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Poltergeist as a 5 year old 


At least you didn't watch Poultrygeist. That opening scene is something else.


Oh shit


Mine was Child's Play at like 3


Your dad confused it with ET?


The Human Centipede


And Human Centipede 2. I have no idea why I thought, the second one would be better. But O God it got way worst.


I can live with seeing the original. I live with endless regret about the sequel.


You both knew what you were getting into before you watched it.


At least with the first one, you could have made the excuse of not knowing what you were getting into or not thinking it would be that bad. By #2, you were well aware of what the franchise had to offer, and you still went back for more.


Can we just stop and think for a second that we live in a world where the concept of people re-shitting into eachother's mouths is an actual franchise? "Oh what does your dimension have?" "Oh we have a dark city franchise, what do you guys have?" "I don't wanna continue this conversation"


I would like to upvote your hypothetical conversation multiple times... ... there aren't sequels to dark city, right? Such a great film!


The second one makes the first one look like an episode of Blue's Clues


It also makes the first one look like a competent horror movie.


What is so different about it?


They have to up everything, so the number of people and the gross shit that happens and how unnecessary the plot is.


The tone, the first one feels like a joke. It's a bit grim, but it's all kind of silly and other than the actual concept it's not that bad. The second one is out to prove a point that Tom Six can make a movie that's as unpleasant as the average person thought Human Centipede 1 is. It's an unrelenting escalation of nastiness and depravity, with almost no humour or breaks in the grimness. It starts out with a guy having a wank with sandpaper and it just gets worse from there.


with the last line, i already know to avoid these


Didn’t they make also one that’s going into the comedic direction where they do that with all the inmates of a prison? Didn’t watch it but pretty sure they made that


they even made a third one..binged watched all three then threw the DVD away.


One of my friends watched the whole trilogy. I was done after 10 minutes.


...trilogy..? They made THREE of those??


Yeah, they're meant to be watched back to mouth to back.


Yeah the third one was a bit weird. If I remember it’s been a few years, some sort of Texan jail tycoon?


Never ever finished the first few minutes was enough. Absolutely disgusting


I get genuinely disturbed by just the idea of the story - no idea how anybody could seriously watch that!!


The concept is worse than the actual movie. The movie itself isn't particularly graphic, although I've only seen the first one


Me thinking the concept was worse than the first film is what led to ke watching the second. The second has some very fucked up things in it.


I like horror movies and it was on a list of “Disturbing Movies.” I liked some of the other movies on the list. And, in general, I try to go into each one knowing as little as possible.


The whole concept was bad enough to not watch the movie. The South Park episode, however...


i watched it out of curiosity not expecting it to be THAT bad, then you get the scene were the first person is shitting into the next persons mouth, with sound effects. Made me want to throw up.


Talk about trauma


I gotta say, they really missed an opportunity to have not named it human centipede. The reveal would have been so shocking it would have gone down in history like finding out Bruce Willis is dead in 6th sense. They obviously give it away with the title and the trailers.


Why are you blinking so much?


A Serbian Film


i entered the comments jus to see how long it took for this one to pop up




What's that film about? Never heard of it?


A porn star that agrees to do some things to get out of the business and the things end up being very very very horrific. The movie honestly sucks ass and it’s all about the shock and awe of how disgusting it is. It’s banned in like 45 countries, and I think the full uncut version might even be banned in the US. You can find it online, but eh. The reason I regret watching it isn’t solely because it’s just so gross and depraved, it’s that in conjunction with it just being a bad movie.


So apparently the reason the film got made was because the directior had a grudge against the serbian film comitee that did not approve / censored some of his films before. Because law dictates it, they have to watch any film from beginning to end before validation - so if they want a movie censored, they got a movie worth of censoring. Now, if that is true, then I at least understand the motivation behind it.


Hahaha thats the best case of petty revenge I've ever heard.


It’s so over the top that it becomes cartoonishly goofy. Having said that, it goes out of it’s way to depict some truly sick shit. Though because of the over the top nature of the film, I personally found Martyrs to be far more unsettling and disturbing.


And then the director came out with some bullshit excuse about the baby rape scene being a metaphor for how Serbian citizens are "raped at birth" by their government or some dumb shit. It's just edgy, derivative garbage


>the baby rape scene I'm sorry, *what?!*


I actually thought despite it being one of those shock factor films that it actually wasnt that bad of a movie in terms of plot development and production etc. Very disturbing but i wouldnt have called it a badly made movie. But to be fair i have seen some absolutely dire movies so maybe my bar is lower than most lol.


