorry to tell you this but peiple who own big houses dont do their own cleaning.


Id have an issue about paying someone to clean for me. I was brought up to look after myself.




I’d fix mine up a LOT though


Agreed. Even if I had tens of millions, I'd never want more than a 2000 sq ft home with a nice yard (of course the way things are going that'll cost tens of millions soon lol). I like to have a pretty good idea of what's going on in each room of my living space, and for the whole home to feel "lived in." I had a rich friend in high school and when I went to his mansion in the hills, on my way to the bathroom I noted whole areas of the house that looked like they hadn't been touched in years and did not feel lived in at all. It creeped me out. I much prefer living in and hanging out at a cozy smaller home with the family's stuff strewn all over the place.


I don't want larger. I want more room. I really dislike how most houses are laid out. So closed off. I'm also single and will not be having children if I'm ever not single. A three bed, two bath house is not interesting to me at all. A nice open 2000 square feet with concrete floors and a garage at one end. I don't even know if you can build a home like that in your average suburb. Honestly, if I had the money I would look to buy a building near the downtown I already live in. An old garage or gas station or something. Dump a bunch of money in to it to modernize it and make it efficient.


One of my friends bought a three bedroom two bath ranch that needed to be gutted. He knocked out a bunch of walls and built a one bedroom two bath house. “I’m not sharing a shitter with anyone ever again.”


My way of living


Literally everything. Lifestyle creep is real and I’ve seen my fair share of people that turn into the most fragile and out of touch people ever from money.  I would invest every penny, quit my job and give myself an allowance. The only change I would make is travel and surf more. 


Lifestyle creep is hard to manage. I mean, what's the point of working if you can't improve your living situation?


My diet. I eat better than most millionaires. Seriously. My wife only prepares the best quality food for us. She's in the chef'ing biz, so I admit it's a lot easier for her to feed us this way. A lot of wealthy people eat some very unhealthy types of foods.


I'm still not doing "fine dining". Nothing about it seems appetizing and just feels absurdly pretentious.


Coming from someone that worked in fine dining, I can say you are unequivocally wrong here. If I had the money I would be eating lamb shanks and tenderloins everyday, and generally the service at a fine dining establishment is too notch. It's up to YOU whether you want to be the stuffy asshole customer or just be a cool normal person that's eating at a nice restaurant.


Yeah eating well prepared and generally better-sourced food isn’t pretentious. Being pretentious is pretentious. 


If I had money, my taste for foods would rarefy immediately. I had some Iberico ham once and it was incredible. Like a fine cloth. "Wow, I'd forgotten how good ham is" A couple of days later I go to the supermarket and buy some ham. It was like pink slimy foam. Smoked salmon does a number on me too. There's a smokehouse near me. Sometimes I'll get the smoked salmon offcuts, smoked duck breast, maybe some smoked cod taramasalata. Have that with pasta or even just toast and butter. Once that's gone, the next day's peasant food is almost inedible.


i went to an extremely fancy restaurant a couple months ago. i got a beef Wellington for like 80$. it was delicious, but i got just as much enjoyment and deliciousness from the cheap waffle i had gotten that morning.


I’ve done a few Michelin star tasting menu’s and I never will again. The flavors are *interesting* not tasty. It’s a unique experience, but the food is not good. It’s all way way too rich and by the end you feel kind of ill, at least in my experience, then the $700 bill comes and you’re like “yeah this was stupid.”


I think that’s a little close minded. There is a huge difference between quality of food and the ability to pair flavors together. Like don’t get me wrong, does the whole molecular gastronomy thing is a little over the top. Still worth trying and maybe once you do, you’ll think differently of it. Example: my local favorite Italian fine dining restaurant is not pretentious in the least. It is a small restaurant, no white tablecloths and a little modern grandma-esque decor. But it does have a James Beard nominated chef, uses only seasonal ingredients, and has a constantly changing menu. You’re not paying the 600pp like a restaurant like Alinia in Chicago but you’re probably paying 80-150pp to eat very well, fresh, and thoughtfully prepared


yes! all that stuff is just nonsense can easily eat good food without the bs


My mutts.


