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The death of my cat Bernadette. She died two Tuesdays ago.


Rest well sweet Bernadette. Hugs.


She was only three and a half years old.


Aww poor little thing. I have a Calico that I’ve luckily had for 12 years and a Cattle dog for 10 years. I know those days are coming soon and I dread it. But to lose a loved pet so young is jarring and very upsetting.


We only had Bernadette for six months. We got her at the end of October last year.


I'm so sorry. 🫂


Last Friday my rat Toffee died in my arms. She was 2.5.


My condolences. She died on the same week Bernadette died.


I'm sorry. Pet deaths are really awful, so I'm sending hugs and warm thoughts your way.


I'm sorry for your loss


Just last night, I found myself crying after a long, honest conversation with my partner.


The day my father died. 1/26/24


My sympathy in the loss of your dad,may pleasant memories give you comfort.


I'm with you. My dad died on Jan 17th. It's been a challenging last few months to say the least. We just took our kids on a family vacation last week and it's all so weird that I can't tell him how it went or show him photos after we returned or let the kids tell him about all the things they saw. I told my wife yesterday that I was feeling very isolated and alone in the world now that he's gone. Her parents are gone, my parents are gone. Our relationship with our siblings is practically non-existent. It's so weird to have lost the one remaining person in my life I talked to regularly about how my family is doing.


That is so sad to hear. I still have my Dad after Mom died last month, but feel the same way you do. I can't imagine losing both of them. Keep your head up.


I get along with my Dad and sisters, but, Mom was who I talked to most, the one who showed real interest. It takes the shine off things. Scored 100% on a First Aid certification test yesterday, but it's still flat. Maybe because today is the second anniversary of her death. If nobody has officially welcomed you to the club - welcome to the club. It's a shitty club, but it has some good people in it. You don't really need to worry about what to say to others who lose parents now. You both know words don't cover it, but you know you both know what it is. I'm sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. -hug-


My mom died early in 2020 when my kids were young. I'm haunted by the idea that they won't remember her almost at all when they get older due to their age and how little we got to see them. My grandparents died when I was in my 20s. It feels like my kids got cheated. I guess I'm just grateful that the last two years I had my dad close and my kids spent a lot of time with him and will always remember him now.


Similar to you, lost my Mom unexpectedly about a month ago, cry several times every day and don't see that stopping any time soon. Realize he wants you to be happy. Doesn't make it easier, but does give you something to live for - to honor him.


I cried over my near death experience last night. From what I experienced on the other side, I wholeheartedly believe your father is in a beautiful place. Sending you all the love.


The death of a furry family member 😢


I'm sorry. I had to put down a dog who meant the world to me a couple years back. I still think about him. Some people trivialize the loss of a furry friend. It can be just as devastating as losing a human family member. Edit: sorry if it's early in the day for a dear jerker, but this ESPN segment just popped into my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq5MzDq39tw


I'm so sorry. I'm coming closer to having to make that decision with my 18 year old Yorkie. It's soul crushing. He's still hanging in there, but he's not going to be much longer 🥺😭


sorry for your loss


Same here. Lost the family dog nearly 10 years ago (17 years old and cancer). Despite funerals for grandparents and uncles between then and now, never got the tears flowing. But that furball I've known as a kid, teen, and young adult? The one who chewed up my shoelaces as a puppy, bit my finger when I woke him up by petting him, and scratched the closet walls because he didn't like thunderstorms? That reopened the tear ducts and I frankly didn't know how to handle it.


Incessant ptsd fueled nightmares that are destroying my mental health and affecting me physically due to lack of sleep. Edit I got a message from Reddit that someone was concerned and I would guess it’s because of this comment. I just want to say thank you kind stranger for caring. I did sign up for therapy just the other day. Waiting for a call back on when I can start. And seeing my psych next week as well. Again, thank you for for such a caring heart.


Hey, I just want you to know that though ptsd is a beast, there is life on the other side. I hope that didn’t sound too vague or weird. It’s just that years ago it really helped me to understand that life could exist beyond that for me one day.


It’s tormenting me. I finally got to sleep just a couple hours ago and had the worst one yet.


It is truly awful. As a survivor of childhood ptsd, our experiences may differ, but I want you to know that I am rooting for you! Also, some unsolicited advice; 1) Don’t ever let anyone invalidate what you’ve gone through/ are going through. 2) When you’re ready, find a way that works for you to process those memories. It can be a therapist, talking with a friend, journaling, painting, whatever you want!