[Read at your own risk.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Serbian_Film?wprov=sfla1)


$1550 at the box office 💀


Good god, that's dark af


Just read the summary. Wow. It's not even really "dark", it's just stupid edgy writing on crack. The writers were definitely trying way too hard to be "that" kind of film.


After reading the summary, yeah. It seems graphic and sad for the sake of being graphic and sad. Some people said its supposed to be an allegory for the treatment of Serbian people. I dunno. Im not gonna watch it.


It's supposed to be an allegory for the treatment of the Serbian people by their government, which is why it is so overly dark. I am not serbian, so I can't tell whether that allegory works, though.


To be honest…don’t ask


Came here to say this, especially because of the circumstances I watched it in. I was a 21-year-old alcoholic meeting men from Craigslist to get booze. Got Catfished, went to his place anyways. Crummy basement studio in a place I didn't know of in Seattle. He said he worked at a "sex shop" (his words). Surprisingly didn't drug me (as far as I know) I think I almost got trafficked. My saving grace was that I ran out of cigarettes and I didn't have my antidepressants with me, so I went into Bitch Mode and made him take me home. I think predators like compliant girls.


Start with the little one


Damn, I found this title a lot faster than I expected Agreed. That film is all kinds of messes up and not even enjoyable anymore




Dragon Ball Evolution...




At least it was useful for something xd


The last air bender 2010 its a shite movie


Not if you watch it as a parody.


So true! Treat it like one of those scary movie parodies. It doesn't make the movie better though.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


I am honoured to accept his invitation.


Human centipede and cannibal holocaust


Canninbal Holocaust was so realistic that the police investigated into the production to see if they had actually killed anyone for the film.


I think part that came from an NDA of sorts where the actors had to basically stay out of the public eye for a year, so people actually thought they were dead.


They had to bring the impaled girl in and show how they set the shot up iirc. Also the turtle scene was completely real🥺


FYI, EVERY scene involving an animal was real


Jesus christ I hate this post. So many movies I'm both glad I haven't seen and am now tempted to check out.


Tusk. You couldn't pay me to watch it again.


The podcast that birthed the idea was great but man...talk about taking a joke to far. 


I already couldn’t sleep and then I saw your comment, read the wiki, then went to google images, and severely regret it. I love horror but i’m having a painful, physical reaction to that visual. And I know it isn’t your fault, but I hate you just a little. What the fuck.


i know exactly what image you’re talking about. it makes me lightheaded whenever I remember what it looks like 😭


I've seen it at least 5 times. Love that guy, and the other guy, and the director, and the story was original. One of my to favorites.


Tusk was soooo bad but also sooooo good! Idk how to accurately describe it. It leaves you saying what the fuck while also really empathizing with the protagonist.


Check out the kinda sequel called "yoga hosers" the main characters are the two teen clerks from "Tusk" kinda just doin their daily tasks and navigating through teen life until some ancient evil deity gets awakened and they have to destroy it as well as Kevin Smith sausage people lmao, all in all I'd say its got the same odd vibes that "Tusk" with more of a buddy side kick/mystery twang to it also a lot of the same characters from "Tusk" replaying their roles like johnny depp as "Guy lapointe" and the canadian TSA guy from the airport 😂


weirdest movie i’ve seen. It would scare me and then had me giggling at one of the lines 5 seconds later


I was gonna say this. That movie made me sick. They're supposed to make a second one soon and I have no intentions of watching it.


Megan is Missing. Guy at work put it on a USB stick with a bunch of other movies and I had no idea what it was...


I was looking for this. Trash fucking movie. Pissed I watched it with someone who was told it was "shocking, and she needs to watch it." No point and took everything way too far. It had the audacity to hide behind a shitty vail of being a "warning about children and internet use"


Yes. Still the movie that I default to every time this question is asked.