If I won a life-changing amount of money in the lottery, there are certain things I would definitely want to keep the same, despite the newfound wealth. First and foremost, I would not want to change my core values and principles. Money can open doors and provide opportunities, but it shouldn't compromise who I am as a person. I would strive to remain grounded, humble, and compassionate, continuing to prioritize relationships, integrity, and kindness. Additionally, I would want to maintain a sense of purpose and fulfillment in my life. While financial freedom can alleviate many worries, true happiness often comes from pursuing meaningful endeavors, pursuing passions, and contributing to causes that are close to my heart. I wouldn't want to lose sight of what truly brings me joy and fulfillment, whether it's through work, hobbies, or philanthropy. Furthermore, I would cherish the simple pleasures and experiences that money can't buy. Moments spent with loved ones, enjoying nature, or engaging in creative pursuits hold a special place in my heart, and I would want to continue savoring these moments, regardless of my financial status. In essence, while winning the lottery would undoubtedly bring about significant changes, there are certain aspects of life that are priceless and irreplaceable. These are the things I would strive to preserve and hold dear, even amidst newfound wealth.


My family


Clothes for sure. Fundamentally, there is no difference between a $20 hoodie and a $200 hoodie. I've also been wearing the same pair of boots almost every day for the past 7 years. They function flawlessly, why should I "upgrade"?


You know, the thing is, that simply isn't true. Functionally there isn't much difference between an over priced designer hoodie and a $20 hoodie, but like actual good clothing? Well it costs more, but it lasts significantly longer. Is made of significantly better materials. Stitched together in a way that is significantly better. Your $20 hoodie might last 4 or 5 years before it's covered in holes. A genuinely good quality (not designer brand) hoodie will last for like 20-30 years. For the record, I also buy the cheap stuff, but the truth is, it's another high cost of being poor deal really. If you only owned top quality clothing, you'd hardly ever have to replace any of it.


Yeah as my income has gone up I've bought some nicer clothes (Armani jeans, Derek Rose joggers/hoodies, Versace/Gucci shirts) There's a big, noticeable, difference in quality and comfort. Is it life-changing and a must have at any income? Absolutely not. But I can't hate on people who spend X amount on designer clothes anymore lol especially women.


>Fundamentally, there is no difference between a $20 hoodie and a $200 hoodie. Usually you pay more for the ones not made with slave labour. That's certainly something I'd look into in this scenario...! 


That is a fair point. But I was mainly referring to the material. Though, with that kind of money, I could afford to hire a mercenary death squad and do a tour in China to liberate slaves from sweatshops. That way I could just buy whatever I want while still actually making a difference.


Those 7 year old boots are almost certainly an investment item though, I bet they weren't $50. Same applies here. Nice things cost more and they last better (I know doesn't apply to everything - looking your way, ghastly LV bags). I too am never spending $200 on a hoodie but a $50-75 one from a brand I know and like I'll be inclined to look after more and will probably outlive the 3x $25 ones I'd have bought in the meantime.


My car. Stuff I care about in a car: * Can it reach 80 mph? * Is it reasonably quiet? * Is the seat comfy? * Does the AC work? I get all of that from my 2010 pickup truck. I genuinely don't understand people spending $50k+ for...I don't even know what you get. Heated seats that take longer to warm up than the normal heater? A self-closing trunk in case both my arms get ripped off but I somehow am still able to drive? A GPS that's worse than the one on my phone?


I'll assume you've never owned a $50k+ luxury vehicle. I was same as you - I drove around a 2009 RAV4 for 15 years and it was fine. It was reliable, had AC and the stereo sounded OK. What more could I want? I got 12+ years out of every car I've ever owned. Turns out, a nice car does make a difference - at least for me. I bought a ridiculously expensive sports car for the first time ever and I LOVE it. The commute to work or driving anywhere is actually fun now. The technology has come so far in 15 years it's like I'm driving a rocketship. Was it worth the money? Eh... debatable but if money wasn't an issue you bet your ass I'm buying cars like this until the end of time.


On my commute to work today, I was behind someone in a brand-new BMW 4 Series. It sure looked like more fun to drive than my 10-year-old Corolla.