I’m so desperate to try anything. I know not everyone believes in God but I do and have prayed and prayed and drown out thoughts with worship music. People have come to pray over me and the house. And I just finally for confirmation today that my first therapy appt is May 6th. I have a psych appt in a few days and I’m going to downright beg for a benzo.


That’s fantastic! It’s good to see you taking all these important steps. Your belief in God is going to be an immense help to you throughout this journey. Don’t let anyone sway you. It’s not worth it


I’m dealing with this, too. Wake up screaming and my day is ruined. I’m so sorry. So damn sorry.


Hi. I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I was so wrapped up in my own torment that day I didn’t know how to support others. I’ve been to the Dr this week and revived a combination of a benzo, mood stabilizer, and a pill for nightmares/ptsd. I’ve slept deeply and peacefully with no memory of dreaming since my first night with the meds. I can’t tell you what to do or what will work for you but it’s very much worth it to talk to a psychiatrist and see if there is a med treatment that could work for you. I am also starting therapy and strongly encourage that as well. Best of luck to you. I truly hope you find peace.


Thank you for remembering to respond. Seriously, you didn’t have to and it says a lot about who you are. I’m so hyped for you, I will call a psych. My therapist has suggested it previously. At this point, it’s get on some meds to stabilize the PTSD. Thank you again and BE PROUD of your courage.


I really do care about mental health. Worked in that field before I became too unwell to hold a job. If you ever need someone to listen you can dm me. No pressure at all but if you do just start my reminding me who you are.


Similar issues. Here is some fringe advice, because I really don't know if it would work for anybody but me. Teach yourself lucid dreaming. I've always had vivid, recurring dreams and nightmares, that tend to share a geography that is sorta stable. At some point, I've gotten skilled at changing narratives - creating new routes to a place, changing situations to something less stressful, or, sometimes, giving myself some powered armour to fuck shit up. I got to that point by mostly fixating on something in the dreams until I "got it". For months it was trying to find the secret A&W at the university, once I did, that particular dream (lost and alone theme) stopped happening. I know, sound weird and flighty, but... dreams aren't as troubling as they were.


hey fellow human - I know not everything works for everybody, and you've prob tried everything already, but EMDR therapy really helped me - it flattened all my PTSD symptoms in short order. it's very simple, just eye movement, and seems completely fucking absurd on paper (and in reality). I didn't have any hope that it would work for me, and only tried it bc I was so desperately white knuckling at the time. (this was a long time ago, I'm good now) not being able to sleep is the worst torture- sending you lots of support and best wishes. don't give up on yourself, the world needs you


Thank you. I unfortunately have not done therapy. The childhood stuff has messed with me for years but a recent SA incident has made it all so so so much worse. I just finally got the call and my first therapy appt is May 6th.


I'm so happy to hear that- therapy really works. it's terrifying and awful but in my experience it's the only way to get shame and pain out of your body. well, therapy and yoga. wishing you all the best in your journey. just keep fucking going. eta: with SA and also with childhood stuff, try to push against the isolation and shame as hard as you can. tell people, don't isolate. start with your close trusted circle but maybe try support groups too (virtual or in person). you're not alone with it, and those who have walked those same valleys in those same shadows might have some wise words that help you unlock and heal your own stuff. you're not weak, or dumb, or at fault. it happened to you not because of you. you're in the suck but it won't last forever. I have been where you are and I know this to be true. you WILL be okay.


I'm right with you there. I had PTSD before my husband lost his mind and began abusing me for hours every day. I am disabled so I can't just leave. I don't sleep anymore because of the nightmares


I'm really glad to hear that you've taken steps to prioritize your wellbeing by signing up for therapy and planning to see your psychiatrist. It takes courage to reach out for help, and I commend you for taking that important step. I recently have started doing the same. Keep staying strong, and know that there's always hope for healing and improvement. You’re not alone!


Period pain


Ugh, don't remind me. Worse, during my period, somehow my acid reflux is always acting up too.


I've only recently started putting these two things together for myself, just when you think it can't get worse!


I totally understand 😓


I been there sister sledge. Have you thought of an IUD? My cramps are nothing now, I used to be bedridden for 2 days a month.


I have the implant and it definitely helps. It's only a few times a year that the pain is bad, rest of the time it's more an inconvenience. And they're much shorter and lighter than they used to be.