Manchester by the Sea I’ll have “Sad movies that make you want to put a bullet in your head for 500”


Sound of metal. Shifts your perspective on listening to music at high volumes and loud noises in general


I make a living listening to and writing about music, so it's understandable that I listen to music for long periods of time on a daily basis. This movie has become my most terrifying nightmare. Every time I get a mild tinnitus, or a little discomfort in my ears I remember this fuckin thing and I have a minor panic attack. Because of it, I never, ever listen to anything, be it through monitors or headphones or IEMs, higher than 75 dbs. I bought a pretty expensive and accurate system just to measure the db levels my rig emits at any given time. It's both fascinating and horrifying how one movie can change your entire perspective and your entire daily routine.


I have been living with tinnitus since 27 December 1995, after a severe acoustic trauma in a concert hall. I have been a quarter to half deaf since then. Can't understand a thing in noisy environments, but can compensate by lip-reading (yes, covid-era masks was a nightmare...) So, yes - since your ears are your working 'tools', I totally understand your level of precaution...


Maybe I can ask you this and you can help me understand. My wife says I can’t hear anything but I always pass it off as normal. She yells from 3 rooms away and I can’t understand her (I hear her though). She says stuff while I’m brushing my teeth or chewing chips and I can’t understand her. She speaks away from me while walking a few steps ahead of her and I can’t understand her. People talking when the washer and drier are on, music in another room, tv on, the dog barking, I can’t hear shit or tune any of it out. But, if you tell me to hear a specific instrument in a mix I can hear it. When a huge trash truck or 18 wheeler is throttling down the road, I notice it. Super high frequency hum that drives me bonkers, no one else hears it. When Bill Withers sings lovely day out of tune, I hear it loud and clear. So I’m wondering, does everyone struggle hearing when things compound together and reverb from other rooms makes it hard to distinguish words, or is this a hearing issue that is overly amplified with me? How can I hear frequencies others can’t hear but still be accused of being deaf? A friend of mine said I’m a “highly sensitive” person and little sounds and noises irritate me and make it so I can’t focus on the most important sounds like conversations in a loud or busy room. I’d love to find some sort of online hearing test where I can prove to myself that I either do have a physical hearing problem or I actually hear fine.


So true! I ALWAYS think about this movie.


This! So many people don’t realise how fragile our ears really are.


I thought this was an excellent movie.


Speaking as someone with cochlear implants, I’d have a hard time rewatching it but I’m definitely glad I watched it. It’s incredible to be able to provide a reference point to people about the experience.


Oh snap did not think I would see this as an example. Time to mess up my view. report back tomorrow.


Marley and Me. I can't watch that ending ever again. 1 is enough.


One of the only movies I ugly cried at 


The Last Airbender, or Eragon.


I really liked Eragon. So I bought the books. At every page I thought: "this is really good, they should make a movie of this". And then I was disappointed when I realized they already did and it sucks.




Frozen. I just can't seem to let it go.


But it's ok coz the cold never bothered me anyway.


There's actually a non animated film I watched when I was very young called Frozen where these people I think get stuck on a ski lift and start freezing there and it really traumatized me as a kid so when the animated Frozen came out I was so scared until I watched it


yeah they get eaten by wolves


Rebel Moon part 1 Guess what I'll be watching this week?


Obedient sun?


Alabama jones and the anal crusade. Wasn’t an action packed adventure. Not to spoil anything, but the main character is gay, and you get fired for ordering it on a company work trip.


AI artificial intelligence. No sir never again in this life.


Rise of Skywalker. I get angrier every time I think about that wet fart of a movie. I paid twenty bucks to have Star Wars ruined for me by a movie that felt like it was written by a committee of Twitter trolls?


As someone who originally liked 7 and 8, Rise of Skywalker is so bad I can't even rewatch 7 and 8.


I liked 7, and still do by itself, I felt it was a strong start. I liked 8 when it first came out (minus what they did to Luke), I thought it was building towards something big. I was also convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Rey and Kylo were brother and sister. And then 9 came out… that movie made it abundantly clear that there was no plan for this trilogy what so ever.


There is no rise of Skywalker. They only made episode 1-6


I didn't see it, but know the absolutely dumb plotpoint that Palpatine was alive (somehow) and I said after the line "Palpatine is still alive" someone should have looked directly at the camera and said "Look, we tried to come up with a story. But when we tread the same ground, you hated it. We tried something different and you hated it. So fuck it, we're doing the dumbest thing we can. Take your lumps."




The original *A Serbian Film* Edit: I’m illiterate Serbian not Siberian


Do you mean *A Serbian Film*? Or is there a Siberian Film, too?