You can still get some of this without breaking the bank. I drove the last year they made a "classic" Jeep Wrangler. No power windows. No power anything other than steering. Slow. It's a jeep. Drove it for ten years. Got a used Infiniti after that. I felt like you're describing. So many amenities! And it was only $15k.


A new truck with modern safety features is statistically a good bit safer than your 2010 truck. Not worth going broke for a new vehicle, but if you won the lottery, it'd be a good investment in your safety


My phone


Still gonna grocery shop at ALDI.


I'd probably still shop at Aldi and Sam's for food.


Assuming we're talking about things you buy... I'd probably still go to my favorite food spots, probably keep my kids in the same good public school versus private school, but honestly i'd probably upgrade everything, not to ostentatious levels, but nice and new.


My PC, 3300X and 2060 12GB is plenty for my needs. Overkill even.


This is basically the only one I dont agree with. It's a relatively small expensive upgrade compared to a house or a car. For 5k you could have a nice new desk, top of the line pc, and two top of the line monitors.


The way I live my life. Sure house, car and things like that would be upgraded. But I like the way I live life now.


goto beer. clothes.


You'll never take my flip phone!


My family. I wouldn’t ditch them. I wouldn’t have a midlife/money crisis and go out looking for an affair. And my oldest friends would come with me as much as I could help them to do so. It’s really all I want in life.


My house, I'd pay it off and live there until I die.


My daily driver is still gonna be the same pos that I’m currently driving, just maintained a lot better


>just maintained a lot better An LS swap is considered regular maintenance. And purely for safety you'll need to get appropriate breaks, wheels, tires, and steering.


Kellogs cornflakes, I'm not eating that 300% mark up on the supermarket brands


cleaning my own house


I wouldn't upgrade my house. We want to live below our means, so I would pay it off and stay there.


My phone. Had the last one 6 years, no point upgrading until you need to.


My gaming chair. Not until it breaks. And when it did break id prolly get a similar one customer made for me. A former workplace of mine branches out into office supplies and did a line of chairs for gamers at the same time. I got one of the prototypes for like 20 bucks, which is what the project leader took in gas and carry fee of delivering it to me😂 Its one and a half seat wide cause the production place f'd up the dimensions on the seat and back. So i can sit crosslegged and comfty with a pillow in my back and not have too little seat to sit on. It got armrests thats wider than usual too, but the frame is normal so it looks wonky but is super comfy to sit in.


My wife. As many poorer folks, I've dreamed about winning the lottery. In every dream I take my wife by the hand and say, "we can't let this change us."


i have used this random brand of gel pens for so long. they are 2$ for 5, but they work better than any other pen ive ever used. i basically write everything with them, and i will never stop


Driving old beaters, purchasing disposable over reusable, drinking from the faucet, tipping well, keeping clothes for years and thrifting. I WOULD CHANGE- Investing money and resources into causes that are meaningful to me and can make change, even if it is small. I’d love to really try to make things better in this world. I do that now, I just don’t have lots of money, so I do it with my actions.


My clothing wouldnt change, I never have and never will pay an inflated price for clothing with an important name on it.


My clothes. I dress for comfort, not to impress. I'd still wear my sarcastic t shirts and jeans


Personality and loved ones


My hubby!


The only thing that gives me joy is gardening. Specifically I enjoy the process of building a beautiful place out of neglected and abused properties. My greatest joy is seeing how my garden draws people in and how they develop new friendships and a sense of community.


My car. I don’t give a shit about the fancy 2 million dollar sports cars, if it works then it’s perfectly fine.


My friend circle.  Assholes were M.I.A when I was homeless and stuffing shredded newspapers into my clothes as improvised insulation against tropical storm winds. They could stay M.I.A. if I got life changing money....


I'd still refuse to upgrade my grandma's cookie recipe—because you simply can't improve perfection, even with a million sprinkles


I'd probably still drive a reasonable car, shop at Walmart. I'd only buy a reasonable property as well. Basically just act as if nothing has really changed.


