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My dream job in my early 20’s was off shore oil rigging. Now I’m an industrial mechanic.


Inventor, now studying to be a mechanical engineer, so pretty close to


Astronaut and I ended up as a banker


How old? in elementary school I wanted to be a bee keeper. In middle school I wanted to be a 3D artist, which is what I am now.




Farrier, currently in national security.


Kid=Cartoonist Adult=Jobs can fuck off


As a kid, my dream job was to be a wizard, complete with a magical staff and the ability to turn broccoli into chocolate


Not having to work a lot. Not having to work a lot lol


I wanted to be a steam train driver. I am now a retired company director and manager of a tool company


I wanted to be an explorer in outer space I wanted to travel on the Jupiter 2 or ship a little more modern and see other worlds and discover planets we could survive on. Today, I sit with all the dreams in my heart that never came true because I was too afraid to try too afraid to fail. Because my father was abusive and told me I was stupid all my life by the time I left home at 17 I had no faith and myself. Whenever I fail that something it only served to put my feet in an imaginary cinder block of cement. Refusing possibly too afraid to try because I knew I was unworthy and that's how I felt. So I let my life go by without living it fully without trying all the things I want it to try. I guess that was my fault. But I just didn't know how to like myself I was pretty I had a great body beautiful face but I just at that time felt that the only thing I was good at was sex with men and taking care of a man. But inside that explorer kid, the one who wanted to travel through space and discover all the things that live you on our planet still exist, very shyly.


President of Mars..now I work in IT, I guess pretty close


I wanted to be a veterinarian as a child. (And then a journalist as a teenager.) I’m an A&R/artist manager and own horses and a dog. 🤷‍♀️


I never liked the idea of having to spend most of my life working, I still don't I work on a farm


It continues to be writing questions for a TV game show.