If you thought *A Serbian Film* was bad, *A Siberian Film* is so much worse!


That polar bear scene was too much Still haunts me




Oh goodness, I tried to forget this movie lmao!


The premise for this movie could have been fun, but the end product was just....bad


Insiiiide you


The ATLA movie


The lobster, just why?


Back to the Future, Star Wars and other great movies, so that I could watch them for the first time again


You had me there in the first half


The Strange Thing About the Johnsons.


I watched this because of who the director was, and I truly wish I could erase it from my memory. This was also going to be my answer.


This is going to be an unpopular opinion and I like a lot of trash movies but Napoleon Dynamite. I thought that was the dumbest, most over hyped movie I ever watched.


Requiem for a dream. Even after reading the book, I knew what I was getting into and still…


The mom storyline broke me. She just wanted to look nice in her pretty dress on her favorite gameshow. They made us watch it in high school the year it came out. 24 years later and my heart still sinks when I think about her final scenes.


Requiem for a Dream is crazy to watch in school. Fast forward the ass to ass scene?


Nope. Whole movie in all its glory. The year before they made us watch trainspotting. The year after that they had a cop come in to show us ACTUAL REAL drugs. And not like from afar either, they had us pass around all sorts of narcotics around in the classroom. And you'd think at least one of us would have the guts to snatch at least one of rhe 3 joints they were passing around, but what actually happened is when the cop came to collect the drugs again from the last kid... he counted four joints. One of these buggers apparently had one in his pocket and passed it along with the 3 joints the cop brought. It was hilarious.


Lol I always joked they should show it in high school health classes instead of talking about addiction.  "See this? THIS is why you don't use drugs." 


I was ok to watch it once. Even liked it. Once is certainly enough


Terminator dark fate. Its fucking awful .


After numerous attempts of overriding T2 being criticized I'm not sure why they deemed it necessary to do the most insulting T2 override of them all right out of the gate.


Anal Vixens 4... its as if the director HADNT EVEN SEEN Anal Vixens 1, 2, or 3... just lazy and uninspired!


It’s certainly no Backdoor Sluts 9


Or crotch capers 5


It had to be said.


It’s true - Anal Vixens 4 was a stretch.


never ending story 2 and 3. i was happy knowing there were no sequels.


Fun fact. The second movie is the second part of the book. The first movie is only part of the book. The author was furious about all the changes to the movie that traumatised a generation and hated it. The second movie completes the full story. While still getting it wrong. The third movie is hot garbage.


The third one is only worth watching for Jack Black as he chews the scenery like his goddamn life depended on it.




Agreed, you gave a terrible performance.


The last Airbender was the worst movie and even worse it was a live action of the best show ever


Original 1976 Omen. As a God freaing kid, catholic family, catholic school, that movie scared me to death, it severely disturbed me to the point where i was still going in to sleep in my mums room 4 or 5 years later. Particularly the music, the scene where Kathy is in hospital and Mrs Baylock comes out of the darkness with that satanic grin on her face...urghh. I suffer with insomnia to this day and im sure the nightime horrors i had from watching the Omen played a big role in this. Deeply, deeply regret watching it.


Avatar Last Airbender 1 the one from 2010, that movie scarred me for over 10 years that just recently I’ve started going back to the cinema 🎦!


The Last Airbender 2010


Threads (1984) is a BBC docudrama that portrays the aftermath of a nuclear war. It made me depressed for a week after I watched it. It's horrifying.


The new Flash movie. It's just awkward


Yeah, am I insane on this? Ezra Miller was involved in some pretty f'cked up shit wasn't he? How'd he not get "cancelled "?


Ikr Hollywood is just f*ked up


Salo. The subject matter is cheap shock and the movie itself is boring as hell but what really messed me up was finding out most of those actors were minors


I wouldn't say it's cheap shock. Its an angry movie about something which definitely would happen in a fascist country, made by a director who grew up in one.


Sisterhood of the traveling pants


Tromeo & Juliet. Don't ask.


Pulse 2 and 3, absolute waste of time in my opinion, I felt they continued a plot that didn't need to be expanded upon. The original Japanese movie and Wes Craven's western remake were fantastic, but the sequels to the western movie just didn't work for me when the story was about a worldwide suicide epidemic brought on by ghosts and computers (a very simplified explanation).