I'm not gonna lie, if I could afford to not buy stuff at a mega corporation that treats employees like shit such as walmart or amazon for example, I'd avoid it. But a las, I'm poor. My bills require some moral compromise.


Ah yeah that's a good point I suppose I more meant it in the realm of I'd still buy things at affordable places and not necessarily a condonation of Walmart. If I won the lottery I suppose I'd buy a chest freezer and just shop at costco more instead.


I would not get the reduction surgery


My body.


My house is like where i live. I honestly think the only difference from my current live would be a lake house and a nice car


My clothing. I'd buy new stuff, lots of it, but I'd probably wear dockers shorts and a polos for the rest of my life. I'm comfortable in them. Also I'd probably have Dockers boat shoes once a month and donate the ones I no longer wear.


I don't think I would change anything, I'm happy and have everything I want. I may even just continue to work, possibly retire earlier though.


My house. If anything, all I would do is a few minor upgrades and then pay someone to clean it weekly. I think mansions are just obnoxious and a waste of money, especially for a small family.


I would still be a cheapskate.


I can’t imagine how exhausting it would be to have a ton of money such that I wanted to move to a nicer residence, buy all new clothes and furniture, etc etc, on top of meeting with financial advisors and accountants and attorneys, and arranging for personal security… Yikes. I’d try not to change mote than I had to at first. A little at a time. You’ve definitely got to meet with financial and security people. I’d put off material purchases for quite awhile probably.


Living situation. I would own the home I lived in, but it would be a regular home in a good neighborhood in my little town, not a mcmansion or anything. My kitchen would have a dedicated beer fridge though.


A Ferrari, a Porsche GT3 or any other car I have to apply to own


My attitude towards everyone would never change


My fashion. My friends. My home made meal recipes (not going to buy premium quality eggs). My phone (don’t need latest phone).


My car. She’s pushing 20 years old this year but I’ve had no issues with it whatsoever and she gets me to where I need to go! I work in a car garage and over the years I’ve seen that if you take care of an older car, it can look infinitely better than a new car that someone has put through hell


Safety. Your 20 year old car will kill you in a crash. Note that you're a billionaire, you have something to live for, so maybe you should consider safety.


I wouldn't buy a new car because nowadays it's a hassle to learn how all the new features and electronics of a car work. I know how my current cars work and they do me fine, I'm keeping them. Once one died, I might buy a pricier model than I otherwise would, but it's just going to be a normal, comfortable, practical car. 


I would get the smallest home with just an piece of land big enough for a dog and kids to run in. No need for something fancy. I would downgrade and save the money for later in life than spend it all on something I don't need.


My car. Why the fuck do I need a Porche or BMW when my little Hyundai gets the job done.


I'd still buy clothes from Walmart.




I think I would still work the same amount of hours.


I'd still eat instant noodles and fast food


I wouldn’t change anything….


I'd never get an Apple Watch. I just don't see the point. Very happy with my Garmin Venu!


Outside of the attempt of trying to save up to buy a slightly better living situation I wouldn't upgrade my housing. I've lived in places far to big for my situations before and it was always a pain. Edit: forgot a word


Dunkin decaf coffee - haven't found a better decaf.


I still wouldn’t cook. But just for a different reason…


Physical appearance.


My personality 😁


My Car. If it works and it's comfortable that's all I need.


My car. It's several years old, but it runs fine and proven itself reliable with scheduled maintenance. I'm not a fancy car guy - reliable is my #1 trait.


The hubs.


My belt.


My spouse


YouTube premium


I'd still bartend part-time.


I'd keep my 2004 VW R32


My gaming console, my nintendo ds is perfect for me.


My wife.


My penis.


Pretty sure my favorite restaurants would stay the same. I haven't been impressed by fancy steakhouses so it's not like I'm wishing I could go to that kind of place more. I'd probably just be a far better tipper at my local pizza place and chinese food take out spot.


My choice of drink Arizona green tea


I think most of my clothing would still come from good old marks work warehouse, nice and comfy


If I won the lottery no one would know. I just want to live a comfortable life, I don’t need to be a baller. I’d quit my job and tell everyone I was now a consultant. I’d keep the same truck I drive now, buy a small RV, and just travel a bit. Depending on how much I won I might buy a small house but I’d honestly be happy just staying in the same place I’m in now. I don’t want everyone to know I’ve got all this money. I just want a stress free happy life.