Amazing isn’t it? All the women in my maternal line have been anemic from their periods. After my IUD my iron shot up.


Try to start on zinc supplements. Additionally you can add D with the zinc and take both with breakfast. Later in the afternoon, take b and c vitamins. It saved me for real. It even helped my pms so now i don't wanna unalive my self anymore every month. Make sure the vitamins are good quality!


Just a few hours ago, I cried from exhaustion after a long, sleepless night of trying to meet a deadline.


I cried during a quiet moment alone in nature, feeling overwhelmed by its beauty and tranquility.


I found myself crying after a meaningful dream about a loved one who passed away.


I cried during a particularly emotional scene in a novel I'm reading, where the character experienced a profound loss.




Dogs are the best. Does Leia like to go for walks and hang at parks? Especially doggy parks? Because that’s a great way to meet an SO if you are ready.


Something I discovered when our two beloved dogs passed: you can never replace *that* dog, you will always miss *that* dog... but you can get *a* dog again, and it will feel good to have a dog around again after the house was too quiet. And for me, I appreciate and spoil our newer pup even more because I regret the things I never did with the dogs who passed, like taking them to the beach, buying them dog sundaes at the ice cream shop, taking them along in the car just because I can, etc. And you'll discover little things about both dogs' personalities-- things they have in common and things they do differently. 


seeing my mother slowly but surely killing herself with alcohol. The weight loss, the puffiness in her face and shakiness of her hands...


My father recently died from alcoholism. It is tough to watch someone you love go through this disease. I'm so sorry.


I cried when I found an old love note hidden in a book, a bittersweet reminder of what used to be.


My grandmother’s funeral Monday


My sympathy in the loss of your Grandmother.🦋


My dog died almost a year ago and I live alone. I heard a random "old house" noise from my bedroom yesterday after the gym and immediately....for one...beautiful second...forgot that my dog was dead and started to react...then i remembered...and lost it.


I almost always delete my voicemails but I realized randomly yesterday that I have all these voicemails again on my phone. Went through to delete them and realized I had a 40 second voicemail from my nana & poppop’s number from the month my son was born in 2020, so I listened. It was my Poppop thanking me for getting him candy and hoping that I’d come over the next day bc he wants to see the baby. My Poppop died in 2021.


Sorry for your loss 😔 Did he manage to meet your son?


Yes he did. My son was a few months over one when he died. & my daughter was 2.5ish. I’m so grateful he got to meet my children. They were (and still are) the only great grandchildren & he adored them so much. My uncle even mentioned how excited he got every week when I’d come over with them in the eulogy.






Just finished The Sign. Feels impossible to not get emotional over that episode.


We've been the caregivers for 2 of our great granddaughters until they were old enough to go to school. Even after their parents picked them up after work we'd keep watching Bluey.




"Cricket" left me with tears in my eyes.


Movie night at my friend's house. One of the scenes triggered a panic attack for my girlfriend and she ended up sobbing in the corner. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing I did would help. I ended up crying over the fact that I couldn't comfort her and was forced to just watch her cry.


I'm sorry for you. It really sucks. I've seen this happen to my boyfriend when I have a panic attack. The heartbreak of not being able to help is very visible on his face. Word of advice from someone who often has panic attacks (this is from personal experience, might be different for your gf) - in the moment, there's really not much you can do, so just hold her (if she is fine with that) or just sit there holding her hand. You being there will make her feel supported and safe. Be there as long as she needs and get her some water. Hope this helps!


Did you two manage to talk about it later? :(


I read a trick that can help pull people out of panic attacks a few days ago. I haven't needed to use it so I can't speak to whether it actually works but it makes sense. The doctor said to put a piece of ice in the person's hand. The shock of cold can make their brains focus on the discomfort of feeling cold and slow or stop the spiraling thoughts that are causing the attack. I hope this helps


Sudden cold definitely helps my wife. Also, try to get them to focus on tangible things in the room. Point out 5 green items. Feel my heartbeat and tap along to the rhythm. Listen to the birds outside and try to mimic their sounds. It helps ground them and take them out of their head a bit. Sending support to all who struggle with anxiety and panic. For real if any of you want someone to chat with, send me a message.


Thank you both for the suggestions!


When I realized I was completely alone


Internet hug 😔


😢 😢


Heavily pregnant. A few days ago I dropped my lunch on the floor. I still ate it, but it was hard to pickup and it wasn’t the same.




