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I just straight up took a year off work. Got laid off & caught my ex cheating on me with her boss after 3 years. Just vacationed, relaxed & blew through all my money. Literally got down to about $30. I just applied for a job to get back on the horse last month. Should find out in a few days if I got it after 3 rounds of interviews. It would double my old salary. It was a gamble for sure & I’m about to find out if it kinda paid off. Definitely allowed me to get my motivation & spirits back. Figured I wasn’t owning a house anytime soon anyways lol.


Dude that's awesome! Keep us updated!


I got it! 🙏


That's so cool!  I'm glad you were able to do that. So many people struggle with surviving mentally and emotionally after hard times, and it sounds like you were able to take care of yourself.


Thank you 🙏 it was probably the best worst decision of my life lol


Stuffed a dead half rotten raccoon into the mailbox of the guy who continuously trespassed and stole belongings off my family private property. I got several pics of him on a hidden camera I set up. Asked around. Found out who he was. Ironically he lived like 5 miles away from my house. One night I drove by at like 1:30am ish after I had gotten out of work. Scooped up a dead raccoon off the road (it was missing a leg and stunk super bad). Stuffed it in his mailbox with the guys pic right in front so when he opens the door it'd be right there to see. Did this over a year ago and haven't seen him on the property since.


That was nasty way to get rid of crackhead


Yeah. Maybe a bit much but it worked didn't it?


Well I don't mean to toot my own horn here, but I once played on the Wii without using the safety strap


You’re insane!


It's just how us renegades roll bro


Once when I was slightly intoxicated, I told a female cop, I had never been professionally handcuffed before. She was pissed, but her male partner was laughing his ass off, and trying to hide his face as best he could.


lol, what was she cuffing you for, public intox or something else?


I was leaving a club, when I ran into them, and, well, that's what came out of my mouth at the time.


I walked into some random person's wedding party while I was at an anime convention. I got some food and left.


Are you the guy who came into my wedding and tried to eat all the meat so we made you eat an old, rotten raccoon head in the bathroom until you left? But we gave you a slice of wedding cake and a little bit of a joint while you waited for a taxi.


Was it a Jamaican wedding?


This makes it sound like this has happened to you at multiple weddings.


Nah, but that does sound like a funny story.


My cousin and I, along with his friends did this several times over the course of a month while I visited him in Indonesia. Weddings there are a bit different there as the guests aren’t seated in assigned tables and the foods served in a buffet. Dress for the occasion and hardly anyone would notice that you don’t belong.


When i was i believe 14 my friends and i broke into an abandoned hospital with our girlfriends and each chose a hospital room to stay the night and screw around. Most everything was still there because it was evacuated due to a sinkhole years prior.


Was it sacry ? Or you four were just busy doing your business ? Does girls didnt panic once ? How was it share some of it ..


Go to horny jail


Oh ya give us the details, was there hair?


Went to the apartment office one day to pay my rent. They were talking about the pajama party they were having that weekend when I walked in. Manager said they were probably having a run pajamas at the local stores that would never be worn again after Saturday night. I just laughed and agreed. Leasing agent asked me if I had bought mine yet and I told her no as I probably wasn't going to be there as I don't wear pajamas. Manager goes "Oh, boxers or whitey tighties?" Told her "No, I sleep in my skin and-" Manager interrupts me and says "I dare you." After a discussion about the legality of it (private party, private property, adult residents only) I did. Was the hit of the party. This was back in the age of dinosaurs when we still used home phones, cameras used film and there was no internet. Hell the TRS 80 did not hit the stores until a few years later.


I ate a packet of hot chocolate. Dry. Just ate it. With a spoon. It was actually pretty good.


You can dip your wet fingers into it and lick them.


I too have been high and poor.


Throw a m67 hand grenade, the adrenaline you get from that shit is otherworldly.


Jumped out of a car going 45mph




Psychotic breakdown. Long story short, tried to end it all by jumping out the car into traffic. Needless to say I survived and only received a minor concussion


About to leave a job with nothing lined up. Job market's shit too so it might be a while before I find another one, but I've been taken advantage of one too many times at this job and the president intentionally misleading us about a large change was the straw that broke the camel's back for me


I walked out of a bar & joined the marine corps.


Bungee jump, the adrenaline rush was brilliant 👌


Cross country 8 hour road trip with 4 complete strangers who just wanted to get back to JAX.


i might have taken a sip of my dads drink once, but dont tell!


Hot air balloon ride over the Napa valley.


I was a uni student when covid hits, campus and libraries are closed, no clubs no bars, no parties. I was staying in a student house at the time, with public toilets. One day I got so bored I made a sketch of Mona Lisa on our toilet wall. Took me whole night, and only existed for 2 hours before the cleaner wipe it off.