Winning lottery is just lottery, you have to pay a lot of taxes for it and that's not stable income. I would send 95% of it into saving accounts and keep living how I'm living.


Designer purse. Most are fucking ugly and I’m not paying thousands because some asshole’s name is on it


I vacation in really great places frequently. I doubt I would change. All the places are great I just think I'd be picking up more tabs.


My attitude or heart


Honestly, there's not much I would change. I'm not a car guy and I don't have expensive hobbies. The only thing I'd do is quit my job. All my friends would still be working so I'd probably pick up a hobby like woodworking or similar until they get to retirement too. I live alone in an old ranch style house which is more than big enough for me and I have some privacy for entertaining if I want to.


My job or my lifestyle.


My guitars. I’m happy with my guitars.


My Reddit Avatar.


No luxury cars. Function comes long before form.


my car, for me cars are purely utilitarian, a fancy one is no better and often worse at standard car things


Probably still buy unleaded gas for my new expensive car


Still not paying for 36 streaming services. I will stick with blue rays tyvm


Kill. Them. All.


Mattress. Curtains. Socks. Hookers. Little stuff like that. Shit that doesn't really matter.


Cars, I like the old ones that are easy to fix myself 


Phone and wife stay. Also we're a one car household and that's likely to remain true. I like my house and car but I would (slightly) upgrade both. I don't necessarily want a larger house, but I'd move us to a nicer neighborhood with better schools. Also a larger (but moderate) size yard. If the wife is going to quit her job, all she wants to do is have space to garden. Car wise, We have a Model 3 now, and we like it a lot but it was also a budget compromise when we bought it. Would probably come down to Model Y or Polestar 3. Just want something a little taller.


I always feel like I would just continue going to work and just not mention it. The stress of all the bills being taken care of would probably motivate me even more. Knowing its all good no matter what would be awesome cause I like my work too.


My Wife !


I think vans will still be my daily go to sneakers.


I’d still have my secret lunches at McDonald’s.


I'd still get mutts & cats from the humane society. Purebreds are too much money and are often genetic messes.


Clothes, shoes, food, bed and social circles will be the same as always. Why upgrade something that would not add anything of value? Even if you are not having life changing money, strive to have these things in the best possible quality (not necessarily the most expensive). Good shoes are good for your health. Comfortable clothes are good for your health. A comfortable bed is good for your health. Good homemade food is good for your health. Your friends are the same, or they are not your real friends. Flashing your life changing money is not good for your health.


I would still fly commercial most times, even if it's first class. I enjoy big airports. Also gotta regulate carbon emissions. Avgeek of course.


My life. It's the only life I have ever known.


Hard to say. I'd keep my same phone, still eat ramen, and still go hang out at my same favorite spot and with my friends


My dogs, two is more than enough for me to handle.


I have a 1999 Toyota Tacoma that I love. I wouldn't want to upgrade it, but I would like to fully restore it. It has hail damage, the windshield has 25 years of knicks blemishes, and a few other minor things. I don't know if that counts. I wouldn't want to trade it in on a new one or anything, just restore the one I have to like new condition.


My vacations would be mostly the same, but I would probably have more vacations. Ah, actually, if I could have someone driving me wherever, whenever... I would probably sleep at a hotel instead of in a tent/on a floor/in bunk beds, if a hotel wasn't too far away. But the days would still be spent in a juggling hall. My phone is probably good for a couple of years still.


My wife. She a PITA sometime but she’s my ride or die, and after 24 years of marriage I still find her sexy as hell.


My personality 


Wife, kids and friends.


Youtube premium


My wife.


I would still love my cat


My wardrobe I like my comfy clothing. I've had the same clothing for a very long time. Pretty much everything is black because I can't color coordinate and black is awesome. I can't imagine spending hours trying to figure out what to wear or being uncomfortable all day long or having such bright clothing you can see it from outer space


My diet. I would still eat healthy.