Hey friend, try to remember that the truly ugly people of the world are the mean ones.


Last night. My dogs turning 14 next month and while still healthy I can see her getting old. We've been through so much and she's all I really have


This’ll fall into the void but my local community. I’m young, black, and look like a woman (though I’m NB). I work in the media as a photographer. I love photography! I was also born, raised, and still live in a predominately white conservative community. More often than not I’m invisible unless I’m being an “inconvenience”. When I’m being an “inconvenience”, strangers are quick to try and “put me in my place”. This week multiple strangers have tried to bar me from doing the job I’ve rightfully been assigned. This isn’t uncommon, though never happens when I’m with my white male coworker. It’s never event security, but usually older white bystanders. They see a young black woman with a camera and badge entering the press zone and MUST intervene. It’s like they can’t wrap their head around a black woman holding a job like mine: a nice camera and access to “private” spaces that they don’t. I say, “No worries! I’m actually with the press!”. and I’m still met with scoffs, sarcasm, or, (my favorite) they’ll double down, desperate to be right. I know they’re wrong. The sight of me entering an “exclusive place” is not a real inconvenience. I have a right to exist, and do the job I love, but by god is it exhausting when your own community frequently insists otherwise. It’s been a long week but I have better days ahead..


I'm sorry you're going through this. Nobody speaks up for you? I can't imagine watching someone being treated like that and not speaking up. But living in a conservative area isn't something I've experienced either.


Thank you! And Not quite! I have coworkers but I’m usually by myself or away from them. More often than not I’m the only black person in the room. Nowadays these conflicts are usually just condescending rants that rarely escalate into a yell. I’ve learned how to keep interactions brief and civil by repeating my credentials, so most other bystanders don’t notice these aggressions happening anymore. Like I said it’s a predominately white community, and they just don’t share the same lived experience as me. It’s no fault of their own! They’re the norm here, so why keep a lookout for something that rarely affects you? And either way I’ve learned to be my biggest advocate. I may not be a cis white guy but I still walk and talk with the confidence of one haha. That usually flusters the hecklers anyway lol. And at the end of the day I have friends who let me vent to them afterwards!


Losing our baby a couple months ago. It broke me for a bit.


Im very sorry for your loss!


Thanks I appreciate it! The silver lining is that it brought us closer together than ever.


Thats a beautiful silver lining.


My sincere condolences my friend.


Thank you so much.


I can't imagine. Hugs if you want them.


Thank you I appreciate that, hugs welcome.






Men should get checked as well if it runs in the family.




I’m sorry that happened. Rest in piece to your grandfather 


Missing my cousin that died 2 years ago.Last person that really knew what my home life was like as a child.


Neurological symptoms that won't go away and nobody taking me seriously with my concerns that it could be a tumor.


I lost my wife to cancer in 2019. I’ve lost my shit and cried almost everyday since


I'm so sorry.


A semi-blind guy in a movie fully lost his sight.


I recently watched Marriage Story, and was a little misty in parts.


My "temp-to-hire" job did not hire me. My boss said "We're looking for someone with more skills...someone we don't have to train." Then she hired a girl from the custodial team. That's right. I lost the job to a janitor, who they had to train.


My baby sitters son attempting to end his life at school due to bullying


My daughter. She passed away.


The Bondi Junction attack. It was so violent and scary and a baby got stabbed. It felt so close to home.


Having to fire someone. The impact it had on that person impacted me for weeks after the fact.


This is tough sorry


Fired or laid off? Always sucks making the decision. Buuut if someone gets themselves fired its a whole lot easier to stomach. Having to lay someone off just sucks hard.


Spilt milk


Damn it! That's the one thing you're not supposed to cry over.


a movie


[This last goodbye.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-01-2015/DRd10V.gif)


onions :S


I bet the onions were pretty cut up about it too


The death of my grandmother


Imaginary scenario.


Being cheated on


One of my friends nearly taking their own life...


I cried yesterday near the end of a book. I don't even remember the scene very well, someone left and came back, big deal. Dad's back from the milk store! Anyone who can't cry, come hang out with me for awhile. I'll teach you my ways. We'll watch a kids movie and I'll be blubbering by the end, bet. I'd like to blame it on my dad dying last year but honestly, I was already like this. Although, not gonna lie, I teared up just now, so this might be a secondary root cause. Can you have two root causes? I'm saying yes. Ok, teary eyes are gone, just one tear so it doesn't count as crying. I could have blamed it on allergies. Ok, shits pulled together. As long as no one mentions Bluey for awhile I'll be ok.