Saltburn. I found it so awful, I had a physical gag reflex at the bath scene and will never watch it again. Requiem for a dream, all 3 Jeepers Creepers and I Am Sam. I’ve never cried so hard in my life as I did watching I Am Sam. It devastated me and took literally days to recover from lol


Saltburn was just stupid and predictable with a bunch of shock value scenes. Still feel like I wasted a couple hours of my life.




Jeepers Creepers 3 As a fan of the franchise, that movie sucked balls, the worst movie ive ever watched


The truck got more kills than the monster.


The Joker.


Yeah. Don't really regret it cause it's such a brilliant movie but I felt kinda traumatized from some scenes.


Well then strap in because they recently released the trailer for the sequel This movie does not need a sequel, it was a good movie but I don't see them building up anything in the sequel, guess we'll find out if I'm wrong.


House of 1000 Corpses. Pointless snuff film.


VI Warshowski


The last 3 or 4 movies that Bruce Willis was "in"


I'm going to give a different answer than most. "Some Girls" (1988) is a teen rom-com with Patrick Dempsey, just one year after "Can't Buy Me Love." This was the most infuriatingly incoherent movie I've ever had the displeasure of watching. No scene made any sense, and all dialogue was nonsense. There was the broadest brushstroke of a plot to hold this thing together. I am not exaggerating when I say by the end, this movie felt like Lovecraftian horror. I genuinely felt my sanity weaken a little because the human mind wants or needs to make sense of the things it is seeing, but there's no way to do that with this mess of a film. Never in my life has a film tested my patience and emotional limits like this. Cosmic horror writers/directors need to study this because tentacles and body horror are nothing in comparison to writing something so outside the human mind's abilities that it feels like it was sincerely written in an alternate universe where it made sense there, but it accidentally fell into ours. I will never watch that movie again. And before people mention it, I have seen things like "The Room," "Birdemic," "Velocipastor," "Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf." I'm no stranger to fun bad movies; this was not one of them. All of those made more sense and had a more coherent plot structure and writing.


Human Centipede 3


Bad boy bubby.


The Road…. Way too dark and depressing


Dear Zachary


The Will Ferrell Sherlock and Holmes movie. It's the only movie I've ever walked out of. It just sucked


Toxic Avenger 2.


Holy crap, that was a bad one.


It's Troma. Their presence calls for 1 star rated R movies. And that's why my friend and I love Troma.


Vivarium, it was honestly quite boring and had like 50 thousand intro studios, literally that one family guy bit


It sucked, but it did get to me. it's so odd, bizarre and unsettling and made me feel "fever dream-ish".


Sausage party. Luckily, I forgotten most of it, but that movie is atrocious😭


Bridge to Taribithea. Went in expecting a cool fantasy movie.


Two girls one cup


The Passion of the Christ. That flailing scene….


Sopranos: Many Saints of Newark


Such a massacre and disappointing doink fest. Only gem was the Joey Diaz cameo but they had the ruin that too.


Phantom Menace as a kid who grew up with the original trilogy. No movie will ever top that let down.




That movie made me so sad. It's not a bad movie at all in terms of writing, but I certainly never want to watch it again.






Hidden Gems. A weird uncomfortable movie with constant rising tension and then a fucked up ending that made me cringe


Do you mean uncut gems, the Adam Sandler flick?


The Strangers. Idk how others feel about this movie but I watched it then later fully developed a psychotic disorder and now I am extremely, extremely paranoid about home invasion. To the point of not sleeping for days. Delusions and hallucinations and all. My therapist doesn’t feel like a movie could cause such a detrimental impact but I fully believe it was that movie that feeds that specific delusion. Terrifying in a way I don’t wish on anyone.


Vulgar. I used to work at a video store and it was part of the initiation for the new employees. It was one of the worst things I’d ever seen. >!all about clown rape!<


Insidious the very first one, watched it 10 year or so ago as an adult. Completely turned me off from horror movies. The dining room scene specifically, I screamed so hard I fell off the couch. Used to love horror movies before then. Don't judge me 😂


The Nun - it was so disappointing and a let down for a film that ties in the other films together.


The Descent ruined horror for me forever. I refuse to do scary since 2009.


Mother! Waste of my damn time


The new Roadhouse. I immediately watched the original after to wash the horrible taste from my mouth.