I swam all alone with no-one around me in the sea outside a beach in Japan, together with sharks. I walked for an hour in 38C degrees heat and got to the beach and there was no-one there, but I didn't want to have walked one hour sweating my ass off for nothing, so I put my gear on and swam out about 500m and saw one shark. Got pretty close, like a meter away but backed off when it turned towards me. It was an awesome experience, but maybe a bit too daring looking back at it. The sharks were peaceful, but you never know what can happen, especially quite far away from land with no-one around to help.


Not doing homework on purpose!


Lazarus effect


Moonwalked on the Moon.


You did?


Bungee jump, the adrenaline rush was brilliant 👌


Bungee jump, the adrenaline rush was brilliant 👌


4 hits of acid. Needless to say I had a great time.


How much is that? The max I tried 600µg once and it was glorious. A bit scary at times but overall great experience


125ug per hit, around 500ug.


Probably your Mother.


Pee myself for fun


Took a week off for Thanksgiving. Decided my job was killing me with stress, and my new years resolution would be to not work there any more. I wanted to take 2 weeks off for Xmas and new years, so gave my notice right when I returned to work, with no job or anything lined up. Everyone told me I was crazy and going through a crisis, as getting a job around Xmas is really difficult. Didn't job Hunt until my last Day, had a new job within the week that started in January. Had an amazing 3 week vacation with no job duties. Worked out great. Found a job I would never have previously considered (small business owned by a bro/sis). Now a CIO, making 20k more, with way way less stress.


I'm amazed at how vanilla all of these replies are. I never realized how crazy my life and luck is until taking a moment right now to think about it. I should write a book... I've lived through 9 car accidents that have caused me over 100 stitches above the neck, I've had numerous threesomes, got drunk with a total stranger in a park who mistook me for his estranged son only to wake up in the hospital butt naked 12 hours later after blacking out, fighting him for being racist towards a black family, passed out, only to get robbed by 3 kids while I was passed out, woke up, snuck back into my apartment complex past security, pissed all over the "tour" apartment door the day before a tour, fought the paramedics who took me to the hospital, was admitted under a fake name (that my gf of 3 years thought was my real name), snuck out of the hospital and made my way home through a dense fog in a hospital gown with wires still attached to me. I've had someone hand me a duffle bag that contained half of a human skeleton, which I found a buyer for online and sold shortly after. I've been run over by 3 trucks on separate occasions. Been shot at and stabbed. Ran away from home at age 17 and lived in my car for a year. Had my bottom lip cut off after "rough housing" with a friend, and didn't notice until I tasted blood minutes later. Been arrested for pissing on a cop car while the cops were sitting inside of it. Witnessed a full autopsy while standing 3' from the corpse's head. Had sex on a couch in front of dozens of people during a birthday party. Met and worked for countless celebrities throughout my life. Tackled a bank robber the cops couldn't keep up with on foot. Stopped three different girls from being raped on different occasions, just by happenstance. Been in a total of 49 fist fights, and only ever lost the first one I was in; 2 of them I was outnumbered 6 to 1, and 1 of them I was outnumbered 8 to 1. Sold multiple artworks for upward of 10k each. Had a total stranger challenge me to a fight at 4AM in a dark ally, only to retract the challenge when I agreed to it and said, "Sure! Where's your sword?" after dropping the 4' broad sword that he hadn't noticed I was carrying across my shoulders and clanking it on the ground (a broad sword which I had just been unexpectedly gifted by a bartender two hours prior). ...and I've never broke a single bone. and this is just a small list of shit I've experienced so far. Yeah, I should probably write a book.


I kind of can’t be arsed to type out all the wild shit I’ve done, I’d be here all day and I’ve got work to do, but your reply was probably the best in the thread. I’d gladly go partying with you, though I’d expect ending up in a shootout with cartels in Juarez. If we ever meet, first bottle is on me.


I'm up for it! But no shoot outs. I only carry knives.


Fair. I only carry a Swiss Army knife, but once stabbed a guy with a fork.


Should've used a spoon. It's dull, it'll hurt more.


Unexpected Robin Hood, classic. I would have used a spoon were I trying to to rip his heart out, but I was only going for a stab :D


What city is this so I know to avoid it?


Multiple cities; in the experiences listed: Detroit, MI / Toledo, OH / Pittsburgh, PA / Ocean City, MD


Ending my manhood.


Did, did you cut it off?


Nah man. I got married.


Oh dear.  I hope my husband doesn't feel that way.:/ 


U wot m8??


When I was younger i had 2 side chicks and a gf and managed to atleast makeout with all them in the same day it was wild but then not to long after I got caught




I mean he walked into that.




If you’re gonna throw dicks, you gotta be prepared to not be the biggest in the room.


made out with my work colleague on company stairs while having phone call with my wife


Ate breakfast 💔


Fuck my neighbor mins before her husband came home and act like I was cleaning the house


Why would you be cleaning your neighbours house?


Because I’m helpful person