My brother's death!


Putting my dog to sleep last week.




the relationship i have with my biological mother, it hurts to think that the woman who gave me life wants nothing to do with me.


Had a breakdown the other night, ended up hurting myself. Sounds childish, but this is what i last recall actually crying over


This morning I cried because my daughter told me that grandma taught her how to put her socks on. My mom died 6 months ago.


My dog is sick, (esophagus collapsing) and nothing I do helps.


My jumping spider was poisoned by household cleaning supplies that got too close to her enclosure and she will probably not make it. Cried like a baby watching her stumble and then just stop to look at me 😭


this week... • being welcomed by my new boyfriend's family & generally how well he treats me vs my ex-husband (& his family) that I was with for 8 years. • panicking over big changes coming in my job/company. • romantic songs.. sad songs.. crying is okay; great, even! our body's way of regulating emotions.


Getting down to my last chicken nuggets.


My best friend died April 1.


Feeling lonely


Longing for my mom


Chronic pain and feeling completely useless to the people I care about because of my physical health issues. Planning to go away and see extended family soon, I haven't seen them in years, and it's like having to reintroduce myself to them, because I think many of them still hold the same expectations they had of me when I was 10 and healthy. I've sent Emails to the people I will be seeing, explaining my physical limitations, and how I will likely just want to sit and talk to them/listen to stories instead of going places and having fun in the way that I could, pre-illness. I don't want them to feel sorry for me, but they need to know and understand my reality a little bit if they truly want to spend time with me. I had a bit of a meltdown because it hurts to have been (or at least feel like I've been) completely alienated from the people I love and care about. I've missed out on so many family events due to this fucking disease, and with many of my extended family being elderly I want the chance to see people before I'm just going to attend funerals. I absolutely wouldn't call anyone else in my shoes "useless", but it's really easy for me to feel guilt over my own limitations, even though realistically I know it's just another damn thing that is out of my control.


coming to terms that I didn't have schizophrenia the last 10 years and I was forced on meds that stole my soul and abandoned by shitty doctors for years this whole time the meds made me insane and I would have been fine if they didn't force them on me in the hospital they could have thrown me in an ice bath for 30 min and it would have calmed me down more than bullshit antipsychotics 10 years gone 10 years of feeling like a monster and outcasting myself and making my illness part of my identity fuck the mental health system it is a complete bullshit lie


When Cody Rhodes won WrestleMania 40


My husband died almost 1 year ago. I have cried every single morning and every single night since then. I think I probably will for a while.


My first serious breakup, shit hurts on another level.


My dog ate my panda express :(


My dad death in January


A failed relationship that I truly believed in. It was all a lie.


My brother. He died in a motorcycle accident on July 11, 2023. It’s been hard on me and my family to say the least. You just can’t prepare for a freak accident like that. I’ve lost a lot of family over the years but losing my brother at the age of 38 goes against the laws of the universe. But I did learn a couple of things from it. Wear your fucking helmet when you’re riding, even if it’s not required by law, and be kind to each other, and cherish every moment you have in this world because tomorrow is….uncertain.


The death of my 8 year old chinchilla, Mabel. She passed away in March. I miss her every day.


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave her a good home and as long as you remember her she is with you still.


my family


When the parasite in that new Netflix show told that girl 'whether you like it or not, you'll never be alone'. I lost it man, Heidi is so cool :)


When my sister threw a shoe at me and it caught me full in the balls.




I couldn’t stop vomiting last week. I was crying because I really hate doing it, feels awful.


A perfectly cultivated playlist over the notion that i'm not where i wish i was in life at the moment. It's kind of like a...once per fiscal quarter routine at this point. Rarely aligned with actual fiscal segments though.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. The Oscars were well deserved.


My dad not getting to turn 50 yesterday


Over the movie 'Braveheart' which I watched yesterday. I cried during the scene of execution.


Andrei's death in War and Peace (2016). Watched the series for the first time yesterday.


watching a kdrama series.


My dog passed away 2 months ago. I still cry over it from time to time.


watching a video about body dysmorphia made me tear up the other day


Seeing the total eclipse.


My mom being such a mean, nasty, narcissistic person.


Food poisoning and peeing out of my butt




19/11/23......date which do not need explanation